A very interesting article!!


In the proposed experimental set-up, the quantum Cheshire Cat paradox is demonstrated when photons travel through the left arm of the interferometer while photon polarizations travel through the right arm. Some measurements disturb the photons and cause them to travel through the right arm with their polarizations, making the paradox seem to disappear. However, weak measurements that do not cause this disturbance bring the paradox back to life. Credit: Aharonov, et al. ©2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
(Phys.org) –Given all the weird things that can occur in quantum mechanics–from entanglement to superposition to teleportation–not much seems surprising in the quantum world. Nevertheless, a new finding that an object's physical properties can be disembodied from the object itself is not something we're used to seeing on an everyday basis. In a new paper, physicists have theoretically shown that this phenomenon, which they call a quantum Cheshire Cat, is an inherent feature of quantum mechanics and could prove useful for performing precise quantum measurements by removing unwanted properties.

The physicists, Yakir Aharonov at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Chapman University in Orange, California, US, and his coauthors have published a paper on quantum Cheshire Cats in a recent issue of the New Journal of Physics.
The physicists begin their paper with an excerpt from Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland:
'All right', said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end
of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had

'Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin', thought Alice, 'but a grin without a cat!
It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!'

Just as the grin is a property of a cat, polarization is a property of a photon. In their paper, the physicists explain how, "in the curious way of quantum mechanics, photon polarization may exist where there is no photon at all."
Disturbing measurements
In their proposed experimental set-up, the physicists show that a photon will travel through the left arm of an interferometer with 100% certainty, yet its polarization can be detected in the right arm, where there is 0% probability of the photon traveling. That is, the photon is in one place while its polarization is in another.
However, there is a caveat with this experiment: it does not measure the location of the photon and its polarization simultaneously, but instead measures the location of some photons and the polarization of others at different times. This raises the question of whether it is possible that the polarization measurement disturbs the photons, causing them to change course and travel through the right arm.
To address this issue, the researchers proposed two additional variations of this experiment.
In the first variation, the physicists theoretically showed that simultaneously measuring the photon's location and polarization does, in fact, cause the photon to change course and travel through the right arm. That is, the act of measurement changes the outcome, and the paradox seems to disappear. This explanation of measurement-induced disturbance is actually the standard resolution of many paradoxes in quantum mechanics.
Reviving the paradox

Here, however, the physicists take things a step further and show that there really is a quantum Cheshire Cat by proposing another experiment that limits the measurement-induced disturbance. In this proposed experiment, the physicists take advantage of the tradeoff between disturbance and precision by performing a so-called "weak" measurement–one that is not very precise, but causes very little disturbance.
In this proposed set-up, the detectors used in the previous two experiments are replaced by a CCD camera and an optical element, both of which cause very little disturbance. Now, when the photon's location and polarization are measured simultaneously, the results are identical to those of the original experiment: the photon is in the left arm while the polarization is in the right arm.
This finding means that separating a property from its object truly is a feature of quantum mechanics, and not only for photons. The physicists predict that the effect also holds for an electron and its charge or spin, as well as for an atom and its internal energy. Yet while the proposed optical experiment can be implemented with current technology (and the researchers hope it soon will be), realizing the electron version is beyond the reach of current technology.
Wider implications
As the physicists explain, weak measurements can be used to revive other quantum paradoxes besides this one.
"We have many examples in which weak measurements 'bring back' paradoxes; it is in fact a general strategy and it can be applied to all paradoxes that were dismissed until now as simple illusions that would disappear when actual measurements are performed," coauthor Sandu Popescu at the University of Bristol told Phys.org.
The physicists have explained this topic in greater detail in a recent paper on Hardy's paradox. They also have applied the same strategy to what is probably the most famous quantum paradox, dating from the early days of quantum mechanics, which is the idea of negative kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is, by definition, a positive quantity, but appears to be negative for particles that have tunneled into a barrier.
"The tunneling example has in fact been used over and over again, in almost all classic quantum mechanics textbooks, to explain how quantum mechanics works, how the paradoxes are nothing more than illusions stemming from the wrong desire to apply classical thinking, and that a 'correct' understanding of quantum mechanics, namely the fact that measurements produce disturbance completely removes the paradox," Popescu said. "What we showed is that this standard way to dismiss paradoxes generates a wrong intuition and misses all that is truly interesting in quantum mechanics, and that the paradoxes are brought back to life if one knows how to look at the problem."
As for the current paradox, the existence of quantum Cheshire Cats opens up many intriguing questions. For example, how will an electron with disembodied charge and mass affect nearby electrons? In an atom with disembodied internal energy, what will the gravitational field look like? Can photons with disembodied polarization impart their polarization to one object and their radiation pressure to another object? The physicists hope that future work will address these questions.
Quantum Cheshire Cats could also have applications for performing precision measurements. For instance, in an experiment in which a particle's charge causes unwanted disturbances, perhaps the charge could be removed by confining it to separate region.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-11-physicists-quantum-cheshire-cats-paradoxes.html#jCp
Today’s article is a bit longer than usual...but I decided to include it all instead of just linking to it...enjoy!


