Merkabah | Page 27 | INFJ Forum
Moreover it could be said that color is not even a property of any object. Objects don't have a color - light does. That might sound overly technical and particular but it's showing how senses have mindscrew ideas about things.

That red flower is not really 'red' at all - never mind the idea that red could be green to somebody else, it goes beyond even that!

Your brain says "That flower is really red! The red is like, on the flower and stuff! It's right there!" If you put it in a different kind of light, it won't 'be red' anymore. "Yeah but it's red normally!" No. There's no 'default case' for the flower. There is no 'normally' because how it appears is inherently relative due to the idea that color comes from the light that is able to reflect off of it, so red is only red if the red is present to be reflected. It commonly is present, but that's a property of white light, not the flower.

Saying the sky is blue is like saying a prism is rainbow colored.

That's not meant to be a slight or a correction or an argument about semantics - just an illustration how ideas can be way over simplified yet ingrained to the point that 'everybody knows it'. You know something that isn't described accurately in common language.
That was my point...there are infinite points of view...and who I am to say that you are wrong?
If you change the perspective ever so slightly on some things...and things can dramatically change...the picture if different.
The sky is generally perceived as blue...although, yes, we know it isn’t...but each molecule in the air is scattering the light in such a way that allows that wavelength to reach our eyes...if you take anything in our world, you could say the same.
How many photons are absorbed and how many are refracted to our eyes at what wavelength tell our brain what color to interpret something as.
So the sky is just as blue, as the rose is red, and the grass is green....perhaps they are not actually that way at all...but that is the only reference point we have as humans and our senses go.
Did you know that there is actually some thought that certain colors have only just become visible to us in the past few thousand years?

"Much more modern than the birth of the intellect was that of the colour sense. We have the authority of Max Müller for thestatement that: 'It is well known that the distinction of colour is of late date: that Xenophanes knew of three colours of the rainbowonly – purple, red, and yellow; that even Aristotle spoke of thetricoloured rainbow; and that Democritus knew of no more than four colours – black, white, red, and yellow.'Geiger points out by examination of language that as late as fifteenor twenty thousand years ago man only perceived one colour.Pictet finds no names of colours in primitive Indo-Europeanspeech. And Max Müller finds no Sanskrit root whose meaning hasany reference to colour.At a later period red and black were recognized as distinct. Stilllater, when the Rig Veda was composed, red, yellow, and black were recognized as three separate shades, but these three includedall the colour that man was capable of appreciating. Still later white was added to the list, and then green; but throughout the Rig Veda, the
Zend Avesta, the Homeric poems, and the Bible the colour of the sky is not once mentioned; therefore, apparently, itwas not recognized. For the omission can hardly be attributed toaccident; the ten thousand lines of the Rig Veda are largely occupied with descriptions of the sky; and all its features – sun,moon, stars, clouds, lightnings, sunrise, and sunset – arementioned hundreds of times. So also the
Zend Avesta, to the writers of which light and fire, both terrestrial and heavenly, aresacred objects, could hardly have omitted by chance all mention of the blue sky. In the Bible, the sky and heaven are mentioned morethan four hundred and thirty times, and still no mention is made of [their colour].The English word blue and the German blau descend from a word that meant black . The Chinese
hi-u-an, which now means sky- blue, formerly meant black. The word nil, which now in Persianand Arabic means blue, is derived from thename Nile, that is the black river, of which the same word the Latin
Niger is a form."

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As a multidimensional persona I can tell you that it's possible for individuated facets, or personalities, beings/people/whatever to live in your awareness.

It's commonly called a personality disorder. Fragmenting, dissociative identities, multiple personalities... all are possible and documented.

I don't know if this is happening here or if its another foreign individual contacting you. I'm just saying it because 'I' have multiple personas and this is a bit what it is like some times, or at least it used to be before we became more cohesive and integrated.

I'd literally have multiple running commentaries and opinions about things and what they want to do with the physical body at a given time, what inputs and activities they do and don't care for, what makes them happy/sad/angry and all sorts of stuff. Eventually I had to recruit some internal guardians and liaisons to co-manage and delegate all this crap and sort it out, and literally schedule things out for certain facets to have face time so that they can get what they need.

It's much more quiet and organized now, so much so that I some times forget about it and think I'm just one being but in the past there was a lot of this going on. It's more integrated now because allowing the facets some face time helped them work out their issues and integrate into a whole (and thereby stop being a pest)

We should definitely discuss our various experiences in integration together.
Moreover it could be said that color is not even a property of any object. Objects don't have a color - light does. That might sound overly technical and particular but it's showing how senses have mindscrew ideas about things.

That red flower is not really 'red' at all - never mind the idea that red could be green to somebody else, it goes beyond even that!

