Aww, thank you

Well, as Wyote already said from the profile alone they shouldn't be that rare, but I did feel a little like an outlier in terms of Enneagram until you guys and
@Impact Character (if she decides for 1, that is

) came here. But I was and remain joyful enough just to be able to interact with like-minded people to not perpetually notice whether we do or don't share an E-type.
The funny thing is, I think due to the perfectionism the E1 INFJ isn't all that action-oriented, sometimes it's quite the opposite. If we start thinking about the action, the plan has to play out perfectly in our minds before we even start doing it (even if that's not 100% how it goes, it's at least an approximation). That's what usually stifles the action-initiation. But once we do it, we usually continue until we're done. It takes an epiphany and practice to not feel the urge/pressure to produce something perfect.
But perhaps we still are relatively speaking more action-oriented, doing something because it's the right thing to do according to our idealistic principles.

I would add 2s to that too, although I wouldn't presume they are just as common as 4s.