An update on how things turned out weeks later if anyone cares to know

TL;DR (ish): He and I were very awkward and he was timid for a while but things went a lot better than I expected and currently things are roughly how they used to be and I know from actions and words we both still care about each other. He's occasionally made references (especially the first 3 weeks) which implied that he's reflected on what's happened.
He's now weird and awkward at times (it doesn't help that I'm sometimes awkward as well) and sometimes avoids me after periods of hanging around me.
For some reason our INFP friend who was involved strongly insists he might still be holding a grudge but I feel the awkwardness is for a different reason? (I get a lot of "gut" feelings that tend to be right but I don't really act on them and try to wait out for more "concrete" evidence).
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice during this whole mess! Getting different perspectives was really helpful and I appreciate it 
The details:
When we first saw each other again at uni it was painfully awkward yet at times not awkward (from both of us) for 2-3 weeks but overall we were friendly to each other while he would also be fairly timid at times and he would offering his help for even really unnecessary small things which made it hard for me to keep an emotional distance from him like I planned because his nervousness while doing so showed me it was genuine (rather than just being nice for the sake of civility).
After over a month we currently interact mostly how we used to (joking around/teasing) with some awkwardness but what's new compared to before what happened is that sometimes it seems like he'll be very physically close to me (sitting nearby/standing very close) but other times it seems like he makes an active effort to avoid me by walking ahead or sitting away during lectures and talking to other people and waiting for me to approach him.
He seems to make a lot of comments in group and individual (mainly just between us) conversations sometimes which could be either taken as general statements but it also seems like things that might be relating to what happened between us such as "we've been through a lot", "I'm lucky to have you all despite how I am" and things about lacking in maturity and confidence (comparing himself to people in our degree).
Currently I know he's been doubting himself, (which I relate to a lot because that was me not long ago and still ongoing) but he hasn't been taking it out on anyone and I'm glad he's at least starting to talk about it (although I know this isn't a sign he wouldn't be passive-aggressive about anything regarding me if anything in future was to frustrate him).
He recently just word vomited one day that relationships are in reality not like they are portrayed in media where things "just happen and work out magically" and repeating himself after some silence when another girl who had joined us said it sounded like he had his heart broken before (I face-palmed internally but I wasn't surprised he had thought that way

He sometimes brings up relationships or love in the context of people we know which in the past would begin a discussion between us about what we think about relationships or those people but I find myself feeling reluctant to give an opinion or not saying too much because it feels awkward to me so those conversations sometimes just die as a result