If life gives you...

use Gorilla Glue.

If life gives you someone that just quits,
Don't give up on themor show them the door.

If life gives you an unreasonable argument...

If life gives you 'sunshine daisies and butter mellow'...
...turn the stupid fat rat yellow! (nice Harry Potter reference ;))

If life gives you a busy day...
I will relax after it, drinking some tea~

If life gives you a polaroid camera...
take a picture of the inside of the camera

if life gives you scented candles
take a picture of the inside of the camera

if life gives you scented candles

Burn Life's house down, I don't want no stink'n candle

If Life gives you monsters created from non-newtonian solids...
I'm in the wrong theatre

ILGY someone screaming at you with a crappy attitude
I would ignore it and laugh it off.

If life gives you a penguin...
don't look in its mouth. penguin's teeth are scary o-O

if life gives you patience
If life gives you patience, you put up with far more than others do.

If life gives you temperence
I would be in normal weight... ><'' (aka junk food)

If life gives you boredom...
... spend time helping someone out.

If life gives you a surprise...
...welcome it with open arms

If life gives you a big truckload of candy...
Shower them to the poor kids... :)

If life gives you a big umbrella...
hope someone shares it with you.....at times.

If life gives you a one way ticket for two around the world
I will share it with my life partner with matching "giggles" (I love to see the world with him) :)

If life gives you a pen without ink :P
Save the pen with the other 100 or so that do not write.

If life gives you a small island in Panama