This is why I use chaos mixed with Tao.

They say you must have a clear intent when you make sigils or use magic. My intent is to let things be as they may. So I do not make a sigil and say "I want peace, love, and money!" instead I play a song to others and desire only that it takes its natural effect, and even I don't necessarily comprehend what that is.

It's not something that I'm doing or using but rather something that I'm letting be, but calling attention to.

Working on an emotional level?

As they say ''a picture is worth a thousand words!''
Some symbolism is obvious eg obvious sun symbols, eye symbols, pyramids or eyes in the pyramid or saturnian or pentagrams and so on and others are more subtle and work on a subconscious level (subliminals). Either way these symbols are meaningless to the unititiated but to those with the eyes to see they are loaded with meaning. They are a secret sign like a freemasonic handshake that shows who the affiliation of the corporation is to: the male, patriarchal, solar, phallic current ('illuminati')

They represent unbalanced force as they are leaning to the pillar of 'strength' and not balancing it with the pillar of 'mercy'. They are not walking the middle way (the middle pillar). They are to use biblical speach: 'the kings of edom' (unbalanced force)

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This following clip shows a van belonging to a corporation called 'kingstar' parked next to one of the bomb damaged buses from the london bombing. This event was the UK's 911

Why not look up online what that corporation do?

I'm glad you are still following my posts

It really depends on the logo and the corporation. I'm glad you brought this up though as its an interesting area (ill post some info in my next post)

We had the olympics in london recently and a lot of money was spent on the logo design. When the final design was unveiled the Iranians took great offence at it as within the logo...hidden in plain sight was the word ''zion''

2012 as zion:

View attachment 19371

So why would the word 'zion' be in a logo of an event being held in London?....

''one ring to rule them all, and in the darkness (of their spiritual blindness) bind them''

Some of them, when I have time. It's a slow day.

I really think this is a perfect example of people seeing what they want to see. I've witnessed a preliminary logo design that was squarish and slightly tilted and was told it looked like a Nazi symbol, which was not at all what was intended, nor was it reflective of anyone's values, nor did I think it really looked much like a swaztika, unless you sort of squinted your eyes and tilted your head and made a conscious effort to feel very paranoid.

This Zion Olympics logo seems like something someone would see if they are constantly on the alert for Zionist activity. That's where I think the brainwashing comes in -- there's a glamour and mystique to the whole radical Islam thing that attracts people and makes them see patterns. Kind of like seeing Jesus on a piece of burned toast. Or a swaztika on any squarish shape.

Glad to see you're a Tolkien fan, but there again is a prime example of a fantasy novel. Awesome fantasy novels, but not ones which should guide and direct our judgement of others. I've never met a ringwraith and I don't assume those who disagree with me are orcs.
Sort of, but it's more of a fundamental level than emotions, though emotions can arise from it.

Spoken like a true chaos magician :)
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] I would argue the opposite. It's easier to see what you want to see if there isn't a logic framework. If you reject scientific reasoning then you can simply force reality to mirror your own beliefs. I can say that I am god and I created the world five days ago.

Tangible was completely the wrong word. It's almost opposite of my meaning. I meant that I have an intuitive understanding of what Ni is, when it's described well it makes perfect sense to me. The articles I've read use very vague wording and it gives the sense that this is because they don't understand the subject.

This was very presumptuous of me. I browsed a few websites and I think I'm an expert on the practitioners. I still have the flu, so I'm going to put the poor wording and the judgemental attitude down to delirium.
Spoken like a true chaos magician :)

I don't think there is such a thing, though there can be false ones I guess.

I don't think ritual and dogma is as important as fundamental effects which can happen in myriad ways, so I don't think there's true ways to be something, just ways to be something that you aren't (false ways)

This is why I only have a couple actual rituals, in the sense of what's commonly percieved as a ritual, they are banishing rituals which I invented entirely myself and I keep them secret so that others will not simply do as I do.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] I would argue the opposite. It's easier to see what you want to see if there isn't a logic framework. If you reject scientific reasoning then you can simply force reality to mirror your own beliefs. I can say that I am god and I created the world five days ago.

