Who's is complaining that America or any other nation was built on Christianity? I don't think christians do that. That's a silly argument and idea. Christianity has nothing to do with politics or teritories, never was, and never will be.
The people who claim this either don't know true Christianity, or they don't know history well.
Who's is complaining that America or any other nation was built on Christianity? I don't think christians do that. That's a silly argument and idea. Christianity has nothing to do with politics or teritories, never was, and never will be.
The people who claim this either don't know true Christianity, or they don't know history well.

Unless you live here you better stay out of that one I think. Don't talk about things that you don't know.
When I was asking if satanism and occult is real, I was asking if is REALLY real, not something else. I mean, do they comunicate with a spiritual world or not?

I'm not a fan of either, but the sad fact is that when you say the word 'god' to a person, 99 times out of 100 they will not ask you "which one?" and I think that's a problem, which might be at least subverted to an extent by the above actions.

I understand what you're saying

Some might view baphomet as merely a symbolic androgenous archetype but others will see: cloven hooves, horns and an erect penis and they will instantly think 'devil'

So its a very provocative thing.....also putting children on eitherside of it as if to show a corrupting of the young....this is designed for maximum shock value!

This will not hack into christians reality so that they begin to question their own dogma....what it will do is scare the bejeesus out of them and make them more defensive as fear has a habit of narrowing perception

An intersting thing to bare in mind is that a similar statue already exists which was put in place by freemasons (as the descendents of the knights templar who also revered baphomet).

Baphomet points to the heavens and to the gorund to symbolise the hermetic principle: ''as above so below''

And here is a statue of freemason president washington doing the same thing; hidden in plain sight:

Unless you live here you better stay out of that one I think. Don't talk about things that you don't know.

John 18:
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”

35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”

36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

38 “What is truth?”

I think I know what I am talking about, at least with regard to Christianity, because I am one.
But it's ok, I'll stay out of this.
When I was asking if satanism and occult is real, I was asking if is REALLY real, not something else. I mean, do they comunicate with a spiritual world or not?

Oh its real alright but what exactly people are getting out of it is a big topic which ill try and tackle tomorrow

I'll leave you for now with this footage of the ceremony the US political elites hold every year at the Bohemian Grove party in front of the giant owl god molech

In the ceremony there is a sacrifice...the 'sacrifice of care' they call it. Interesting to see what our leaders get upto in their spare time isn't it?

John 18:
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”

35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”

36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

38 “What is truth?”

I think I know what I am talking about, at least with regard to Christianity, because I am one.
But it's ok, I'll stay out of this.

You may call these Christians not real Christians if you like, but the fact is they are pervasive in this country. In fact it is still common to swear on the Bible in court hearings in this country, and the oath may include "so help you God"

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States had the words "under God" added to it after the 1950's and there's still arguments to this day over whether this is ethical and constitutional.

Most of our money has "In God We Trust" printed somewhere on it.

No United States President has ever been openly atheist or of another religion, and most of them have been a member of some church or other. In fact, only six presidents - Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes and Barack Obama had no denominational affiliation.
You may call these Christians not real Christians if you like, but the fact is they are pervasive in this country. In fact it is still common to swear on the Bible in court hearings in this country, and the oath may include "so help you God"

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States had the words "under God" added to it after the 1950's and there's still arguments to this day over whether this is ethical and constitutional.

Most of our money has "In God We Trust" printed somewhere on it.

No United States President has ever been openly atheist or of another religion, and most of them have been a member of some church or other. In fact, only six presidents - Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes and Barack Obama had no denominational affiliation.
Yes, I knew almost all informations that you given me. I maybe seem a really ignorant, but here in Romania we learn America's history in schools, not to mention that I always loved history.

"Give to the world the fruits of Christianity, and it will applaude it. Give it the heart of Christianity, and the world will despise it and mock it."
I think this quote describe some, and only some present state of affairs. And yes, I think there are many people that pretend to be christians, but know very little about it, and they don't even read their Bible. They are christians just because they don't want to be seen as atheists, because that's not traditionally cool, or other stupid reasons. If atheism or budism were to be the prevailing view in America, they would be the strongest followers.
The Bible teaches clear that the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with politics, teritories, power, money, materialism, or even authorities. The people who make claims like "You know, America is a Christian country and nation, because it was build on Christian values", in my opinion(and many other christians) don't know what they are talking about.

