Merkabah | Page 25 | INFJ Forum
I know that I don't really know the answer to any of those.

Or do you? I believe you do know at lest a little but on the first question, for the second and third I am sure you know the least, the third in particular is where it is very possible that you don't actually know the answer at all.

People tend to be highly competent in specific fields more than other simply because they spend more time in them, and you should be very well aware that knowledge is being dynamically updated. Why don't both of you check the validity of your sources of knowledge instead of the knowledge you know for yourselves?
Or do you? I believe you do know at lest a little but on the first question, for the second and third I am sure you know the least, the third in particular is where it is very possible that you don't actually know the answer at all.

People tend to be highly competent in specific fields more than other simply because they spend more time in them, and you should be very well aware that knowledge is being dynamically updated. Why don't both of you check the validity of your sources of knowledge instead of the knowledge you know for yourselves?

The real answer is that I'm not that interested and I kind of wish it would all go away. I don't care to apply myself that heavily. This is mostly passing interest and stuff that occasionally grabs me.

I really don't find it all that important to know where I came from or where I'm going and I feel better not having to think about that mess. I find it a pretty ridiculous endeavor but it's kind of... hey, you know if you're going to do it, do it right.
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Also my dream self told me that I should leave this thread because it's weighing too heavily on me. It is. I feel a little depressed, anxious, and irritated.

I think I will follow its advice. Please don't @ mention or quote me back into here for the time being.
Also my dream self told me that I should leave this thread because it's weighing too heavily on me. It is. I feel a little depressed, anxious, and irritated.

I think I will follow its advice. Please don't @ mention or quote me back into here for the time being.

No problem, it is understandable.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION] & [MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION]

3 Questions. Important questions!

1. What do you know?
2. What does humanity know?
3. What doesn't humanity know?

1. What do you know? - what I do know!
2. What does humanity know? - what humanity knows!
3. What doesn't humanity know? - what humanity doesn't know!
Seriously, is not a sarcasting answer. These are hard questions, especially because there are many things that we believe, as if we know they are true, but we don't know them with 100% certainty.
What is certain we know that we exist, and that reality is not a ilussion. The rest is pretty much faith based on some "directional reasoning".
Guys, what do you think about the old Kalam argument for a beginning of time?
Guys, what do you think about the old Kalam argument for a beginning of time?

I had to Wiki it...this is what it said:

Classical argument
Everything that has a beginning of its existence has a cause of its existence;
The universe has a beginning of its existence;
The universe has a cause of its existence.

Contemporary argument

William Lane Craig formulates the argument with an additional set of premises:

Argument based on the impossibility of an actual infinite

An actual infinite cannot exist.
An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.
Therefore, an infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.

Argument based on the impossibility of the formation of an actual infinite by successive addition
A collection formed by successive addition cannot be an actual infinite.
The temporal series of past events is a collection formed by successive addition.
Therefore, the temporal series of past events cannot be actually infinite.

Personally, I find it intuitive...something cannot just begin without nothing.

Looking at it from a sustainability perspective, we know that the earth is running out of resources- suggesting that it had a beginning, and will likely have an end.

Here's a short video refuting the theory:


I do agree that the theory does disregard facts that the big bang did happen.

The theory is logically simple- so almost everyone would be able to say "okay...yeah, thinking like that makes sense". However, the universe is anything but simple. It seems like there's not middle ground, all theories are on either side of the continuum.
I'm going to good off on a tangent, because accessibility of knowledge is a huge beef with me. Not that these sources of information aren't credible, but the public is so limited in their ability to access the original publications that these sources use...therefore, we're limited in out ability to accurately assess the research and findings. Any good researcher knows that you have to go to the source to back up your claims, yet the public is suppose to make their opinions and minds up based on second, if not tertiary information. I think this is especially relevant when it comes to these topics. A lot of issues come into play when discussing the "sources" and "details". The argument comes that people in support of these theories and ideas aren't supporting their claims with accurate and relevant information- but are we (the public) given access to it? No. It would be like a physician looking up a breast examine in Marie Claire (okay...maybe that's a bit extreme...but you get what I'm trying to say!).

The public should be make aware of all public-funded reality, it should be ALL research, but that will never happen.

The sources are there most of the time if you really want to check the proof for yourself.
Your analogy made me’s kind of the reason why I think of most of the Bible stories are just parables and did not actually happen....such as the creation story and the garden of Eden story...who, whomever, whatever God is, put it into terms we as humans could understand...because if it was written down how to actually create something like that (even using evolutionary processes) it would be far to complex for us to grasp and would stretch to impossible lengths as a book.

