Gun Control and the Second Amendment

Plus there's a new documentary movie about 6 previous heads of the Mossad elaborating on how they believe war is a waste of time and the goal should be approaching peace as soon as possible... I'll let you know how it's called when i find it. It's in theaters now here so probably not on the web yet.
That's either complete ignorance or a straight out lie. I've had combat training and the orders were you should keep it locked behind at least 2 locks at all times, if you're not carrying it. Most of the time my gun was at home.

I know for a fact that this has happened

Because there's a war over territories?

Have you heard of the Balfour Declaration?

Elaborate please (try to do it shortly though please)

Elaboration by its nature usually involves a fleshing out of an argument

The creation of the UN as a government of the neoliberal countries is happening and one way that is manifesting is through agenda 21 and through gun treaties

You should seriously come to Israel and check things for yourself.

I'd love to fascinating country. I think the policy of the government concerning the occupied territories stinks though and the aim as far as i see it is to keep a state of perpetual conflict alive, which i think is actually counter productive in terms of the safety of the inhabitants

That's ridiculous. Nobody can control the Mossad from outside.

No they are inside, they are THE inner order, they set it up

You simply can control a world wide intelligence agency from outside. Especially not ours.

They are at the centre of a web of organisations for example the round table groups and all the alphabet letter intelligence agencies in the US eg NSA, CIA, FBI etc

People have too much morals here. Moreover, they would probably assassinate anyone plotting to control over the world in fascist ways.

Then they should tackle the bankers because they have taken over the governments

Dspite all the banking scandals such as LIBOR rigging, MF Global, the London Whale etc the only person who has been arrested is Bernie Madhoff and the only reason he got arrested is because he robbed the rich as well as the poor

The corporate/banking powers have taken over government. Have a look at the wikipedia page for the Council on Foreign Relations which is part of the roundtable web and have a look at all the corporate members. The CFR weilds huge power in the US over the media and government. Look at the unelected 'technocrats' (ie bankers) who have been put in charge of countries in Europe to help manage the transition

Hitler was funded into power by these corporate interests for example the banker Prescott Bush (father of president Bush senior and grandfather of President Bush jnr). I'm telling you the bankers are always at the centre of all of this stuff
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Plus there's a new documentary movie about 6 previous heads of the Mossad elaborating on how they believe war is a waste of time and the goal should be approaching peace as soon as possible... I'll let you know how it's called when i find it. It's in theaters now here so probably not on the web yet.

It will all be a part of the propaganda programme to 'manage the perceptions' of the public
No they are inside, they are THE inner order, they set it up

I don't think you can control shadow agents that don't exist. I don't buy it.

Hitler was funded into power by these corporate interests for example the banker Prescott Bush (father of president Bush senior and grandfather of President Bush jnr). I'm telling you the bankers are always at the centre of all of this stuff

One of the claims Hitler made for the reasoning of making a Jewish genocide is that they controlled most of the banks in Germany at the time.. Contradiction?
No. Watch it.

can you find me a link?

but i am aware that senior officers have been saying war against Iran would be crazy. They're right it would be, but the US neo-cons pushing for war ARE crazy....they're psychopaths
Which will be quicker to find the link in english or to learn to speak hebrew?

I hope you realise this proves nothing!

I'm sure an english translation will come out soon...

It's up to me to believe what i believe and to you to believe what you believe.
Actually [MENTION=6801]ThisIsWhoIAm[/MENTION], [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] is on to something.

The Germans had pretty much won World War I, until the Zionist bankers from Germany and London (I might be missing a few other countries) went to the British war cabinet and told Britain that if they were promised Palestine, they would bring the United States into World War I to fight alongside Britain. The US came into the war, Germany lost, and the Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to the Rothschilds and the rest of the Zionists.

