It would be very interesting for me to hear how would you describe Ni, because I also think its so vague decribed in most descriptions.

I'm poor at explaining such concepts. My understanding is more intuitive and it's difficult to put it into words. I also believe that no function exists independently so the Ni in INTJ is different from the Ni in INFJ.

I did come across one or two good descriptions, but I can't remember where. I think skarekrow might have linked to one. Sorry I can't give you something more helpful.
I'm poor at explaining such concepts. My understanding is more intuitive and it's difficult to put it into words. I also believe that no function exists independently so the Ni in INTJ is different from the Ni in INFJ.

I did come across one or two good descriptions, but I can't remember where. I think skarekrow might have linked to one. Sorry I can't give you something more helpful.
Sounds like "If I can't do it perfectly then don't try."

I think you should try. Just to see what it looks like.
I'm poor at explaining such concepts. My understanding is more intuitive and it's difficult to put it into words. I also believe that no function exists independently so the Ni in INTJ is different from the Ni in INFJ.

I did come across one or two good descriptions, but I can't remember where. I think skarekrow might have linked to one. Sorry I can't give you something more helpful.

Agree. I think the biggest difference is between Te and Ti. That changes many things. But there is also Fi and Fe.
What is bother me at most descriptions is the "other-wordliness" of Ni, or the "supernatural" alure that is given to it.
Its also that N is a intuitive function by its very nature. Yet the most scholars identify intuition as somewhat a irrational process, or maybe just ilogical. But to me Ni its very logical, or it may be just because its coupled with Ti? In fact, sometimes I think if not Ni is 'more logical' than Thinking function. But I think the main difference, maybe, is that traditionally logic is identified just with verifications, while by itself logic can not discover the truth, it can only verify it, check it for consistency. So maybe Ni would be a kind of inductive logic that "advances" the search for truth?
Like sprinkles said, maybe can you try to explain a bit your perspective, at least in the INTJ filed?
Agree. I think the biggest difference is between Te and Ti. That changes many things. But there is also Fi and Fe.
What is bother me at most descriptions is the "other-wordliness" of Ni, or the "supernatural" alure that is given to it.
Its also that N is a intuitive function by its very nature. Yet the most scholars identify intuition as somewhat a irrational process, or maybe just ilogical. But to me Ni its very logical, or it may be just because its coupled with Ti? In fact, sometimes I think if not Ni is 'more logical' than Thinking function. But I think the main difference, maybe, is that traditionally logic is identified just with verifications, while by itself logic can not discover the truth, it can only verify it, check it for consistency. So maybe Ni would be a kind of inductive logic that "advances" the search for truth?
Like sprinkles said, maybe can you try to explain a bit your perspective, at least in the INTJ filed?

I think the main issue with the other-worldly perspective doesn't arise from illogic. Rather it arises from not being empirical - i.e. you can know it but you can't 'prove' it and a lot of people have a problem with this.

The problem with this is that empiricism relies on a tangible knowledge base, that which is testable. This leads to a pigeonholing effect where we try to classify everything while forgetting that we might not necessarily have the means to do so.
I think the main issue with the other-worldly perspective doesn't arise from illogic. Rather it arises from not being empirical - i.e. you can know it but you can't 'prove' it and a lot of people have a problem with this.

The problem with this is that empiricism relies on a tangible knowledge base, that which is testable. This leads to a pigeonholing effect where we try to classify everything while forgetting that we might not necessarily have the means to do so.
Yes, but then Ti is kind of abstract also, or not empiric, like you said, yet nobody says is "supernatural" or "from a space ship", like I heard someone recently. So why then people give Ni so much of a special alure?
@Skarekrow, All that you've said I've found elsewhere resonate to me but what I don't quite understand is what we are supposed to be doing once we discover that? Is there a name for this search? Are we supposed to work our dream states so that we can astral project and look for the truth on our own, or are we supposed to raise our vibrations and wait? And what say you on the pyramids that Valery Uvarov has made and are investigating in Russia along with his "Wands of Horus"?

What I also wonder is if there is something amidst with candida overgrowth and low level mercury poisoning?

And @Skarekrow, I see that whenever I partake in cannabis. I wish to stop using it because I notice that it stops my ability to dream or recall my dreams, and it also leaves me foggy headed the next day. I also want to look into yoga and meditation because I'd like to see if I can naturally induce the vision like your girlfriend has.

Also, what do you guys think of sun gazing?

Why are you searching out these things at all? I can’t answer that for you...I search these things out because there have been several instances in buy life that no matter how hard you tried or who it was there would be no way for them to explain them away through what we call “science” today.
Namely for me it was the experience of ghostly activity, both when I was young, a young adult, and even as recent as a few years ago.
Plus I have always been interested ever since I was a young boy in anything well as those things that push the scientific envelope...
I remember being somewhere around 10 and checking out a book of quantum physics from the library....I didn’t understand almost any of it....but that just sparked my curiosity even further...I WANTED to understand have the knowledge to understand....but even now, some of the things that quantum physics has to offer can knock your mind about as you read it.
That is why I still am interested....because I know through experience that there is a such thing as something “magical”...something science has yet to understand or may never.
These things to me, offer a peak at what is something extraordinary....something you would only see in a movie or a book...and yet, I have lived momentary instances that tell me life is more than what we are taught it to be.
We are taught that we cannot astrally project...that there aren’t ghosts....that things don’t move by themselves....all these things I have seen.
What is your reason John? Maybe it can help narrow what you are searching for a bit because most of what you have asked about I or others here will find information online just as well as you can.
Sounds like "If I can't do it perfectly then don't try."

