I was with you there and possibly still are from time to time .. I think a lot of what I do sometimes is to bring me to the brink of being so totally alone so that I can force myself to overcome it.
In fact I tried on two occasions and hated it so much I came back. but then I was (I say now) fortunate to have my partner leave me. She was my only real friend for fifteen years as I didn't feel I needed anyone else.
I was so abysmally lonely I would cry in the middle of the night. I would envision the horrors of what lay ahead of me as the loneliest person in the world and I would be terrified.
But then I noticed that any new friends I would make I was pushing away. Thinking about it I came to the conclusion that maybe this was a test I had to take. That is to be alone as possible.
So slowly any new friendships I had made dissolved. I have just changed jobs and not made any new friends there so that is lonely as well. I have nothing to do most nights but go for walks and think - and that is what i do - walk and think.
And you know what .. society has taught us to hate being alone but for me I am not finding it that bad after all. I just figured I would face that which I was scared of.
I know I want someone in my life, but I don't think that I can right now, not until I have conquered this fear of being lonely, otherwise I will always be lonely, with someone, by myself, with a million people around me.
Even though I still dislike being alone and loneliness, I have realised that I have my own imagination, my own mind to keep me company. Sometimes I bore myself

but all in all I can say I can get by quite nicely.