Tangible was completely the wrong word. It's almost opposite of my meaning. I meant that I have an intuitive understanding of what Ni is, when it's described well it makes perfect sense to me. The articles I've read use very vague wording and it gives the sense that this is because they don't understand the subject.

This was very presumptuous of me. I browsed a few websites and I think I'm an expert on the practitioners. I still have the flu, so I'm going to put the poor wording and the judgemental attitude down to delirium.

Well this isn't necessarily the case if you consider the idea that the universe works by itself and human conscious meddling is what interferes with it.

So while you might be able to make a little sense through logic, the very act of trying in itself is what causes the blockage. It assumes that you actually need to figure anything out.

Edit: moreover, you can say that you created the world five days ago but once again that's an ego view which isn't in touch with reality, which is the actual problem with self separation - you can do things that don't jive with reality. If you get rid of 'yourself' then what is actual can take place, because it's not just you!
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Some of them, when I have time. It's a slow day.

I really think this is a perfect example of people seeing what they want to see.

That's just your current perception.

if you think of someones perception of reality as an opaque pain of glass.....lets leave that for a moment.....

I posted elsewhere a clip that showed a scientific experiment which has shown that consensus thinking can actually change how people perceive reality! This experiment got people to say if a line was the same size as another. but many people actually began to incorrectly perceive the length of the line when the other people in the experiment (who were actually actors pretending to be members of the public) said it was so

They don't just give an incorrect answer to blend in with the group...they actually perceive the line differently! Let that sink in for a minute...think of the implications of that for a society in an age of mass communication. it opens a door to mass delusion!

So lets say that you and i control the mainstream media and we build a false perception of reality and we repeat it so many times in so many different forms: in education, in books, magazines, on TV, on the radio, in newspapers, online and so on that a large number of people actually begin to perceive reality that way (this is to use an umbrella term 'propaganda')

This false reality is like a movie we are projecting onto the opaque screen in front of peoples eyes so that they see the version of reality that we have created for them; they are now under our spell!

We can begin to create reality tunnels for people. We could even make up a new religion and people would then see the world and other people through the filter of that religion. lets say that in our religion people must not eat bananas or they are unclean.....we laugh like james bond villains as we watch all the people we have under our spell now demonising people who eat bananas! Ha ha ha we say as we have managed to divide the workers into two groups thereby disempowering them of the one tool they have (togetherness)...diabolical huh? But an old trick nonetheless

So this person comes along and he begins to show people evidence that actually up until a couple of generations ago bananas were eaten by everyone and the idea of bananas being unclean was started by the priesthood. You have unearthed some evidence to show this cover up and this then puts a crack in the opaque perception walls in front of peoples faces.

Some people at this point will dismiss the evidence out of hand and call the person a lunatic! However now a seed of doubt has been sown in their mind....this creates a tension between two possible realities in their mind (cognitive dissonance). other people might be curious and say: ''woah thats weird..have you got any other proof about the banana cover up?'' and others might then do their own research and launch themselves off on their own miraculous journey of discovery that literally transforms their perception of reality and in turn how they interact with the world (true empowerment)

if the person keeps giving more and more evidence more and more cracks begin to appear in the other peoples perception until one day those people allow themselves to see...they break their perceptual prison and then they can see to the next perception screen that the engineers of perception have created around their mind...and so the process continues

We are all on this journey....but the most open minded people who know from experience that many perceptions are lies will often forge ahead in this process because they more freely discard redundant perceptions of reality. they become lighter beings as their perceptions of relaity move closer to actual reality. They also begin to see how the system has been created to entrap their bodies and minds so they then are able to start making changes in their life to free themselves more from the strands of the web which they suddenly become very conscious of

I've witnessed a preliminary logo design that was squarish and slightly tilted and was told it looked like a Nazi symbol, which was not at all what was intended, nor was it reflective of anyone's values, nor did I think it really looked much like a swaztika, unless you sort of squinted your eyes and tilted your head and made a conscious effort to feel very paranoid.

Well i can't speak about that particular logo because i don't know what it was but you mentioned the nazi swastika so lets look at that

We know that the nazis sent expeditions out to tibet to find ancient books. @Kanamori posted a very good clip about how the nazis used this ancient knowledge to create a new scientific paradigm!