Most of the sources where I pull my information I have a pretty good understanding that they are reputable ( such as the links you cited from my post -one is discover magazine which has been around for quite some time and has in fact run stories retracting previous stories if the science is disproven, the second is howstuffworks is actually tied to Discovery Channel and had a really good listing of sources they drew the story from)...I will admit though, on some of the more mystical things posted, those are just gleaned from the web....but then again, how do you back up a mystical experience with hard data?
Most of what I write and post here are things that are interesting to me...and more specifically to me as I ask myself the age old questions of “Why am I here?”, “What is my purpose?”, and “Do we continue on after death?”. Throw in a few scattered topics that relate to such things like psychic abilities...and the other possible untapped powers of our minds...and that is my thread.
I tend to like to lean on science as my crutch...I am searching for some semblance of faith within myself but it has always been so incredibly hard for me to just accept something at face value....even when someone says “God created the universe.” and I say “No, no, no...of course it was the Big knows.”
Well, I call bullshit on one knows either one will probably know before I die if ever. I’m really trying to not fall into that cyclic arguing that really does no one any good...nothing is certainly learned from it...and it usually ends up with someone getting their feelings hurt (which will only serve to make that person deny what you have to say all the more).
I don’t want to argue about semantics anymore...I used to...but once again, no one wins...and that is fine, people are entitled to think that this type of scientific methodology is better than the other...instead of saying - "No! You are wrong and here is why!” I wish we could express it, and in turn be respected for it being our belief like - (In response to the last statement) “I really like ------- method, because it has been helpful to me in such a way as ------, but there is value in your beliefs too.”
I’ve just moved past that...not into blindly accepting is great to discuss things with someone see it from another see what questions they might ask they you didn’t think let’s do that here....but it seems that more and more people just want to win the debate.
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It's amazing really, how much human beings have created from the depths of their souls. I think each and every one of us can access this depth, but the moment any of us try to describe it is where we can only nearly get to the truth and because of that we all have so much variation in our perspectives. It is as if the truth gets filtered through our own perceptions, biases, culture and becomes something else that stems from the truth. So while religions/spiritualities are born from the fruit of Truth, none are the Truth when going in the other direction, only approximations. The ones with similar core truths seem closer to the nature of reality on an intuitive level. I am also wary of self ascribed destributors of truth, unless of course they recongnize that their truth is not absolute, but describes what they think it may be based on their own experience, perceptions, and intuition. For instance, although I am not Christian, I think Christianity has some truths, like how God permeates the Universe, how you can connect with the divine from within, how in beauty one may find God. All very general, and relatively vague, but deep and meaningful at the same time.
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Skarekrow, I posted what I posted not to attack your personal beliefs at all. I posted because I thought your calim that there was "something" before the Big Bang is not true. To all the evidences that there are now, like Alexander Vilenkin said, it looks that the Universe had a beginning, and before that there was nothing. Now this is BIG. Just think about it.

That's why I posted, not to attack anybody. I posted so that people could think for themselfs.

This is also for @sprinkles (don’t respond if you don’t want to, I’m not here to aggravate you), @say what, @Jacobi, @efromm, @charlene, @Shaqie, @Kgal, @muir, and once again anyone else I seem to miss.

My response yesterday was not because I was angry...nor do I feel that anyone here is attacking my personal fact, I posted that because I really feel that a brick has been knocked out of the wall that separates me from reaching some semblance of faith....and this is of course personal to me, I wouldn’t expect any of you to believe what I believe.
That has sort of opened my eyes about how I’ve gone about certain just never really made sense to me before, and perhaps you won’t understand what I am saying now...but I bet most of you will.

