i will reply properly tomorrow, there is much to say and its my bedtime.

Basically, separation refers to the perceived separation from God, the rejection of perfection, and True (God's) Will in favour of egoic (man/beast) will. The separation is a choice to experience ego projected imperfect illusion rather than God created perfect reality. This is what happened when Adam (mankind) partook of the Tree of God and Evil. The tree of Good and Evil is a metaphor for perception. The fall refers to the perceived fall from Heaven/Eden. Leaving perfect grace to enter a state of sin (fear, guilt, perception) and karma, which is to be bound to the wheel of the past- retribution/punishment/consequence/time/space/bodies ...perception.

I say 'perceived' because it is not actually possible to be separate from God, we can merely think and believe so, but this is an illusion. Evil cannot exist because God did not create it. We cannot be anything other than what God created us, and God created us perfect. We can think we are imperfect, but we cannot make ourself imperfect except in illusion. We cannot be separate from God because we are created and Loved by God, and we are God. God creates through extension. We are One. Good is All That Is. The separation never occured because it is impossible. We merely fell into a sleep and have been dreaming this nightmare of suffering. When we realise we are not separate and the separation did not occur, we recognise that we are One with ALL, and we enter the at-One-ment. We forgive ALL, release all fears and guilt. We bless ALL, and we extend our unconditional Love to create reality rather than project illusion. We awaken from the dream of illusion into Christ/Buddhic Consciousness
The only realy point i am making in these upcoming posts is that We are One and We are God, that there is no evil, and that satan is not real.
To do this i will have to give some background information, and i will also have to talk about what is not real- the dream of projection, illusion. It is important to not get stuck on the details of illusion, because lol, the devil is in the details

So lets start from the beginning, which is very funny, because there is no actual beginning. Beginning implies time, and time is an illusion. But here we go anyway...

Here is a story called The Little Soul and The Sun, written by Neale Donald Walsch, from the book Conversations with God. This is a parable, written with artistic liscence, for children. It is not to be taken literally, but it illustrates the mystery of the journey into duality

Once upon no time, there was a little Soul who said to God, "I know who I am."

And God said, "That's wonderful! Who are you?"

And the Little Soul shouted, "I'm the Light!"

God smiled a big smile. "That's right!" God exclaimed. "You are the Light."

The Little Soul was so happy, for it had figured out what all the souls in the Kingdom were there to figure out.

"Wow," said the Little Soul, "this is really cool!"

But soon, knowing who it was was not enough. The Little Soul felt stirrings inside, and now wanted to be who it was. And so the Little Soul went back to God (which is not a bad idea for all souls who want to be Who They Really Are) and said,

"Hi, God! Now that I know Who I am, is it okay for me to be it?"

And God said, "You mean you want to be Who You Already Are?"

"Well," replied the Little Soul," it's one thing to know Who I Am, and another thing altogether to actually be it. I want to feel what it's like to be the Light!"

"But you already are the Light," God repeated, smiling again.

"Yes, but I want to see what that feels like!" cried the Little Soul.

"Well," said God with a chuckle, "I suppose I should have known. You always were the adventuresome one."

Then God's expression changed. "There's only one thing..."

"What?" asked the Little Soul.

"Well, there is nothing else but the Light. You see, I created nothing but what you are; and so, there is no easy way for you to experience yourself as Who You Are, since there is nothing that you are not."

"Huh?" said the Little Soul, who was now a little confused.

"Think of it this way," said God. "You are like a candle in the Sun. Oh, you're there all right. Along with a million, gazillion other candles who make up the Sun. And the sun would not be the Sun without you. Nay, it would be a sun without one of its candles...and that would not be the Sun at all; for it would not shine as brightly. Yet, how to know yourself as the Light when you are amidst the Light -that is the question."

"Well," the Little Soul perked up, "you're God. Think of something!"

Once more God smiled. "I already have," God said. "Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness."

"What's darkness?" the Little Soul asked.

God replied, "It is that which you are not."

"Will I be afraid of the dark?" cried the Little Soul.

"Only if you choose to be," God answered. "There is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is. You see, we are making it all up. We are pretending."

"Oh," said the Little Soul, and felt better already.

Then God explained that, in order to experience anything at all, the exact opposite of it will appear. "It is a great gift," God said, "because without it, you could not know what anything is like. You could not know Warm without Cold, Up without Down, Fast without Slow. You could not know Left without Right, Here without There, Now without Then."

"And so," God concluded, "when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather be a Light unto the darkness, and don't be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light shine so that everyone will know how special you are!"

"You mean it's okay to let others see how special I am?" asked the Little Soul.

"Of course!" God chuckled. "It's very okay! But remember,'special' does not mean 'better.' Everybody is special, each in their own way! Yet many others have forgotten that. They will see that it is okay for them to be special only when you see that it is okay for you to be special."

"Wow," said the Little Soul, dancing and skipping and laughing and jumping with joy. "I can be as special as I want to be!"

"Yes, and you can start right now," said God, who was dancing and skipping and laughing right along with the Little Soul.

"What part of special do you want to be?"

"What part of special?" the Little Soul repeated. "I don't understand."

"Well," God explained, "being the Light is being special, and being special has a lot of parts to it. It is special to be kind. It is special to be gentle. It is special to be creative. It is special to be patient. Can you think of any other ways it is special to be?"

The Little Soul sat quietly for a moment. "I can think of lots of ways to be special!" the Little Soul then exclaimed. "It is special to be helpful. It is special to be sharing. It is special to be friendly. It is special to be considerate of others!"

"Yes!" God agreed, "and you can be all of those things, or any part of special you wish to be, at any moment. That's what it means to be the Light."

"I know what I want to be, I know what I want to be!" the Little Soul announced with great excitement. "I want to be the part of special called 'forgiving'. Isn't it special to be forgiving?"

"Oh, yes," God assured the Little Soul. "That is very special."

"Okay," said the Little Soul. "That's what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to experience myself as that."

"Good," said God, "but there's one thing you should know."

The Little Soul was becoming a bit impatient now. It always seemed as though there were some complication.

"What is it?" the Little Soul sighed.

"There is no one to forgive."

"No one?" The Little Soul could hardly believe what had been said.

"No one!" God repeated. "Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all creation less perfect than you. Look around you."