The nazis were masters of propaganda...using a lot of edward bernays work (he was the nephew of sigmund freud). quite a sick irony that the work of a jewish psychologist was used to oppress jews. And we're not talking the zionists who made the balfour declaration deal with the british to create israel in return for bringing the USA into the war on Britains side, thereby leaving many germans like Hitler feeling betrayed by the jews...we're not talking about the wealthy bankers like the rothschilds...they all escaped...we're talking about for the most part everyday jewish people who were just going about their business

The nazis took an old aryan sun symbol (the swastika) and they reversed it (inverted /twisted it)

They aligned themselves with the current of male, patriarchal strength. They took the sun as their symbol and they glorified violence and war deities (they named their weapons after gods such as thor), they stopped taking loans from the jewish international bankers and created 'mefo bills' instead and they set out to expand the 'father'land and went on the war path. They then clashed with another male solar current (the international bankers) who used the military of Britain and the US to defeat the nazis

Soem would say that it was all part of a grander scheme anyway...part of a trilogy of world wars the illuminati planned for us all along

None of this is 'paranoia'; many of the top ranking nazis were members of occult societies such as the thule society and the germanorden

This Zion Olympics logo seems like something someone would see if they are constantly on the alert for Zionist activity.

As we should all be!

Think about the tens of thousands of pounds spent on the design and they come up with something as insensitive as that!

remember that to the inititated it is ALL ABOUT SYMBOLS; this is what Confucius had to say about it: ''symbols rule the world, not words nor laws''

That's where I think the brainwashing comes in -- there's a glamour and mystique to the whole radical Islam thing that attracts people and makes them see patterns.

'Radical islam' as you call it is really just hired mercenaries funded and equiped by the saudi royal family, the CIA and the Israeli government. They are fomenting all the violence in the middle east a spart of a strategy of divide and rule. they then create the false perception in the minds of westeners who watch their corproate media that all muslims are crazy and violent...this is so that the public won't object when the cabal use the military to attack muslim countries

Kind of like seeing Jesus on a piece of burned toast. Or a swaztika on any squarish shape.

No its nothing like seeing jesus in toast lol

No one put jesus in toast, but people who understand symbols do use them!

There is a swastika concealed in the NATO symbol and nazi did play a role in the foundation of NATO. many nazis were taken to the US after WWII as part of operation paper clip and many went into things like the french foreign legion. NATO is the military wing of the cabal. many US corporations helped supply the nazis with war equipment

Look at the black part of the star; ther eit is...hidden in plain sight:


Glad to see you're a Tolkien fan, but there again is a prime example of a fantasy novel. Awesome fantasy novels, but not ones which should guide and direct our judgement of others. I've never met a ringwraith and I don't assume those who disagree with me are orcs.

lol once again you are looking at it all too narrowly!

I am not implying that people who disagree with me are orcs, but sometimes i will use colourful language because i am speaking to the right hand part of your brain to employ the power of your imagination

But even if we want to analyse what i did with our left brains then we can still join dots: Tolkein was a member of the masonic 'order of free gardeners'

His story tells of a group of 9 journeying to deal with an item of power...the fellowship of 9

Tolkein as a student of the occult and mythology would have known about the 9 knights templar who set out for the holy land and went on to construct the worlds first multi-national corporation. They were known as 'the keepers of the grail'. the grail is many different things to many different people

Some say this grail is qabalistic teachings that explain about the nature of our reality and how we can manipulate it (see [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION]s posts for more info about that) and the 9 knights found these teachings while in the holy land, possibly in the tunnels they excavated on temple mount. The dead sea scrolls might have been part of this hoard buried when the romans came to crush the rebellion (a copper scroll was a treasure map that showed where other things were stored. The knights may have had a copper scroll)

The city of london has as its symbol two serpents/dragons (symbols of satan and the material matrix) on either side of the templar cross. Within the bounds of the square mile is 'the temple' which is the law courts that were once a base for the templars

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I don't think there is such a thing, though there can be false ones I guess.

