- infj
- Enneagram
- 2 so/sp/sx
Speaking of protection, @VH; I like your theory but without the component of provision it's hard to see the whole picture. I think for females, their instinct compels them to seek not just protection but provision. They are driven to assure that their children will be protected as well as provided for until the children can do so themselves.
Females also need emotional support. And since today many women are capable of providing for the basic physical needs of their children without the assistance of a man, I would argue that this makes emotional support an even more valuable commodity. In our society it's much easier for women to find someone to have a sexual relationship with, than finding someone who is going to support them emotionally. So this begs the question, once you have found emotional support, why risk it by introducing a sexual relationship?The bonds in the communal network don't need to be especially deep. If a few people aren't enamoured, that's fine, so long as they aren't enemies. (This is where the drive to "be friends" comes from). So long as there are a number of people who will offer assistance out of an emotional bond that stems from empathy, the communal netowrk serves its purpose. The mate protector however, has to be such a deep bond that he will be willing to risk his life to defend her.