I disagree with muir in that I feel the banking dynasties aren't in absolute control of the US as he sees it, but they are still pretty influential. Whereas muir sees this gun grab as being orchestrated by the central bankers, I see it as the Obama Administration realizing that mass civil unrest in the United States is inevitable and them wanting to do everything they can to neuter it.

But i'm curious [MENTION=6801]ThisIsWhoIAm[/MENTION], have you ever a clip of this video? It's Ahmadinejad meeting with Jewish anti-Zionists.

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Wow that's some pretty interesting history. I still don't see how one would conclude that the zionist bankers would want to take over the world... Sounds to me they want to have a country (we all know how much people hate jews, and we all know what happens when they don't have a country - genocide)... So... Interesting history.. But still i don't see this as any proof.
I disagree with muir in that I feel the banking dynasties aren't in absolute control of the US as he sees it, but they are still pretty influential. Whereas muir sees this gun grab as being orchestrated by the central bankers, I see it as the Obama Administration realizing that mass civil unrest in the United States is inevitable and them wanting to do everything they can to neuter it.

Or maybe they just want their gun control laws to be more like every single other country in the developed world?
Wow that's some pretty interesting history. I still don't see how one would conclude that the zionist bankers would want to take over the world... Sounds to me they want to have a country (we all know how much people hate jews, and we all know what happens when they don't have a country - genocide)... So... Interesting history.. But still i don't see this as any proof.

Have you noticed how a lot of the conspiracist rhetoric has gotten really anti-semitic lately?
I blame Alex Jones.
Wow that's some pretty interesting history. I still don't see how one would conclude that the zionist bankers would want to take over the world... Sounds to me they want to have a country (we all know how much people hate jews, and we all know what happens when they don't have a country - genocide)... So... Interesting history.. But still i don't see this as any proof.

Yeah I don't see it as the banking families trying to take over the world either. I don't think they have as much influence over the United States as muir thinks they do. Even in Money Masters (a film [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] recommended to me) the narrator points out that power is much more decentralized and the world isn't run by a handful of families anymore.
Have you noticed how a lot of the conspiracist rhetoric has gotten really anti-semitic lately?
I blame Alex Jones.

Don't know who Alex Jones is. But it's been like this for thousands of years.
Or maybe they just want their gun control laws to be more like every single other country in the developed world?

I do agree that the gun policies are a little loose, but the legislation that Dianne Feinstein is proposing is draconian, it would pretty much be the end of the second amendment. And if Sandy Hook is going to be used as the pretext to confiscate guns, then we need an honest, complete reporting of the story because the official narrative is replete with inconsistencies. Did you that there were numerous reports that a second shooter was arrested? If you have the time, you should check out this stellar interview by two law enforcement officers about all of the inconsistencies in the "official" narrative of what happened.

Apone said:
Have you noticed how a lot of the conspiracist rhetoric has gotten really anti-semitic lately?
I blame Alex Jones.

It isn't really anti-semitic, it's anti-Zionist. There are even Jewish people who live in Israel that do not recognize Israel as a state. Any intelligent, sensible person has nothing against Jewish people but do recognize Zionism as a problem. Hell, look at the video I posted a few posts up. Those are JEWISH people who are against the state of Israel, because Israel was founded and is currently run by Zionists. The people who founded Israel (the Rothschilds) aren't even actually Jewish, they are Khazars. Right now, Israel's #1 enemy is Iran, yet you see those Jewish men having a sit down with Iran's prime minister.
[MENTION=6801]ThisIsWhoIAm[/MENTION] whenever you get the time, you should watch this video. It's a speech by Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish man who was exceedingly, exceedingly brilliant. It was through this speech I found out about how Israel was founded. He gave it in the 1960's, but I think you'd still be interested.

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I'm sure an english translation will come out soon...

It's up to me to believe what i believe and to you to believe what you believe.

