- INTJ - A
- Enneagram
- 10000
Within the scope of an INFJ (or any MBTI code you are), what do you most afraid of? Of the world? Of yourself?
Becoming incapacitated and having to put up with other people looking after me.
Within the scope of an INFJ (or any MBTI code you are), what do you most afraid of? Of the world? Of yourself?
I am afraid to lose the ones who have had such a vital role in shaping my identity. Perhaps it's the realization that I don't have any control over the events that occur, but I more fear the emptiness that accompanies the death of a loved one. On the other hand, I'm THANKFUL that I have no control. That's far too much responsibility to try and put on myself.
I also fear being misunderstood by those I allow to see my private thoughts. I have very few true friends, but I am guarded with every one of them on some level.
i am only afraid of two things on this planet.
bears and sharks.
i can avoid the sharks completely and the bears mostly.
I am afraid that technology will never go away.
My fear, biggest fear- is bringing something innocent into the world and then seeing it be destroyed. I am afraid of children, I am afraid of marriage. I can't imagine ever bringing anything into the world.
Might be different for a guy, but maybe not. I have said that I don't want to be responsible for screwing someone else's life up. So we never had kids. Didn't want them. Don't regret that decision. I think a large part if it is I can't see bringing a life into this fucked up shit hole. There's a lot of good. If you're stuck here all ready, then there is good.
But I wouldn't do this on purpose.
I am afraid to lose the ones who have had such a vital role in shaping my identity. Perhaps it's the realization that I don't have any control over the events that occur, but I more fear the emptiness that accompanies the death of a loved one. On the other hand, I'm THANKFUL that I have no control. That's far too much responsibility to try and put on myself.
I also fear being misunderstood by those I allow to see my private thoughts. I have very few true friends, but I am guarded with every one of them on some level.
Nor would I..Nor did- I..No regrets...It's still sad, though that this world is so anti life, as it were. The environment for raising kids, doe's keep getting more challenging. Parents, often (very often) lack a unifying higher purpose for their marriage, other than to stay together and have kids.. so they eventually drift apart, which also messes with their kids (my opinion, some "experts", would argue that point) What's really needed, is to learn how- to have a great- relationship (both partners)...
I see a pattern here, fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of not being successful, fear of being responsible for someone else. Its kind of a relief to know that I am not the only one who thinks these things.
I always thought that I was unhealthy or fighting against nature with my decision not to have kids because the world is a f*cked up place. Its nice to finally find other people who think so. When I tell other people about my fears they usually just dismiss them. I think there are so many spots along the road where I could have gone insane, just dealing with the irrationality and nonthinking/nonreflection of others.