You know these sort of discussions are making me very uncomfortable because in the back of my mind, I wonder if I am one of those causing offence. I don't think I am but who knows? I am not infj so I am well aware that I am not the primary target of this forum. If I feel this way, I suspect others do too.
Hi, kiu. I don't know you well enough to agree or disagree with your assumption that you've caused issues (I haven't had any problems with your posts myself), but I think there might be a misunderstanding. I wasn't calling anyone out in particular. There are a lot of people I really like on the forums who do this sort of thing regularly and probably don't even realize it. Really, please don't take it personally. I was simply trying to encourage dialogue about the problem.
I understand the need for serious discussion but I also appreciate the humour. If there is a problem with a member bring it up with them. If the problem is so severe that it could be considered trolling then bring it up with the staff. This sort of vague talking around the issue is very annoying because it achieves nothing and further increases the discontent.
One of the issues seems to be that people are uncomfortable talking about the problem. I believe this is due to the fact that they feel they will become a bigger target for negativity if they speak up (and, in fairness, they might). One of the reasons I finally broke down and shared my feelings on this was due to an overwhelming sense of hurt and disconnection on the forums at the moment.
I didn't think I was vague or that I talked around the issue. Please re-read my original post. I was as clear and concise as I was capable of being.
Now to the solutions. As a threadstarter, meaning threadstarters in general, let your voice be heard if the thread is veering dangerously off-topic. It is very easy to misinterpret the intentions of threadstarters and responders. I for one don't believe I have commented in the mysticism forum because I don't believe in mysticism and I don't think that is a welcome opinion based on the responses some members have received. Fine, I don't think those people are bothered by it. However, I wonder if those opinions are also considered forum pollution.
Thank you. These are great suggestions, and some people may not have considered them. And, yes, one of the biggest problems (I believe) is miscommunication. It's tough to pick up on the
tone of someone's words when they're printed on a computer screen, especially if you don't know the person very well.
Personally, I'm accepting of all points of view (as I've been on both sides of the "Magic and Mysticism" debate), and don't have a problem with intelligent discussion from anyone who wants to join in. However, my concern was specifically about people coming in and making fun of others for those beliefs, even (maybe particularly) if they do so by subtly implying their distaste for the subject matter in a mocking tone.
As to the joking, I've participated in some of it and I hope it hasn't been offensive. However, what may seem like hostility in the open may actually be something else. There is a whole different world in the PMs and if you are not in the loop, not that I am, the public shenanigans can be misleading. I personally think that some of the carousing was excessive but I guess my attitude is that nothing stays the same forever. Every forum has its cycles.
In terms of the joking, there is a distinct difference between INTJs and INFJs that I deal with on a daily basis (one of my closest friends is INTJ). INFJs, we have no sense of humor online.

This is a generalization, of course, but I've also found that INFJs don't appreciate debate as much as INTJs (I know I don't). My INTJ friend doesn't understand how we come to understand something if we don't debate it, and often finds it irritating when I tell him that he's hurt my feelings in some way. I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but his sense of humor is much sharper, and he doesn't have as much of that
feeling thing attached to any given discussion. Most INFJs do, so we sometimes prefer to refrain from talking about things that might cause emotional distress, and when we do decide to speak about things that are important to us, we might put more of ourselves into those words and be more concerned about how they are perceived.
I would say to members if people start to complain then consider toning it down a little bit. I've had a few problems with members here but all the issues have been happily resolved. To this point, I have found no one who is unreasonable or stubborn.
Yeah, that's the thing. Like you, I don't think anyone here is unreasonable or stubborn. In fact, I've found most people here fairly down to earth, friendly, and understanding. That's why this sort of thing bothers me.