I think you should try. Just to see what it looks like.

True, but my perfectionism is crippling. Which combined with needing to type a thousand words a minute to keep up with my brain means I'll spend hours writing and rewriting something I already find difficult to explain.

I had to edit what I wrote above five times and it's still not right. Firstly a thousand words is a bit excessive, more like five or six hundred. Secondly, the phrasing isn't quite right. It's a bit messy. Thirdly I wonder if I should add a comma after "which". It seems to work either way.
Why are you searching out these things at all?

My journey began as a look into Christianity. I was raised as one and never questioned it until college. Now that I am away from my parents' grasp, I can study things and question things more freely and keep seeing mentions reguarding the NWO. I started watching documentaries on food and GMO related things, saw the Zeitgeist, then started digging into ancient egypt when I stumbled upon esoteric-related information. Naturally, since all of what I mentioned can be considered conspiracy theories, it is very hard to signify the validity of any of them. Valery decided to not look into anything metaphysically related that cannot be scientifically measured which gives us a partial picture, but with the number of dedicated forums, YouTube accounts, persons that are professional psychics, actual shamans still living the tribal life, and monks with amazing abilities through meditation, if we hypothesize that the Egyptians really did get otherworldly knowledge during that golden age (supposedly we are in a dark age right now), then we as humans are capable of more than we know. What I want to know is what have we lost due to the NWO, what should we be doing to regain it, and if there is a correlation between MBTI types and recognizing all that has been stated.

I feel that the thinkers are more likely to dismiss these ideas whereas the intuitive feelers may be more accepting. Or... perhaps even this line of thinking has been orchestrated...! Who knows
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This is why I use chaos mixed with Tao.

They say you must have a clear intent when you make sigils or use magic. My intent is to let things be as they may. So I do not make a sigil and say "I want peace, love, and money!" instead I play a song to others and desire only that it takes its natural effect, and even I don't necessarily comprehend what that is.

It's not something that I'm doing or using but rather something that I'm letting be, but calling attention to.

This is beautiful. This sounds like a miracle rather than magic. The difference between magic and miracles is the personal control element. If you do not desire to control the outcome, it is surrended to the Holy Spirit/Shekinah/Oneness, and therefore not of your ego. This is because surrender of personal control requires absolute Trust in Oneness/Source

Miracles are non specailised, and are completely inclusive...therefore motivated by Oneness and Love, and are real.
Magic is specialised, exclusive...therefore motivated by ego, and are ultimatley projection/illusion
I'd like to expand a bit on what Charlene was saying about working with energies and with the earths energy grid

The earth does have a network of power lines wrapping around it (telluric energy) called 'leylines'

In my country these leylines are marked by stone circles, barrows, ponds, standing stones and so on by a people in the past who were sensitive to these subtle energies

Nowadays the black lodge will still gather on these energy lines at certain times of the year at places of particular power (vortexes) and they will carry out rituals of extremely negative intent. they will seek to raise the darkest of energies during these rituals for example through sexual abuse and/or sacrifices. They are looking to pour these negative energies into the earths energy grid (much like they inject people with toxic 'vaccines' to poision their central nervous systems)

On a physical level they drill fracking wells inot the earth and inject toxins into it.

They are trying to bring everything and everyone down to a low slow vibration of fear

So the amswer to this is for people to be consciously aware of the games these people are playing and counter them. they want everyone to be divided so we should break down barriers. They want us to support their wars so we should reject them and so on

There are also many powerplace Groves there. Natural groves of trees are, in my experience, total bliss, because it is the Earth/Mother herself that creates these. I guess they are like a natural powerplace garden. These are an ideal place to meditate, and can also be used as portals.
You are very blessed to live in such a place on Earth

In regards to your post about magic, i want to say that i do not think magick is wrong, and that i do think that magic is highly enjoyable and enlightening. Because it certainly is. But it is about illusions, because it is about ego projected illusion. Regardless, all roads do lead home.

We have identified there is a duality, and there are those that would maintain duality by serving ego, separation and illusion. What now? We cannot release the serpant by condemming it.

Even in terms of illusion, and using the law of attraction to project, it does no good to focus on what we do not wish to be created. It is counterproductive
The mind is a garden. Weeds only grow in the garden when the garden is neglected. Focus on the garden, and the weeds will not grow. Focus on the trees and flowers that bring you joy. Focus on the weeds, and all we do is create the vibration of opposition. This is the vibration that we are trying to move away from.
This is beautiful. This sounds like a miracle rather than magic. The difference between magic and miracles is the personal control element. If you do not desire to control the outcome, it is surrended to the Holy Spirit/Shekinah/Oneness, and therefore not of your ego. This is because surrender of personal control requires absolute Trust in Oneness/Source

Miracles are non specailised, and are completely inclusive...therefore motivated by Oneness and Love, and are real.
Magic is specialised, exclusive...therefore motivated by ego, and are ultimatley projection/illusion

Yes. I still must use magic (or magick for those who prefer) to get this state because I'm not fully loving and get caught up.

So it's defensive banishing in a way. I need to banish perceptions and ill wills that build up for this state to come out. Stuff builds up after a while and I purge it.
True, but my perfectionism is crippling. Which combined with needing to type a thousand words a minute to keep up with my brain means I'll spend hours writing and rewriting something I already find difficult to explain.

I had to edit what I wrote above five times and it's still not right. Firstly a thousand words is a bit excessive, more like five or six hundred. Secondly, the phrasing isn't quite right. It's a bit messy. Thirdly I wonder if I should add a comma after "which". It seems to work either way.