I don't think ritual and dogma is as important as fundamental effects which can happen in myriad ways, so I don't think there's true ways to be something, just ways to be something that you aren't (false ways)

This is why I only have a couple actual rituals, in the sense of what's commonly percieved as a ritual, they are banishing rituals which I invented entirely myself and I keep them secret so that others will not simply do as I do.

spoken like a true chaos magician lol
What is magick? Forget all the fallacies and stereotypical pre-conceptions
taught to you out of fear and ignorance and approach this question with an
open mind. You will probably find it is not what you have been taught to
think. Magick has been defined as "The art and science of causing change to
occur in conformity with will *1" which could be put more simply as making
desired change happen; or as "energy tending to change"; a definition I use
is "magick is conscious evolution through directing energy". This does not
really explain magick though, so I will try to elaborate on these phrases
without jargon.

An aim of magick is to train the mind by harnessing and making more
consciously accessible such higher faculties as intuition, inspiration and
the creative imagination, and by drawing on the power of the unconscious -
to try and use more than the 10% of our brain's capacity that we do.

Magick assumes belief in, or rather experience of, subtle energies. We can
only see about one seventieth of the light spectrum, yet what we cannot see
still affects us - such as x-rays and ultraviolet light. Similarly, magick
is about focusing more subtle, non-physical energies, and directing them to
create change. To go about this requires experience, and training to improve
the power of the mind, and specifically, the will.

Acts such as meditation, breath control, voice work, body work,
visualization, drama, ritual, and others, are all designed to improve our
body and mind, to better sharpen us and balance us, and to enable us to
perceive and wield more subtle energies.

In the same way, an individual is as strong as their will, and the more
balanced and integrated a person is, the stronger their will (note, this is
probably one of the main reasons why so many magicians have experience of
counselling and/or psychology, recognising the help these processes can
give, both through training and experiencing them. This also acts as a
removal of farcical social stigma often attached to these processes).

Practising magick tends to act as a deconditioning mechanism and can be a
subtle process, the longer you practice, the more you change and the
unnecessary inhibitions, stigmas, guilts and sin complexes that society
builds in are removed. This has the effect of releasing their energy into
the psyche, where it can strengthen the individual.

The more physical side, such as yoga, bodywork, dance and massage, also
removes the tension held in the body as body armour, and releases this and
removes energy blockages which impair full efficiency and may result in

Possibly the major difference between magick and many of the religious paths
to spiritual growth is that magick is more dynamic, and places the emphasis
on you to work for change - there are no gurus in magick, rather there are
fellow students with different perspectives and experiences - we learn from
each other, as in other areas of life.

Magick tends to work a lot with symbols, as these are the language of the
unconscious, and this is an area of tremendous power to tap. Symbols have
many functions, and one of these, released through magick, can be the
ability to confound the ego and the censor mechanisms, and enabling us to
perceive more subtle truths, or experience direct revelations. Although we
may not be able to fully explain how symbols work, we know from experience
that certain symbols seem harmonious with certain types of energy.

For example a magician may tell you that if you want to attract love you
should wear green, and rose perfume, perhaps wear copper, like a bracelet or
necklace, etc. These are all things attributed with Venus, who is associated
with love, and so the principal is one of contagion - sympathetic magick, or
making something happen by working with items linked to it. This is one of
the oldest and most commonly practised forms of magick. Working with the
symbols of a type of energy does seem to attract that energy.

A cautionary word here, magick is often seen as a way to hidden powers, and
entered for the wrong reason, the "I want sex, power and lots of money"
syndrome. Now there is nothing wrong with these things in themselves, but
when you do magick you will discover that you tend to get what you need
rather than necessarily what you want.

When you do magick you generally use techniques to alter your state of
consciousness and raise energy, and then direct that energy to create a
desired result. The channel that energy takes as directed by your altered
state of consciousness is not necessarily the path you might expect in your
normal everyday state. Magick does bring you power, yes, but it is power
over yourself, not other people. It is the power that is important, to grow
and to create positive change.

This does not mean there is anything wrong with using magick to gain more
physical things, there is nothing wrong with doing a ritual or spell to get
a job, whereas trying to make a specific individual go to bed with you would
be wrong. Magick is very much about intent, and if your intent is to get
work, you are not imposing on people, whereas if you were trying to make
somebody do something that they would not naturally do, you are imposing on
their will.

If you did a ritual to attract love without specifying a person, but opening
yourself to the opportunity to meet someone where love may arise, and to
feel more attractive and better about yourself, you are not imposing, you
are trying to create positive change.