Formative Causation and Morphic Fields

The hypothesis of formative causation sees the inheritance of not just genetics, but physical form and mental and behavioural patterns in terms of the inheritance of organizing fields possessing a form of in-built “memory.” Thus a living human inherits not just genetic elements from its parents, but also habits of development and behaviour from past members of their own species, as well as the ancestral species from which theirs has arisen. These organizing fields biologist Rupert Sheldrake refers to as morphic fields—a more general and inclusive term than the more specialized “morphogenetic field” (relating more specifically to fields modulating genetic expression).

The process by which what we view as the “past” influences the present via morphic fields is referred to as morphic resonance. This process involves the transmission of formative causal influences in a spatially and temporally nonlocal fashion, such that morphic fields possess a cumulative “memory.” In other words, morphic fields can influence themselves and each other over any spatial distance or any “length of time,” suggesting that the past does not merely recede into our memories, but remains present in some causal capacity, where it can influence present activity. This suggests a three-dimensional (holographic) view of time, rather than a one-dimensional “flow” or “arrow” of time in which the past fades into nothingness and the future likewise has no real existence. Instead, there is only the eternal now in which all moments are nested.

A Link to the Etheric

While Sheldrake’s model undermines the very foundations of the mechano-materialist worldview from which all traces of teleology have been banished, it is certainly not without support. In fact, the mechano-materialist view of the universe as a closed system has been thoroughly discredited. In short, observable facts demand a worldview similar to that postulated by Sheldrake.

Retired theoretical physicist and self-styled “quantum activist” Dr. Amit Goswami has also observed that “living organisms display ‘program-like’ behaviour giving away their secret—that they have another body that consists of the feels behind the programs that living organisms are capable of running.” This other “body” Goswami believes is the “vital” or etheric body written about for centuries by seers and occultists.

Russian author, scientist, and developer of the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) diagnostic technique Dr. Konstantin Korotkov agrees, stating that the existence of this hidden “program” makes an organism on the verge of embryogenesis “run through” all previous stages of development of the species to which the organism belongs. For instance, we all pass through a stage of embryonic development in the womb in which we have gill slits.

Sheldrake has carefully articulated the need to postulate invisible programs guiding morphogenesis/form-making based partly on the fact that our genes do not have the instructions for morphogenesis built into them. The Human Genome Project found our genome to consist of a mere 23,688 genes: almost 100,000 short of the expected number. In sum, DNA does not contain the assembly plan for arranging proteins into an ordered physical form. It does not contain all the information required to build an organism, let alone maintain it! Thus, DNA primacy is revealed as another materialist illusion. Something else, some kind of purposive formative influence must be present—a field of influence that just may be observable given the correct apparatus—an “etheric body” perhaps. The etheric body constitutes one particular kind of morphic field occupying its own particular frequency domain close to the physical realm (it is actually a part of the physical dimension, according to occultists and seers).

According to independent researcher and writer Tom Montalk, processes that seem mechanical and predictable on the large scale have their origins in quantum jumps that are neither predictable by physical science nor controllable by purely physical means. The etheric body is the “extra factor…that biases these quantum jumps at the small scale to offset the forces of entropy at the large scale.” Thus, the etheric body is “an energy template that biases the probability of acausal biological events to produce ordered and intelligent life.” This formative field is made of what the Hindus have known for millennia as prana (Sanskrit), and what the Chinese call Chi/Qi. In much occult literature, particularly that of theosophy, the etheric body is referred to as the etheric double, a duplicate of the physical body in every way, though existing in a higher frequency domain invisible to normal human vision.

Like Sheldrake’s morphic fields, the etheric body operates probabilistically rather than deterministically and mechanically. If the etheric realm can be thought of as an inverted/reciprocal or “mirror” counterpart of ours, where time in fact “runs backwards” in some sense, then it would act as another influence biasing probability by “pulling” on the physical from what we think of as the future. Likewise, Sheldrake grants the possibility of this “backwards through time” dynamic for morphic fields, even though they simultaneously become increasingly “conditioned” by the “past” with each moment, becoming temporally self-similar (nonlocally through time). Paradoxically, morphic fields behave as if goal-directed, seemingly being pulled on from the “future” to achieve a specific end, simultaneously being influenced by the accumulated “momentum” of their own species’ history, along with their own individual history.

The habitual operations of morphic fields for physical organisms have an etheric basis because repeated behaviours set up a type of momentum in the etheric plane/density that biases probability towards continuation of that behaviour. In Sheldrake’s model, “[m]orphic fields are shaped and stabilized by morphic resonance from previous similar morphic units, which were under the influence of fields of the same kind. They consequently contain a kind of cumulative memory and tend to become increasingly habitual.”

