Hmmm.... I've never thought about it much. A couple of years ago when I began "seeing" a purple glowing sphere in my mind while meditating I excitedly thought " sixth chakra is opening"...and then I let go of being fixated on it.

Now here you are asking me to think about it.

A while back - don't remember when - I remembered reading something in @muir 's thread 'chapel perilous' about a technique for activating the pineal gland - and I began doing it sporadically. It described using the tip of the tongue pushing the roof of the mouth. So I tried it...and observed....and noticed the sensations in my body. It must have been beneficial for me because I have returned to do it again and again over the many months since then. You must understand when I do these types of meditations I am in the intuitive mode and I allow whatever comes to my mind to happen. I am in "surrendered mode" if you know my meaning.

So I can't really describe my beliefs around the pineal very well...but I'll go there now for fun. :D

Center of the brain - the pineal gland and surrounding space - is the focal receptor for all of consciousness. It is not our central connection point with the universe for that is the Heart. But it is our ability to access the All That Is - the Akashic...ummm...field. We pull down the energy from the Galactic Central Sun into our Heart center while pulling up the energy from the Earth's core to make the Energy which we call "I".

It's as if the Third Eye receives the knowledge/information/knowing and then can I say this....I can "see it"...but can't find the words....


Like when you see white light shining through a crystal and then it splits into all the colors...

It does that with the knowledge/information/akashic data when it flows through into your heart center. This is the place - the point - at which we create. The Energy flows down to our third eye and then if the chakras are aligned will flow down into your heart and then get filtered into your creation. If you have fear energy there in your still point your creation will include fear in it. If you have worked to clear Fear from your energy field - your still point - then whatever you create will be based upon Love.


Hah! right now I want to type "End Transmission" hahahahaha.... holy shit that makes me nervous.

Anyway - that's what I have to say about this.
That is all wonderful information! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas about it!
I figured if anyone knew about personally working your third eye it would be
The tip of my tongue always touches the roof of my mouth. I wonder if that is strange, and what it could mean for me?

I also naturally stand in a basic Qigong posture a lot of times.
The tip of my tongue always touches the roof of my mouth. I wonder if that is strange, and what it could mean for me?

I also naturally stand in a basic Qigong posture a lot of times.

Where on the roof of your mouth?

What I ended up doing was curling my tongue back as far as I could make it and then pushed it up. It was awkward.

Qigong!!! I find myself naturally doing those moves too. :D I've never seen anyone in real life do them but find it very ...ummm... freeing when I flow with it.

Why do you think you stand naturally in that posture?
Where on the roof of your mouth?

What I ended up doing was curling my tongue back as far as I could make it and then pushed it up. It was awkward.
Just like the middle part. Where the hard but smooth part of the palate is, not the rougher part that's close to your teeth.

I tried pushing it all the way back like that and yeah it's way different! It goes all the way back past the palate into the really soft area. o.o

Qigong!!! I find myself naturally doing those moves too. :D I've never seen anyone in real life do them but find it very ...ummm... freeing when I flow with it.

Why do you think you stand naturally in that posture?

I dunno, I've trained it a lot but it's gotten to where I don't consciously do it. I've noticed though that whenever I get fatigue it's because I've lapsed doing it, so I think I've become more sensitive to it. Just like how I didn't know how bad I was feeling until I became primarily a fruit and vegetable eater and if I can't get enough of them I really start to change back but this time I feel it and it's icky.
Just like the middle part. Where the hard but smooth part of the palate is, not the rougher part that's close to your teeth.

I tried pushing it all the way back like that and yeah it's way different! It goes all the way back past the palate into the really soft area. o.o

I dunno, I've trained it a lot but it's gotten to where I don't consciously do it. I've noticed though that whenever I get fatigue it's because I've lapsed doing it, so I think I've become more sensitive to it. Just like how I didn't know how bad I was feeling until I became primarily a fruit and vegetable eater and if I can't get enough of them I really start to change back but this time I feel it and it's icky.

