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Yes, that's about correct.

Subphysical perception is your senses and immediate feelings.

Meta consciousness is being conscious of consciousness - yours and others. Similar to how you can think about the way you think, and even make a strategy to alter your thinking in the future based on how you're thinking now. It's well, meta. o.o

Example: if seeing is believing, then how do we end up questioning what we see? Meta consciousness.

I think there could be a further step there sprinkles...something like a meta-universe and what our perception of that would be.
It would be interesting to further expand your diagram (I really like it btw!) I think that there are many possibilities.
Psychic abilities (if you subscribe), out of body consciousness, etc.
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ॐ श्री |||What is a Mind Garden?||| श्री ॐ
ॐ श्री |||And How does it Help me?||| श्री ॐ

A mind garden is a world you create in your mind that appears as visualized physical illusions but is a representation of your subconscious.

-What do I mean by that?
-I mean, your feelings and thoughts of the world can be metaphorically visualized.
--And by visualizing them, we can change them and change the vibrations of our own brains!

For example @sprinkles created a giant space pagoda she posted a few pages back.
One common practice used to calm the mind is visualization. Imagine a glass of water with the surface completely smooth. Now stretch the perimeters of your glass for infinity (after all this is your world). Any thoughts that come into your mind, you must visualize them as droplets of water crashing down into he infinite ocean you have created becoming one with the water each one causing a ripple. It is up to you to stop these ripples, smooth them out with your mind. Each individuals mind's experience these thoughts in different ways such as more influential thoughts coming down as a large droplet while others may seem like a constant rain storm. Your whole world may feel like its being shaken causing the waves to appear to be choppy and numerous versus large and rolling. The sky may be cloudy and dark or shining and bright. Remember to take any thoughts that come in to your train of thought and drop them into your world as a visualize manifestation.

These issues appearing, is your subconscious telling you what it really sees in its world at the moment. You can make the choice to change these things! Slowly smooth the waves, clear the clouds and stop the rain and rumbling! Make this place harmonious for this is the world in which your mind garden can grow! We must raise land in your infinite ocean for a true world to grow so we cannot have destructive forces (ideas) in this world. Slowly you can bring earth from ocean in ways you wish. Over hanging cliffs or soft sand beaches with climates of your choices. Slowly grow foliage over your world. Maybe even have birds flying and critters in your world? Create an ideal place for you! What is your paradise? Everything speaks something about you! We are creatures of visualization! Create a home, maybe a mansion on a hill or a shack in the woods. The possibilities are only limited by what you can imagine! I hear some people say, "Well I don't really have that great of an imagination." I say you don't have a connection to 'source' as us meditators like to call it. (Go inside a sensory deprivation tank and tell me you don't have an imagination.) But we don't need one of those!

But you have now created your first mind garden. This visualizing changes the frequency of vibrations going on inside your brain! These gardens are literally growing inside your brain. Feed the ones you like! They become imprinted like water running down a sand hill carving its path. Sometimes we have to smooth our sand hill first before we can make new paths, and we accomplish that by doing the "smoothing the water" technique talked about above. Now whenever you feel stressed, come to this place, explore your world you have created or create a new one. This may not come as easy as it sounds and may be harder for others for we have all subconsciously been creating mind gardens our entire life and most have created them without actually visualizing them as physical manifestations. They key is to practice visualizing. When we are angry and negative, we go to more of a mind furnace than a mind garden. Give your moods a visual worlds. See where your soul actually is when you feel this way. Is this where you want to be?

Create mind gardens(Moods) for any situation! Create ones that build confidence! Create world that grow love! Create ones that increase intuition! Keep your mind gardens maintained. come back to these worlds you've created, clear the shrubbery, sweep away the clouds, smooth the waters, rebuild your homes. By doing this, we create a beautiful place for the subconscious to live. It has a hard enough time dealing with this reality, it shouldn't deserve a copy of it to live in and some of us have created just that. A illusion of this world that we perceive slightly different every time we go back to this illusion mind garden, such as a job, relationship or just an everyday lifestyle. We have created a perspective that our subconscious is living in, only you can change that world. What gardens do you go to when you think of places, people and things?

We have created infinite mind gardens(moods) for all our thoughts since we were born, its part of being human.
What separates us from robots is our advanced ability to create metaphors.
Use this ability to change your thoughts to change your mind garden to change your mood.