Lol, yes words are an utterly inadequate and limiting way to think, and then to describe and communicate said thoughts. Anything that defines necessarily confines as well.

Sounds like "If I can't do it perfectly then don't try."

I think you should try. Just to see what it looks like.

Yet, what sprinkles said still seems to ring true. there still seems to be merit in trying. Or maybe its just fun, especaily when we are detached from these thoughts and descriptions
"Kundalini as the divine power -- one energy defined in many cultures and traditions."
  … copyright 1997-2011 Transpersonal Lifestreams, Hobart, Tasmania
  … updated 21st March 2011

Kundalini as the divine power -- one energy defined in many cultures and traditions.

Down through the ages, in every culture and in every time, knowledge of Divine Power dwelling in each human being has been a closely guarded secret.

The First People knew no sickness. Not until separation entered the world did people get sick in the body or head. It was then the medicine man or Shaman, knowing how man was constructed, could tell what was wrong with a person by examining the "energy centres" of the body.

Almost all religions or spiritual traditions speak of this Inner Power in some form or other.

Though the names used to describe it may be different and, although the symbols used to invoke it vary somewhat from culture to culture, the experience called Kundalini is a Universal phenomenon which has been experienced in all places and at all times.

Traditionally, the knowledge of this divine power Kundalini has been a closely guarded secret, revealed by a 'Master' to only a few close and select initiates. It tends to be spoken of in veiled symbolic language, if it is spoken of at all.
The Common Traditions

The Japanese call it "ki", the Chinese "chi" and in Christianity, it is known as "The Holy Spirit". In Mexico, Kundalini was worshiped as the serpent-god "Quetzalcoatl"; the Kung people of the Kalahari called this same power "n'um".

The American Indians know all about the energy that is awakened between the legs and rises to the top of the head, but it is regarded as so sacred that they are forbidden even to pronounce its name. (Shades of the "unpronounceable" name of god 'YHWH'.).

The Hopi's believe that each human being is created in the image of "Great Spirit" but that the door at the top of the head closes and man falls from communion into the uninhibited expression of his own selfish will (The Christian equivalent of this is the mark of "The Beast"). Now man must begin the slow climb back upward until the door at the crown of the head finally reopens and he emerges back into the wholeness of creation.

The Kung believe that "n'um"is not a physical substance, but is instead energy or power, a kind of supernatural potency. They describe trance by saying it feels as though they have a hole their heads, perhaps two inches wide, which extends through them like an empty column down the spine and into the ground beneath.

Throughout history, the Tree has been commonly used as a symbol for the 'Shamanic State'
Kundalini in Western Spirituality

In the West, the knowledge of Kundalini has been transmitted by the esoteric or mystical branches of all of the great religious traditions. The knowledge of Kundalini is present in the mystery religions of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome; in the teachings of both the Gnostic and Neoplatonic traditions; in the Kabalistic traditions of Judaism; and in the personal testaments of the great Christian mystics.

The "Gnostic Gospels", and ancient Christian text says there is in everyone a Divine Power existing in a latent (existing in unconscious or dormant form but potentially able to achieve expression) condition. This, the root of the universe, is One Power divided above and below, generating itself, making itself grow, seeking itself, finding itself, being mother of itself, father of itself, sister of itself, spouse of itself, daughter of itself. That infinite power exists in two modes one actual, the other potential.

Various secret societies or "brotherhoods" such as the Rosicrucians, the medieval alchemists and the Freemasons have sprung up specifically to pass on the knowledge of this 'latent potential' (Kundalini) to a few select initiates.

The Masons speak of the energy, or Spirit Fire, that rises through the spinal column. In Masonry, the science and human transformation consists of moving the Spirit Fire up through 32 degrees (there are commonly 32 segments or vertebrae of the spinal column) whereupon it enters the skull.

The Poet-Saints of all traditions have written & sung of classical Kundalini experiences. One of these poets was Kabir

Lightning flashes without any clouds.
There is no son, but there is radiant light.
The Pearl in that realm forms without a shell.

There is no sound and yet, the Word resounds.
All light is put to shame by the Lord's bright radiance.
The indestructible, unfathomable lies beyond.
Consciousness Matter and the Caballah

The predicament of most human beings, according to the Caballah, is to identify with Consciousness trapped in matter. Through intense prayer, meditation and a repetition of sacred syllables, these buried sparks of Man's Consciousness can be fanned into a blazing Fire and liberated from their imprisonment in the darkness of ignorance. Man's consciousness can be raised until it rests in the crown from whence the "mystic" attains ecstatic visions and realises his own Divine nature.

The transformation from matter, or darkness, to light and "spirit" is universally acknowledged as the task of Kundalini, the Divine conscious serpent power that resides within us.

The strength of Kundalini is what allows us to expand infinitely so that we can see the whole universe within our own Self. Then, we no longer remain a limited, bound creature; we achieve total union with Universal Consciousness.
Here is a really long and detailed explanation of the garden of eden mystery. It certainly goes into a lot of detail! It explains Adam as the spirit of God, and Eve as the soul of man, which i find very interesting. I was confused about the Adam and Eve part before when i was explaining this mystery.

Also, i really liked this website because it said: YES YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO SHARE, copy, paste, post, email, print, hand out, use, do what you will with any, and all, material found on this site. Simply credit "Courtesy of JACOB ISRAEL" and direct them here.

its nice when people share for free


This paper is going to discuss the GARDEN of EDEN in great detail. It will show you where, and what, this GARDEN is. How ADAM/EVE (mankind/us) was cast out and how we can and will return.

I also will touch briefly on a revelation that hit me yesterday that ties in great with the GARDEN… That is the relationship between HEROD and JESUS. Let me start with that and I will transition into the Garden, Promise!

