[PAX] "Men Need Sex"

@hush - It really is interesting, isn't it? It says a lot about the dynamics of the relationship, perhaps suggesting that the man is under her control due to his "needs".
Yes, in BDSM master/mistress are used, as well as in horror (especially with vampires) and for performers like Elvira.
@hush - It really is interesting, isn't it? It says a lot about the dynamics of the relationship, perhaps suggesting that the man is under her control due to his "needs".

Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind and was trying to subtly imply, to see if anyone else would end up interpreting it similarly, heh.
Many men do not have sex and abstain because of religious beliefs. Thinks of the monks for example. However, all humans have sexual desire. How you express it or suppress it is up to you. t
and dude look at all the viraga commercials!!
its a hot older chick looking ready for a middle age man that needs help to ..preform.... so wait is this pill for HER?!?!?! or for him? i am confused....
again its the perfect example they CANNOT make an Add where the GUY is asking for or addressing the sexual issue but they CAN make it come from the woman's perspective cause that is totally kosher! :D
and shit now a days you may as well call it totally Christian too!

in the end its just a need like any other but the need in and of it self is not what needs to be addressed its the ROOT of that statement and why it exists, at all.
Viagra actually works equally well for males and females. The FDA only approved it for men, but quite a few women have taken it off label. In either sex, it works by diverting more blood to the genitals. In men that just causes the penis to be engorged. In women it causes an increase in vaginal lubrication as well as the engorgement of both the clitoris and labia.

Of course, in neither sex does genital engorgement automatically translate to a psychological desire for sex or intimacy.

The so-called "female Viagra" in development is a very different drug which causes a slight increase in libido.
Many men do not have sex and abstain because of religious beliefs. Thinks of the monks for example. However, all humans have sexual desire. How you express it or suppress it is up to you. t

Yes but think of all those with religious beliefs who have not supressed it, and the disastrous consequences. I never really understood why it was thought of as a 'sin' anyway. Some spiritual people choose to channel sexual energy for spiritual work, but I think it only really works if it is chosen rather than imposed.

Oh sorry I see, 'religious beliefs' you may be referring to sex out of wedlock, rather than ordained clergy etc.
In my experience and in talking with my friends, her friends and our friends about this subject and a variety of feedback, I am lead to believe that a higher proportion of men have a greater need for sex then women do. In this circle of friends in which we are occasionally comfortable discussing this topic, there are a few women that have a higher sex drive then their male spouses. (We have a few friends that are lesbian couples but that doesn't dovetail very well into this topic :) ) Anyway this is all anecdotal and not at all scientific. I agree the blue balls thing is ridiculous. I certainly understand the ache, but jeez if the pressure is building that much Man, please take matters into your own hands :)
"Taking the matter in your own hands" does not offer a solution.

Mistress does not mean the way it sounds. They could be someone with the utmost understanding, willing to help a fellow human being. I see it as a solution: a professional solution, as it can cover most all the things that are missing. It can change the utter disgust, it can give touch, talking, snuggling. It can help stop the mental shame and constant looking just to be looking.

Women: not to change the subject but another part of it; can you spot men like this a mile away?
I demand it.

Celibacy helps one to better understand the human body and its functions and needs.

Lots of older men have ED. This can be caused by the lack of desire in the woman...we are not stupid. What happened to all the caressing and little noises they used to make. Now it's like, hurry and get it over. The commercial may be way out of line, imho.
Having used those drugs, I can tell you there is a chance for the way it used to be in bed....if the woman really desires that.

There are a lot of issues going on here. Add to these possible illnesses for either or both. My wife seemed just as enthusiastic at the age they show in those ads, and I was a happy man. Time can change things. There are also those out there cheating that can lead to not wanting sex with your other half. Guilt!
Pain. Frustration. Too much on the mind.
Most definitely I'm a firm believer in you don't need to love 1000 different people, you love 1 person 1000 different ways!! Not speaking for all women, but myself know that sex is on a man's brain all day long no matter if they are religious, impotent, gay, straight, whatever the fact may be lol so with that said if I need to step up my game so that these types of questions don't come up , I'm all for tending to my hubby's needs lol
I have found it easier to talk with other women now.
Sadly not all men feel as concerned about attending to woman's needs, as they are about getting their own needs met. They would have a much better time if (the ones who were like that) did.. When this concern for a mans pleasure is not reciprocated, I think a woman is really wasting her time, and nurturing attention.
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Here's the most current and seemingly accurate information for males and females I came across.

I'll try to remember to count how many times a day I think about sex. So far 4 times, in part due to this thread. :tonguewink:

Edit: I personally think it also depends on your relationship status. Are you in a new relationship, married over ten years, single and horny af, and so on.

Edit: I've lost count now, so fail.
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Definitely not need in general. I think this is the sort of thing where if you get used to it, you get cravings, but if you never indulge, you don't care.

It's like food cravings -- I can just ignore them if I'm into a really cool idea, but if I'm intellectually barren or anxious, I care more for it.
I heard a baby would die without human touch; is this true?
Not to change the subject, because this is all intertwined, but humans need another's touch and affection. As far back as Genesis near the creation of things, God stated it was not good for man to be alone; so he made Eve. From chapter 2:

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

The Creation of Woman

21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

There are specific needs that come and go somewhat with age. The human mind does not change that much as the physical form. Sex has a purpose. We would not be here
without it. When someone can fully describe what "an help meet for him" means, please let me know.

On the lighter side, women have been ribbing men ever since. :)
Some people, men and women, are asexual and are perfectly fine without sex. Nobody "needs" sex, but people vary in their sexual desire and some people have strong sex drives (both men and women).

I was in a relationship where I was frustrated because I wasn't getting as much sex as I would like and I have discussed this with a number of women that were in the same situation. I also spoke to a sex therapist who told me that he saw more cases of relationships where the women were the sexually frustrated partner. It's more common than what is assumed because most women in that situation are too embarrassed to talk about that because the myth of men wanting sex all the time is so strong. It is automatically assumed that if sex is infrequent in a relationship that it is the woman's fault. You hear men complain about that all the time and you don't hear women complain about that much; it's not because it doesn't happen to both sexes, just that it's more acceptable for men to complain about it.
Having drainage tells me I need sex. Guess I'm not a nobody. It is disgusting to me.