Even taking pride in being a Christian, with the attitude that Christianity is a civilised religion and very 'powerful' is a sin. We don't worship Christianity and organised religion, we worship God and God only. Judes were taking pride in their religion, and Jesus rebuked them.
I understand what you're saying

Some might view baphomet as merely a symbolic androgenous archetype but others will see: cloven hooves, horns and an erect penis and they will instantly think 'devil'

So its a very provocative thing.....also putting children on eitherside of it as if to show a corrupting of the young....this is designed for maximum shock value!

This will not hack into christians reality so that they begin to question their own dogma....what it will do is scare the bejeesus out of them and make them more defensive as fear has a habit of narrowing perception

An intersting thing to bare in mind is that a similar statue already exists which was put in place by freemasons (as the descendents of the knights templar who also revered baphomet).

Baphomet points to the heavens and to the gorund to symbolise the hermetic principle: ''as above so below''

And here is a statue of freemason president washington doing the same thing; hidden in plain sight:

View attachment 19361

No, the goal is not to change any entrenched Christians. Nothing can do that obviously. The idea is to wake up those who can be woken up, the ones caught up in the flow but not necessarily partisan one way or another.

We can't, and probably shouldn't, try to change the unwilling. Actually the only reason I debate some times is to be a counterpoint for other people to see and not for my debate opponent, which is why I can be so persistent, because I'm not actually looking to change minds, I'm just seeing to it that another viewpoint is open and available so that any onlookers get multiple sides instead of just one, and let things fall where they may.
Yes, I knew almost all informations that you given me. I maybe seem a really ignorant, but here in Romania we learn America's history in schools, not to mention that I always loved history.

"Give to the world the fruits of Christianity, and it will applaude it. Give it the heart of Christianity, and the world will despise it and mock it."
I think this quote describe some, and only some present state of affairs. And yes, I think there are many people that pretend to be christians, but know very little about it, and they don't even read their Bible. They are christians just because they don't want to be seen as atheists, because that's not traditionally cool, or other stupid reasons. If atheism or budism were to be the prevailing view in America, they would be the strongest followers.
The Bible teaches clear that the Kingdom of God has nothing to do with politics, teritories, power, money, materialism, or even authorities. The people who make claims like "You know, America is a Christian country and nation, because it was build on Christian values", in my opinion(and many other christians) don't know what they are talking about.

Even taking pride in being a Christian, with the attitude that Christianity is a civilised religion and very 'powerful' is a sin. We don't worship Christianity and organised religion, we worship God and God only. Judes were taking pride in their religion, and Jesus rebuked them.

I'm sorry if I came across that way and I'm sorry for recently persecuting you a bit. I'm not perfect and I get caught up.

Reading this from you has increased my respect for you by 500% though.
I'm sorry if I came across that way and I'm sorry for recently persecuting you a bit. I'm not perfect and I get caught up.

Reading this from you has increased my respect for you by 500% though.
It's ok. You are not a very good persecutor anyway, or maybe you didn't want to :)
It's ok. You are not a very good persecutor anyway, or maybe you didn't want to :)

I don't want to. It makes me feel too guilty. It keeps me awake at night. -.-

I honestly can't stand being stern for to long and to me it probably seems that I'm being much worse than it appears to other people. It really does bother me to have arguments and I feel I still need to be more calm and patient yet.
No, the goal is not to change any entrenched Christians. Nothing can do that obviously. The idea is to wake up those who can be woken up, the ones caught up in the flow but not necessarily partisan one way or another.

We can't, and probably shouldn't, try to change the unwilling. Actually the only reason I debate some times is to be a counterpoint for other people to see and not for my debate opponent, which is why I can be so persistent, because I'm not actually looking to change minds, I'm just seeing to it that another viewpoint is open and available so that any onlookers get multiple sides instead of just one, and let things fall where they may.