There is one thing that I did not mention in this post, which is to keep in mind the next step intention. Intention is what brings things from our mind gardens into real life and is the culprit behind the law of attraction, it just needs you to visualize it first.
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Your diagram could easily translate into these same states of reality.
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I think there could be a further step there sprinkles...something like a meta-universe and what our perception of that would be.
It would be interesting to further expand your diagram (I really like it btw!) I think that there are many possibilities.
Psychic abilities (if you subscribe), out of body consciousness, etc.

I think that's why I was specifically prompted to use the term universe(s) rather than just universe.

Also the model of reality necessarily includes anything you can imagine. Actually anything you do imagine, and anything you speculate as well, so this is also in there.

And on that note I believe the subconscious bridge is what makes abstract things end up physical. The nocebo effect for example - belief makes something actually happen even if the belief isn't correct. Just like you can trick somebody to give you something, you can trick the body into actually reacting. The model of reality also effects what is real to an extent. I think this is partly why I kept it simplified, because it's recursive and actually infinitely complex.
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I think that's why I was specifically prompted to use the term universe(s) rather than just universe.

Also the model of reality necessarily includes anything you can imagine. Actually anything you do imagine, and anything you speculate as well, so this is also in there.


And on that note I believe the subconscious bridge is what makes abstract things end up physical. The nocebo effect for example - belief makes something actually happen even if the belief isn't correct. Just like you can trick somebody to give you something, you can trick the body into actually reacting. The model of reality also effects what is real to an extent. I think this is partly why I kept it simplified, because it's recursive and actually infinitely complex.
Very nice...I can adhere to those thoughts!
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( —Physicists Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin of University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Louisiana State University respectively, have applied the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to a simplified black hole. In so doing, as they describe in their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, they suggest that instead of a singularity existing at its center, there is a portal to another universe.
For many years theoretical physicists have believed that the universe came about as a result of a single Big Bang event—Einstein's theories suggested it was so. The problem with this line of thinking however, is that the theory of general relativity can't describe what came before the singularity, which should exist at the point in time just before the Big Bang. Theory also suggests that a similar singularity should exist at the center of black holes, but again, general relativity fails to describe them properly. Worse, there is the problem of the information loss paradox—if something falls into a black hole and is eventually squeezed to a singularity, what happens to the information it contained? Big Bang physicists can't say.
To address these problems, Abhay Ashtekar and his team at Pennsylvania State University, back in 2006, came up with a theory known as loop quantum gravity. They suggested that instead of a singularity existing just before the Big Bang, there was the remains of a crunched down universe that had existed prior to the one that exists now. The universe didn't just Big Bang itself into existence from nothing, they said, instead there is an infinite loop where a universe shrinks down to a very tiny spot, then explodes in a Big Bang, then shrinks down again, over and over again forever—hence the use of the term "loop" in the theory. Since that time, some in the field have begun to refer to the theory as the Big Bounce, to replace the name Big Bang.
In this new effort Gambini and Pullin applied LQG to a simplified model of a black hole. Their experiment showed that everything that was pulled into the black hole didn't compress to a singularity after all—instead it was compressed to a certain small size, then was spit out in another part of the universe or into another universe entirely.
Because their model worked so well, the two suggest that it would likely work with real black holes as well. If this new theory is correct, they note, it would do away with the information loss paradox and open the door to the possibility of black holes being portals to other universes.

Read more at:
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Interesting talk on the power of the placebo...

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[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] @Shaqie @Jacobi @muir
Breakthrough in Quantum Physics May Do Away with Space-Time, Lead to Ultimate Theory

Via Slashdot, I came by this article describing an apparently major breakthrough in quantum physics at Harvard, Princeton, and Cal Tech, allowing particle calculations that are normally incredibly long and complex to be boiled down to a relatively simple geometric object. What would have been hundreds of pages long is now mind-numbingly simple (from the perspective of a theoretical physicist), and may ultimately be extended to form the basis of a unified physics that elegantly encompasses all known phenomena. The oddest implication of the work is that space and time may both be illusions, and that the universe may actually be an unchanging geometric object. The article is long and involved, but understandable and fully worth reading.