Through the Eyes of a Seer

As noted, the notion that etheric fields lie behind the morphogenesis of physical organisms is gaining popularity and scientific plausibility, not least of all because of the modern technology that allows us to photograph electromagnetic effects created by these fields. Author and researcher Jay Alfred has written of the role played by the etheric body or “bioplasma” field in this context:

There is mutual affinity between the bioplasma and physical-biomolecular bodies…[T]he bioplasma fetus wraps around the physical-biomolecular embryo while undergoing an accelerated morphogenesis (relative to the physical-biomolecular embryo). The physical-biomolecular body therefore is cued by the [etheric] bioplasma body which acts [as] an electronic matrix and a time-resolved hologram that guides its development. (emphasis added)

To Alfred, biological evolution could not have occurred on Earth without the aid of subtle bioplasma bodies interacting with biochemical fields via weak electromagnetic (EM) fields. It is their interaction with (and/or creation of) EM fields that allows us to partially photograph “subtle bioplasma bodies” with specially designed equipment, as detailed in TGI 1.

Having identified the importance of the plasma-like etheric morphic field in morphogenesis, we have solved only a part of the mystery. Obviously this scenario begs the question of the origins of etheric fields—and this is where we are forced to dive deep into the proverbial rabbit hole in search of answers. Occultists and seers have brought a great deal of insight to us over the years regarding the multidimensional nature of man and his universe—insight that has been overwhelmingly shunned by a somnambulant scientific community addicted to a thoroughly reductionist epistemology, and an ontology vigorously opposed to seeing a conscious and living universe for what it is.

The work of Barbara Brennan, a former atmospheric physicist who now writes, speaks, and works as a clairvoyant healer (and is the founder of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing), is of particular relevance to the concept of morphic fields, and takes the theoretical work done by scientists like Sheldrake deep into realms obscure to almost all other scientists (who lack the necessary psi faculties to access them). Based on her direct clairvoyant observations, Brennan offers a map of the human being that includes (in ascending order) a physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, etheric template body, astral body, celestial body, and causal body (plus two more beyond this that we need not concern ourselves with here).

Notice the presence of an “etheric template body” which is “higher” in the scheme of things than the etheric double which we have spoken of thus far. This “body” is a higher-dimensional template for the lower-dimensional etheric body which, in truth, appears to be part of our space-time reference frame, and is generally considered to be “physical” in nature, though of a subtler, harder to perceive physicality than ordinary matter. What is the nature of this etheric template body then?

Brennan states that this is the blueprint of the perfect form for the better known etheric field to take. She compares its appearance to the negative of a photograph; this toroidal field consists of a matrix of clear or transparent lines (in the 3D form of a human body) on a cobalt-blue background of “solid space,” similar to an architect’s blueprint. Brennan describes the process that creates this form as being the result of an infinite number of planes coming from all directions and filling in all space except for a spherical area which is left empty. This empty sphere is a “negative space” in which the etheric field/double can exist and which then forms the grid structure that guides physical morphogenesis.

This scenario of (morphic) fields nested within fields is exactly what Sheldrake’s theory of formative causation predicts, and is exactly what we would expect to see if manifest reality emerged from an underlying field of potential that is in some way “holographic” (with information distributed throughout it in a nonlocal fashion). Every single “body” listed by Brennan (and other clairvoyants) is a particular kind of morphic field which facilitates and influences particular aspects of human expression (physical, emotional, mental, etc.).

Austrian philosopher, architect and esotericist, Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925)—a man gifted with his own considerable powers of clairvoyance—explained in his book An Outline of Occult Science (1909) that to “supersensible” (psychic) perception, the presence of, for example, a stone in the “spirit world,” would be indicated by a kind of cavity, an apparent absence of form or “negative space,” much as described by Brennan: “Around this cavity, however, the force is visible that gives form to the stone.” It appears that Steiner may also have been tuning in to what Brennan refers to as the etheric template level, a reciprocal reality that is a kind of inversion of our own. Objects Steiner viewed here appeared as the antithesis of the form they possessed in the physical world —not unlike the negative of a photograph as compared to the developed image (the analogy Brennan employs).

Sounds Like Time-Space

The “inverted” plane of reality occupied by the etheric template body, as described by Brennan and Steiner, sounds like what systems theorist Dewey Larson called time-space (as opposed to space-time). In his Reciprocal System theory, which he began enunciating in 1959, our three-dimensional space-time is accompanied by a three-dimensional time-space realm (an “implicate order”), giving a six-dimensional reality system in which there is a flow of movement, force and energy between each realm.

Here, time-space can be seen as more fundamental than our space-time, and as actually “giving birth” to it. In this reciprocal time-space realm any movement translates not as movement through space, but movement in a temporal frame (i.e., through time). Theoretically, if you can access this inverted realm you could simply use your consciousness to “time-travel,” viewing past and future with ease (for more on these phenomena and concepts please consult TGI 1).

It is apt that Steiner referred to the other-dimensional “cavity” around objects as existing in the “spirit world,” because Brennan’s clairvoyant investigations have revealed to her that, beyond the plane of the mental body, analysis of the upper four auric layers and their respective planes/dimensions also reveals the presence of beings without physical bodies, i.e., “spirits.” She states that these higher realms are experienced during sleep, but not remembered upon awakening.

Author and co-creator of the Regenetics Method (RM) of DNA activation Sol Luckman states exactly the same thing in POTENTIATE YOUR DNA, explaining that time-space realms are where we operate in our sleep, and I demonstrate this in unprecedented detail in TGI 2 (yet to be released).