That's not how i see it

I see it as about being able to look past our culture, look past our religion, look past our skin colour and recognise that we are all human beings and that the psychic energy given to all those things is really a man made illusion that drives wedges between people

Then once we have cleansed ourselves of all that then decide what is really going on here
Wow that's some pretty interesting history. I still don't see how one would conclude that the zionist bankers would want to take over the world... Sounds to me they want to have a country (we all know how much people hate jews, and we all know what happens when they don't have a country - genocide)... So... Interesting history.. But still i don't see this as any proof.

Why do you think there has been bad feeling towards jews? There have been reasons for it a lot of the time relating to the issue of banking

I don't think genocide is what always follows when jews don't have an exclusively jewish homeland

The genocide against jews in Germany happened because of the rise of Hitler who was backed by german and US bankers

The german people had taken in jewish refugees from Russia. These jews thrived in germany. Then as Izan says the zionist federation made a deal in secret with the British to hand over Palestine in return for the north americans being brought into the war

The germans had been winning the war until this happened. After the war at the Sevre peace Treaty the germans learned of this secret deal and they felt betrayed by the jews or stabbed in the back.

Combine this with the fact that the jews remained wealthy even during the interwar depression and you've got a recipe for resentment. Hitler exploited that, which in fact has played into the hands of the international bankers because it has enabled them to cast the jews in the role of victim (despite the fact that far more non jews died in the conflict) which is used to justify the genocide of the Palestineans who had nothing to do with the conflict in Europe (which is the point the Iranian leader Achmadinijad's is making as a protector of the muslim people)

In Izans video above the jews against zionism say that the zionists are all about 'MATERIALISM' not the spirit...this is absolutely key to understanding what is going on here on deeper levels

Matter v's spirit
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Or maybe they just want their gun control laws to be more like every single other country in the developed world?

They have systematically disarmed other countries...and it is not 'every other country in the developed world' what we're really talking about is the countries under the control of the central bankers
Have you noticed how a lot of the conspiracist rhetoric has gotten really anti-semitic lately?
I blame Alex Jones.

You are in danger of closing down the dialogue and preventing people from getting to the truth of this thing

It is not an issue of anti-jewish feeling...that should be clear from the video Izan posted on the Iranian leader meeting anti-zionist jews

I personally have some jewish anscestry, i am also a student of qabalah and have been influenced by jewish thinkers such as Chomsky...i am not anti-jew

I once asked a person i was discussing this issue with if he was against jews because he was talking about many angles to the conspiracy for example the impact of the jewish Frankfurt school on US education and media and the impact of jewish psychiatry (eg freud) on that area and of Freuds nephew Edward Bernays on Public Relations (he created it) and he said NO he was not against all jews, in fact he liked the thinking of Murray Rothbard

So this is not a black and white can't start yelling 'anti-semite' and expect anyone who has an understanding deeper than that offered by Fox news to take you seriously....this is a complex issue and it is about how we want to structure our society

There are a number of different groups at play here. There are the globalists who want to create a world state socialist government. Then there are the genuine socialists who want the workers to own and control the means of production; then there are the anarcho-capitalists who believe in free markets and they argue that the currenct system under the central banks is NOT real capitalism but rather a step on the road to a planned economy

There are jews on all sides of this thing, so it is not about 'anti-semitism' it is much more complex than that.

My personal view on the cabal of bankers is that they are not really jews at all as in they do not follow the Torah and observe jewish religious practices. They are magicians and use magical methods passed down in mystery schools from Egypt and babylon. The bible (which is a qabalistic construct) even references all these influences

These magicians understand that there is a polarity between matter and spirit and that to control people you must ground them in matter hence the direction science has taken into a dead end where it is now re-thinking the nature of consciousness and reality

That is why the jews and the iranian leader in the video Izan posted feel a kinship because they are united in spirit against the materialists

Or as some put it an Aristotelian view v's a Platonic view

The zionists are materialists who worship money and power on the physical plane, hence all the accusations of some conspiracy theorists that they are worshippers of the devil. The devil is simply anything that roots you in the material world and stops you from seeking union with spirit