Like I was saying before...the need to argue about who is right and who is wrong in regards to things that can not be proven with the science of today, possibly not frustrating turning me off to my own thread.
Some of the things people argue about not necessary in this thread but in the forum at large are just back and forth, round and round, until someone gets their feelings hurt usually.
I have been most guilty of this on more than one occasion. And I cannot say that I never will have a heavy debate with someone on the forum...sometimes it’s through debating like that that we find a new perspective on things...are asked questions that make you stop and go “You know...I don’t know.”.
It just seems to me that everyone gets too hung up on being the one that has to be right....that we are so scared to just say to them and ourselves that we don’t know. For some here, being the one who is wrong you would think is the end of their
I don’t wish to be the one arguing in cyclical ways....”There is a God!” here’s why “There is no God” here’s why...back and one can win such an argument...or the one LucyJr is referring to “Was there something before the “Big Bang” if there ever was such a thing as the “Big Bang” too?”
How could anyone possibly win such an argument or even a light-hearted debate on such a thing as that? What we have to go from are either scientific theories that we have no way to prove and are constantly changing, or we have religious texts that cannot be proven either.
I have found some semblance of faith in myself....not faith in a certain deity or religious order....but the realization that no matter what I believe...even if I were a genius like Hawking or Einstein - I would still be inherently wrong.
There is no perfect answer out there, it took me a long time to really grasp what that really entailed.
If you study the Bible...that is a wonderful thing, there are some beautiful stories and morally idealistic ways to live your life in there...but it isn’t what I believe in my heart to be 100% true....and that should be fine with you the reader of this...that doesn’t mean you have to save my soul by convincing me otherwise - because like I said before, the more aggressive someone gets in their debating of someone the less that person is inclined to believe you...even if it’s factual one likes to be one wants to lose the debate...and so no one wins (literally and figuratively).
I have lost my desire to argue...that doesn’t mean that I have shut myself off from new ideas, or thoughts on an old one...but these huge semantical debates that go on in here really just upset people and then they shut themselves off to what my be something of huge importance.
It’s like arguing if green is better than blue...
I want us all to present ideas, thoughts, innovations, feelings, stories, in regards to this be discussed....talked about...questioned in a non-“I’ve gotta be the right one.” kind of way.
Because you are not right.....and I am for sure not right (in many regards lololol) one on earth is one has it figured out, not even the super geniuses who work in science labs....nor does the Pope...or any other religious person alive today...we are all wrong.
So who am I to tell you it IS this way because science has this theory....and who are you to tell me vice versa?
By really realizing my fallibility, by not having to be right, I have in turn found the thinnest thread of faith....because really, in the long run, it doesn’t matter what you believe...we will all reach our deaths and see for ourselves.
Let’s share our ideas constructively...without arguing about what shade of blue the sky is.
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[applauds and re-subscribes]

I hope you get around to talking more about the Merkaba. I hear/see it mentioned everywhere now and I'm trying to understand it. :D
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Sorry to go back to this video! But I was rewatching it again today and something popped into my head- it might be totally out there and silly, but around 2:30-60 he talks about how multiple universes could be existing around us, but we don't see them because they are travelling at different speeds. I was thinking about how this might explain auras in away, in that what people see around us is not necessarily our energy, but perhaps the energies of other universes...could the energies that we are trying to harness or align to gain a greater awareness and conscious be us opening up and being intuitive with the multiple universes existing and travelling around us? I don't know much about any of this, so this could sound completely silly!!
I had to Wiki it...this is what it said:

Personally, I find it intuitive...something cannot just begin without nothing.

Looking at it from a sustainability perspective, we know that the earth is running out of resources- suggesting that it had a beginning, and will likely have an end.

Here's a short video refuting the theory:


I do agree that the theory does disregard facts that the big bang did happen.

The theory is logically simple- so almost everyone would be able to say "okay...yeah, thinking like that makes sense". However, the universe is anything but simple. It seems like there's not middle ground, all theories are on either side of the continuum.
Perhaps will talk more about this later, cause I have to go to work.
As far as I know, the argument has never been refuted in hundreads of years since it was formulated. Its key strenght is time.
Sorry to go back to this video! But I was rewatching it again today and something popped into my head- it might be totally out there and silly, but around 2:30-60 he talks about how multiple universes could be existing around us, but we don't see them because they are travelling at different speeds. I was thinking about how this might explain auras in away, in that what people see around us is not necessarily our energy, but perhaps the energies of other universes...could the energies that we are trying to harness or align to gain a greater awareness and conscious be us opening up and being intuitive with the multiple universes existing and travelling around us? I don't know much about any of this, so this could sound completely silly!!

That could actually account for many many things that seem anomalous in our reality...ghosts for example, perhaps they are nothing more than a peek through to another universe...maybe we see them as being transparent or don’t see them at all because they do not actually exist fully here.
And we, in turn, may be doing the same in their reality...maybe when a ghost yells in a deep frightening voice “GET OUT!”, he or she is in fact perceiving you as a ghost haunting their house and have had it with YOU.