Well you're talking about your approach there and i don't have any issues with that (like you i also think that others can benefit from listening to a debate)

What i was talking about though was what those satanists were trying to do by having that statue erected of baphomet

I was making the point that it will scare and upset christians and harden hearts and minds

I don't think it was intended to be a positive mind opening thing by the satanists...i think it is an aggressive public planting of their flag in US soil

I think satanic philosophy seems to be very egotistic and generally from what i've observed not a compassionate one. They are less likely to think ''i think i can share some knowledge here to help fill in these peoples mental maps and see the world in a clearer way''....they are more likely to think: ''ha these people are ignorant i can exploit their ignorance''

I have heard a lot of occult orders make all sorts of lofty claims about what they are about but usually they are hierarchical, secret hoarding, power trippers playing ego games with each other

Arguably the christian church could be said to be the same as an institution but at least if a christian is living by the golden rule they are likely to be a decent person

Satanists perhaps live by their own individual code (whatever they deem that to be)

So a popular person is Aleister Crowley and famous pop stars like Jay Z are fans of crowleys work. Jay Z has a clothes line that has quotes on it like: ''do as thou wilt (shall be the whole of the law)''

A thelemite (a follower of crowleys work) might say in defence of that, that crowley qualified that statement by also saying: ''love is the law, love under will''

But if you look at Crowley the man and judge a tree by its fruit then its possible to see a person riddled with demons who exploited others and left a trail of broken lives in his wake......which is most definately not following the golden rule

His use of 'scarlet women' for example was very exploitative and i would argue NOT empowering for the women (at least one committed suicide afterwards)

So one thing i have learned is that the black magicians do not wear their true opinions on their sleeves....they will often invert (twist) the truth. they will claim they are about love when they are about hate, they will say they are about light when they are about darkness, they will say they want to help others when they really mean they want to help themselves

I think the key is to judge a tree by its fruit....actions rather than words

And Crowleys institutions such as the OTO are secret hoarding and hierarchical and who basically want to be modern day knights templars and accumulate temporal, material powers
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John 18:
33 Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

34 “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?”

35 “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?”

36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

38 “What is truth?”

I think I know what I am talking about, at least with regard to Christianity, because I am one.
But it's ok, I'll stay out of this.
Actually Lucy, the sad truth is that there is a huge group of people who DO believe that America was founded on Christianity...that God favors the US...blah blah blah. It just isn’t true...and yes, you are correct, they do not know their own history which is very sad however truthful.
I have nothing against Christianity Lucy, I think it can be a wonderful way to live your life so long as you adhere to the teachings and don’t twist them to suit your own intentions. But we have many many politicians who pander to the evangelical Christians here, mainly in Midwest and the South...I think you would be very surprised how hateful, venomous, and bigoted that particular group can be...not to mention racist, sexist, homophobic, and pretty much anti-everything that Jesus has said about loving one another.
They even denounced the Pope (whether you like him or not) when he made statements about people worshiping money as a false idol...calling him out of touch...really? He isn’t the one out of touch. They have conveniently forgotten what the Bible says about a rich man getting into heaven.
I personally believe that the founders of the US had it 100% right when they intended to keep religion and government separate no matter their own personal belief system. The statue of Satan that they are wanting to put up is in response to a clear violation of the separation of church and state....I personally don’t really care, it isn’t affecting me. But when the state politicians put up a Christian-based statue it opened the door for any and all other groups to put their own up (such as Satan) as well such as the group wanting a statue to - The Flying Spaghetti Monster, which is clearly sarcastic.
I think you understand the point...
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I just thought this was incredible....it’s way off subject but it’s my thread so I can do what I want. lol
This is my cousin -