Magick is a commitment to yourself, and it requires determination,
perseverance, strength, openness to change and absence of rigidity, a love
of life (including yourself), and a desire to grow and fulfil your
potential. It may be that you already have all these qualities and do this
already without calling it magick - magick is not about labels, and those
who think and talk as if it is unfortunately put some people off. Magick is
learning about the natural flows of energy in the universe, and working in
harmony with them to effect positive change, both in yourself and in your

Some people ask why magick is spelt with a 'k' on the end. This is to
distinguish it from magic, associated in the popular mind with illusionism
and prestidigitation, stage magic. Magick is not about illusion, it is about
creating real change, and the 'k' signifies this. K is the eleventh letter
of the alphabet, i.e. the one beyond ten. Symbolically this is very
powerful, as we work in base ten, and eleven represents the unseen, or
hidden energies - the subtle energies of magick, eleven is considered to be
the number of magick.

Magickal training and experience bring forth the energies of the
unconscious, and so it is no surprise to see that symbols become more
important as you develop, providing not only the language of dream and the
unconscious, but also helping create a more flexible perception grid of the
universe. To grow spiritually, it is vital that you remain flexible and do
not become dogmatic, rather that you are open to experience and willing to
question your ideas and beliefs as a result of those experiences.

Magick can be a painful process. It is not easy to maintain the discipline
and honest self-critical approach all the time. It can also be hard work
dealing with the energy released without being knocked off balance
sometimes. The important thing in these cases is to remain honest and keep
at it. Nobody said magick was easy! It takes a lot of practice and hard work
and pain, but the rewards are spiritual and mental growth, the joy of life
and the beauty of unconditional love. Beyond the limits there are no limits!

That's just your current perception.

...As we should all be!

Think about the tens of thousands of pounds spent on the design and they come up with something as insensitive as that!

remember that to the inititated it is ALL ABOUT SYMBOLS; this is what Confucius had to say about it: ''symbols rule the world, not words nor laws''

I can only respond to this one bit, and briefly: Believe me, people spend a LOT of money designing ugly, insensitive shit. A lot. And mostly just ugly. And the olympics are a repeat offender in that area. Did you ever see Izzy from the 1996 olympics? WTF was that? Bad design is admittedly somewhat offensive from an aesthetic veiwpoint, but that does not mean it is intentional or Zionist unless you just reallllllly really really oh-so-badly want it to be. Which obviously some people do.
I'd like to expand a bit on what Charlene was saying about working with energies and with the earths energy grid

The earth does have a network of power lines wrapping around it (telluric energy) called 'leylines'

In my country these leylines are marked by stone circles, barrows, ponds, standing stones and so on by a people in the past who were sensitive to these subtle energies

Nowadays the black lodge will still gather on these energy lines at certain times of the year at places of particular power (vortexes) and they will carry out rituals of extremely negative intent. they will seek to raise the darkest of energies during these rituals for example through sexual abuse and/or sacrifices. They are looking to pour these negative energies into the earths energy grid (much like they inject people with toxic 'vaccines' to poision their central nervous systems)

On a physical level they drill fracking wells inot the earth and inject toxins into it.

They are trying to bring everything and everyone down to a low slow vibration of fear

So the amswer to this is for people to be consciously aware of the games these people are playing and counter them. they want everyone to be divided so we should break down barriers. They want us to support their wars so we should reject them and so on
I can only respond to this one bit, and briefly: Believe me, people spend a LOT of money designing ugly, insensitive shit. A lot. And mostly just ugly. And the olympics are a repeat offender in that area. Did you ever see Izzy from the 1996 olympics? WTF was that? Bad design is admittedly somewhat offensive from an aesthetic veiwpoint, but that does not mean it is intentional or Zionist unless you just reallllllly really really oh-so-badly want it to be. Which obviously some people do.

I'm not aware of the izzy campaign...perhaps you could post something to shed some light?

if you go to the theatre and you are watching a performance with many characters but you have been told by a third party that you must only watch one of the characters on stage and must only pay attention to what that one person is saying. So you put some blinkers on your face to narrow your vision and when the person you are watching isn't speaking you cover your ears with your hands.

