- Enneagram
- 1w2
This is an IXFX forum.
Please don't misinterpret this.
The issue isn't that other types come here, they are welcome, it goes without saying, even. I'm not saying I don't want them. This is a bigger issue. There are a huge number of people who are typing wrong. A large influx of ISFPs and ISFJs, in my opinion.
Now that indigo is leaving/gone it feels like the forum will sink into MBTI nothingness. He worked so hard to build this place up. He was one of the few truly knowledgeable in Jung's psychological type. Will the quality continue to drop? Who is upholding the integrity? Whos job is it?
We need to ask ourselves a question:
What is this forum?
This is the INFJ forum. A dedicated place in the universe for INFJs to come learn, discover and experience more about themselves and others. A place to grow and develop. It is based on Jung's theory of Psychological Type. The "INFJ" type name is derived from the MBTI, though many of us know that MBTI is but a shallow inference to the true theory of Jungian Cognitive functions, a small part of Jungs branch of thought: Analytical Psychology.
For some time now, the quality of this forum has begun to sink. We don't know what we are and what we are doing. This creates confusion, which creates misconceptions and lack of knowledge, which creates generalisations, which is really not what this place should be about.
But this is not about who is right and who is wrong. This is not about Ni or Fi or your order of preference or extroversion/introversion. I don't care if your not good at typology or if you get things wrong all the time, it's not about that.
Can INFJf be an extension of indepth jungian psychology based solely around INFJs? God knows, INFJs need somewhere they can go like I did 3 years ago. The world needs more well developed, healthy INFJs. No bullshit, no fakeness, no half baked MBTI shit. A lot of troubled members develop unhealthy habits, using the forum to perpetuate their problems instead of actively solving them. Can this place be saved?
What this place should be
I feel like INFJf should be like a university, a place where intelligence and strength of mind is developed through understanding, collective learning and shared experiences. Lets redefine this place, throw out the old, in with the new, let's re-learn and reboot the conceptual systems and make this place a true INFJ university- all welcome who are willing to learn and/or share.
Jesus, when I joined here when I was 18, I was a bit of a mess. Through Psychological Types and this forum, I can safely say I have improved as a person hugely. Life experience and this forum have helped me come to terms with myself, negative patterns of thought, low self-esteem and confidence have slowly whisked away as I gain more maturity and more self knowledge.
INFJs can be some of the most powerful people in the world, in a way that they can make great change but we have shitty start in a world that largely doesn't appreciate our natural way of viewing things. The INFJforums should actively recognise this. To think, this forum could be the helping hand that many troubled INFJs need to get through a lot of personal stuff in there lives in a way that is profound and long lasting.
This, hand in hand with continually made effort to make this place a safe haven. But I feel that if the community sorts out a lot of it's subject matter issues, the personal issues such as members not feeling safe or attacked or excluded will diminish if we create a more integral forum, which will inadvertantly scare off the people who are looking for a bit gratification by shaking the place up.
My proposal for how we do this & What I want INFJ forum to be:
1.The whole forum needs to define, what it is.
Do we follow MBTI or Analytical Psychology? This is essential in order to grow past the endless confusion and lack of clarity in understanding of what the MBTI and Cognitive functions are all about. I'm not just saying this because I want everyone to be right, I want this because I believe it will make a better forum, create more meaningful and in-depth threads and posts. This can still be a place where people just hang out and find others who they relate, but when they want to, they delve into the subject at any time and not feel confused.
We should clearly define, through the graphics on the website or through sub-forums and articles, that this is Jungian Psychology forum specifically specialised in the subject of INFJ! We should down play MBTI and bring users to understand that, while it is still valid in some ways, there is a much deeper subject at hand.
2. A concentrated and frequently updated collection of articles based on spreading better knowledge of cognitive functions and jungian psychology.
Encourage everyone to learn! Encourage intelligent Q and A's. If everyone is on the same base, then we won't have so much confusion and conflict over what everyone else is talking about. If one user is talking in MBTI whilst another in something it's just really detracting from the ultimate goal: to create an honest expression of what it means to be INFJ and to share that expression so we can learn more about our selves and others.
Send new users straight to these articles and gently introduce to the deeper subjects if they come from an MBTI background.
3. A dedicated Jungian analysis "sparring" sub-forum.
A place where people can actively analyse and people critique their analysis. For instance, a member starts a thread where they attempt to describe and analyse a family members type. We have a debate where we learn off each others experiences, more knowledgeable members can chime in and there is mutual learning going on. Members can post their own theories and revelations on the functions or any other subject.
Instead of "WRONG. WRONG. NO. WRONG." Responses to people's misunderstandings, we can have a context that is specifically designed for experimentation, so users can feel free to question and play around with their growing understanding without feeling prosecuted or ignored.
You could argue that many people don't want to learn any deeper, that they are not interested in cognitive functions and that they are happy with just finding other people to talk to, and that is hugely valid point. I don't want this to be elitist but I DO want to stop perpetuating bad or incorrect information. That is the whole point of building a well of decent resources in regards to INFJs, so that when people decide to, they can go somewhere where they can venture more in-depth into the subject.
I personally feel like I have nothing more to learn here but I am interested in making this a place that we can learn more from and creating a better understanding of what it means to be INFJ as well as emphasis on learning about other types.