I have had several run-ins with what you could call a ghost...but I cannot be sure that is what it was...perhaps it was some kind of psychokinesis I myself was unknowingly creating...maybe it was indeed a lost spirit...maybe a break in our universe to another...I DO know though, that it wasn’t something that should have happened by any scientifically known reason.

Things are NOT just supposed to move by themselves...not once, not twice, not three times...but I put it somewhere around 4-5 times now that I think of it.
Oh, and I tried to find a reason...I even checked for logical or scientific there HAS to be something more to it.
I think you would be surprised to find, if you ask around, how many people have has similar experiences.
It’s culturally “taboo” to bring up, but once you get past the uncomfortable giggles and looks...people can relate.
There is a great website called the Global Consciousness Project run out of Princeton University -
If you go there, there is a map you can click on that shows you the locations of random number generators...they way it works it this -
whenever something of significance has happened around the world that would be shocking to our global consciousness they have shown that there is a correlation between the global events and the numbers randomly being can look up dates such as 9/11, and see that there was a huge match up between the numbers being generated by the RNGs have a probability of 2.508x10[SUP]-13 which indeed is highly significant.
[/SUP][SUP]So scientifically it has been shown to be highly probable that there is such a thing as a global consciousness.
So if we are all connected globally...then perhaps we are also connected across other dimensions, other universes....quantum physics has shown that it is possible for matter to be in two places who is to say that there isn’t something we would describe as a “guardian angel” helping to guide us through our could even be ourselves in a future state where time no longer exists trying to lead us along the correct path.

[SUP]There are so many possibilities for us to explore...and I wouldn’t rule anything and everything out...that is what is so exciting!

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I think the key to all of this is awareness. We have to become aware of who we are. How we act. What we do. What we think is important. Realizing ones death and that time on Earth is not forever is a fundamental life truth. The deeper meaning is that YOU have meaning. The deeper connection is the connection. Life is moving toward death. Only life and death move. They change sides every day. Every second someone lives and dies. Balance. Look for balance in this world. There are opposing forces in this world it HAS to be that way. It can happen no other way. When you understand that right or wrong are only the way you see it. And then stop doing that you become more aware. When you think before you speak you are aware. When you think before you do. I am here to tell you that their is nothing to debate. I does not matter. Only time matters here. Does God want someone who will believe when only they are given concrete proof? We had to go looking for God. We had to know. Eventually we all will know.

If we could just drop our own thoughts and masks. And be. And let others Be. Then we would be free. I don't know if this type of thing is actually possible in this world. We need opposing forces after all. That is the perfect beauty of life. When I look at dead things I am aware that they are a part of the equation. I see decay as life now. I see decay as the fertilizer of life. People need to understand that when you partake on such a journey of discovery YOU will face challenges. You will FAIL at times! It is a part of all of this. Their is a progression and then you open up. Some people do it almost instantly. Others take more time. Some never do. That is why patience is key. Understanding is key. Compassion is key. We do not know at what stage of life people are. We all make mistakes. We are the ones who give out the grace! We are the ones who forgive. We are the Gods of this world. Now why don't we learn to act like Gods? To be all those things together. To create the world we all want to live in. We all need an awakening. And it looks like it is coming. We are talking about it. We are talking God. We are all in different places on the Earth connecting. I think that is great. And I think it shows all of us that we are not alone. That together we all will find a way. To heal what ails us in our souls. So we all can have a greater tomorrow and today. We are not listening for a voice, it is a feeling a knowing. And when you feel and see it in your mind and heart you are connected to it. Once you know it you know it.....
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I think the key to all of this is awareness. We have to become aware of who we are. How we act. What we do. What we think is important. Realizing ones death and that time on Earth is not forever is a fundamental life truth. The deeper meaning is that YOU have meaning. The deeper connection is the connection. Life is moving toward death. Only life and death move. They change sides every day. Every second someone lives and dies. Balance. Look for balance in this world. There are opposing forces in this world it HAS to be that way. It can happen no other way. When you understand that right or wrong are only the way you see it. And then stop doing that you become more aware. When you think before you speak you are aware. When you think before you do. I am here to tell you that their is nothing to debate. I does not matter. Only time matters here. Does God want someone who will believe when only they are given concrete proof? We had to go looking for God. We had to know. Eventually we all will know.