Yep. The soft spot is the place. :D

I think Qigong was developed to help us maintain total flow of energy throughout our body. I bet you you are in tune with the flow and when you stand in inappropriate postures it stops/blocks flow and you feel it.

I'd forgotten about that! yeah it was something to do with the secretion from the pituitary gland flowing down into the roof of the mouth

Its the ambrosia (food of the gods) mentioned in greek myth and the amrita of the hindus:

Amrita is repeatedly referred to as the drink of the gods, which grants them immortality.
Amrita features in the "ocean-churning" Samudra manthan legend, which describes how the devas, because of a curse from the sage Durvasa, begin to lose their immortality. Assisted by their mortal enemies, the asuras, they churn the ocean and create (among other wonderful things) amrita, the nectar of immortality.

In yogic philosophy (see yoga, Hindu philosophy) amrita is a fluid that can flow from the pituitary gland down the throat in deep states of meditation. It is considered quite a boon: some yogic texts say that one drop is enough to conquer death and achieve immortality.

Amrita is sometimes said to miraculously form on, or flow from, statues of Hindu gods. The substance so formed is consumed by worshippers and is alleged to be sweet-tasting and not at all similar to honey or sugar water.

Amrita (Devanagari - अमृत), are fourteen treasure jewels (Ratnas) that emerged from Samudra manthan ocean. The fourth Ratna which emerged is known as Kaustubha, the divine jewel of Vishnu.

Kundelini yoga can be used to build and stimulate the gland
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I'd forgotten about that! yeah it was something to do with the secretion from the pineal gland flowing down into the roof of the mouth

Its the ambrosia (food of the gods) mentioned in greek myth and the amrita of the hindus:

Amrita is repeatedly referred to as the drink of the gods, which grants them immortality.
Amrita features in the "ocean-churning" Samudra manthan legend, which describes how the devas, because of a curse from the sage Durvasa, begin to lose their immortality. Assisted by their mortal enemies, the asuras, they churn the ocean and create (among other wonderful things) amrita, the nectar of immortality.

In yogic philosophy (see yoga, Hindu philosophy) amrita is a fluid that can flow from the pituitary gland down the throat in deep states of meditation. It is considered quite a boon: some yogic texts say that one drop is enough to conquer death and achieve immortality.

Amrita is sometimes said to miraculously form on, or flow from, statues of Hindu gods. The substance so formed is consumed by worshippers and is alleged to be sweet-tasting and not at all similar to honey or sugar water.

Amrita (Devanagari - अमृत), are fourteen treasure jewels (Ratnas) that emerged from Samudra manthan ocean. The fourth Ratna which emerged is known as Kaustubha, the divine jewel of Vishnu.

Kundelini yoga can be used to build and stimulate the gland

"...conquer death and achieve immortality..."

To me this means once you've danced with the drug - or any drug for that matter - which allows the mind to see reality - you know you're immortal. I mean you KNOW you are not just the body standing here on this Earth. You KNOW this existence is not reality and with that knowing comes a deep sense of relief, peace, bliss, and wisdom.

Gifts from the Gods.
Bliss from God.
Mana from Heaven.
A divine jewel from Vishnu.

All metaphors for the sheer joy that comes from this KNOWing.

The churning ocean is the Field - the Akasha - the All That Is.

The fourteen jewels are the chakra points leading from the root all the way back to Source Energy.

I love all the myths and legends from around the world as they all hold keys to Truth. Finding one's Truth is the best journey of all...for there are so many facets to enjoy. :D

Thank you for finding this!
"...conquer death and achieve immortality..."

To me this means once you've danced with the drug - or any drug for that matter - which allows the mind to see reality - you know you're immortal. I mean you KNOW you are not just the body standing here on this Earth. You KNOW this existence is not reality and with that knowing comes a deep sense of relief, peace, bliss, and wisdom.

Gifts from the Gods.
Bliss from God.
Mana from Heaven.
A divine jewel from Vishnu.

All metaphors for the sheer joy that comes from this KNOWing.

The churning ocean is the Field - the Akasha - the All That Is.