One of the more irritating features of quantum physics has been its mathematical "wordiness" - the need to engage in math that's thousands upon thousands of terms long, and often need supercomputers just to figure out relatively simple particle interactions on a fundamental level. What the new research indicates is that this is doing things the incredibly hard and stupid way, and completely unnecessary. Instead, they've found that a higher-dimensional geometric object they're calling an "amplituhedron" (yeah, descriptiveness trumped aesthetics there) can be articulated whose simple volume calculations that can be done on napkins do the same work as 500 pages of ordinary quantum algebra. Here's a representation of an amplituhedron:

The current work only covers the quantum realm, and does not bridge the generations-old conundrum of gravity, but the researchers involved seem to think it will. If so, it would not only be scientifically Earth-shattering, but also philosophically: It would in essence bring us back to a way of seeing reality with a greater resemblance to the ancient Pythagoreans than to Einstein or Newton - a universe that is basically a crystal existing in however many dimensions, and time and perceived change would merely be illusory properties of its facets.

But leaving aside the headier stuff, the fact that the current work reduces a novel-length of insanely tedious math that tries even the patience and resources of computers down to something like this...

...should radically increase the pace of further progress in physics. Imagine if mathematicians and researchers lacked the concept of multiplication and instead just did everything as additions and subtractions. Instead of 7 x 14, you can only write out and articulate it as 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 + 14. For exponential terms that could get pretty hairy pretty fast. You're not likely to discover a lot if you have to work like that. But if you can express it compactly, suddenly it's much more manageable. In other words, the most mathematically laborious and complex field of theoretical physics has just increased its own efficiency by a factor of a gajillion.
I never got far enough in math or physics to claim I understand the concept specifically, but the notion of a timeless universe expressible in manageable terms through geometric shapes seems intuitive. It's the basis of calculus, just to use one example, and is also deeply attractive to the scientific yearning for elegance. The algebra-rrhea of quantum calculations has always irked that aesthetic sensibility, and now it looks like they have something far more beautiful to work with. Something that may ultimately extend to a related geometric object encompassing gravity. In other words, we may be able to some day see the mathematical shape of reality. Or at least a projection of that higher-dimensional shape on to a two-dimensional surface or 3D object, as in the "amplituhedron" describing quantum particle interactions.
Every once in a while there will be semi-speculative scientific papers that claim one possible avenue or another toward a unified theory, but the fact that this work has immediate and drastic practical implications for quantum physics - not to mention the level of uncharacteristic enthusiasm on the part of the experts discussing it - suggests this is something unusual and worth watching.

Here is the link for the slightly more in depth (but not much so) article:

I find it very interesting that the shape is extremely similar to the flower of life...and the relation to many sacred geometric designs is fascinating!
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The comparisons are very fascinating when you take this----

and compare it to this----

or even this----
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Have you heard of Indra's net?

Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each "eye" of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering "like" stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.

Have you heard of Indra's net?


I think that this discovery has the potential to connect so many seemingly disconnected ideas of physics, metaphysics (sorry I know you hate that, and religious thoughts and beliefs.
I guess we shall see...
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I think that this discovery has the potential to connect so many seemingly disconnected ideas of physics, metaphysics (sorry I know you hate that, and religious thoughts and beliefs.
I guess we shall see...

Yes. I think this is similar to how a human can solve a puzzle cube that has more combination than the number of particles in the known universe, or how the game of Go is so complex that the best computers can't beat even intermediate players, unlike chess where the best computers have a good chance of even beating the world best players.
Yes. I think this is similar to how a human can solve a puzzle cube that has more combination than the number of particles in the known universe, or how the game of Go is so complex that the best computers can't beat even intermediate players, unlike chess where the best computers have a good chance of even beating the world best players.
Well, just the idea that something so complex can be simplified to something so dynamic and elegant amazes me...that and the similarities to geometries that have been in existence for thousands of years is so exciting!
This also holds even greater ideas to the theory that we live in a holographic universe...that we could be a reflective facet of this amplituhedron brings so many more possibilities into the light.
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Well, just the idea that something so complex can be simplified to something so dynamic and elegant amazes me...that and the similarities to geometries that have been in existence for thousands of years is so exciting!
This also holds even greater ideas to the theory that we live in a holographic universe...that we could be a reflective facet of this amplituhedron brings so many more possibilities into the light.