Robotic exoskeletons are a staple of sci-fi, pointing to a future where technology can overcome serious injury and bestow superhuman powers on people. But that future is here today for Paul Thacker, who uses an exoskeleton about once a month to stand up and walk around — no small feat, considering he's paralyzed from the chest down.
The 39-year-old Alaska native and snowmobile enthusiast lost the use of his lower body in a training accident in 2010 and was told he’d be confined to a wheelchair, potentially for the rest of his life. But while in physical therapy at a Colorado hospital in 2011, he stumbled across the Esko, a full-body, powered exoskeleton that is the signature product of Ekso Bionics, a Bay Area-robotics company.
"It’s basically a wearable robot," Thacker says after taking a walk in the Ekso this week at CES 2014 to promote the system. Ekso just unveiled its fourth and latest variant — the more adaptable Ekso GT, last month. "It’s just an incredible piece of technology." Thacker controls the suit's mobility through buttons on his crutches, and then sensors and battery-powered joints do the rest. The suit takes about an hour to charge and offers three hours of battery life for walking around and standing upright. And while Thacker can't exactly run in it and uses crutches to maintain his balance, the suit allows his normally motionless legs to propel him anywhere he wants. For Thacker, it's as much a form of mental therapy as it is physical.
Thacker's not the only one to benefit from the life-changing device. Over 2,000 people with varying degrees of lower-body paralysis across the US have suited up in the Eksoand taken a collective 4 million steps, according to the company. About 50 of the devices have been sold to hospitals and rehabilitation centers at a cost of over $100,000 per suit, and Ekso has a backlog of 18 orders that it's in the process of fulfilling. Not bad for a once far-fetched technology that just began taking orders in February of 2012. "We’ve made a commitment to get a million people walking by 2022," says Paul Harding, CEO and co-founder of Ekso Bionics.
Ekso was founded in 2005, but the company’s origins actually go back over 20 years. In 1991, when Harding was a graduate student at Berkeley's Human Robotics and Engineering Lab, his professor was building exoskeleton prototypes for the US military (specifically DARPA). Harding wasn't initially convinced of their potential. "I thought they were a little crazy at the time," he says. Instead, after he graduated, he founded a robotics company focused on developing machinery for laying optical fiber.

Promotional photo of the Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC), a load-bearing military exoskeleton prototype developed by Ekso. (Credit: Lockheed Martin)

After the market for optical fiber crashed in the early 2000s, Harding reunited with his old professor, who was still designing suits for the military — specifically ones to help soldiers carry more weight. It was during this time that he and his colleagues made the mechanical efficiency breakthrough that would lead to the Ekso by reducing the amount of power needed to operate to the suit from 5,000 watts to just 5 watts for an entire charge. "That was a really big breakthrough," Hading acknowledges. After that, his team began applying for patents to bring the device to market.
After his injury, Thacker was optimistic he would walk again under his own power. He still is to this day. But the reality of his injury is severe – Thacker is a paraplegic. He has what's called an SCI complete, or a severance of the nerves in his spinal cord, which results in no motor ability below his torso. "You don’t really realize the things you take for granted until they’re taken away," Thacker says. He was able to test the Ekso at a hospital in Denver, Colorado, and loved it so much he reached out to the company and volunteered to become one of their reps. The company flies him around to events like CES to demonstrate the technology. "I was like, 'I'll be your crash-test dummy,'" he recalls. Even after his accident, Thacker remains an avid athlete. He'scompeting in the 2014 Winter X Games in two weeks, as an adaptive snowmobiler.
"Paul, he's kind of a vision of the future, where a complete paraplegic could use an Ekso for part of their daily life," Harding says. He and other Ekso employees point out that the thin field of competing medical exoskeletons – Israeli-based ArgoWalk among them – take longer to suit up than the Ekso. The company’s short-term goal is to move the Ekso from hospitals and therapy centers into peoples' homes. But in order to do that, Esko needs to bring the cost down and increase manufacturing efficiency.
Along with that, Ekso Bionics continues developing devices for heavy industry and the military, including one called HULC for the Navy's ship-rehabilitation workers, and one for the Defense Department that Thacker readily compares to science fiction. "We're the first company in the world to get a contract from the TALOS program," he says, "which is the Special Operations Command's effort to get as close as possible to Iron Man."

Yes. I'm definitely not a Crowley fan.