It was then that the Little Soul realized a large crowd had gathered. Souls had come from far and wide ~ from all over the Kingdom ~ for the word had gone forth that the Little Soul was having this extraordinary conversation with God, and everyone wanted to hear what they were saying. Looking at the countless other souls gathered there, the Little Soul had to agree. None appeared less wonderful, less magnificent, or less perfect than the Little Soul itself. Such was the wonder of the souls gathered around, and so bright was their Light, that the Little Soul could scarcely gaze upon them.

"Who, then, to forgive?" asked God.

"Boy, this is going to be no fun at all!" grumbled the Little Soul. "I wanted to experience myself as One Who Forgives. I wanted to know what that part of special felt like."

And the Little Soul learned what it must feel like to be sad. But just then a Friendly Soul stepped forward from the crowd.

"Not to worry, Little Soul," the Friendly Soul said, "I will help you."

"You will?" the Little Soul brightened. "But what can you do?"

"Why, I can give you someone to forgive!"

"You can?"

"Certainly!" chirped the Friendly Soul. "I can come into your next lifetime and do something for you to forgive."

"But why? Why would you do that?" the Little Soul asked. "You, who are a Being of such utter perfection! You, who vibrate with such a speed that it creates a Light so bright that I can hardly gaze upon you! What could cause you to want to slow down your vibration to such a speed that your bright Light would become dark and dense? What could cause you ~ who are so light that you dance upon the stars and move through the Kingdom with the speed of your thought--to come into my life and make yourself so heavy that you could do this bad thing?"

"Simple," the Friendly Soul said. "I would do it because I love you."

The Little Soul seemed surprised at the answer.

"Don't be so amazed," said the Friendly Soul, "you have done the same thing for me. Don't you remember? Oh, we have danced together, you and I, many times. Through the eons and across all the ages have we danced. Across all time and in many places have we played together. You just don't remember."

"We have both been All Of It. We have been the Up and the Down of it, the Left and the Right of it. We have been the Here and the There of it, the Now and the Then of it. We have been the male and the female, the good and the bad; we have both been the victim and the villain of it."

"Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are. And so," the Friendly Soul explained further, "I will come into your next lifetime and be the 'bad one' this time. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the One Who Forgives.

"But what will you do?" the Little Soul asked, just a little nervously, "that will be so terrible?"

"Oh," replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle, "we'll think of something."

Then the Friendly Soul seemed to turn serious, and said in a quiet voice, "You are right about one thing, you know."

"What is that?" the Little Soul wanted to know.

"I will have to slow down my vibration and become very heavy to do this not-so-nice thing. I will have to pretend to be something very unlike myself. And so, I have but one favour to ask of you in return."

"Oh, anything, anything!" cried the Little Soul, and began to dance and sing, "I get to be forgiving, I get to be forgiving!"

Then the Little Soul saw that the Friendly Soul was remaining very quiet.

"What is it?" the Little Soul asked. "What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me!"

"Of course this Friendly Soul is an angel!" God interrupted. "Everyone is! Always remember: I have sent you nothing but angels."

And so the Little Soul wanted more than ever to grant the Friendly Soul's request. "What can I do for you?" the Little Soul asked again.

"In the moment that I strike you and smite you," the Friendly Soul replied, "in the moment that I do the worst to you that you could possible imagine ~ in that very moment..."

"Yes?" the Little Soul interrupted, "yes...?""Remember Who I Really Am."

"Oh, I will!" cried the Little Soul, "I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here, right now!"

"Good," said the Friendly Soul, "because, you see, I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember me as I really am, I may not be able to remember for a very long time. And if I forget Who I Am, you may even forget Who You Are, and we will both be lost. Then we will need another soul to come along and remind us both of Who We Are."

"No, we won't!" the Little Soul promised again. "I will remember you! And I will thank you for bringing me this gift ~ the chance to experience myself as Who I Am.

" And so, the agreement was made. And the Little Soul went forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light, which was very special, and excited to be that part of special called Forgiveness.

And the Little Soul waited anxiously to be able to experience itself as Forgiveness, and to thank whatever other soul made it possible. And at all the moments in that new lifetime, whenever a new soul appeared on the scene, whether that new soul brought joy or sadness--and especially if it brought sadness--the Little Soul thought of what God had said.

"Always remember," God had smiled, "I have sent you nothing but angels."

These parts in bold are very important, because this is freedom from duality/projection/illusion/sin/karma/hell. To remember who you are, and to remember who your brother/sister is. To recognise, know yourself, awaken, and be grateful so that we can all move on from this game. To know yourself is to At-one...Make One...Return to Holiness- release all ego based delusion and reunite with Source. But reunite is not the right word, because we have never been separated. The separation never actually occured. The separation is an illusion which only exists in the mind. It only needs to be released from the mind.
This goes along with what you posted on your thread.

Good or bad experience gained by the father will be inherited by his children and even grandchildren. For example, if a man drowned, it is likely that his son will be afraid of water. And the son of his son too. If he died from fire, some members of the future generations of his family will be afraid of fire. Similarly, the subsequent generations may inherit even love to certain products and activities.
In other words, the offspring can inherit experience acquired by previous generations. In fact, they inherit the memory of those or other events. Nonsense? Not at all. The fact that such a phenomenon exists was proven by biologists of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University.
The experiment

Kerry Ressler and Brian Dias conducted a surprising experiment, which was described in the journalNature Neuroscience. They connected electrical wires to the floor of the room in which there were male mice. Periodically the current was switched on, and mice hurt and ran away.
Electric shocks on the legs of mice were accompanied with the smell of bird cherry, specificallyacetophenone, the main component of this smell. After a series of repeated experiments, the scientists stopped tormenting the animals with electricity but continued spraying the acetophenone. Having smelled it, mice trembled and ran away from the “deadly” bird cherry.
The most interesting happened in the next phase. The mice that took part in the experiment gave offspring that were never faced with electricity and have never smelled bird cherry. After they grew up a bit, the scientists gave them acetophenone. The little mice reacted exactly as their fathers! That is, they startled, jumped up and ran away.
Then the experiment was repeated on the second generation of mice that inherited the fear of bird cherry and showed the same results! The scientists suggest that the memory of the ancestors is preserved even by the great-grandchildren. And maybe even by the great-great-grandchildren. Although it is not sure yet.
The memory of the ancestors

