Used to live here
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TBH, I've never sensed that sort of pressure or 'obligation,' so for friendly curiosity's sake, I'd like know where and how you get this sort of impression. Or perhaps I'm just not clear on what you mean about acting in "certain ways."
Dating is difficult for me, because I suck at small talk and being interesting and figuring out what to do. Furthermore, the pressure to be "with" someone is not my type of thing -- I want to becoming close to someone through natural interaction, not because we label ourselves as "dating." The label gives the other person a sense that I should be obligated to them...which is fine, but it usually takes a long time before I truly feel that.
That, and that label makes it a lot easier for the other person to be "in love" with me. And that really bugs me...I don't need googly eyes and the smitten lover.
This is much more common in people closer to my age -- teens, maybe early twenties. But I've had this problem in the past when it comes to the dating scene...which is why it wasn't (and still isn't) really my scene.
I take a long time to get a connection with someone. Really, it's almost pointless for me to date until I've known and hung out with the person for up to a year or more. By then, I'm usually friend-listed...or I'm simply not interested.