Luckman views Larson’s model in the light of torsion physics, and adapts it to account for forms of sound-based healing such as his own technique (RM) which uses a combination of chanted (and mentally intoned) vowel sounds as well as solfeggio frequencies to stimulate mobile DNA elements into initiating healing processes in the physical body. The reason for tying Luckman’s sound-based healing method and accompanying theoretical model into this discussion is this: Brennan explicitly states in her book Hands of Light that the etheric template plane of reality—in which reside all etheric template bodies (morphic fields) for all forms in our universe—is the realm in which sound creates matter. She states that it is working at this level that using sound in healing is most effective (though in this realm, “sound” is not the same as we experience it here in space-time). Disruptions in the lower auric field must be corrected in the etheric template body in what we are referring to as time-space, in order for the physical body in space-time to resume normal functioning.

Similarly to Brennan, Luckman—who also refers to time-space as the sound domain—writes that a “tried and true way to pursue genuine [healing and transformation] is to work with sound because sound is capable of accessing and changing the sound domain,” the realm in which the morphic/“torsion field” known as the etheric template body resides. In Luckman’s modified Larsonian model, time-space/sound domain is where “sonic torsion fields” weave the templates for our bioenergetic tapestry. Brennan’s visual renderings of the etheric template body existing in its own sound domain reveal a fundamentally toroidal morphology; it is a rotating and self-perpetuating standing wave in other words, essentially a vortex.

The biological mechanism through which Luckman discovered that sound could apparently initiate transformational activity at what we are identifying as the etheric template level in time-space/sound domain is our very DNA (though we might note that ordinary sound in space-time can likely directly harmonically affect the auric layers). Specific vowel sequences plus sound frequencies from the solfeggio scale can literally initialise a transformational action at the most fundamental microbiological level. It seems that DNA is an “interdimensional doorway” which can modulate sound here in our space-time into its time-space “sonic” equivalent to modify the etheric template body along with the etheric double and physical body in our space-time. (Brennan also reveals that she has clairvoyantly observed that specific diatonic tones have a direct and immediate impact on the chakras, and can quickly correct dysfunction in them.)

Please note that since the etheric template body is itself derivative of and contained within the “higher” causal body template (which retains past-life thematic information, including, for instance, energetic remnants of major wounds previously acquired in other lives), to permanently heal specific maladies stemming from injury in a past life most likely requires accessing the causal body. The fourth and final stage in the Regenetics Method—Transcension—appears to affect this level of our being (Luckman refers to it as the “spiritual subtle body,” as do some clairvoyants).

Tripartite Truth

Sheldrake, as a biologist in search of ultimate causal beginnings, turned to the eminent physicist David Bohm’s concepts of the implicate order, explicate order, and the fundamental ground “behind” them both—a sort of dynamic hologram from which they both emerge, which he termed the “holomovement.”

The implicate order may be equivalent to Larson’s time-space from which the explicate order (our space-time) unfolds or emerges as it self-organizes into being. It is characterized by a “nonlocal flavour,” an unbroken wholeness. The concept of spatial orientation or distance here is more or less meaningless, since Larson’s thesis has it that you now exist in a temporal reference frame, not dissimilarly to Bohm’s model. Occultists tell us that here you can travel anywhere instantly simply by using intention, which is exactly what thousands of near-death experiencers without backgrounds in esotericism also tell us.

The “holomovement,” the unitive ground underlying both of these reciprocal realities, is known by Yogis and other mystics as Brahman, the Absolute, “God,” and so on. In this model, any event or entity from our relative world of form in space-time (explicate order) is “an abstraction from an unknown and undefinable totality of flowing movement”—the universal flux which Bohm dubs the “holomovement.” This fundamental ground is primary, self-existent, eternal, infinite, beginningless, and changeless (at least insofar as we think of change), and it “carries” within it both relative realities of time-space (implicate order) and manifest space-time (explicate order). It is possible to experience this infinite “holographic” consciousness, and my own major non-dualistic mystical experiences seem to match reasonably well with Bohm’s concept of the holomovement (they certainly don’t match the time-space idea, wherein sense reception and therefore subject-object awareness—duality—can still exist, albeit in modified form).

Thus, we now have a trinitarian holistic view of ourselves and reality at large. Luckman provides a useful schema for visualising this thesis (Figure 1). In the top tier we have primary non-dualistic consciousness/the Absolute/Brahman/God/the Infinite; in the second tier is Larson’s time-space or Bohm’s implicate order, where spin-spin dynamics operate in the “sound domain” (or “sonic torsion domain”) to then create known EM light and matter in the explicate order/light domain of our space-time (third tier). The interface between these two domains, as Luckman’s diagram suggests, is our very own DNA, which is responsive to sound, light, and heart-based intention (as well as other emotions).

The time-space “quantum wave domain” is the more fundamental reality (it “codes” for the particle reality). This is why physicists say that before observation a quantum can be in two (or many) places at once—its informational “quantum wave/wave function” in time-space is smeared out across multiple possibilities in time rather than being sharply focalized in one place/spatial location like its particulate counterpart is when we try to observe/measure it in space-time. (This is somewhat misleadingly referred to as “wave collapse.”)