Like all my papers, take a wild guess what HEROD and JESUS represent… The story of the war WITHIN US! If I have said it once, I have said it a Kabillion times, the BIBLE IS OUR STORY.

That’s right Herod and Jesus is another wonderful allegory of how our “outer man” or “ego” or whatever you want to call the DEAD MAN (Ignorant carnal first state of man) and our INWARD MAN (Christ) are at odds. How the OUTWARD/CARNAL/ANTICHRIST nature of MAN wants to kill the TRUTH of who we are! The story of Jesus coming into this world, how Joseph and Mary had to flee and how Herod wanted this “Messiah” dead is a wonderful allegory for what is happening within each of us.

(Disclaimer: This is NOT to say that there wasn’t a literal Jesus or Herod. So settle down those in the Religious Peanut gallery. What I am saying is NONE OF THAT MATTERS. So let’s look at what does, the REVELATION of scripture)


Galatians 4:29
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

We see this in the stories of ESAU (Flesh) wanting to kill JACOB. Ishmael and Isaac. Cane and Abel. The list goes on and on. The FLESH profits nothing, to be carnally minded is DEATH, so of course the FLESH (ignorant/carnal thinking) will always want to put to death the SPIRIT (which is LIFE and peace). In other words, WHO WE THINK WE ARE is KILLING who we REALLY ARE.

Galatians 5:17
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other:

Romans 8:7
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

So what is this telling us?

Well, that the CARNAL MAN (who we thought, or think, we are), The EGO who who believes to be the master of the universe, the one who believes “they are in control”, the EGO man is the ONLY ENEMY of God there is.

This CARNAL/EGO MAN is a creation of all of our experiences and brainwashing in this world. We were taught in this world to put our faith in our senses. (Sight, Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing) and yet the Sixth sense is “I SEE DEAD PEOPLE” all around because of it!

The instant mankind was cast out of the GARDEN and starting living/existing OUTSIDE of THE GARDEN instead of WITHIN IT. Mankind DIED, they became scared of God, hid from God, in the BRANCHES AND TREES, (which I will explain in detail later) – MANKIND lost their unity of the SPIRIT and DIED (BECAME IGNORANT)

This is the FALL we ALL took place in. And it starts everytime we are born in this hellish world(lusts of the world).

We began to believe we were Joe, Bobbie, Tabitha, etc. etc… we began to believe we “our EGO nature” is all there is. And the way we began to believe this was by eating from that TREE in the MIDDLE of the GARDEN we were told NOT TO EAT FROM. So what was that TREE? … Slow down there Tonto, I’ll get to it.

Let me frist start any explain where and what the GARDEN of EDEN really is. So we can put all of this “looking for the real location of Eden” behind us. I know if this TRUTH got out, the History would be peeved, well at least they could still look for the remains of the Arc. (I’m being sarcastic “church”.

So, I’ll explain what the GARDEN OF EDEN is, then I’m going to get all SCIENTIFIC on you. Now pay attention because this is REALLY AMAZING. I learned this years ago and thought it much more than a coincidence, back then. But like everything else I write, today was the day for me to write it and share it with you all. Then it WILL BE up to you to go to GOD WITHIN and see if it is true. (NEVER take the word of a MAN, Let every man be a liar, but let GOD BE TRUE.)

But, I believe that you will give a big “WOW” after reading this.


In the middle of the GARDEN, GOD placed ADAM (which I hope by now you understand is an allegory for all of MANKIND.) In fact the NAME ADAM in HEBREW is translated as MANKIND!

Okay, so back to the GARDEN. MANKIND was place INSIDE it. And inside the GARDEN there was a TREE that MANKIND(ADAM) was forbidden to EAT THE FRUIT OF… Now see if you can catch this.

Before eating the FRUIT (what this forbidden tree produced) of this TREE in the MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN, Mankind ONLY existed INSIDE/WITHIN the Garden. They were one with God and everything, there was no pain, fear, guilt, they were naked and were not ashamed. But AFTER eating the fruit of this cursed TREE in the MIDDLE of the GARDEN, Mankind began LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE GARDEN, and OUTSIDE of this Garden there is no peace. (Some of you caught that, for those who didn’t, continue on… por favor!)

Is man his body, flesh, blood and bones? Or IS MAN HIS thoughts?

ANSWER: Man is the SPIRIT/THOUGHTS that exist WITHIN his BODY.

I will simply explain this using scripture. So you see MAN is not the OUTWARD FORM, but really MAN exists WITHIN the OUTWARD FORM or APPEARANCE. (note: This will tie into Herod and Jesus soon)


MAN is made in the IMAGE OF GOD. Man is made in CHRIST. We become/are the body, mind, of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:4
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

People are blind to who they are IN CHRIST, because of their EGO/CARNAL thinking. God only has ONE CHILD (Mankind) and that ONE CHILD are all either DEAD IN ADAM or ALIVE in CHRIST.

Colossians 3:4
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

CHRIST is our LIFE SOURCE. Man and CHRIST are ONE. The problem is the CARNAL MAN (antichrist) thinks “He or She” is separate from God and everyone else, he lives in the TEMPORAL SENSUAL WORLD, he lives and exists OUTSIDE of HIMSELF (CHRIST).

Religion even places God, Heaven, and Christ OUTSIDE of us and says Jesus is STILL TO RETURN. Man places the TRUTH far away, when the TRUTH is WITHIN and always has been WITHIN. The problem is, if you are DEAD IN ADAM (ignorance) you don’t know who you are and you are living by your senses in the temporal world. You exist OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF (Christ) … But when CHRIST who is our LIFE is revealed to us/appears, we live and exist ONLY WITHIN.