It would be rational to assume that the male mice hit with electric current and frightened by the smell of bird cherry in an unknown way shared their experience with the little mice in the communication process. However, several series of experiments involved mice that were conceived in vitro and never met their biological fathers. But they also were put off by acetophenone, as if expecting an electric shock.
There is no explanation for this phenomenon yet. There is only a hypothesis that the transfer of experience involves epigenetic mechanisms, which depend on the degree of methylation of certain DNA fragments. This in turn leads to the changes in the structure of neurons in the particular areas of the brain. Their new configuration is the one to provide a particular reaction to events.
It seems that the degree of methylation is transmitted through sperm, that is, in the male line. And thus the experience is inherited, creating brain structures that are necessary for the implementation of the experience of the ancestors.
Déjà vu phenomenon can be explained by the DNA memory


The colleagues of Ressler and Dias believe that revealing the mechanism of transferring the memory of the ancestors, it will be possible to understand the nature of phobias and other mental disorders.
Moreover, it could help explainthe mysterious phenomena of the mind, for example, cases when people suddenly start speaking foreign languages or playing musical instruments they never learnt or talking about events that happened long ago and far away. What if the memory of the ancestors is responsible for such phenomena? And finally, can it explain déjà vu? When a person thinks that what is happening to him right now already happened in the past… What if it really did?
To put that above parable into perspective, we can look at many creation myths and philosophies from around the world. The one i am currently most familiar with is the Garden of Eden, so i will focus on that.

The Garden of Eden story is not to be taken literally. It contains a mystery. In terms of the illusion of time, the essence of this story is very old. It predates this Earth. This Earth is not the first time we have played this game. Nor is this the only planet where we live in duality.

The Garden of Eden is within us. It is the Kingdom of Heaven.

This story is happening/being created moment by moment. It is not an event that occured in the past. It is a constant event, a constant choice that we make. Adam is mankind. Adam is Lucifer. Adam is an Angel, a messanger of God. Remember, we are One.

God created the Heavens and the Earth. God created the Garden of Eden. Eden is heaven on Earth. The Garden is the mind of mankind. In the garden there are 2 trees, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Good and Evil. God told us that we are free to eat from the Tree of Life and any other tree, except the Tree of Good and Evil, because the Tree of Good and Evil is death.
The Tree of Good and Evil is separation- it is the tree of duality and perception. Only in duality can perception exist. Duality requires good and evil, positive and negative, right and wrong, up and down, you and me, birth and death, Love and fear, Forgiveness and guilt, life and survival. It necessitates separation, perception, comparision, and judgement. It requires not only God, but the opposite. Because the opposite of God cannot exist, it requires God, and 'illusion' of the opposite of God.

To enter duality, we must forget who we are. God is One, not of the duality, and cannot be in duality. To enter duality requires separation from God, from each other, from the One. Duality is the only way in which we can experience what we are not. Because it is impossible to be anything other than what we are, because it is impossible to be anything other than our perfection as created by God, all that we experience in duality is illusion. It is not real. Thinking it and believing this in your mind causes you to project this illusion, and unfortunately as a result you will experience it. But no amount of projection can make the impossible into reality.

The Tree of Good and Evil is the Central Nervous System, it is the perception through physical body. This perception is based on separation and survival (survival is the opposite/denial/unacceptance/death of life), it is the perception through our 'beast' nature.

Adam and Eve were tempted to eat of this tree by Satan, who appeared as a serpant. Satan is the ego, the father of lies...perception, separation, specailness, and illusion. Satan lies to mankind constantly. Everything the ego thinks is a lie. Satan is literally our belief in separation, our ego. This is the voice that tells us that we can be anything other than what we are/were created by God. It is the voice that tells us we are separate and that we can usurp God's perfect creation.. our reality. This is the voice that keeps us immersed in the physical, the flesh, our beast nature, survival, death. Satan is the enemy of man, not the enemy of God. God has no ememies and God creates only perfection. God is in charge and no one can usurp or contradict God's power. No part of God can atttack God. We are One, and we are Love. Satan only exists in duality, and is therefore an illusion. The only way to give anything power in this world of dreams and projection is through belief that it has power. Therefore, do not give Satan power, and Satan will have no power in your mind, in your garden.

Adam and Eve gave into the temptation of ego, and they/we ate of Tree of Good and Evil. They ate of death. They percieved that they were separate from God, so they fell from Grace. They left Eden because they could no longer 'perceive' Eden. Which means they fell asleep and began dreaming, because it is not possible to be separate from God. Everything that happens from the instant that we partake of the Tree of Good and Evil is illusion, complete delusion that cannot be and never was.

When we entered duality, God did not reject us or desert us. God gave to us the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, The Goddess, The Mother. The Holy Spirit remains with us, to guide us home.

The Tree of Life remains in the Garden of Eden, therefore it remains hidden in mankind's mind. There are cherubim and a flaming sword that guard the way to the Tree of Life. We can not eat of the Tree of Good and Evil and eat of the fruit of The Tree of Life. This is because The Tree of Life is Truth, Life, Eternity, Power and Creation. The Tree of Good and Evil is perception, death, ego projection and illusion. We cannot eat of both trees because we cannot serve two masters. We cannot create anything other than perfection, because that is the way we are created. We are created to create like God, and we only do this through creating in God, in Oneness. We cannot create like God if we think we are apart- separate from God. We cannot create separately, because we are not separate. Creation is the extension of perfect Love and Oneness. The Tree of Life is the Tree of the Spirit, transcendence, Oneness, Source, God. The fruit of The Tree of Life is the Fruit of the Spirit. To eat of this tree is to live. We must first destroy the ego by the flaming sword of Light. When the ego is viewed in Light, it disappears, because it is not real. The ego is only an imaginary shroud that distorts and covers our Light. When we use the flame of Light, our ego is forgiven and released, and we are reborn. We see all, we forgive all, we release ALL with Love and gratitude. We see that the serpant that tricked us is our servant in duality, we see that we have no enemy, and ALL is released into Love and Light.