For simplicity, it can be useful to group etheric, emotional/astral, etheric template (and so forth) levels all under the time-space banner. Even though technically the etheric double is part of our space-time reference frame, it creates time-reversed effects in physical systems, acting as a negentropic/syntropic force, organizing information and energy to do intelligent work in morphogenesis and form maintenance for living systems.

Our DNA provides a two-way street between space-time and time-space, allowing alterations made in one domain to affect operations in the other. It is the bio-mechanism or antenna through which our “morphic fields” interface with our physical bodies. Thus, DNA provides a biological mechanism for “engineering” time-space/aether/vacuum/zero point field (as demonstrated by the “DNA Phantom effect” discovered in 1984 by Dr. Peter Gariaev in Russia). It is only logical then to expect the various forms of mind-matter interactions which have been documented in parapsychology and psychical research thousands of times over (again, tangents we lack space for here, but which are heavily documented in TGI 1), since both mind and matter emerge from a common ground of holographic nonlocal consciousness and are both expressed by non-linear scalar forces at fundamental levels.
It is probable that the aliens are already “looking at us in the face” in a form that is beyond human perception, supports Queen Elizabeth’s astronomer. Lord Martin Rees, astronomer of the royal family and president of Britain’s Royal Society, said it is very likely that we have not yet seen aliens in space or on Earth simply because the intelligent extraterrestrial life is beyond our understanding.
In accordance with the British “Telegraph”, he made these statements after the first international conference on the possible existence of extraterrestrial life with the title of “The detection of extraterrestrial life and the consequences for science and society“, organized by the scientific academy of the country.
Perhaps they are watching us and we just do not recognize it. The problem is that we are searching for something looking a lot like us, thinking that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms at least have similar math and technology,” said the scientist.
I suspect that there may be life and intelligence in forms we cannot even imagine. Just like a chimpanzee is not able to understand quantum physics, there may exist aspects of reality that are beyond the perception abilities of our brains,” he added.
However, the American scientist Frank Drake, a leading “alien hunter” in the world and co-founder of the program SETI, aimed at search for extraterrestrial signals, argued that the “digital revolution” of recent decades makes humanity invisible to aliens, as well as dramatically reducing the emission of radio signals from Earth to space.
Today the Earth at the distance of 50 light years is surrounded by a “shell”, which comes fromemissions of older analogue televisions, radios and radars. But despite the signals have spread enough to have reached many nearby star systems, they disappear quickly, because the newer digital technology leaves almost imperceptible earthy “traces” in space.
Drake believes that digital modern TV signals would look more like “noise” to any alien observers.
It is probable that the aliens are already “looking at us in the face” in a form that is beyond human perception, supports Queen Elizabeth’s astronomer. Lord Martin Rees, astronomer of the royal family and president of Britain’s Royal Society, said it is very likely that we have not yet seen aliens in space or on Earth simply because the intelligent extraterrestrial life is beyond our understanding.
In accordance with the British “Telegraph”, he made these statements after the first international conference on the possible existence of extraterrestrial life with the title of “The detection of extraterrestrial life and the consequences for science and society“, organized by the scientific academy of the country.
Perhaps they are watching us and we just do not recognize it. The problem is that we are searching for something looking a lot like us, thinking that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms at least have similar math and technology,” said the scientist.
I suspect that there may be life and intelligence in forms we cannot even imagine. Just like a chimpanzee is not able to understand quantum physics, there may exist aspects of reality that are beyond the perception abilities of our brains,” he added.
However, the American scientist Frank Drake, a leading “alien hunter” in the world and co-founder of the program SETI, aimed at search for extraterrestrial signals, argued that the “digital revolution” of recent decades makes humanity invisible to aliens, as well as dramatically reducing the emission of radio signals from Earth to space.
Today the Earth at the distance of 50 light years is surrounded by a “shell”, which comes fromemissions of older analogue televisions, radios and radars. But despite the signals have spread enough to have reached many nearby star systems, they disappear quickly, because the newer digital technology leaves almost imperceptible earthy “traces” in space.
Drake believes that digital modern TV signals would look more like “noise” to any alien observers.

My first thought when i read this was of the astronomer of queen elizabeth 1st John Dee who communicated with 'angels' through an obsidian mirror with the help of a medium named Edward kelley

Are the 'extraterrestrials' really interdimensional entities also known as 'angels' and 'demons' in religion or asuras and devas in ancient hindu texts and as archons by the gnostics and so on?

The mexican government is releasing artifacts which some say depict alien visitation but they look like mushrooms to me and the entities depicted (classic grey shapes) are the entities that a person can commune with when on mushrooms; there were mushroom cults in the past and mexico certainly has some good ones!

I think if people want to communicate with 'aliens' they should put down their telescopes and instead pick up natures telescope: the magic mushroom. This is i think what the queens astronomer is saying...that we have been communicating with other intelligences for centuries but not the way hollywood depicts. i will keep an open mind regarding physical aliens as well however!