CHRIST is our LIFE. Christ is the IMAGE of GOD. And where is CHRIST FOUND AGAIN? …. WITHIN US!

Colossians 1:27
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

I went through all of this to SHOW YOU, that MANKIND (ADAM) was PLACED WITHIN the GARDEN of EDEN.

In other words, Mankind is not his body or anything EXTERIOR. The CARNAL MAN puts his faith and hope in everything outside of himself. The CARNAL man loves looking at themselves in the mirror, making muscles and all sorts of nonsence… (Or is that just me?) snicker, snicker… But CHRIST IS WITHIN us.


Okay with that all said and done.

Genesis 2:8
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

What do you think that GARDEN is “CHURCH”, the ONE Man was PLACED INSIDE.

If MAN is not Flesh, as the FLESH profits nothing. If MAN is the SPIRIT within the BODY. Paul says we are to know NO MAN after the Flesh, but after the SPIRIT!

I shouldn’t really even have to explain this, but MAN is NOT the EXTERIOR FORM, Man lives WITHIN the exterior form. But that doesn’t mean that MAN LIVES WITHIN where he should, and that is the cause of all the suffering in this world and our lives.

Romans 8:18
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Catch that? Suffering presently because we put our faith and trust outside of ourselves, but the GLORY IS REVEALED IN US…

I digress, if MAN is NOT the EXTERIOR form. And we know MANKIND’S LIFE is CHRIST, which is SPIRIT not flesh and bone. Then MAN was PLACED within this BODY/FORM.

Isaiah 1:30
For ye shall be as a garden that hath no water.

I’ll come right out and tell you this…. The Garden is YOU! It is YOU, YOU, YOU! YOU are the GARDEN that CHRIST WAS PLACED IN. And DIED IN! And shall RESURRECT in.

John 19:41
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre

Where was CHRIST crucified again? GOLGATHA (The place of the SKULL) – The TRUTH was killed WITHIN US, in our MINDS. This is why, there was a GARDEN, and in that GARDEN A NEW TOMB.

John 19:41
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre

Translation: “Now in the place where our TRUE LIFE was put to death there was a BODY, and in this BODY a TOMB.”

Matthew 23:27
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.

Where CHRIST (Our TRUE LIFE) was crucified there was a GARDEN and A TOMB. And CHRIST IS WITHIN. Killed at the PLACE OF THE SKULL. The Hope of Glory is not CHRIST coming OUTSIDE, but being REVEALED WITHIN.

WE, our BODIES, EGO’S, who we THINK WE ARE is the GARDEN of EDEN. God planted this GARDEN so he could place HIS IMAGE inside it TO TEND IT.

Why do you think Mary after, Jesus’s resurrection supposed him to be a GARDENER, the one who TENDS to the GARDEN (US)

The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Reign of GOD’S TRUTH/Christ) is WITHIN. And look at what it is compared to.

Luke 13:19
It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN/CHRIST is all WITHIN US. We (who we think we are) is the GARDEN. And here the REIGN OF GOD’S WAYS is pictured as a TREE that GROWS into a GREAT TREE. (This TREE allegory will soon blow you away)

Because believe it or not this has SCIENTIFIC MERIT! Which I will soon get to.

So the GARDEN IS US, CHRIST is within us. So how did we begin to look for salvation outside of us? When did we begin to exist OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES (The Garden) instead of being one with the SPIRIT OF TRUTH within… Well let’s go to the beginning… Literally.

In GENESIS we see how ADAM/EVE were ONE until a deep SLEEP (ignorance) came upon MANKIND. a quick note, GOD DID THIS. He made MANKIND IGNORANT. There is a reason for this.


God did this because he knew it was not good for MANKIND TO BE ALONE (ONE)… So he separated the SOUL OF MAN from the SPIRIT OF GOD. Now we believe there are many, when truly there is only CHRIST.

WE are the GARDEN that all of this takes place IN.

What and who is the TREE OF LIFE (CHRIST) = WISDOM is a tree of life.

Proverbs 3:18
She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.

What is the TREE that kills? What is the CURSED TREE that when EVE AND ADAM ate from the fruit of they DIED (Became IGNORANT)? You ask.

Well both of these TREES are WITHIN US.

Genesis 25:23
And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Now here is where the SCIENCE of our anatomy makes you go, COOOOOOL!

When MANKIND ate of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, he DIED. Which means, Mankind (adam) became ignorant of his connection to God and everything. He was CAST OUT of the Garden.

This is pictured today as how all of us exist. We put our faith in what we see, touch, taste, smell, etc. That is what “we believe” is REAL TO US. And so we are LIVING outside OURSELVES (THE GARDEN) but in this exterior existence there will be no peace or freedom. Only thorns (cares of the world and lusts thereof)

So what was this NASTY TREE Mankind ate from that messed us up?

Well if we are the GARDEN PHYSICALLY, then the TREE in the MIDDLE OF US physically, would be called the NERVOUS SYSTEM!

WHATEVER JACOB! (Don’t believe me? Read on, IF YOU DARE!!!! Dun dun dunnnnnnn!)

It is interesting that our senses which is also our curse is in the Middle of us. It even looks like a TREE smack dab in the middle of us, don’t you think?

Here is a brief scientific explanation of what the NERVOUS SYSTEM does. And I clipped this from Kids Health. I figured a child like explanation was better for me, because I am not really that bright (insert smiley face)

ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: “If you think of the brain as a central computer that controls all bodily functions, then the nervous system is like a network that relays messages back and forth from the brain to different parts of the body. It does this via the spinal cord, which runs from the brain down through the back and contains threadlike nerves that branch out to every organ and body part.”