The Tree of Life is the human spiritual body. This is mankind's true body. Kundalini (serpant) Energy lays coiled at the base of the spine. The activating and balancing of our chakras is the journey through The Tree of Life to Home. Or more accurately, to recognise that we are Home. We balance the opposing sides through recognising that duality is not real, and opposition is not real. We find and move through the middle pillar. We release all illusions, fears and guilt. We release all perception, judgement, comparisions and opposition. When we listen and open ourself to the Holy Spirit, we activate and release our spiritual energy to travel up through our spiritual chakras, through the crown, and enter transcendence- Christ/Buddhic Consciousness...our Higher Self, our True Self, God Self. This serpant that lays coiled is our servant in duality. The serpant served mankind in the Garden of Eden by allowing us to experience a delusion that we otherwise could not have. It is merely playing the role of the villian in a game we made, so that we could experience being a hero, experience ourself. When we release the serpant through absolute forgiveness and At- One- ment with All That IS, we are released from duality.

It is very interesting isnt it!

This is what it means when the Christian bible says that we 'inherit the sins of our fathers'. Sin is perception and lies. Perception is passed on generation by generation until it is released. This happens through mind, which is projected as matter- genetically and environmentally. This is a part of karma, being stuck on the wheel

All 'past' life memory is shared because of collective consiousness. We can and do access this information pool. 'Past' life isnt the correct term because everything is happening NOW and time is just an illusion. We project 'reality' (illusion) both individually and collectively. Also, we have multidimmensional personalities, parallel selves.

This is why we have phobias that we are born with. I was able to release my phobia of maggots by recognising that it was a past life memory and releasing it. Also, my fear and disgust of wet socks/feet, lol, that was immersed in many past lives. Other people that i know have been able to do the same.

This memory can also be very useful if we learn to intergrate the positive elements of our collective past experience

And this is why we have 'karmic' relationships, which are often experienced as love at first sight. These relationships are about healing the past, by reliving the past and getting another go at fixing the issue. This is why these high physical attraction relationships can be so fucked up and volatile sometimes! These relationships are highly charged and fast tracked- so that any attachment can be released, any guilt can be forgiven and released. Karmic relationships will end when all is forgiven and released.

My theory is that DID (dissociative identity disorder) occurs when someone experiences such a harsh trauma that they escape...dissociate from the current identity/reality (projection) and retreat into the other identities of the multidimmensional self. i have other theories of mental disorders that are so far off convoluted from what i learned in psychology that im sure my old professors would shit themselves in disgust!

But all these things have to do with perception, duality mind, illusion. This is just trying to explain the mechanics of illusion
@sprinkles @muir @Kgal @Serenity @Jacobi @Shaqie @Sensiko [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION]

So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...
There are people that manipulate the law of attraction purposefully in ways in which are motivated by ego- they may be involved in cults, religions, specific belief systems, and they may have positive or negative intentions. This is referred to by many people as magic, or magick

Law of Attraction is the way in which our mind projects illusion. While we are in Maya, we project illusion. Our mind projects matter. This is how we experience karma. Our thoughts are literally electric and they attract like energy. All is interconnected and All is energy. So we see what we believe, what we are 'tuned' into according to our frequency. All around us are 'powerpoints'. These powerpoints convert thought into matter. The Earth is gridded with magnetic lines, and there are certain places where powerpoints are concentrated. These are often known as sacred places.

To explain this concept of law of attraction further, ive copied and pasted some information i wrote about it it a while ago in LucyJr's thread about Law of Attraction in the lounge

1.Do you think it works?
These are my beliefs, influenced strongly by my spirituality...and i am explaining them as well as i currently can understand and articulate them.
The law of attraction is a way to explain the process of how we create reality. 'Reality' is like a holographic projection. Our mind is the projector. Our reality reflects our thoughts, beliefs and intentions. Like a virtual reality simulator or a holodeck. Everything we experience as 'physical reality' is illusion. Literally our imagination. We create reality individually and culturally. Collective consciousness is like the mass prevailing thoughts, ideas and beliefs of people. From a spiritual perspective, the idea is that we are here to experience and create.
The law of attraction is based on the law of vibration. Basically, everything is energy...everything vibrates...and thus has a vibration. Like vibrations are drawn to like vibrations. Low vibrations attract more low vibrations. High vibrations attract high vibrations. We can change our vibration, and this will change what we attract. Vibration is like understanding frequency on a radio...depending on your frequency..you will be aware of and surrounded by certain things...thie things that you are 'tuned' into. Other things will not be within your range, and therefore, not real for you. As your frequency changes- so does the content of your 'reality'.

2.Do you think it's a bit exagerated ?
It can be exaggerated. The idea of it is often used to sell crap and manipulate people. But im sure there are probably resources that are genuinely helpful. What you attract will...be effected by your vibration...your intentions and beliefs.
I would say that the law of attraction is often misunderstood. It has nothing to do with what you want...what you want to attract. Although, if you are self aware and understood this law, you can use it to get what you want. And that is by basically understanding that you already have what you want.
The law of attraction is to do with your thoughts and beliefs. Bascially you create what you think about. At any given moment you can choose to think about whatever you want. What do you choose to think about, focus on and concentrate your energy on? This is your power- your infinte creative ability. The content of your mind is what you will attract and thus see reflected in your projection...this will confirm your self fulfilling prophesy, and strengthen your thoughts and beliefs. You only see things as you are, because it is you that is projecting your own illusion.
If you think... i want this so bad... you will create- i want this so bad...which is basically a vibration of lack. If you think people are shit- you will see and experience shittiness. If you feel gratitude- you will have everything that you need and want. If you feel love- you know and live that everything is perfect, we are one and we are love.

I have intentionally manifested many things, and so have the people in my life. It is tricky though...sometimes you think you want something...and then you get it, and realise its not what you want at all...we grow..we change. The most impotant step when choosing to manifest intentionally is knowing your own mind- being self aware, knowing what you want and why you want it. And then be grateful, whenever you see the fruit of your intention- say thank you, and you will attract more of what you choose.

3.How do you feel about "the victim/loser" magnet? Or about "the winner" magnet?
This is true to an extent and can also be misunderstood.
For example- winners and victims only occur in a competitive mindest where people believe that they are not equal. This create a dichotomy- to be (create) a winner, one also needs to create a loser. So the vibration that is created is one of competition, inequality and lack. We cant have winners without losers. We cant have heroes without villians. And vice versa. From a cultural perspective, we create winners and losers because our winners are rich at the expense of the losers. This creates a cultural mindset of fear, lack and competition. People become overly concerned about security and protection, and they feel that there is 'not enough'. This is the way of the ego, the path of fear.

The truth is there is enough for all of us to be sustainably abundant. You dont need to get what you want at the expense of someone else. There is enough for all of us when we share and we recognise that we are One, and we already have everything.

