I find it really really difficult to date, and often i end up feeling disspointed when an interest doesn't turn out well.
I'm rather the patient type who doesn't mind waiting to know someone first before committing however it isn't really working out that well in this modern fast paced world. I find it nostalgic to be old fashioned, to be slow and steady and to be patient but at times it hurts on the inside as it feels rather lonely too..
I've not met an INFJ other than my self either, and i've always wondered what would it be like to meet a "better half" who's from the same MBTI. How can i find one? Any suggestions?
Seems like my rather archaic methods of pursuance no longer work on women. The whole be your self and be your best you can be and pray to god that someone along the way will see the beauty in you, doesn't seem to work so well nowadays does it? :/
Hello, dear soulbrother
I feel quite the same way, sometimes. I think, it depends on my mood, when I am yearning for romance.
If approx. 80% of people are "sensers", it's very difficult for us "intuitives" to find "the one".
I assume that NF-types like we are, would fit best with NT's or others NF's (=>
I guess that pick up artists often are SP's
http://www.keirsey.com/4temps/artisan_overview.asp, players, artisans, opposite of NF's, but maybe we could learn sth from them, not that we become pick-up-artists, but that we understand seduction and what most women attracts to men(?)
Yes, I am an INFJ, I' mot cynical. I just think, that we should be cautious when dreaming too much about "the one and only" and trying to avoid the idealization of a girl/ woman, please get me right: I am still romantic, deep, emotional and honest, but I also try to be a little cheeky and funny when talking with women (wasn't always so), but still trying to be fair&correct (not alienating her completely ;-) - maybe have a look at these links:
First, there's the need to love yourself and because thats not possible you should try to like you as much as you can. You will appear more attractive if you feel comfortable in yourself (maybe change your looks, do some sport, work on your social skills...)
Don't give up. Don't let you down. I know it's hard and it hurts everytime. We never know whats next, sometimes, things happen that we never thought about. But try to be active (a bit), to be open and speak to women...
Then, learn to be happy as single. Don't think that you will only be happy with a partner. your partner can't make you happy, it's only you that make yourself happy.
For me, most important thing in my life was that I found a soulmate, with whom I can really connect with deeply. He is gay and he fell in love with me, which made me feel good, bc I had been very lonely in those times...
I am not gay, but I love my friend like my brother in a platonic way
So, what really matters is friendship, not romance, the ideal of love, the combination of sexual attraction and the "attraction of the souls."
Maybe we all expect to much of life. JFK said that we should ask ourselves what we can do for our country instead of asking what our country can do for us and V. Frankl adapted this to: We should ask ourselves what life expects from us instead of what we can expect from life.
If you can accept that life is not perfect, and if you compare yourself to those who have less, you suddenly become very grateful for what you have - your family, your friends and your health.
hope that was helpful for you
love&all the best