You don't need mooshrooms, you just need something to trip your mind. Premade substances are just easy access - you can create your own in your own brain.


Let me show my rocket dive

Are We Living in a Hologram?

OCT 27, 2010 04:59 PM ET // BY IAN O'NEILL


Do you ever get those days when you question reality? One scientist has gone a step further; he is currently building an experiment that will hopefully answer whether or not we all exist as a result of a universal hologram.
Confused? You’re not alone. The holographic universe hypothesis is steeped in complex mathematics and descriptions that belong in hard science fiction novels.
As discussed by my Discovery News colleague Jennifer Ouellette in March, Fermilab particle physicist Craig Hogan renewed interest in the holographic universe concept after investigating the noise measured by a gravitational wave detector called GEO600 in Germany.
Before we can understand what this “noise” is (let alone why the Universe could be a hologram), we need to understand how gravitational wave detectors work.
Where are the Space-Time Ripples?

Gravitational waves are a consequence of Einstein’s general relativity equations. Einstein’s famous realization that space-time warps around massive objects (such as planets and stars) led to the prediction that any massive object moving through space should generate waves in space-time, carrying energy away from the object — analogous to a boat generating waves in its wake as it cruises along a river.
As these waves are very difficult to detect, only the most massive objects undergoing violent events would generate gravitational waves we can “feel” on Earth. To “feel” these waves, gravitational wave detectors have been built, hoping to detect the waves generated by black hole collisions or supernovae.
To do this, gravitational wave detectors use a sophisticated arrangement of lasers and interferometers. Firing a laser beam down a 600 meter “tube,” GEO600 scientists split the beam and send it in different directions. The two components of the split beam are then recombined in a very sensitive interferometer. Should one of those beams have shifted phase — due to the passage of a gravitational wave through the volume of space we live in — the interferometer will detect it and flag a gravitational wave signal.
Shifting Phase

But how can a gravitational wave change the phase of a laser beam? It is theorized that as a ripple through space-time propagates, it can slightly change the distance between two points in space. Due to the very precise nature of the GEO600 experiment, it can detect a fluctuation of an atomic radius over a distance from the Earth to the sun. So, if a gravitational wave should pass through local space, the distance that the laser has to travel is ever-so-slightly changed (as one of the beams will have to travel a little further than the other), thus shifting the laser’s phase.
Although the hunt has been intense, little evidence for these elusive waves has presented itself, even though GEO600 can detect such a tiny shift in space-time distances.
But, for the German gravitational wave detector, it did find something odd in its results. No gravitational wave signals, just static.
“Noisy” Results

Calling on the help of Hogan, the GEO600 experiment found a possible answer to this inexplicable noise. Could one of the most sensitive gravitational wave detectors in the world — designed to measure very big “ripples” in space-time (pictured right) — have accidentally probed the smallest scales possible? This noise, Hogan reckons, is the “fuzziness” of the fabric of space-time itself.
In Einstein’s view of space-time, it is smooth and continuous. However, it is generally thought that even space-time is built from tiny pixels measuring the smallest possible scale allowed by physics: 10[SUP]-35[/SUP] meters, known as the Planck Length. That’s one ten-trillionth of a trillionth the diameter of a hydrogen atom.
But GEO600 — or any other experiment for that matter — cannot hope to probe to scales this small. This is where things get weird.
Holographic Universe?