And this is why...when we understand how reality is created, we choose to help others increase their own vibration so that their realities are also improved. One effects All, because All is One.

4.Do you think it's maybe a simplistic theory?edit: too simplistic for reality?
It is deceptively simple and deceptively complicated, as is reality.
5.Any opinion will be much appreciated. And also experiences, if you have any.
The idea that we create our reality has always been known to me. As is the idea that we are all in this together. I struggled with it a lot when i was a child, because of conflicting beliefs all around me. I have always seen Earth as a 'group project'. For most of my younger years i didnt understand much of this but i spoke about it often with people when i could because i really wanted to understand why i felt so compelled by these things. Most people were disgusted that i would think such a thing. I started to tone down talking about it, and only mentioned it to people i knew well because i was afraid of being seen as crazy. When i was 20-21, i met a friend that told me that the stuff i spoke about reminded him of the 'seth material'. I googled this and read the website. I knew there was truth to what i was reading. I resisted buying a book. I didnt know why at the time, but i think i wanted to be able to do my own experimentation and learning before i reached out to other resources to brainwash myself. So for the next several years i used trial and error to learn and understand myself. And there were many times where i ignored it entirely and got caught up in my own crap and the 'external world' or delusions that i had created. When i was 26, i made a conscious decision to start taking everything seriously. I had enough of creating crap. I started living with these priniciples consciously. I ended up buying 'seth speaks'. I didnt agree with all of it but it was a valuable resource. I started doing regular meditation, prayer and generally becoming more self aware. All this was going wonderful until i started experiencing 'instant manifestation'. Basically, i would think of something and it would happen straight away. This has happened to me before in the past, but only when i was experiencing intense emotion. This time, there had been no intense emotion that i was aware of, yet, the manifestation was instant. At the time, i was very frightened. I realised that i was letting my thoughts slip away into random directions too often and i tried hard to have self control and only think about the things that i chose to create. This was very hard- constantly remaining vigilent- and i grew very tired very quickly. I withdrew from most of my social and work related activities, and people in general. I spent long periods by myself. Trying to meditate and understand how to control my own mind and shut up my ego. I reached out for help, to my higher self, and i was told to surrender completely, that my path was not to learn control, but to give up control completely and surrender to my higher self and All That Is. Since then i have done this many times and i have freely chosen to give my will to All That Is...because that is my true self and my true will. All else is simply illusion i have constructed, that will be lost forever because it never actually occurred.

6.Do you think it is related somehow to karma?

Karma is reaping what we sow, law of attraction is pretty much reaping what we sow. This is not because we are being punished or rewarded. These juvenile concepts of punishment and reward are not how the universe is, these are the petty thoughts of the ego, which is fearful. We reap what we sow in order to see the content of our mind, in order to know ourself through what we create...through what we choose to create. When we decide that we have had enough, we change, we change what we sow, and we change what we reap. There is nothing 'good' or 'bad' about this process, it is what it is, and we always choose, although we may forget that we have chosen. This is how we create reality and how we have free will. As the adage states- 'pain is ineveitable, suffering is optional'. Sometimes we need help, and if we ask, we will receive help. We are here to experience, and we are here to create heaven on Earth. We are One, We are All That Is, and All That Is is Love. We are the Kingdom of God. We are here to create with Love, and to create heaven on Earth.

There are ways that we can purposefully use the law of attraction to project what we want. This is through the power of intention, and it requires great mental focus and discipline.
I have done this, so it could be said that i have used magic to manifest what i desire.

The most significant point to know when using the law of attraction is that like attracts like. What you put out- you get back, x 7. This cannot be changed, you cannot do anything to another, without doing the same to yourself. This is because the law of attraction is about projection. When we bless others, we bless ourself. When we curse others, we curse ourself. You cannot curse someone that blesses you, you cannot bless someone that curses you- it cancels itself. Releasing a curse is easy, simply bless that person and their projection cannot harm you. And your release of the curse allows them permission to also release the curse from themself. No thing can harm you unless you choose to give it power, by believing that it has power.

There are individuals and groups that use the principle of law of attraction to perform magic using rituals. Rituals are powerful, because a ritual is a system of belief/delusion. We can use rituals to make belief stronger, thereby making the intention stronger and more powerful, thus more likely to manifest. The more people believe in an idea, the more powerful that idea becomes and the more prominently it will manifest. However, any resulting manifestation can only effect those that are tuned into that particular frequency, that specific vibration. You cannot hurt someone if they do not want to hurt you. Attack is only percieved by those that believe it is possible to be attacked. Help is only perceived by those that believe it is possible to be helped. Projections only effect those that are vulnerable, 'tuned' into it.

People may use power places, powerpoints, material objects, and mental concepts that resonate at particular vibrations to perform magic- using crystals, candles, wands, spells, visualisation etc. They may use sex, as sexual energy is highly creative. They may use prayer, meditation, music, and dance. They may perform sacrifices- these sacrifices are used to strengthen their belief and committment to the intention they wish to manifest. They may give offerings, for the same reason.

They may use the concept of a deity to strengthen and channel their intention. They may communicate with entities from other dimmensions and worlds, which we could describe as 'aliens' to Earth. They may recieve guidance and support from other entities. They may even worship these aliens as gods.

People may use the law of attraction for all manner of intentions, in many different ways, with many different tools. Intentions can be positive or negative, or sometimes neither. They may wish to help or harm others. They may not wish to effect anyone except themself. But where the intention is to control reality, it is motivated by ego. I used 'magic' for a long time, and in this lifetime i have used it only for what i considered service to the Light.

I stopped using magic completely when i recognised the difference bewteen magic and miracles. When i chose to surrender my egoic will to the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, i realised that even all the beautiful things i had thought i had created were empty and meaningless and illusion, so often tainted by ego in ways that i couldnt even understand while i was imprisoned by ego. All my best and most beautiful intentions fell short of the grace and perfect beauty i knew when i realised my True will was God's Will because I am One. I no longer try to control anything, I just give it to the Holy Spirit. Miracles occur when we are in a state of perfect Love and Oneness. I am doing a Course in Miracles and would recommend this book/course to everyone. It has been most profound and important experience of my life. Miracles are the way in which the Holy Spirit completely releases the 'past', through AT-ONE-ment.

