Have you noticed how a lot of the conspiracist rhetoric has gotten really anti-semitic lately?
I blame Alex Jones.
You are in danger of closing down the dialogue and preventing people from getting to the truth of this thing
It is not an issue of anti-jewish feeling...that should be clear from the video Izan posted on the Iranian leader meeting anti-zionist jews
I personally have some jewish anscestry, i am also a student of qabalah and have been influenced by jewish thinkers such as Chomsky...i am not anti-jew
I once asked a person i was discussing this issue with if he was against jews because he was talking about many angles to the conspiracy for example the impact of the jewish Frankfurt school on US education and media and the impact of jewish psychiatry (eg freud) on that area and of Freuds nephew Edward Bernays on Public Relations (he created it) and he said NO he was not against all jews, in fact he liked the thinking of Murray Rothbard
So this is not a black and white issue.....you can't start yelling 'anti-semite' and expect anyone who has an understanding deeper than that offered by Fox news to take you seriously....this is a complex issue and it is about how we want to structure our society
There are a number of different groups at play here. There are the globalists who want to create a world state socialist government. Then there are the genuine socialists who want the workers to own and control the means of production; then there are the anarcho-capitalists who believe in free markets and they argue that the currenct system under the central banks is NOT real capitalism but rather a step on the road to a planned economy
There are jews on all sides of this thing, so it is not about 'anti-semitism' it is much more complex than that.
My personal view on the cabal of bankers is that they are not really jews at all as in they do not follow the Torah and observe jewish religious practices. They are magicians and use magical methods passed down in mystery schools from Egypt and babylon. The bible (which is a qabalistic construct) even references all these influences
These magicians understand that there is a polarity between matter and spirit and that to control people you must ground them in matter hence the direction science has taken into a dead end where it is now re-thinking the nature of consciousness and reality
That is why the jews and the iranian leader in the video Izan posted feel a kinship because they are united in spirit against the materialists
Or as some put it an Aristotelian view v's a Platonic view
The zionists are materialists who worship money and power on the physical plane, hence all the accusations of some conspiracy theorists that they are worshippers of the devil. The devil is simply anything that roots you in the material world and stops you from seeking union with spirit