How much water and liquids do you drink a day?

I've replaced all my water with coffee. I don't know how much I'm intaking, but I'm sure it'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- *twitch*
Probably drink 2-3l a day if I'm not at work in which case I usually just resign to feeling a little dehydrated and sneak some water in between sodas. I'm a big fan of coffee and will sip on some after every meal if I have the opportunity. I've also dabbled in various teas, white being my favorite, but I don't usually go out of my way to keep it stocked. Needless to say I usually know my way to the bathroom in most public places I frequent, for better or worse.
People here drink way too much water.

Drinking more does not influence the rate at which toxins are excreted. It only influences the dilution of toxins in urine.

As for "staying hydrated", the difference in hydration levels on any day, whether you drink half a liter, or six liters is negligible.

Any reported subjective differences I attribute to placebo effect.

The difference in hydration levels on any day depends on your diet, health, and activity levels. If you live in air conditioning and never do anything then you can get by with less. If you're an athlete then you'll need more.

On average though half a liter is probably not enough and 6 liters is likely more than enough so the difference there is not negligible.
A lot more than I keep track of. I drink water all day, every day. I love it. There is nothing better than a good class of clean ice water. It tastes so good
If you're out in the sun exercising or whatever, then yeah you need to drink more. If you're having trouble staying hydrated when going out in the sun, you might have lost too much salt through sweat and such. Drinking too much water can make you sick because you always have to maintain a certain level of salinity in your body; otherwise, drinking more wont guarantee that you stay hydrated and you'll just get sick and not retain it.

So I think the quantity you drink can make a difference, but you might have to incorporate hydration packets or something.

I have no idea how much I drink typically. I usually just drink as much as I feel I need, and it varies depending on climate. The problem with most people is that they have basically neglected and messed up their body's thirst mechanisms due to over-consumption of salt, especially because of drinking sodas and similar drinks with tons of salt in them. I read somewhere once that most Americans have such weak thirst mechanisms that they usually mistake it for hunger and that they typically don't drink enough water. To fix that, all they would probably need to do is drink less soda.
When I was a lot younger, it wasn’t unusual for me to go through days without liquids – does this mean I had a weak thirst mechanism? I don’t ever recall consuming large amounts of salt in my diet so have no idea WHY?.

I have an assortment of water bottles, beakers and cups which I purposefully have to leave around the house so it acts as a reminder for me to drink. I now consume at least 1.5 – 2 litres a day ONLY water NOT because I’m a health freak but I can’t stand the taste of tea (in any shape or form), coffee makes me hyper, fizzy drinks make be burp and I get drunk very quickly on wine!

As for ice in my water – I just cannot do! It has to be hot or lukewarm – I know disgusting for some but it works for me. I always get the "your weird intense look" when I order a pot of hot water at restaurants.

I got a Nutri bullet for Christmas so looking forward to juicing. Yeah! :m200:
Just adding mine in here :) u drink mostly 1-1.5 litres a day. Thats definitely not enough and i know that but i always forget i need to drink i guess. I only drink when im thirsty or my throat feels too dry.
Isn't the idea of dehydration in the US a bit overstated, as a mean to sell more bottled water? Drink whenever you're thirsty and I think you'll be fine.
1 ounce fluid for every 2#'s
I drink between 100 ounces and 150 ounces per day. 60 ounces of that is water. :)
should these things be measured?! :o

i drink a pitcher of water everytime i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.. so that's like 3L.. plus the green tea in the evening and coffee/tea in the morning... but i have a huge mug so that's probably another pitcher. plus the in betweens because i always carry a jug of water wherever i go :confused1: it's hot where i am. :sweatsmile: i drink more than i eat actually..
should these things be measured?! :eek:

i drink a pitcher of water everytime i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.. so that's like 3L.. plus the green tea in the evening and coffee/tea in the morning... but i have a huge mug so that's probably another pitcher. plus the in betweens because i always carry a jug of water wherever i go :confused1: it's hot where i am. :sweatsmile: i drink more than i eat actually..
Measuring is optional @Bellosome :D

It is good you drink so much for your climate demands it. Here in my climate too much water can cause 'aquapoisioning' as some have dubbed it.

Repetitive boughts of dehydration can cause adrenal fatigue and kidney stones -- drink up, it's good for you <3
On average I drink about one or two glasses of water a day followed by five cups of green tea.
I also have about three cups of regular tea with milk ("British tea") and three cups of other herbal teas.
I've replaced all my water with coffee. I don't know how much I'm intaking, but I'm sure it'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- *twitch*
That's why your dancing all the time!
That's why your dancing all the time!
I'm a bit like Horation...I know I should drink more water, I really don't know why I don't. The drinking water here is really good and I keep filling a glass, emptying and refilling it. Or I go out with a water bottle I usually don't drink. I drink water in caffeinated drinks mostly. When I'm somewhere hot I'm better at drinking water. I know it's really important though, so I should try harder. It's just habit.
On average I drink about one or two glasses of water a day followed by five cups of green tea.
I also have about three cups of regular tea with milk ("British tea") and three cups of other herbal teas.
I'd love to get my hands on some Yorkshire tea. An IT tech I worked with was from England, he shared a sack of leaves ... good stuff.
I have a large cup of coffee in the morning. I don't drink anything else throughout the day because it annoys me too much to go to the toilet repeatedly.

Some people I work with are constantly drinking. They seem unable to be parted from their water bottles. It's like some sort of weird compulsion with them to be constantly sipping water. I don't think people really need to drink that much and I think that for them it's more some sort of comfort mechanism or excuse to take a short break than any need their body has for water.

I usually drink a few large glasses of lemon cordial in the evening. I know it's sugary and acidic but I love it. I keep a water bottle by my bed during the night and sometimes have a mouthful if I wake up.