The GEO600 experiment can probe down to scales of around 10[SUP]-16[/SUP] meters, but if the noise it is detecting is due to the pixelated nature of space-time, what’s going on? GEO600 is probing scales 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 times larger than the Planck Length, so the quantum “fuzziness” is operating at scales much larger than one would have thought (if space-time has quanta, quantum fluctuations should occur more toward Planck scales).
Now we enter the realm of bizarre physics, where our view of the Universe could change forever.
In the early 1990′s, University of Florida physicist Charles Thorn conceived the holographic universe hypothesis. In Thorn’s view of the Universe, the 3-dimensional world we know and love is actually a hologram projected from the furthest-most reaches of the cosmos. The easiest way to imagine it is that we are contained within the Universe’s event horizon and any 3D object we conceive (as 3D objects ourselves) are projected from the event horizon’s 2-dimensional “shell.” We are basically a projection.
The idea that information is encoded in an event horizon comes from the “black hole paradox,” a fascinating debate between heavyweight physicists Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking and John Preskill:
Information encoded in an event horizon “is born from other well known interpretations of the cosmos, in particularly the black hole paradox. As something falls into a black hole, passing the event horizon, the quantum information held in the event horizon can be encoded to reveal information about the interior. Therefore, the information inside the black hole’s event horizon is not destroyed (for details on this, see the Thorne-Hawking-Preskill bet). If the information about the interior of a black hole is encoded in its event horizon, scientists have come forward to point out that perhaps the information inside our Universe is encoded in the Universe’s horizon.” — Astroengine, Jan. 20, 2009
It is worth pointing out that there is no physical evidence to suggest this is correct — and it’s a view that has proven to be rather controversial — it is purely a hypothesis that has bubbled up from complex mathematics handed down from black hole theory.
However, motivated by the odd noise being generated by GEO600 and Thorn’s holographic universe idea, Craig Hogan is currently building a souped-up gravitational wave detector with a difference: it’s not looking for gravitational waves.
If the Universe is a holographic projection from the universal event horizon, it is predicted that the projection will be fuzzy. Although all the information to create the Universe is “encoded” in Planck-scale “bits” in the universal event horizon, by the time it’s projected over billions of light years to our location, these “bits” will have become enlarged — like the light being emitted from a projector onto a wall.
The smaller scales you probe, the more fuzzy the projection becomes. It’s a bit like zooming in on a photograph or magazine text; it becomes less defined and more pixelated the closer you zoom in.
It is this fuzziness that Hogan believes GEO600 is currently seeing as noise, possibly giving Thorn’s hypothesis from the early 90′s some of its first observational evidence.
So, at Fermilab, Hogan’s team has devised a holographic interferometer (or “Holometer,” pictured above) that is currently being built to probe even smaller scales than GEO600:
“The holometer attempts a direct experimental test of one form of [the holographic universe] hypothesis. In a Michelson interferometer, a light beam is split into two parts that travel in different directions, then are brought back together. The vibrations of light in the two directions tend to drift apart by about Planck length per Planck time when they are traveling in different directions. When they are recombined, the difference in light phase can be measured. In the holometer, signals from two different interferometers — that is, two completely separate systems, each with its own pair of beam arms — are compared. If they are close enough to probe the same volume of spacetime — that is, if light in both systems is traveling in about the same direction, at about the same time — their signals should display the same, correlated jitter, sometimes called ‘holographic noise.’” — The Fermilab Holometer website.
What will the Holometer find? Hogan is hoping to see more static, or “jitter.”
But what does this mean?
It is doubtful that the human brain could ever fully imagine how a universe is actually a 3-dimensional representation of a 2-dimensional universal event horizon, and it doesn’t physically change how we experience our world. Even if this space-time noise is found to persist at smaller and smaller scales, it’s not necessarily evidence that the holographic concept is real. Perhaps it’s a phenomenon that mathematics or the most advanced physics theory cannot explain (yet).
But it’s one hell of a mind-bending idea that will no doubt boost our understanding about how our Universe works on the tiniest of scales.
[h=1]Scanner Reads Letters From Brains
[/h]AUG 20, 2013 02:13 PM ET // BY JESSE EMSPAK

Scientists have given a new meaning to the term “reading” one’s mind: they’ve developed technology that converts brain activity into an image.
Tasty Tech Eye Candy of the Week
At the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University in The Netherlands, a research team used a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine, or fMRI, to see what areas of the brain were active when a person looked at a letter. The pattern of activity was then “translated” into an image of the letter itself.
An fMRI detects areas in the brain that have more blood flowing into them. That’s what lets neuroscientists say that a given area is responding to some activity or stimulus.
The experiment involved scanning the occipital lobe, a region at the back of the brain where visual information gets processed, of people who had been told to look at letters (B, R, A, I, N and S). From the scan, the fMRI created a speckled image. Next, using a computer program that the researchers developed, they translated the speckled image into a letter.
Brain Scanner Customizes Web Surfing For You
The next step will be to use a more powerful scanner, one that can see ten times as much detail as the one from this experiment, and provide better resolution for the computer program that “reads” the mind of the subject.
The research will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Neuroimage.

Hmmmm....It could be very cool, but one has to worry about in who’s hands this sort of technology will be wielded!
One one hand, recording your dreams would be incredible...but on the other hand what if it’s used against your will?
I guess we shall see....I would also imagine that there will be a market for blocking such tech as well.

Very interesting

I think what he said at the end is particularly interesting. He says we must get used to having this technology that can do wonderful things but also terrible things...''there's no choice''

There might not be much of a choice about that aspect of the equation but we most definately do have a choice about another aspect of the equation

Essentially under the current system the people with the most money will get to control the technology. Experience tells us that what they will do with that technology is weaponise it and use it to control us

So the choice that needs to be made before the technology becomes that powerful is to do with who controls the wealth!

We have to find a way to ensure the technology is used for the good of all not for the good of a handful of people...or we're all going to suffer big time
Very interesting

I think what he said at the end is particularly interesting. He says we must get used to having this technology that can do wonderful things but also terrible things...''there's no choice''

There might not be much of a choice about that aspect of the equation but we most definately do have a choice about another aspect of the equation

Essentially under the current system the people with the most money will get to control the technology. Experience tells us that what they will do with that technology is weaponise it and use it to control us

So the choice that needs to be made before the technology becomes that powerful is to do with who controls the wealth!

