I'm Charming
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The only way to reduce gun violence is to reduce the level of collective fear within a society. People can do scary things when they are scared.
Although i do not support the overall concept of guns and i would never own a gun, i do not believe that guns are inherently bad. It is a combination of living in a fear driven society and the possesion of death/harm inducing weapons that create the problem of gun violence. For some people, 'protecting or defending their own' translates to hurting anyone or anything that is viewed as a threat. Security conscious people can be the scariest people around.
ELE! Everybody love everybody! Rather than worrying about what could hurt/harm/kill you, choose instead to focus on what creates joy, peace and fun. Enjoy living rather than avoiding death or harm. Its a lot more fun and gives you unlimited freedom.
Safety can be a very dangerous word. Especaily when it is used by fear mongerers. 'True' safety and security is an internal psychological state. It cant be found in external objects and form, it cant be bought, traded or used to hurt you or anyone else. It is literally the peace that comes from knowing/remembering who you are and choosing to be a conscious creator. When you understand what and who you are, there is no one and no thing that can possibly hurt you except yourself.
I couldn't agree more. As a responsible gun owner, I find it almost comical how people can have an irrational fear of firearms.
Fear not the tool of the killer as you would the killer himself, for the killer's tools number far greater than one.
Instead of deciding which guns people can own, we need to decide which people can own guns. I have no problem with a mature, mentally stable and informed person owning an AR or AK with 30+ round magazines or open carrying handguns in public.