INFJs and Enneagram

What MBTI type do you identify most with, by the way? I'm assuming you're not displaying it for a reason, but I'm curious.

Thanks for the great insights anyway. Similarly to @Ginny I'm back to being pretty uncertain about my Enneagram type.
Renigma, he *is* displaying his type, but in a bit of a roundabout way. Ne-ILE is Socionics speak for ENTP. ;)
Okay @Ginny and @Ren here it is.

Interesting! So you may actually be a Type 5 ;)

That being said, I wonder if the test is reliable. I just took it there and scored highest on... 1. Which is definitely not my type lol. That being said, I scored highly on 5 and 4 as well.
Interesting! So you may actually be a Type 5 ;)

That being said, I wonder if the test is reliable. I just took it there and scored highest on... 1. Which is definitely not my type lol. That being said, I scored highly on 5 and 4 as well.
It varies. I’ve gotten 4w5 in the past.
Ren said:
What MBTI type do you identify most with, by the way? I'm assuming you're not displaying it for a reason, but I'm curious.

Well I kind of settled on a fusion of socionics/mbti/Jung, but basically the closest seems to be NeTi/ENTp/ENTP...

And if I subtyped, meaning asked for am I the 'more T' version or the 'more N' version, I'd say the latter.
Oh yeah Jolanda already got it.

Anyway yeah I have the classic signs. I'll debate a million typology systems' merits, settle only tentatively if at all on a given one, nitpick their differences... it's kind of why I don't understand prolonged disagreements among people because it's much easier to me to dismantle reasons for believing in a view than cling tightly to it
Oh yeah on this --
Ren said:
but thought I had seen somewhere that Socionics types don't always align with MBTI.

Hence why I go with a fusion -- personally I always felt yes, they put different spins on the ideas, but here's the issue. I think there's no motivation given for why they'd define the different 8 Ti/Te/etc differently. Like I think they all started with an intuition for what things like 'introverted thinking' and 'extraverted intuition' could mean, and then made some definitions.

Sometimes when you start with an intuitive idea and make definitions, you'll genuinely arrive at different theories each of which is good for its own purpose. I never felt this with socionics/mbti, personally. The things that make socionics potentially legitimately different (like the Reinin dichotomies, intertype, VI, etc) are all really shaky compared to the barebones conceptual foundation, which I think is great.
So I just take the barebones of all the theories (including Jung) and try to build the best interpretation. There are circumstances where I'd just say they're all good.

I think it's the same with different enneagram authors' interpretations. Usually what I'll do is accommodate many of them and say "type 6 can be not just this way but that way too". Other times, I'll say "This author's version of type 5 just doesn't fit under what I think type 5 philosophically should be. Thus, i'll recategorize it as more type 6 stuff.."
@charlatan And as if to drive the point about your ENTPness you posted three messages in a row in answer, the two last beginning with "Oh yeah by the way" :p How could I have not guessed your type! It was in plain sight, haha. Just teasing.

Regarding the different personality theories, I have to say that I tend to favor MBTI because (so far anyway) it seems to me to be the one with the most explanatory/predictive power with the fewest variables. Kind of an Occam's Razor's perspective, I guess. I see where you're going with the definition of the functions, but in a way I kind of like that there are just 8 functions and that once you've got a grasp of them, you can pretty much type anyone and debate can ensue about why. There's a certain basic clarity about it that makes it easier to actually disagree with others about types and to explain why. I just never felt like Enneagram had that level of limpidity to begin with, it just seems a little messy, and I find that as a result it can make actual debate about it more difficult.

Again, only my opinion. And it could well evolve.
Ren said:
@charlatan And as if to drive the point about your ENTPness you posted three messages in a row in answer, the two last beginning with "Oh yeah by the way" :p How could I have not guessed your type! It was in plain sight, haha. Just teasing.

Yeah, and honestly it kinda fits everything. Like, I've most definitely got horrible sensation, don't have any big problems around F so much as I think it's childlike (particularly due to N-subtype > T-subtype), am too likely to just race from idea to idea / get impatient developing a view fully out/ am more into just jumping into the main idea/seeing if it can be dismantled!

And I always edit my posts like 2000 times as I think of things on the fly.
Oh yeah, and enneagram has a method to the madness. It's a lot more systematic than some presentations suggest. The originator actually had the idea, based on Buddhist principles, that 9 is sort of the universal enneatype, as they all arise from "falling asleep to the deeper self" and falling into a repetitive pattern.

The systematization arises because each type is a sort of blend of its neighbors. The withholding/avarice of 5 and the image-focus of 3 blend to yield the envy of 4, which manifests as a feeling of fundamentally lacking something that would bring value to them.

Or, 7 blends the lust of 8 and the doubting of 6 and results in a type that wants a taste, doesn't want to be denied, yet doesn't let itself *really* want something because who knows, something else may be even tastier.
The originator actually had the idea, based on Buddhist principles, that 9 is sort of the universal enneatype, as they all arise from "falling asleep to the deeper self" and falling into a repetitive pattern.

9s are in eternal wake sleep child elder stupid wise growth death. Yay!
Ren said:
You're realling selling 5s, @charlatan. That's it, I'm a 4.

Well I'd say I'm giving them all an equally hard time!

E6 is basically fried about dealing with the world, because it's unable to put faith in either withdrawing like the 5 or in the escaping of the 7. Like my reaction to @hush and the idea of keeping others at a distance is basically that I'm scared that I won't be able to do that forever, they'll ultimately have influences on me, so the only way to do things is to kind of blow the whistle and be sure everyone is intellectually on the same page.
@jkxx I see that you've updated your Enneagram to 1w2 :) Does that seem to fit? How did you score on 5 and 6 in the end?