It is important to know that whatever happens here in Maya, we cannot be harmed or effected, because it is illusion. On a soul level, we are always aware of each other and who and what we are. Nothing is done to anyone or anything without God's knowledge and permission. The only task that is asked of us is to forgive what happens in the dream. Do not take it seriously, because it is not real. Never mind and no matter.
Attachment to the past is what keeps this game going, let it all go, forgive ALL, and we are free to create Heaven on Earth, to return to the Garden of Eden
So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...

will post about this soon, have to go for now and do mum things! What are your thoughts?

[MENTION=10272]John Newton[/MENTION], are you referring to the pineal gland?
@sprinkles @muir @Kgal @Serenity @Jacobi @Shaqie @Sensiko [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION]

So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...

I believe it is legit, but what it exactly is I can't say.


The Jing and Chi (Qi) form the material foundation for the Shen. In Chinese, the term Jing-Shen means mind or consciousness. Jing-Shen may also mean vigor, vitality, or drive. In China, doctors of both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine use the term Jing-Shen Bing to refer to all types of mental illness. The term Shen is nearly always used with the understanding of the close relationship between the mind and spirit, even in the modern medical context.

The term Prenatal Wu Jing Shen is used in Medical Chi Kung to describe the body's Original Five Essence Spirits (Hun, Po, Zhi, Yi, and Shen). These five spirits combine the energetic essence of the five Yin organs in order to create the body's innate spiritual consciousness.

The Jing itself is considered the basis for, and ruler of Marrow, which is defined in Chinese medicine as a substance derived from the Kidneys which nourishes the Brain and spinal cord and also forms the Bone Marrow. The Brain is one of the Six Extraordinary Organs and is called the "Sea of Marrow," as it is considered to be a form of Marrow.

The Six Extraordinary Organs are hollow Yang organs that store Yin Jing. Deficiency of Jing may lead to poor concentration, poor memory, dizziness, and absentmindedness. Deficiency of Prenatal Jing is related to mental retardation and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in children.

In some styles of Chi Kung, the Jing is intentionally conserved and its energy is drawn upwards from the Lower Dantian through the spine to nourish the Brain. Such nourishment benefits the mind and enhances spiritual consciousness.

The head is the most Yang aspect of the body since it is the part of the body closest to Heaven. The Chi (Qi) that operates in the Upper Dantian is, therefore, Yang in nature. The Spleen and Kidneys send the Clear Yang Chi (Qi) [pure, light, and insubstantial] upwards to the Brain to facilitate mental clarity and activity.

The Upper Dantian is also the place where the individual connects with the Yang Chi (Qi) of Heaven. Chi Kung practitioners consciously absorb Heavenly Chi (Qi) through the upper doorway, Baihui GV-20. Heaven Chi (Qi) is composed of the Chi (Qi) from the celestial bodies: the sun, moon, planets, and stars. The Upper Dantian is located in the center of the Brain, in an area that encompasses the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, and hypothalamus glands.

The pineal gland and hypothalamus have been shown to be extremely sensitive to the influence of light. In his book, The Body Electric, Dr. Robert Becker cites experiments with bees and several species of birds that navigate by the light of the sun. In birds, this ability may be due to the fact that they have disproportionately large pineal glands. He also discovered that birds seem to have a backup system of navigation based upon sensitivity to the electromagnetic fields of the Earth.

Light, electricity, and magnetism are three forms of energy that the Brain is naturally conditioned to automatically recognize, receive, and respond to. Additionally, the Brain also interacts with and generates the energy of light, electricity, and magnetism. These particular forms of energy stimulate the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, and hypothalamus glands, influencing the individual's mental and emotional state. The function and patterning of the Brain is dependent on the interactions of countless energetic structures within fields of light, electricity, and magnetism. Although the Brain is also influenced by heat and sound, it does not use or generate them to the degree that it generates light, electricity, and magnetism.

As the Shen is developed and the Upper Dantian is opened, spiritual communications may reveal themselves in a flash of an image or as a vision in the mind's eye. These images and visions are sometimes very brief and abstract. Correctly interpreting these images takes practice, as the images streaming from the Yuan Shen must be distinguished from the dreamlike wanderings of the subconscious and cannot be interpreted easily by the logical mind.

Chi Kung doctors must be able to distinguish between true and false messages reflected through their visions. True visions are received from the doctor's divine connection to the Dao or Wuji, while false visions reflect messages from the subconscious. The ability to accurately separate these visions is another example of "knowing without knowing."

Although intuitive communication from within is usually felt as a strong impulse, the Chi Kung doctor must learn to keep the logical mind from interfering by practicing spiritual meditations. These meditations involve techniques of establishing and strengthening clear links of communication with the higher self. They should be practiced repeatedly until this connection becomes a natural, recurring phenomenon, replacing the otherwise endless drone of the ego and the logical mind. The more one practices stilling the logical mind and circumventing the ego, the easier it becomes to receive a clear communication from the higher self. When the higher self initiates a communication, it does not demand or impose itself.

If an individual consistently ignores these subtle internal communications from the higher self, they often begin to manifest externally in various messages conveyed through people, places and things. These external messages often supersede the individual's own realm of internal intuition.
@sprinkles @muir @Kgal @Serenity @Jacobi @Shaqie @Sensiko [MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION]

So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...

I don't know much about the third eye, apart from what little I've read. It's an interesting idea, but it's often presented in very fantastical terms. I think that the third eye is misinterpreted by many because they are incapable of seeing it in a logical context. It reminds me of descriptions of Ni. Ni is usually described in mystical terms as something without reason, but to me it's a very tangible concept. It's something I use and can explain. Yes, to other people it might sound almost supernatural, but I see it as something very natural.
I don't know much about the third eye, apart from what little I've read. It's an interesting idea, but it's often presented in very fantastical terms. I think that the third eye is misinterpreted by many because they are incapable of seeing it in a logical context. It reminds me of descriptions of Ni. Ni is usually described in mystical terms as something without reason, but to me it's a very tangible concept. It's something I use and can explain. Yes, to other people it might sound almost supernatural, but I see it as something very natural.

Fantastical is relative. Remember the hypothesis about MOSFETs I made earlier?

Yeah, ok, we know how MOSFETs work in a logical way, but before hand we didn't. Just like magnets used to be considered occult.