NERVES THAT BRANCH OUT? — Well, there is another revelation waiting there “CHURCH”. BRANCHES.

Jeremiah 33:15
In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.

You see, a BRANCH in scripture is an allegory for a THOUGHT, or THOUGHTS. And yes, once again SCIENCE backs this all up. Check it “CHURCH”

“Neurobiologists have gained new insights into how neurons control growth of the intricate tracery of BRANCHES called dendrites that enable them to connect with their neighbors. Dendritic connections are the basic receiving stations by which neurons form the signaling networks that constitute the brain’s circuitry”

DENDRITES look like the branches of a TREE. Looks almost like a FOREST of BRANCHES, doesn’t it. This is why they are called the BRANCHES. “Branches of Thought” — It is also another reason I subtitled my NOVEL, THE CALLING “A VOICE IN THE DEAD WOODS”

The DEAD WOODS – being an allegory for MANKIND being lost in their CARNAL IGNORANT THOUGHTS/LIES/IMAGINATIONS.

Now here is where is gets COOL and WEIRD. This DENDRITIC CONNECTIONS are what makes our THOUGHTS… BRANCHES = THOUGHTS. Now watch this.

John 15:5
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

CHRIST is our LIFE, we (OUR THOUGHTS) are the EXPRESSION of that LIFE. Now wait it gets better.

John 15:2
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Every THOUGHT rooted in OUR LIFE’S TRUTH grows and flourishes. But every THOUGHT (BRANCH) that is NOT rooted in this LIFE will be destroyed!

This has nothing to do with literal people being cast into infinite torture and burned endlessly. HOGWASH! This scripture has to do with how God redeems us with the TRUTH. Every DENDRITIC CONNECTION, every BRANCH, every THOUGHT that doesn’t produce the FRUIT OF CHRIST will ultimately be cast away.

Remember, WE ARE THE GARDEN. Christ was placed INSIDE the GARDEN to TEND IT.

John 20:15
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

But CHRIST (the TRUTH) died the INSTANT MANKIND’S SOUL followed after the SNAKE HANGING on that TREE (NERVOUS SYSTEM) in the middle.

Now here is where it gets REALLY weird. There is LITERALLY A SNAKE hanging from that TREE (The nervous system). It is called the REPTILIAN BRAIN. Don’t believe me? Well, look it up, or just read on, yet another scientific paragraph I clipped for you.

“The R-complex consists of the brain stem and the cerebellum. Its purpose is closely related to actual physical survival and maintenance of the body. The cerebellum orchestrates movement. Digestion, reproduction, circulation, breathing, and the execution of the “fight or flight” response in stress are all housed in the brain stem. Because the reptilian brain is primarily concerned with physical survival, the behaviors it governs have much in common with the survival behaviors of animals. It plays a crucial role in establishing home territory, reproduction and social dominance. The overriding characteristics of R-complex behaviors are that they are automatic, have a ritualistic quality, and are highly resistant to change.”

The REPTILIAN brain is bascially our lowest ANIMAL LIKE NATURE. The beastly qualities found in man. When we are seduced away by this, the LOWEST PART of our TRIUNE BRAIN (Limbic system, neo-cortex, Reptilian cortex) – We exist in the LUSTS OF THIS WORLD.

This is the SNAKE (our basest carnal thoughts) that is constantly trying to get us to bow down and worship him. And the most enlightening phrase in the above article is that the REPTILIAN BRAIN is highly resistant to change.

THE FLESH (sensual/carnal thinking) hates the SPIRIT (Truth,God, Our LIFE/CHRIST)

Romans 8:5
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

ONCE MANKIND started EATING (assimilating their knowledge) through the FRUIT (SENSES) provided by the NERVOUS SYSTEM (TREE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN). Mankind began to exist OUTSIDE of themselves, and it was the SNAKE that got us to do so.

Think about your life. What brings you comfort and joy? What makes you feel stable?

I would lying if I were to say, I didn’t care what people thought of me. I would be deceiving you all if I were to say that when I am hurt by people it doesn’t get me down. I would be lying if I were to say the weather and my circumstances don’t dictate my mood. I would be lying to you all if I said, “I don’t care if I’m in debt” and if I said, “I don’t feel safe with more money in the bank, I feel safe because I TRUST SOLEY IN GOD.”

Here is my point, even with ALL OF THIS understanding, that the TRUTH is WITHIN and that the answers are not WITHOUT. I myself find it hard to RE-ENTER the Garden of God while my EXTERNAL (CARNAL MAN) is fighting to keep me focused on the FRUIT of the TREE (NERVOUS SYSTEM).

But the TRUTH is within us all, and we will OVERCOME THE WORLD, because CHRIST IN US overcame it first. But why is it so hard to just ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM once and for all! Why do we struggle, suffer, etc, etc?

Well, there was placed at the GARDEN entrance something to KEEP US from re-entering in again.

Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

What you’ll find interesting is these CHERUBIM are also woven in the VEIL that keeps people from the holiest of holies. These CHERUBIM are also on either side of the MERCY SEAT, keeping the MERCY SEAT in DARKNESS/SHADOW.

So let me tell you what these CHERUBIM are. The TRANSLATION for CHERUBIM is “IMAGINERY CREATURE” – which means, THEY DON’T EXIST.