Well the idea itself is very old which is what led to some of those ancient geometries.

Edit: in other words when they said all is one, they really saw it - it's not an abstract metaphor.
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Fascinating stuff. I imagine continuing research into this will have huge implications, from quantum computing the very way we perceive reality.

Humans are drawn to patterns, we create and decipher them. Society and religions are created around a set of distinct patterns. It makes me wonder if this is a simple correlation or if the purpose of our evolution was to understand geometric constructs such as the amplituhedron.
Fascinating stuff. I imagine continuing research into this will have huge implications, from quantum computing the very way we perceive reality.

Humans are drawn to patterns, we create and decipher them. Society and religions are created around a set of distinct patterns. It makes me wonder if this is a simple correlation or if the purpose of our evolution was to understand geometric constructs such as the amplituhedron.
Apophenia is when a person finds patterns or connections in meaningless or random data....but it has come to represent the human condition in general and our tendency to seek out patterns in random you could say that seeking out patterns in just about everything is hardwired into our much so that we see them when they aren’t there sometimes. Why would that be? That would certainly give merit to the idea that it could be part of our evolutionary process. It seems odd to me that just recently.....this when they came up with this idea of putting the math into a shape. I don’t mean as in it’s some sort of conspiracy....but it seems like such a simple and elegant idea....sometimes I wonder if certain things in nature and the universe are not being purposefully hidden from the observer effect...we still don’t really know WHY the observer makes it different...we have ideas as to why, but no answers...and yet it does make a difference. Perhaps our evolution must reach certain criteria or a certain level before the pieces of the grand design will be illuminated bit by bit.
And yet...the geometric shape they have ‘discovered’ is so incredibly similar to so many ‘sacred’ geometric perhaps the piece was illuminated to us a long time ago, we just haven’t had the proper math and physics to get it right...until now. Which is what I find exciting! As in the article, where he states that equations that would have to be done on a supercomputer are so simplified now that they can now be done on a napkin at lunch is nothing short of mind-blowing.
I truly, truly hope that they take what they have found and run with it....I hope it wasn’t just a flash in the pan and then people grow tired of it....I sincerely hope that this will lead us to some incredible discoveries that change everyone’s ideas of reality and bring us one step closer to understanding things like - alternate dimensions, time-travel, black holes, worm holes, the big bang, space/time. There are probably so many more that could be listed.
Anyhow...I can’t wait to see what happens!
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A group of Japanese scientists from the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Mio Watanabe, conducted a series of experiments by which they managed to visually capture the aura of a person, thus proving its existence! With the assistance of highly sensitive cameras the scientists were able to photograph a person’s special glow. Notably, the glow appears brightest in the morning and seems to “fade” in the evening. It is most visible around the face, mouth, cheeks and neck. Experts believe that this technique could become a new tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. A faint glow around certain body parts may indicate the presence of a disease or disorder.
It is astounding that the existence of an aura remains in doubt if techniques for photographing it have existed for decades? The pioneers in this field, in fact, are the Kirlians, to this day any halos around photographed objects are referred to as the “Kirlian effect”. In their time the couple patented many inventions to photographthe glow and captured many images of it. Over time, they noticed that the images varied from person to person.
From the intensity of the glow, the Kirlians learned to determine the total activity of the body, the efficiency of different drugs and treatments, as well as the state of organs and systems. Today the GDV method is fairly well developed and can be used to conduct a general analysis of the whole body. The pictures are qualitatively and objectively interpreted reducing the risk of medical errors. The effectiveness of different treatments can be detected individually.
GDV is based on light emissions which appear in high voltage electromagnetic fields. If it were to become widely used in traditional diagnosis then, with its help, doctors could not only easily carry out common diagnosis at a given moment but also identify diseases which may occur in the future. This could greatly improve the quality of preventive care.
Needless to say, that in the traditional ancient oriental medicine the concept of the aura is well understood and commonly accepted. Eastern practices, both medical and spiritual, are initially directed at correcting the aura i.e. the spiritual body rather than the physical. Recovery on a physical level, therefore, is only a consequence of balancing the aura. These ancient texts also offer a very detailed analysis of the spiritual body — the energy centers, meridians, channels, etc.
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