I think it's a big mistake to imply that logic only can contain what we already know about tangibly.
@sprinkles @muir @Kgal @Serenity @Jacobi @Shaqie @Sensiko @charlene

So I have had a request for a discussion/information regarding the Third Eye...what are your beliefs on the subject?
Where do you think it originates? What can strengthen it? Etc...etc...

Sorry i haven't managed to put together a post about the occult but life stuff has got in the way this week and i have only been able to dip in and out of the forum

However @charlene has pretty much nailed it with some of the best posts i've seen on the forum for a while!

She has basically explained the body of the subject...so what i can do is....to carry on with the tree metaphor....add few more branches to what she has been saying

The pineal gland is seen as the thrid eye or 'the seat of the soul'. It is part of our apparatus for altered states of consciousness

Our body naturally creates DMT which is responsible for dreams and out of body experiences eg near death experiences (NDE's)

Part of our experience as human beings has always been our relationship with the unconscious mind and with other dimensions. If you look at the bible it is all about visions.....it is all about our relationship with the unconscious mind. Ezekiel has visions, moses has visions, isaac, abraham & jesus have them and so on. Then as a continuation of that tradition Mohammed had visions too.

Modern day psychonauts like Terrence McKenna who have experimented with DMT speak of being totally dissasociated into a different realm where they communicate with other entities. Western religion has traditionaly called these 'angels' and 'demons'

Psychologists would call these the product of our minds whilst mystics would say that they come from a higher dimension (eg the astral plane) which is a place that we can all visit and in fact you can share an experience with someone else there showing that it is not the product of an individual (hermetically sealed off) human brain

When people have sought to hoard and monopolise power they have sought to cut people off from the unconscious mind and from other dimensions. This basically slices away a large part of our experiences as human beings...a large part of our heritage if you like

This is why imperialism has always stamped out shamanic traditions because they do not want any people who can plug people into these realms

This is why the church has put itself inbetween people and the ineffable and have said ''you can only go to god through us''. The church then literalised religion thereby destroying the symbolic power of the teachings (as symbols are the language of the unconscious mind). The church then also sought to own and make symbols their own and to attach their own associations to them and to hide the multi-layered meaning of symbols

The corporations today use 'logos' which are actually magically charged talismans and multi-layered symbols.....but they don't tell the public the meanings of the symbols. This is because the corporations are part of the power structure and are allied to the church

So as part of this process of trying to drive a wedge between the people and their unconscious mind the black lodge must also control our central nervous system and our glandular system. They feed us brain destroying additives in our foods, they inject us with harmful toxins in their poisonous 'vaccines' and they put flouride in the drinking water which calcifies the pineal gland

They also make psychadelic drugs illegal (many of which grow naturally) because these can be used as tools for self exploration and instead they sell us harmful, depressive drugs like alcohol, nicotine and caffeine

They also suppress the right side of our brains as this is the side that perceives things in oneness and they push the left side of the brain which perceives things as seperate. They do this by using the education system to encourage reliance on the left brain by a constant categorisation of things. Right brained abstract and creative subjects like art are not really encouraged.

They also seek to suppress true creativity through the creation of a vacuous, meaningless popular culture of repetition and mimicry.

All of these tactics and more besides are all designed to stop people from knowing their true power and their true self which is part of god.

They seek to strengthen and crystallise this illusiory world of duality by constantly dividing people....you can see them do this using religion and racism, wars, fear, false flag attacks, funding terrorism and so on

The 'devil' is really anything that keeps us locked down into this material illusiory realm (maya). MONEY is one of the prime ways they keep people locked into this illusiory material realm and 'fussing and fighting' (marley). They want us all competing with each other, they want us worrying about bills and crime and rents and mortgages and taxes and fines and jobs and insurance and all the other trappings of their matrix system

They also do not want people doing and thinking for themselves so the black lodge create corporations which dominate all areas of life for example food production so that people become completely dependent on the black lodge and therefore less empowered and more plugged into the illusiory material world

These guys are bringing to the game thousands of years of magickal understanding and they are combining that with modern technologies in order to try and utterly dominate us

As things stand they have destroyed communities around the world, they have literalised religion, they have removed peoples link with medicinal plants, they have created broken, atomised societies full of fear and isolation.

When people begin to crumble under these unnatural conditions they don't heal them....they don't look at them as a human being with emotions and help them through their problems..they just drug them with synthetic mood altering drugs (and not the consciousness expanding kinds either!) and then send them out to work again

They ARE calcifiying peoples pineal glands and they are doing much much more. they are also spraying us with chemtrails which dump many tons of nano particles of metals on us and they are feeding us DNA warping genetically modified foods.

Just as they have ways of avoiding calicification they also know how to use chelation to cleanse themselves of the metal toxins they are spraying on our world, water, crops, trees, streets, schools, homes and heads

The entire system is diabolical and is run by black magicians who know EXACTLY what they are doing

Whilst these black magicians close us off from other realms (thereby disenfranchising us of part of our natural heritage) they themselves are working in these realms. They are working with dark forces. the gnostics called these 'archons'.

Just as they inject toxins into our babies they are also drilling fracking wells into mother earth and injecting acids into her. They are thwarting all of natures self cleaning mechanisms whilst destroying her resources and the environment. Now either they are psychopaths who don't care about destroying the earth and starting wars all the time or they are under possession from dark forces (channeling dark archontic forces...interpret them how you like!)

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[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION]

Also the reason that practice often calls for casting aside logic and ego is because logic and ego - ego especially, is what taints things with bias and self interest. That's what makes you see what you want rather than what is.

So it calls for this in order to remove the blockages and distractions that selfish desires would otherwise impose - not because it cannot work on a logical level.
The corportaions today use 'logos' which are actually magically charged talismans and multi-layered symbols.....but they don;t tell the public the meanings of the symbols. This is because the corporations are part of the power structure and are allied to the church

Muir, you know who really creates logos? I mean really, truly actually designs and makes logos for businesses, as in In The Real World, not in some fantasy novel? Non-magic graphic designers and art directors, who are quite artistic, actually, and most of whom are not allied to any particular church, although there are a few who may be Baptist, I suppose. I know this from first hand experience. You know -- the people you called indentured servants before? Who now are apparently simultaneously powerful occult magicians. Very very funny!