Please don't misinterpret this.
The issue isn't that other types come here, they are welcome, it goes without saying, even. I'm not saying I don't want them. This is a bigger issue. There are a huge number of people who are typing wrong. A large influx of ISFPs and ISFJs, in my opinion.
Now that indigo is leaving/gone it feels like the forum will sink into MBTI nothingness. He worked so hard to build this place up. He was one of the few truly knowledgeable in Jung's psychological type. Will the quality continue to drop? Who is upholding the integrity? Whos job is it?
We need to ask ourselves a question:
What is this forum?
This is the INFJ forum. A dedicated place in the universe for INFJs to come learn, discover and experience more about themselves and others. A place to grow and develop. It is based on Jung's theory of Psychological Type. The "INFJ" type name is derived from the MBTI, though many of us know that MBTI is but a shallow inference to the true theory of Jungian Cognitive functions, a small part of Jungs branch of thought: Analytical Psychology.
For some time now, the quality of this forum has begun to sink. We don't know what we are and what we are doing. This creates confusion, which creates misconceptions and lack of knowledge, which creates generalisations, which is really not what this place should be about.
But this is not about who is right and who is wrong. This is not about Ni or Fi or your order of preference or extroversion/introversion. I don't care if your not good at typology or if you get things wrong all the time, it's not about that.
Can INFJf be an extension of indepth jungian psychology based solely around INFJs? God knows, INFJs need somewhere they can go like I did 3 years ago. The world needs more well developed, healthy INFJs. No bullshit, no fakeness, no half baked MBTI shit. A lot of troubled members develop unhealthy habits, using the forum to perpetuate their problems instead of actively solving them. Can this place be saved?
What this place should be
I feel like INFJf should be like a university, a place where intelligence and strength of mind is developed through understanding, collective learning and shared experiences. Lets redefine this place, throw out the old, in with the new, let's re-learn and reboot the conceptual systems and make this place a true INFJ university- all welcome who are willing to learn and/or share.
Jesus, when I joined here when I was 18, I was a bit of a mess. Through Psychological Types and this forum, I can safely say I have improved as a person hugely. Life experience and this forum have helped me come to terms with myself, negative patterns of thought, low self-esteem and confidence have slowly whisked away as I gain more maturity and more self knowledge.
INFJs can be some of the most powerful people in the world, in a way that they can make great change but we have shitty start in a world that largely doesn't appreciate our natural way of viewing things. The INFJforums should actively recognise this. To think, this forum could be the helping hand that many troubled INFJs need to get through a lot of personal stuff in there lives in a way that is profound and long lasting.
This, hand in hand with continually made effort to make this place a safe haven. But I feel that if the community sorts out a lot of it's subject matter issues, the personal issues such as members not feeling safe or attacked or excluded will diminish if we create a more integral forum, which will inadvertantly scare off the people who are looking for a bit gratification by shaking the place up.
My proposal for how we do this & What I want INFJ forum to be:
1.The whole forum needs to define, what it is.
Do we follow MBTI or Analytical Psychology? This is essential in order to grow past the endless confusion and lack of clarity in understanding of what the MBTI and Cognitive functions are all about. I'm not just saying this because I want everyone to be right, I want this because I believe it will make a better forum, create more meaningful and in-depth threads and posts. This can still be a place where people just hang out and find others who they relate, but when they want to, they delve into the subject at any time and not feel confused.
We should clearly define, through the graphics on the website or through sub-forums and articles, that this is Jungian Psychology forum specifically specialised in the subject of INFJ! We should down play MBTI and bring users to understand that, while it is still valid in some ways, there is a much deeper subject at hand.
2. A concentrated and frequently updated collection of articles based on spreading better knowledge of cognitive functions and jungian psychology.
Encourage everyone to learn! Encourage intelligent Q and A's. If everyone is on the same base, then we won't have so much confusion and conflict over what everyone else is talking about. If one user is talking in MBTI whilst another in something it's just really detracting from the ultimate goal: to create an honest expression of what it means to be INFJ and to share that expression so we can learn more about our selves and others.
Send new users straight to these articles and gently introduce to the deeper subjects if they come from an MBTI background.
3. A dedicated Jungian analysis "sparring" sub-forum.
A place where people can actively analyse and people critique their analysis. For instance, a member starts a thread where they attempt to describe and analyse a family members type. We have a debate where we learn off each others experiences, more knowledgeable members can chime in and there is mutual learning going on. Members can post their own theories and revelations on the functions or any other subject.
Instead of "WRONG. WRONG. NO. WRONG." Responses to people's misunderstandings, we can have a context that is specifically designed for experimentation, so users can feel free to question and play around with their growing understanding without feeling prosecuted or ignored.
You could argue that many people don't want to learn any deeper, that they are not interested in cognitive functions and that they are happy with just finding other people to talk to, and that is hugely valid point. I don't want this to be elitist but I DO want to stop perpetuating bad or incorrect information. That is the whole point of building a well of decent resources in regards to INFJs, so that when people decide to, they can go somewhere where they can venture more in-depth into the subject.
I personally feel like I have nothing more to learn here but I am interested in making this a place that we can learn more from and creating a better understanding of what it means to be INFJ as well as emphasis on learning about other types.