INTP/INFJ derailment discussion

Was a pretty fitting meta-example. Don’t worry: there will be more
Euphemisms for passive-aggression #412

It wasn't a 'pretty fitting meta-example' because you clothed it in generalities, making it passive aggression.

You could have made the same point much more neutrally and less like a little girl with something like:

'Some of the nihilism we see in INTPs might be accounted for by the fact that their "truths" are often rejected. For example, my recent dispute with Wyote - though sorted now - certainly fits the pattern.'
Euphemisms for passive-aggression #412

It wasn't a 'pretty fitting meta-example' because you clothed it in generalities, making it passive aggression.

You could have made the same point much more neutrally and less like a little girl with something like:

'Some of the nihilism we see in INTPs might be accounted for by the fact that their "truths" are often rejected. For example, my recent dispute with Wyote - though sorted now - certainly fits the pattern.'

Oh boy, Hos the fight is over, don’t start it again :m095:
Euphemisms for passive-aggression #412

It wasn't a 'pretty fitting meta-example' because you clothed it in generalities, making it passive aggression.

You could have made the same point much more neutrally and less like a little girl with something like:

'Some of the nihilism we see in INTPs might be accounted for by the fact that their "truths" are often rejected. For example, my recent dispute with Wyote - though sorted now - certainly fits the pattern.'

It’s not passive to say this is a part of who I am so it’s possible it will happen again. It would be more dick-ish to say you better be pretty prepared for that. If this is trying to control things, you can knock it off
Jesus Christ, dude. :tearsofjoy: Drop it.

So, the answer to the question 'why are INTPs nihilistic?' is 'Wyote'. Gotcha.

Here’s a possible answer: nihilism is the rejection of the idea that statements about values are truth-functional. In simpler language, it is not possible to assert that values have transcendent reality — as opposed to, say, the truths of mathematics.

I could easily imagine a Ti-Dom being drawn to nihilism thus defined more than other types, because Ti will seek analytical truth first and foremost. But statements about values cannot provide that kind of certain ground.
How do you experience the ‘weirdness’ of your Ti? Can you describe it?

It's seeing a pattern then thinking it thru but being not completely sure you are correct. I have a hunch I am right but depending on subject I might need someone to double check the work. What makes this complicated is that I may not be able to show the work to someone that needs the specific details.