Hard truth; it's still very much an alpha male's world.....sigh......
To mate one has to hunt like a predator. Learnt it the hard way recently. Yes i admit i was the uninvited one, but had a high chance of getting her from him (came oh so close, similar to what would be like the transition state in a chemical reaction). Being the INFJ that i was, took my time(bout four months??), the soft approach(no dates nada, alittle flirting here and there,Mr Nice Guy, felt bad (me the wussy)) and not head on like how they do it in the animal kingdom. Guess she got tired of me taking my time(will be parting ways in a year's time due to college)......
side note: went straight pass the friend zone (we kinda clicked pretty fast) within a month or two after meeting her. Seen numerous schoolmates get themselves stuck in the "friend" zone and never move much further than that....
Used to be the usual INFJ self till highschool (read introvert nerd/loner,still am sometimes), the one guy in class who was neither here nor there. Never really bothered to make myself stand out which kinda made me invisible to people... Have been trying to change my image (i hate to admit, but it feels highly superficial), get better at sports, making jokes yada yada yada you get the flow... and making my presence felt(moving out of my mind's bubble). Darwinian theory at work?? Hell Yeah!!!. Survival of the fittest.
Although deep down i still yearn for the magical relationship comparable to a romantic novel which INFJs likely would wish for. I tremble in fear of the day that the shadow of me starts to dominate me (treading a fine line now) and changes me into another superficial human being striving for superficial goals.
I do apologize if this sounds blunt and written in the spur of the moment. Am still furious with myself for letting myself lose another again. Maybe one will come where we could take our time but till then i've sworn off taking my time. World needs to change?? Nah..... I've got to change myself......Beware for the shadow self has arrived. Someone's gonna get hurt. Will hunt like a lion which has not eaten for days, national geographic style, a fight to the death. No prey's safe...!!!!

Let the chase begin!!!! No more Mr Nice Guy...!!!!
Cringe...sometimes i scare myself i wonder whether i'm really an INFJ............