As the performance continues it becomes to be a little confusing, however from the snapshots you are seeing of it through only watching and listening to your one character you piece together a narrative of sorts in your mind.

You come out of the performance and walk down to the foyer. There you bump into a person you had spoken to earlier who had offered you a banana.

You had refused the banana as you have been told all your life that bananas are dirty and that people who eat them are unclean and to be looked down upon, but the man said something that caught your attention. It jarred against what you had always been told but it spoke to something inside of you.....a part of you needed to know more so you looked around and when it became clear that there were no banana rejectors around to point out your taboo breaking and stigmatise you you listened to what the man said

It contradicted what you had always been told and you brushed him off and insulted him to boot for being such a fool

However as you walked to the theatre your mind suddenly joined a dot of something you had seen that hadn't made sense at the time to what the man was saying and in the light of the new information a new picture began to emerge in your mind

So as you walked into the foyer you were not averse to speaking to the strange man with the bananas anymore. In a quiet place you discuss the performance.

His account of what happened is wildly different to yours as he was not only watching and listening to one person, he had been listening to them all!!

What he tells you overturns the narrative you had developed in your mind and begins to make sense of everything you had seen or heard.

'Remarkable' you think as you accept a banana and enjoy a new taste sensation
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] I would argue the opposite. It's easier to see what you want to see if there isn't a logic framework. If you reject scientific reasoning then you can simply force reality to mirror your own beliefs. I can say that I am god and I created the world five days ago.

Tangible was completely the wrong word. It's almost opposite of my meaning. I meant that I have an intuitive understanding of what Ni is, when it's described well it makes perfect sense to me. The articles I've read use very vague wording and it gives the sense that this is because they don't understand the subject.

This was very presumptuous of me. I browsed a few websites and I think I'm an expert on the practitioners. I still have the flu, so I'm going to put the poor wording and the judgemental attitude down to delirium.

It would be very interesting for me to hear how would you describe Ni, because I also think its so vague decribed in most descriptions.
Also, any thoughts on decalcification?
My girlfriend has been into Bikram Yoga now for several years...there is a very specific pose to cleanse your pineal gland and open your third eye.
She has told me on more than one occasion that she has been able to see auras for a short period of time after that part of the class (she isn’t one to make stuff like that up). She is able to see a inverted half circle above the head, the same that is represented in many old manuscripts and paintings done on the same subject.
In case you missed it, [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] posted a very helpful article I thought...
I don’t know if you have ever found that one before, but apart from what was in the article there were some great links to the source material.
As someone in the medical profession I would suggest taking Vitamin D....Vitamin D works in your body by increasing the calcium absorption the winter months when the sun isn’t out as much especially. It won’t work overnight...but I don’t think anything really would.
Let me know if there is something else.
[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION], All that you've said I've found elsewhere resonate to me but what I don't quite understand is what we are supposed to be doing once we discover that? Is there a name for this search? Are we supposed to work our dream states so that we can astral project and look for the truth on our own, or are we supposed to raise our vibrations and wait? And what say you on the pyramids that Valery Uvarov has made and are investigating in Russia along with his "Wands of Horus"?

What I also wonder is if there is something amidst with candida overgrowth and low level mercury poisoning?

And [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION], I see that whenever I partake in cannabis. I wish to stop using it because I notice that it stops my ability to dream or recall my dreams, and it also leaves me foggy headed the next day. I also want to look into yoga and meditation because I'd like to see if I can naturally induce the vision like your girlfriend has.

Also, what do you guys think of sun gazing?
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[MENTION=10272]John Newton[/MENTION] the yoga pose skarekrow is talking about is more of a breathing exercise called kapalbahti breathing... it’s also called breath of fire or shining face/shining skull which alludes to a vibrant aura... i didn’t find a video i really liked so i’ll leave you with this guy lol... the only thing i would add is to blow out your breath like you are blowing out a candle because this helps clear particulate matter from your lungs and you want to expel it...


if you want to do a crash course on stimulating your third eye i recommend hypnosis... if you have the money, go see a hypnotist... i did a regression once with a professional and could feel my third eye activated for hours afterwards... like a sore muscle... as weird as that sounds... but hypnosis downloads are cool too...