As I've cautioned before, experimentation can be very dangerous to your mental integrity, as well as others.
Actually Lucy, the sad truth is that there is a huge group of people who DO believe that America was founded on Christianity...that God favors the US...blah blah blah. It just isn’t true...and yes, you are correct, they do not know their own history which is very sad however truthful.
I have nothing against Christianity Lucy, I think it can be a wonderful way to live your life so long as you adhere to the teachings and don’t twist them to suit your own intentions. But we have many many politicians who pander to the evangelical Christians here, mainly in Midwest and the South...I think you would be very surprised how hateful, venomous, and bigoted that particular group can be...not to mention racist, sexist, homophobic, and pretty much anti-everything that Jesus has said about loving one another.
They even denounced the Pope (whether you like him or not) when he made statements about people worshiping money as a false idol...calling him out of touch...really? He isn’t the one out of touch. They have conveniently forgotten what the Bible says about a rich man getting into heaven.
I personally believe that the founders of the US had it 100% right when they intended to keep religion and government separate no matter their own personal belief system. The statue of Satan that they are wanting to put up is in response to a clear violation of the separation of church and state....I personally don’t really care, it isn’t affecting me. But when the state politicians put up a Christian-based statue it opened the door for any and all other groups to put their own up (such as Satan) as well such as the group wanting a statue to - The Flying Spaghetti Monster, which is clearly sarcastic.
I think you understand the point...
You know, what is really bother me so much is the effect that these so called christians leave on Christianity. They are hypocrites. Like Jesus said, wolfs in sheeps clothing.
And what is sad to me even more is how many people get a wrong idea of all Christianity.
And this has happened a lot in history. For example, the catholics with inquisition and cruciades and other such things, the history of the popes.
Are the catholics creds permit and instigate the attrocities of Inquisition and Cruciades? NO as clear as day. Yet they did crimes right in the heart of Catholic Church.
And in present day, how many people think Catholic is a demonic church with their Pope. I don't condemn them, although many of them could learn the history better and check the facts.

But I'm used to all this happening. It was all prophecied by Bible. What is sad to me is the evilness of man in these days. Gone are the days when someone who wouldn't even believe in a God would say " Whithout mercy, man is a beast". Today the voices that lament over our evilness and our sins are so scatered and so rare, and most try to make them shut their voices.
But its ok. After all, the Bible says God judge on what people know, not on what they don't. And what they know, their conscience testify it, as the Bible say:

6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”
7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;
10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
11 For God does not show favoritism.

12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.
13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law.
15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)
16 This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
When I was asking if satanism and occult is real, I was asking if is REALLY real, not something else. I mean, do they comunicate with a spiritual world or not?

Very briefly cos i have to get going soon..

Satanism, the occult, and satan are all 3 different things

As muir said, the 'occult' just means knowlegde of the hidden/secret/inner/unconscious/faith/spirituality- what is Truth and immeasurable . The truth is normally hidden in plain sight. The occult has to do with the 'mysteries', and often mysticism

satanism is a religion/cult whatever that i do not know much about. So i cannot comment on it in any informed way. I dare say it is as broad a church/religion/belief system as all the other religions, with a wide range of different practioners, believers, ideas, ideals and philosophy within it.

satan is the ego, or more accurately the belief in ego. satan is duality mind- separation, identification with the body, personality and the concept of 'specialness' and inequality. satan is not the opposite of God, as God has no opposite. Satan is not God's enemy as God has no enemy. Satan is man's enemy, and it is through satan (the ego) that we believe that we are separate from God and that we can be anything other than what we were/are created by God

Lucifer is different from Satan. completely different. Satan is the ego. Lucifer is 'man', mankind, humans- us here in earthly duality body physical form. We, man, that 'fell' because of the separation

There are people that manipulate the law of attraction purposefully in ways in which are motivated by ego- they may be involved in cults, religions, specific belief systems, and they may have positive or negative intentions

Will speak more about this later
To me its interesting the 'religious' satanism and its implications.
But you bring some very interesting points too.
Can you explain more a bit about "separation"? And what you called "fell" also? Separation from what? Fell from what? Are this doctrines applied in a objective sense, or are just merely an ilusion?