The fourteen jewels are the chakra points leading from the root all the way back to Source Energy.

I love all the myths and legends from around the world as they all hold keys to Truth. Finding one's Truth is the best journey of all...for there are so many facets to enjoy. :D

Thank you for finding this!

Yes absolutely that is what it means

people sometimes talk of even experiencing death in an out of body experience and then realising as you say that it is not the end

What an effect that would have on a person

No doubt the alchemists talk of an elixor of life is all the same thing as well

Their bodies were the laboratory and they were trying to create an alchemical change in themselves. Alchemy is the western esoteric sex magick/yogic tradition

Yes absolutely that is what it means

people sometimes talk of even experiencing death in an out of body experience and then realising as you say that it is not the end

What an effect that would have on a person

No doubt the alchemists talk of an elixor of life is all the same thing as well

Their bodies were the laboratory and they were trying to create an alchemical change in themselves. Alchemy is the western esoteric sex magick/yogic tradition


I can't stop grinning!

You our age...we've been walking this path for a long long time now. For me the most exciting part of it all is that are being allowed to fully transcend beyond this physical being and expand outward into the Akasha Field. In fact we are being encouraged to do so. One only has to look to find the key suited just for them.

As a matter of fact....when my Mom talked with me about seeing Dad (he had died) this prompted her to expand her awareness. She has finally stopped talking about completing suicide and began exploring reincarnation. She seems more balanced these days. And by that I don't mean she wants to stay and live. I mean she seems more open to love and forgiving. She mentioned dying the other day and I told her that was a conversation she needed to have with her higher self. I then said - but you now know that you won't really die - right? And she smiled and said Yes. I will get to be with your Daddy too! extraordinary to be having conversations like this with one's parent.

It's an amazing world muir. :love:
Lol it sure is!

As the secrets pour out and understanding grows, the outer world loses its grip on people
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I understand what you are saying. Why i keep one eye on the weeds is because there are pitfalls being laid for people

For example we all know about the sub prime mortgage bubble that burst in 2008 leading to financial crisis but in the UK at the moment the chancellor of the exchequer has created a scheme where the government pays some money towards the mortgage of first time buyers. This however is only creating a new housing bubble and when interest rates rise this is going to cause many people to lose their homes as they are no longer able to make the payments

Also i am anticipating a collapse of the fiat (paper) money eg the dollar and the pound (there will be a knock on effect when the dollar goes because it is the worlds reserve currency) so i am looking to convert money into tangible assets and skills so that when the inevitable occurs i don't lose what wealth i have

So there are very practical reasons why i like to know whats going on in the that i can make informed choices

We have the opportunity to leave prison and enter paradise. The prison has been of our creating, and it is meaningless, nothing. There is no jailer except ego (our servant in duality), that would drag us back to our cell. The door is wide open, and the way shining with Light. Our brothers are all waiting there, All in their Christed Glory.
This release from prison comes from relase of the ego. The ego is our attachment to this world of nothing. Your personality is nothing, your body is nothing, your special relationships is nothing, your physical achievements is nothing, your possesions is nothing, your pain is nothing, your pleasure is nothing, your toils are nothing, your suffering is nothing, your guilt is nothing, your fear is nothing. It is all 'no thing'. It is illusion. It never happened and these things can never change Who and What you are. All these things are meaningless, because these things belong in in a world of nothing. These things are not in Pure Space of the Akasha, because they have not occured except in the perception of the separated mind. When we wake up, these things are gone.

To leave prison it is important that we do not worry about the conditions of prison. What does it matter that the sink is full of dirty dishes, when we know that the prison is not real? The conditions of the prison are completely irrelevant and meaningless. In analysing meaningless data we will not learn anything of value. It is ego that would have you analyse these conditions of nothing, in order to give nothing power over you, so that you slow your steps out of prison. Because you will walk out that door, it is the only thing in this world of nothing that is guaranteed and written in stone that cannot be changed.