If we could just drop our own thoughts and masks. And be. And let others Be. Then we would be free. I don't know if this type of thing is actually possible in this world. We need opposing forces after all. That is the perfect beauty of life. When I look at dead things I am aware that they are a part of the equation. I see decay as life now. I see decay as the fertilizer of life. People need to understand that when you partake on such a journey of discovery YOU will face challenges. You will FAIL at times! It is a part of all of this. Their is a progression and then you open up. Some people do it almost instantly. Others take more time. Some never do. That is why patience is key. Understanding is key. Compassion is key. We do not know at what stage of life people are. We all make mistakes. We are the ones who give out the grace! We are the ones who forgive. We are the Gods of this world. Now why don't we learn to act like Gods? To be all those things together. To create the world we all want to live in. We all need an awakening. And it looks like it is coming. We are talking about it. We are talking God. We are all in different places on the Earth connecting. I think that is great. And I think it shows all of us that we are not alone. That together we all will find a way. To heal what ails us in our souls. So we all can have a greater tomorrow and today. We are not listening for a voice, it is a feeling a knowing. And when you feel and see it in your mind and heart you are connected to it. Once you know it you know it.....
I feel that the majority of humanity is caught up in seeking validation for their stance that they end up missing the bigger picture 99.99% of the time.
The Bible doesn’t have to be true...evolution doesn’t have to be true...they are thoughts, hopes, intentions, ideas...
For me, the realization that there is no the way that nothing in this life is fundamentally correct, there is no absolute...has been a huge burden off my shoulders...I was too busy looking at the black and white of it all, I missed the painting they created.
How boring would it all be to have things be absolute?
That would eliminate the possibility for this life, us, our souls, to be extraordinary.
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So you do understand how I feel and why I left the thread.

It's because I'm arguing and correcting not being open enough... it hurts me. It's me hurting myself. People might say "Oh that's ok. Don't worry about it." but no... don't trivialize me like that.

To put it in terms some might identify with better: me arguing over crap is 'against my religion'. I've been doing it anyway and it could be said that I'm 'sinning' very badly.

That's not to say that I'm wrong. I'm not. And since I'm not wrong I should have no need to argue. What am I trying to do? Save others? I can't do that. Not really.

I feel that the majority of humanity is caught up in seeking validation for their stance that they end up missing the bigger picture 99.99% of the time.
The Bible doesn’t have to be true...evolution doesn’t have to be true...they are thoughts, hopes, intentions, ideas...
For me, the realization that there is no the way that nothing in this life is fundamentally correct, there is no absolute...has been a huge burden off my shoulders...I was too busy looking at the black and white of it all, I missed the painting they created.
How boring would it all be to have things be absolute?
That would eliminate the possibility for this life, us, our souls, to be extraordinary.
When you say there are no absolutes, and there is no that an absolute, is that a truth? Just think about it, you are contradicting yourself...
There are absolutes, and there is objective truth.
How boring would it all be to have things be absolute?
That would eliminate the possibility for this life, us, our souls, to be extraordinary.
To me it is boring if there would be no absolutes...there is no essence...there is just ilussion. There is no such a thing as "extraordinary" if there is no "extraordinary" in a absolute sense, if there is no essence, if there is no "fullness" in it.
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I thought I'll post some self-refuting statements that usually occur in a conversation.
Note: This is not to dismiss anyones's views on anything. It's just for sharpening our logical thinking, and for addresing our logical fallacies we do when we usually think about somethink.

. “There is no truth.” (Is this statement true?)

. “There are no absolutes.” (Is this an absolute?)

. “No one can know any truth about religion.” (And how,
precisely, did you come to know that truth about

."No one has the truth." (And how do you know this truth?)

."All truth is relative." (Is that objectively true?)

."You should doubt everything." - you can't doubt everythink; you'll get to the point where you have to be doubtful about doubting; also when one is saying "You should doubt everything", he doesn't doubt at all of what he is claiming.

. “You can’t know anything for sure.” (Are you sure about

."It's true for you but not for me." (Is that just true for you, or is it true for everybody?)

. “Talking about God is meaningless.” (What does this
statement about God mean?)

. “You can only know truth through experience.” (What
experience taught you that truth?)

. “Never take anyone’s advice on that issue.” (Should I take
your advice on that?)

."All truth depends on your perspective." - really? Does this true depends on your perspective?

“I don’t believe in religion.”
“Why not?”
“There is no scientific evidence for it.”
“Then you shouldn’t believe in science either.”
“Why not?”
“Because there is no scientific evidence for it.”

Since there is no scientific evidence proving that science is the only Way to know truth, the view self-destructs

."You should live and let live." - why are you telling me how should I live, contradicting your own philosophy?
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