This CHERUBIM is WHO WE THINK WE ARE. I know this is a lot of take in. But our CARNAL EGO is what keeps the TRUTH hidden WITHIN. It is our CARNAL EGO that keeps us LIVING OUTSIDE THE GARDEN (US) instead of WITHIN (where God and Christ sit)

Isaiah 37:16
O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between/WITHIN the cherubims.

Where else does God dwell “church”? … IN US!

Hebrews 9:5
And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.

A SHADOW blocks the LIGHT. The CHERUBIM keep the TRUTH HIDDEN within. This is what is keeping us from ENTERING INTO ETERNAL LIFE. (to know God and who we are)

This is why we must DIE TO OURSELVES (OUR EGO) You see, it is this COVERING CHERUB (flesh/carnal ego) that is keeping us from entering in.

Which brings us to HEROD and JESUS.

HEROD wanted JESUS dead. The ORIGINAL meaning and translation of the word “HEROD” from the GREEK, means “Outer covering, appearance” and Heroic.

Isn’t that something. HEROD – the OUTER COVERING/APPEARANCE/MAN’S FLESH wants to KILL Christ.

Remember, Herod was only a TEMPORARY KING set up by CARNAL MAN. He did not want to stop being in control. This is a symbol of why MANKIND teaches and believes “they are in control”, this antichrist nature in MAN wants to KILL the TRUTH for fear of losing control.

And while HEROD was on the hunt for CHRIST. Christ was forced to go HIDE IN EGYPT. (Bondage of the Flesh) – And it wouldn’t be until the OUTER COVERING CHERUB/HEROD (Man’s carnal nature is KILLED OFF) that CHRIST can RETURN to be revealed to ISRAEL.

Matthew 2: 19But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child’s life. 21And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.

So there is our entrance again into the GARDEN. The Hope of Glory is CHRIST WITHIN US, this is our TRUE NATURE.

For we were baptized into Christ’s death in the GARDEN, GOLGATHA, in our THINKING. But we are also RESURRECTED with CHRIST IN LIFE.

So stop eating from that TREE WITHIN. Stop putting your faith in the SEEN, FELT, TASTED, AND HEARD, and start putting your faith in the UNSEEN.

Romans 8: 23And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. 24For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? 25But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Here is a really long and detailed explanation of the garden of eden mystery. It certainly goes into a lot of detail! It explains Adam as the spirit of God, and Eve as the soul of man, which i find very interesting. I was confused about the Adam and Eve part before when i was explaining this mystery.

Also, i really liked this website because it said: YES YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO SHARE, copy, paste, post, email, print, hand out, use, do what you will with any, and all, material found on this site. Simply credit "Courtesy of JACOB ISRAEL" and direct them here.

its nice when people share for free


... Righteous.

Lost wing

Not yet known to become imitation
The results of building a virtual village
Life of: Pandora
Endless cycle of death and rebirth simulation
Paranoia of my sky disappearing
The collapse of the melody myth

Plug the ear
to get inside the pulsation
The drowning sensation is
precious, momentary, resounding.
To you, to me.
A baby's first cry, a bouquet
Sorrow, joy
Goodbye for eternity
Limited time,
'til the end of the world
Hold you all tightly
Begin walking
Interval of space-time
I now sing

Goodbye Eden

Goodbye Eden

Goodbye Eden
Farewell, be told
Goodbye Eden
You've been told

My journey began as a look into Christianity. I was raised as one and never questioned it until college. Now that I am away from my parents' grasp, I can study things and question things more freely and keep seeing mentions reguarding the NWO. I started watching documentaries on food and GMO related things, saw the Zeitgeist, then started digging into ancient egypt when I stumbled upon esoteric-related information. Naturally, since all of what I mentioned can be considered conspiracy theories, it is very hard to signify the validity of any of them. Valery decided to not look into anything metaphysically related that cannot be scientifically measured which gives us a partial picture, but with the number of dedicated forums, YouTube accounts, persons that are professional psychics, actual shamans still living the tribal life, and monks with amazing abilities through meditation, if we hypothesize that the Egyptians really did get otherworldly knowledge during that golden age (supposedly we are in a dark age right now), then we as humans are capable of more than we know. What I want to know is what have we lost due to the NWO, what should we be doing to regain it, and if there is a correlation between MBTI types and recognizing all that has been stated.

I feel that the thinkers are more likely to dismiss these ideas whereas the intuitive feelers may be more accepting. Or... perhaps even this line of thinking has been orchestrated...! Who knows

Firstly, I would be aware of the thought that everyone has an matter which side they are on, especially when you are reading into conspiracy theories and the like. Do they want to sell books....gain cult members....gain personal power....are they providing purposeful disinformation? And I’m sure you are plenty intelligent enough to figure that out on your own...but it seems when you really start looking for the truth, you get a thousand charlatans peddling you snake oil.
Most things you really cannot say 100% that yes, this is provable via facts and proof...most of it you will have to experience yourself.
If you really wish to begin learning about this type of thing...and I understand why you would, I am the same that way...then I would tell you to please take it very slowly, even as much as you really wish to see some type of do NOT want to see the WRONG kind of proof directed at you or those you love.
I don’t know if you watched all the Spirit Science videos I posted here or not (I didn’t post them all btw) they can be a bit childish at times and I’m sure you know a lot of it already...but even I gleaned things from it that I didn’t know, or at least had things reinforced.