It is like we have all made up a story, a videogame. And it is rich with so much detail that it appears lifelike. The game in itself is meaningless. It is not real and has no meaning. The only point of the game is the 'feeling' we experience (create) when we let the game go, and when we help our dearest brothers and sisters let go. This the creation of Heaven on Earth. This is the only time in which we feel clearly what it means to be the Light and return Home to ALL our dear brothers and sisters, our Mother and Father. We play this game, only to experience that feeling. Apart from that, there is no purpose and meaning to this game whatsoever. The moments of Love, Joy, Peace and Grcae, are the ones that light our path back home. We are not created to abide in a body and in a place of our ego's making that is not fit for God's beloved and Only Son. We can not be home in duality. It is not possible for the Holy Son of God.

It is a natural condition of our identification with this poor body that we feel afraid. Unfortunately this fear is natural, because that is the way this body had been engineered by the architects employed by ego. But the body is not you. I promise you, that when the body dies you will be here, and much more alive than you could imagine feeling in the body. The body is a projection. We leave this body all the time. The body is not real, it is a limitation and lense of separation placed on your mind, soul and spirit. The body offers no release.

What we are doing is alchemy. Alchemy is about change. Change is not adding a little of this and that to update hardwear and softwear. That is a false path, a way that is attractive to those that are attached to the body, committed to separation, and would continue their world of illusion as long as possible. They dream about godhood, and long to stay in their own projections. They know that once their body 'dies', they will be released from their own projection/dream. Because they are loyal worshippers of ego and separation, they seek to preserve the body as long as possible, because they believe that through the immortality of the body, they can become like gods, separate from the One True God. They eat of the Tree of Good and Evil, and they seek to eat also of the Tree of Life. This is not possible, but it does not stop people from trying. And to ensure and increase the legitimacy of their insane agenda, they trick others into identifying in their body, to also be as gods, powerful and separate from the One True God. They do this to increase the sphere of their projection and to keep others tied to the illusory plain of duality, separate from Source. This plain of illusion, when compared with the knowledge of Who and What we are Are, is hell. It is 'hellish' because this is the place that 'contains' the opposite of what we are. These are the servants of the ego, that would keep us on the wheel so that the game can go on, so they can play at false godhood. They have burrowed deep into the pits of hell and are consumed by their own loneliness and dispair. These are Angels, our dear brothers, and also our servants in this game of duality. Our goal is to secure our release by facilitating the release of those that think they are stuck in hell, that actually believe that they can love hell and want hell. Our goal is forgiveness, so that we may have At- One- ment and return to Heaven.

Change is change. True alchemic change can only occur when we let go our our need to control the outcome, and thus give Spirit the room it needs to flow. All we need do is to sincerely want the change. In wanting this goal, we create space. The Holy spirit, Shekinah does the rest. The Christ awakens, and we release the Christ through our forgiveness of All. Through the One True God we are given with the blessed power to take our poor flesh bodies of nothing, and change them into something real. But this alchemy is not of the body, and cannot be achieved through the body, because the body is the symbol of separation. However, the body is innocent, because it is merely a symbol. A symbol only represents its origin, and the origin of this symbol is in the mind. Through healing the mind (spiritual), which has nothing to do with the body, including the brain which is merely a part of the body, we can eat of the Tree of Life. It all happens in the mind. It is all in our head. All of it! The mind is the place in which we, ALL THAT IS is always connected. We have One mind. True release, and healing occurs in the One Mind when we release all perceptions borne of the Tree of Good and Evil.

There is nothing to fear. There is nothing here in illusion that can harm us. There is nothing here that can ever bring us true joy. How can Love that is conditional and separated ever be enough? How can a little of nothing satisfy those that are the heirs of Everything? We are asked to give up nothing in order to be and have everything. Please, please, please, lets all go home

Yes. Unfortunately the ego doesn't want you to leave. It still believes it will die so it is fighting for its survival and continues to insist that it is separate, thereby keeping up the illusion that all its machinations must be worth something.

"Hogwash!" it says. "That's all fantasy! You're living in a dream!" it says. "I need to have a purpose in life! I can't let go of things because they're too important!" it says.