Just exercising my freedom of speech here. :P
There are people that manipulate the law of attraction purposefully in ways in which are motivated by ego- they may be involved in cults, religions, specific belief systems, and they may have positive or negative intentions. This is referred to by many people as magic, or magick

Law of Attraction is the way in which our mind projects illusion. While we are in Maya, we project illusion. Our mind projects matter. This is how we experience karma. Our thoughts are literally electric and they attract like energy. All is interconnected and All is energy. So we see what we believe, what we are 'tuned' into according to our frequency. All around us are 'powerpoints'. These powerpoints convert thought into matter. The Earth is gridded with magnetic lines, and there are certain places where powerpoints are concentrated. These are often known as sacred places.

To explain this concept of law of attraction further, ive copied and pasted some information i wrote about it it a while ago in LucyJr's thread about Law of Attraction in the lounge

There are ways that we can purposefully use the law of attraction to project what we want. This is through the power of intention, and it requires great mental focus and discipline.
I have done this, so it could be said that i have used magic to manifest what i desire.

The most significant point to know when using the law of attraction is that like attracts like. What you put out- you get back, x 7. This cannot be changed, you cannot do anything to another, without doing the same to yourself. This is because the law of attraction is about projection. When we bless others, we bless ourself. When we curse others, we curse ourself. You cannot curse someone that blesses you, you cannot bless someone that curses you- it cancels itself. Releasing a curse is easy, simply bless that person and their projection cannot harm you. And your release of the curse allows them permission to also release the curse from themself. No thing can harm you unless you choose to give it power, by believing that it has power.

There are individuals and groups that use the principle of law of attraction to perform magic using rituals. Rituals are powerful, because a ritual is a system of belief/delusion. We can use rituals to make belief stronger, thereby making the intention stronger and more powerful, thus more likely to manifest. The more people believe in an idea, the more powerful that idea becomes and the more prominently it will manifest. However, any resulting manifestation can only effect those that are tuned into that particular frequency, that specific vibration. You cannot hurt someone if they do not want to hurt you. Attack is only percieved by those that believe it is possible to be attacked. Help is only perceived by those that believe it is possible to be helped. Projections only effect those that are vulnerable, 'tuned' into it.

People may use power places, powerpoints, material objects, and mental concepts that resonate at particular vibrations to perform magic- using crystals, candles, wands, spells, visualisation etc. They may use sex, as sexual energy is highly creative. They may use prayer, meditation, music, and dance. They may perform sacrifices- these sacrifices are used to strengthen their belief and committment to the intention they wish to manifest. They may give offerings, for the same reason.

They may use the concept of a deity to strengthen and channel their intention. They may communicate with entities from other dimmensions and worlds, which we could describe as 'aliens' to Earth. They may recieve guidance and support from other entities. They may even worship these aliens as gods.

People may use the law of attraction for all manner of intentions, in many different ways, with many different tools. Intentions can be positive or negative, or sometimes neither. They may wish to help or harm others. They may not wish to effect anyone except themself. But where the intention is to control reality, it is motivated by ego. I used 'magic' for a long time, and in this lifetime i have used it only for what i considered service to the Light.

I stopped using magic completely when i recognised the difference bewteen magic and miracles. When i chose to surrender my egoic will to the Holy Spirit, Shekinah, i realised that even all the beautiful things i had thought i had created were empty and meaningless and illusion, so often tainted by ego in ways that i couldnt even understand while i was imprisoned by ego. All my best and most beautiful intentions fell short of the grace and perfect beauty i knew when i realised my True will was God's Will because I am One. I no longer try to control anything, I just give it to the Holy Spirit. Miracles occur when we are in a state of perfect Love and Oneness. I am doing a Course in Miracles and would recommend this book/course to everyone. It has been most profound and important experience of my life. Miracles are the way in which the Holy Spirit completely releases the 'past', through AT-ONE-ment.

It is important to know that whatever happens here in Maya, we cannot be harmed or effected, because it is illusion. On a soul level, we are always aware of each other and who and what we are. Nothing is done to anyone or anything without God's knowledge and permission. The only task that is asked of us is to forgive what happens in the dream. Do not take it seriously, because it is not real. Never mind and no matter.
Attachment to the past is what keeps this game going, let it all go, forgive ALL, and we are free to create Heaven on Earth, to return to the Garden of Eden

This is why I use chaos mixed with Tao.

They say you must have a clear intent when you make sigils or use magic. My intent is to let things be as they may. So I do not make a sigil and say "I want peace, love, and money!" instead I play a song to others and desire only that it takes its natural effect, and even I don't necessarily comprehend what that is.

It's not something that I'm doing or using but rather something that I'm letting be, but calling attention to.
Muir, you know who really creates logos? I mean really, truly actually designs and makes logos for businesses, as in In The Real World, not in some fantasy novel? Non-magic graphic designers and art directors, who are quite artistic, actually, and most of whom are not allied to any particular church, although there are a few who may be Baptist, I suppose. I know this from first hand experience. You know -- the people you called indentured servants before? Who now are apparently simultaneously powerful occult magicians. Very very funny!

Just exercising my freedom of speech here. :P

I'm glad you are still following my posts

It really depends on the logo and the corporation. I'm glad you brought this up though as its an interesting area (ill post some info in my next post)

We had the olympics in london recently and a lot of money was spent on the logo design. When the final design was unveiled the Iranians took great offence at it as within the logo...hidden in plain sight was the word ''zion''

2012 as zion:


So why would the word 'zion' be in a logo of an event being held in London?

An area in london called 'the square mile' or alternatively 'the city of london' is the banking district. this area is its own seperate legal entity. it has its own authroities and its own police force and the UK police cannot investigate fraud there without permission from the secretary of state (who never grants it!)

It is a tax haven and many of the recent public banking scandals eg 'the london whale', MF Global, LIBOR rate rigging and even bernie Madhofs schemes all ran through the city

The city is a hive of criminality and chief among them all is the Rothschilds who were head of the zionist federation

So what do we have at the olympics? We have a giant focus of energy (global attention focussed on one thing)! Energy and intent are the tools of the magician!

Did you notice all the stuff with the queen and james bond in the intro to the olympics? This is all about perception...its all PR

The so called 'illuminati' call themselves the illuminated ones! And what do we have at the olympics? We have the TORCH...the symbol of light. Where else do we see this luciferian symbol? We see it on the statue of 'liberty' which was given to the USA by french freemasons

We also see the torch born by a statue outside the rockefeller centre in new york:


''one ring to rule them all, and in the darkness (of their spiritual blindness) bind them''