We have to find a way to ensure the technology is used for the good of all not for the good of a handful of people...or we're all going to suffer big time
Yes...I agree, just like the article I posted above that about the ability of a fMRI machine to read the letters the people were looking at....it could be used for good or evil...and yes, just like he said - probably both!
Well, I will tell you that people here in the US are already starting to get leery to the idea of drones flying over monitoring people...I have heard of a group in Arizona that has declared hunting season on drones should they try and test them there (which is one of the many states that is planning to).
I don’t like the idea of it...I think people here are beginning to get fed up with things like the NSA scandal...this just may be the final straw for a few folks.
The thing is though...if we get a Conservative President the next time around who supports shit like this then I think we are going to be fighting a steeper uphill battle. There are huge areas of the nation who follow blindly to anything and everything conservative officials say...especially if they claim to be “Christian” and fighting on God’s side (excuse me while I vomit).
If that happens...the people will follow like sheep...even some of the liberals will come to the conclusion that they are there for their own safety...and from there, well, it’s just depressing to think about.
Pocket Fritz 4, a Grandmaster chess computer, won a category 6 tournament with a performance rating 2898.

It lives in a mobile phone, an HTC Touch HD.

This isn't exactly surprising. There are only a certain amount of strategies one can make use of in chess. This is why matches between grandmasters result in a draw more than 60% of the time. The famous Deep Blue is quite archaic in comparison to the memory and capabilities of programs we have today.
Yes...I agree, just like the article I posted above that about the ability of a fMRI machine to read the letters the people were looking at....it could be used for good or evil...and yes, just like he said - probably both!
Well, I will tell you that people here in the US are already starting to get leery to the idea of drones flying over monitoring people...I have heard of a group in Arizona that has declared hunting season on drones should they try and test them there (which is one of the many states that is planning to).
I don’t like the idea of it...I think people here are beginning to get fed up with things like the NSA scandal...this just may be the final straw for a few folks.
The thing is though...if we get a Conservative President the next time around who supports shit like this then I think we are going to be fighting a steeper uphill battle. There are huge areas of the nation who follow blindly to anything and everything conservative officials say...especially if they claim to be “Christian” and fighting on God’s side (excuse me while I vomit).
If that happens...the people will follow like sheep...even some of the liberals will come to the conclusion that they are there for their own safety...and from there, well, it’s just depressing to think about.

I know man its messed up

How more explicit a declaration of war on the american people is there than flying drones over them?....i often wonder what the line in the sand will be
This isn't exactly surprising. There are only a certain amount of strategies one can make use of in chess. This is why matches between grandmasters result in a draw more than 60% of the time. The famous Deep Blue is quite archaic in comparison to the memory and capabilities of programs we have today.

Yes. There are not many Grandmasters though. There's only about 1400 FIDE Grandmasters and since it's a life title, some of them have had the title since the 50's. It takes many years of study and playing to reach that level, unless you're a chess genius/savant.

I'd also point out that this sort of computation is only good for tables and linear or tree branching. This is why humans are still better than computers at Go for example because Go is incredibly abstract, it requires playing 'in the moment' and a computer cannot comprehend the strategies of it, due to high branching factors and many cases where there's no 'best move' - many moves may appear equally good with only very subtle differences that takes a master to truly predict. The possible valid moves are also much larger especially since the board starts empty and you can place stones wherever you like pretty much.

Why is it that humans are still better at Go?

I'd also point out that this sort of computation is only good for tables and linear or tree branching. This is why humans are still better than computers at Go for example because Go is incredibly abstract, it requires playing 'in the moment' and a computer cannot comprehend the strategies of it, due to high branching factors and many cases where there's no 'best move' - many moves may appear equally good with only very subtle differences that takes a master to truly predict. The possible valid moves are also much larger especially since the board starts empty and you can place stones wherever you like pretty much.

Why is it that humans are still better at Go?

You just explained why humans are better at go then asked me why humans are better at go. This reminds of kindergarten where the teacher would explain why yellow and red make orange. Then ask "What does yellow and red make"..."That's right, orange."

This sort of stuff confuses people. Someone will come across a fact like "A human's entire genetic makeup can be stored on a cd". This makes people think that computers are far more complicated than humans. Then they'll read about the Human Brain Project which talks about the time, money and complexity of the machines involved. So it seems like we're being told that homo-sapiens are both simple and complex.

I've know people to completely disregard what comes from scientific studies because things aren't as straightforward as they would like them to be.
My first thought when i read this was of the astronomer of queen elizabeth 1st John Dee who communicated with 'angels' through an obsidian mirror with the help of a medium named Edward kelley

Are the 'extraterrestrials' really interdimensional entities also known as 'angels' and 'demons' in religion or asuras and devas in ancient hindu texts and as archons by the gnostics and so on?

The mexican government is releasing artifacts which some say depict alien visitation but they look like mushrooms to me and the entities depicted (classic grey shapes) are the entities that a person can commune with when on mushrooms; there were mushroom cults in the past and mexico certainly has some good ones!

I think if people want to communicate with 'aliens' they should put down their telescopes and instead pick up natures telescope: the magic mushroom. This is i think what the queens astronomer is saying...that we have been communicating with other intelligences for centuries but not the way hollywood depicts. i will keep an open mind regarding physical aliens as well however!

I read a book a while ago in which the author explorate and investigate the link between 'aliens' and 'the ocult'.
He claim in his book that when a 'e.t. interaction' was happening, many times the investigators would discover important ocult/paranormal activity in link with the aliens event.