What it doesn't know is that everybody is getting out eventually, no matter how long it takes. That's probably why people feel their life is hopeless and they're striving for no reason or meaning - because in this sense they are. The ego makes a futile attempt to hold on to something that it is eventually going to be rid of anyway, that desperate sense of purpose and separation.
Yes but when a person grasps that this life is temporary but that they are part of a wider consciousness then it often leads to either asceticism at one end where they reason that if this life is just a transient illusion then they should just not engage with it and at the other end some people reason that if it is all just an illusion that they should just have a big blow out after all who cares about the consequences?

So what is usually advocated is a middle way between these extremes

Not caring too much and not caring too little

Enjoy the experience for what it is but always keep in mind that it is what it is

Yes but when a person grasps that this life is temporary but that they are part of a wider consciousness then it often leads to either asceticism at one end where they reason that if this life is just a transient illusion then they should just not engage with it and at the other end some people reason that if it is all just an illusion that they should just have a big blow out after all who cares about the consequences?

So what is usually advocated is a middle way between these extremes

Not caring too much and not caring too little

Enjoy the experience for what it is but always keep in mind that it is what it is


Yup that's true. However I think if they do that, they'll just end up with another go round ultimately.

Edit: take things to extremes I mean.

Yes. Unfortunately the ego doesn't want you to leave. It still believes it will die so it is fighting for its survival and continues to insist that it is separate, thereby keeping up the illusion that all its machinations must be worth something.

"Hogwash!" it says. "That's all fantasy! You're living in a dream!" it says
. "I need to have a purpose in life! I can't let go of things because they're too important!" it says.

What it doesn't know is that everybody is getting out eventually, no matter how long it takes. That's probably why people feel their life is hopeless and they're striving for no reason or meaning - because in this sense they are. The ego makes a futile attempt to hold on to something that it is eventually going to be rid of anyway, that desperate sense of purpose and separation.

Hahahaha....Yes. I used to hear those words a lot as my ego yammered away in the back of my mind. Finally one day I told myself "Self! Either you get on board with this - or you let it go. What will it be- eh? 'Cause I'm tired of your doubt and energy draining sitting on the fence bullshit attitude." [shrug] worked! :D

That's why it's best to treat the ego with compassion - as if it is a young person - and we are the elder. The ego is still very useful in our every day lives and I thank mine for all it does for me. Whenever I see it heading off on fearful tangents I remind it we have help now in the form of wisdom and the source energy of Love.

We are safe in the arms of the Mother Earth.
I am love and Love will always find me.
Hahahaha....Yes. I used to hear those words a lot as my ego yammered away in the back of my mind. Finally one day I told myself "Self! Either you get on board with this - or you let it go. What will it be- eh? 'Cause I'm tired of your doubt and energy draining sitting on the fence bullshit attitude." [shrug] worked! :D

That's why it's best to treat the ego with compassion - as if it is a young person - and we are the elder. The ego is still very useful in our every day lives and I thank mine for all it does for me. Whenever I see it heading off on fearful tangents I remind it we have help now in the form of wisdom and the source energy of Love.

We are safe in the arms of the Mother Earth.
I am love and Love will always find me.

Yup I totally relate depending how caught up I am. Some times I look at the world and go "People are really horrible! I hate them all! It's disgusting how we act!" and that's when I'm really caught up.

When I'm less caught up it's more like "This is just sad rather than bad. They're really like children, they actually don't know better no matter how much we claim they should"

However there's even states beyond that, I get a state where it's more like "Well it is what it is and I love you anyway. Being upset or sad won't change what you are right now, but maybe these suggestions might help you."
Yup that's true. However I think if they do that, they'll just end up with another go round ultimately.

Edit: take things to extremes I mean.

Its a balance

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I'll go with the weird stuff I tend to not talk about.

Anyone heard weird voices in their heads, like non imaginary ones?

PS: I am sane!
I'll go with the weird stuff I tend to not talk about.

Anyone heard weird voices in their heads, like non imaginary ones?

PS: I am sane!
Define imaginary...