Please, please do not try anything magical until you have thorough knowledge of what you are potentially doing...and even then, give it a second thought.
Yes, there are ghosts and spirits...I can say that with 100% certainty....I know that some are good and some not so much...I have encountered both and I can tell you that unless you are spiritually prepared to deal with the latter it could mean bad news. Fortunately, I also believe that most spirits, even the mal-intentioned ones don’t have a lot of power over this world or you...certain things you mess with can change that, be aware!
I also think that a lot of what we do against this type of thing is buried in our intuition...just as you suggested, I think it would be safe to say that those who are more in touch with that aspect of themselves would react differently.
I would suggest asking @sprinkles about her involvement with chaos magick...she has some great insights.
I would suggest asking @muir about the various conspiracies and their legitimacy.
Just keep studying, keep asking questions...eventually you will have a greater idea of the shape of things...and also, I think most people have had some sort of “experience” with something or the other...but I also don’t think most people are aware that it happened, or they don’t want to believe that it happened...perhaps their mind blocked it out completely.
So be aware, use your intuition.
There are also many powerplace Groves there. Natural groves of trees are, in my experience, total bliss, because it is the Earth/Mother herself that creates these. I guess they are like a natural powerplace garden. These are an ideal place to meditate, and can also be used as portals.
You are very blessed to live in such a place on Earth

There are some incredible trees and groves and so on. I went for a walk by an ancient oak today that is probably about 800 years old.

There is also a tree here that is 5,000 years old and is believed by some to be the oldest living thing in Europe

Britain has a past that is being covered up by the judeo-christian establishment but there are traces still dotted about

In regards to your post about magic, i want to say that i do not think magick is wrong, and that i do think that magic is highly enjoyable and enlightening. Because it certainly is. But it is about illusions, because it is about ego projected illusion. Regardless, all roads do lead home.

I guess its like depends on how you use it

We have identified there is a duality, and there are those that would maintain duality by serving ego, separation and illusion. What now? We cannot release the serpant by condemming it.

I think that we are living through an awakening and that the internet is playing a large part in this in the same way that the printing press aided the reformation and subsequent changes

There is a window of opportunity here for knowledge to be passed out around the world that can liberate people from certain 'mind forg'd manacles'

Ultimately however knowledge is one thing but understanding is another

Even in terms of illusion, and using the law of attraction to project, it does no good to focus on what we do not wish to be created. It is counterproductive
The mind is a garden. Weeds only grow in the garden when the garden is neglected. Focus on the garden, and the weeds will not grow. Focus on the trees and flowers that bring you joy. Focus on the weeds, and all we do is create the vibration of opposition. This is the vibration that we are trying to move away from.

I understand what you are saying. Why i keep one eye on the weeds is because there are pitfalls being laid for people

For example we all know about the sub prime mortgage bubble that burst in 2008 leading to financial crisis but in the UK at the moment the chancellor of the exchequer has created a scheme where the government pays some money towards the mortgage of first time buyers. This however is only creating a new housing bubble and when interest rates rise this is going to cause many people to lose their homes as they are no longer able to make the payments

Also i am anticipating a collapse of the fiat (paper) money eg the dollar and the pound (there will be a knock on effect when the dollar goes because it is the worlds reserve currency) so i am looking to convert money into tangible assets and skills so that when the inevitable occurs i don't lose what wealth i have

So there are very practical reasons why i like to know whats going on in the that i can make informed choices
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@Skarekrow , All that you've said I've found elsewhere resonate to me but what I don't quite understand is what we are supposed to be doing once we discover that? Is there a name for this search?

Different people have different names eg ''the great work''

But its your life experience and your intutitive spiritual journey

Are we supposed to work our dream states so that we can astral project and look for the truth on our own, or are we supposed to raise our vibrations and wait?

You're not supposed to do anything...its a blank canvas!

I think there are lots of people setting themselves up as gurus and there are many lofty claims being made but I think a very grounded person is Alan Watts and there are many great clips online of his on youtube

He talks about how gurus take people on bizarre, meandering journeys to eventually bring them back to themselves!
@sprinkles @muir @Kgal @Serenity @Jacobi @Shaqie @Sensiko @charlene

So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...

Hmmm.... I've never thought about it much. A couple of years ago when I began "seeing" a purple glowing sphere in my mind while meditating I excitedly thought " sixth chakra is opening"...and then I let go of being fixated on it.

Now here you are asking me to think about it.

A while back - don't remember when - I remembered reading something in [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] 's thread 'chapel perilous' about a technique for activating the pineal gland - and I began doing it sporadically. It described using the tip of the tongue pushing the roof of the mouth. So I tried it...and observed....and noticed the sensations in my body. It must have been beneficial for me because I have returned to do it again and again over the many months since then. You must understand when I do these types of meditations I am in the intuitive mode and I allow whatever comes to my mind to happen. I am in "surrendered mode" if you know my meaning.

So I can't really describe my beliefs around the pineal very well...but I'll go there now for fun. :D

Center of the brain - the pineal gland and surrounding space - is the focal receptor for all of consciousness. It is not our central connection point with the universe for that is the Heart. But it is our ability to access the All That Is - the Akashic...ummm...field. We pull down the energy from the Galactic Central Sun into our Heart center while pulling up the energy from the Earth's core to make the Energy which we call "I".

It's as if the Third Eye receives the knowledge/information/knowing and then can I say this....I can "see it"...but can't find the words....


Like when you see white light shining through a crystal and then it splits into all the colors...

It does that with the knowledge/information/akashic data when it flows through into your heart center. This is the place - the point - at which we create. The Energy flows down to our third eye and then if the chakras are aligned will flow down into your heart and then get filtered into your creation. If you have fear energy there in your still point your creation will include fear in it. If you have worked to clear Fear from your energy field - your still point - then whatever you create will be based upon Love.


Hah! right now I want to type "End Transmission" hahahahaha.... holy shit that makes me nervous.

Anyway - that's what I have to say about this.