I don't claim to know how you present yourself to other people in real life, and I don't have any other insight into who you are, but I thought I'd point out that just from reading your post, I got a very pessimistic vibe. It's not what you were saying (and I do understand your situation and sympathize), it was how you said it. The most prominent, poignant vocabulary in your post was extremely negative. I was moved into a really foul mindset as soon as I finished reading, and I didn't know why until I read it over again. That was when I noticed some of your word choices.
Words like "ancient," "greatest tragedy," "not a lovable person" and oscillating between extremes, "nothing" to "everything"... It made your situation, although unfortunate, feel ten times worse than it truly is.
I really hope that's not how you represent your situation to yourself on a daily basis. I also hope that this type of negativity doesn't slip on through your interactions with other people. You might not be actively trying to communicate pessimistic thoughts, but it's quite possible that your rhetoric might be betraying your mindset. I wonder if other people pick up on the same negative vibe I did as a result.
Then again, it could be that you express yourself differently on paper/screen, and that you were consciously trying to paint this sort of picture... but if you weren't, check yourself next time you're talking to another person and try to use words more closely related to the intensity of the situation rather than let your words grossly misproportion an emotional interaction.
Or better yet, try putting that strong vocabulary to good use by putting more emphasis on positives while diminishing the negatives. Experiment and see if that puts you and the other person in a better mindset.
Now, I'm not trying to be snarky here, please realize. It could be that maybe one of the reasons you're having a hard time isn't necessarily the standards you've set for yourself, or even your age (which, by the way, may change a few details, but certainly doesn't change everything) but maybe you only need to alter your mindset and your strategies a bit. I wanted to point this out because it seemed rather obvious to me as soon as I read it.
Anyway, just my two cents. I hope I haven't stepped out of line.