Your brain says "That flower is really red! The red is like, on the flower and stuff! It's right there!" If you put it in a different kind of light, it won't 'be red' anymore. "Yeah but it's red normally!" No. There's no 'default case' for the flower. There is no 'normally' because how it appears is inherently relative due to the idea that color comes from the light that is able to reflect off of it, so red is only red if the red is present to be reflected. It commonly is present, but that's a property of white light, not the flower.
This is very interesting and has always fascinated me... Let's say there is a red chair...Conform to this, when I don't look at the chair, the chair is not read anymore...
So, this is why I love conversations like this- you think you're on a logic train of thought...and then something pops in your head- and changes it!

I read this earlier today and was like "OMG! This dude totally solved it and got it right!" To me, it does make sense that ghosts and other "unexplained" things are a rift or slowing of other dimensions...we're simply seeing something that's already there, but is beyond our capacity (right now) to see and understand.

I was thinking about this earlier this evening, because like you, I have had experiences which I can't explain. These have mostly been things moving, a whisper, or a movement/image out of the corner of my eye or a flash. Some would believe that these could be explained, but I truly believe that they are paranormal happenings. But I began thinking about my experiences, and I had one the night my grandmother passed away as well as a few months afterwards that I feel had to be my grandmother. I felt that what I saw, had an emotional connection to me. So this lead me to wonder if the us's in multiple dimensions are connected...could we share the same consciousness? Memories?

Well, as of right now...I don’t think we are really any closer to discovering the true nature of what one could call a “ghost” than they were 200 years ago.
But I think the big distinction between now and then is our understanding of the more subtle natures our universe hints at. Such as multiple universes, or matter duality, quantum entanglement, wormholes, etc..
On multiple universes...the theory is that there are an infinite number of universes, with an infinite number of you’s in them, in an infinite number of scenarios.
Now if you also take into account that matter can exist in two places at once...and in fact, scientists are looking at the human brain as a quantum computer for just such a theory is that our neurons are entangled on a quantum scale with one another, and that, along with electrical impulses is how our brains send information from neuron to neuron.
If you entangle two black holes, and then pull them apart, you have essentially created what is referred to as a “wormhole” which is a “shortcut” between them.
The scientific community has proposed that wormholes...mostly microscopic are constantly forming and vanishing all around us, indeed inside us too, at all times.
There is no scientific limit to how far away wormholes can go and still have information travel through your mind could be entangled with the mind of someone else in another is scientifically feasible.
Who is to say that a schizophrenic isn’t truly hearing least in terms of them not being generated by his own mind?
We now see that there may be some ancestral memory encoded within our DNA...that these can account for our fears, likes, etc...perhaps it goes beyond that.
Perhaps, we are all entangled across time...and maybe across the earth? That could account for a global consciousness.
Perhaps you fear the ghost you can hear but not see because the other “you” you are entangled with in another universe is afraid of you as their ghost...and you are feeling their fear creating a cyclical fear?
This is such a hugely gigantic category of really are infinite
This is very interesting and has always fascinated me... Let's say there is a red chair...Conform to this, when I don't look at the chair, the chair is not read anymore... never was red.
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Now it is obvious that if light is absorbed by a material, say, an opaque substance such as a piece of wood – it is absorbed by the atoms of that material. And since atoms are composed of electrons, it follows that electrons have something to do with the absorption process. Scientists say that specifically the outer electrons in the atom absorb light, and they have a name for these. They call them valence electrons.
Now because of certain complex laws, the valence electrons in a piece of wood may absorb only those photons which have a certain minimum amount of energy associated with them. For example, if I have an electron whose minimal requirement is 2 electron-volts and a photon
appears which has only 1.5 electron-volts, it will not be absorbed. However, if another photon appears which has 3 electron-volts of energy, it will be absorbed.
It easily meets the minimum requirement.
When its energy is absorbed, the photon ceases to exist. It is like taking all the rubber out of a rubber ball. A photon is nothing but a packet of energy. Take all the energy out of it and there is no photon any more. Now different photons have different energies because they are not all the same colour.
There are green photons, yellow photons, red photons,
and even blue photons. Each of these colours is associated with a certain rate of vibrations per second, and a German scientist named Max Planck discovered that these rates of vibration were directly proportional to the photon energy in electron-volts.
We can get the photon energy by multiplying the rate of vibrations in vibrations per second by a number called Planck's constant. But we have a problem here because Planck's constant is usually given in joules, and not electron-volts.
The constant is 6.63 x 10
-34 joules.
A joule is a
much larger unit of energy than an electron-volt, and when we express photon energy in joules, we get all kinds of complicated numbers.
That is why electron-volts are preferred. A red photon, for example, has a photon energy of 3.08295 x 10-19 joules, but only 1.9electron-volt.
It is the same energy in either case, but the electron-volt unit
produces simpler numbers that are easier to work with.
To get photon
energy in electron volts, we simply multiply .0041375 by the photon's rate of vibrations in trillions of vibrations per second.
Thus, to get the energy
of the red photon, we multiply .0041375 by 465, since a red photon has a rate of vibration of about 465 trillions per second.

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Generally, the harder a substance the more powerful and fast a photon must be to penetrate it...that is how we get color variables.

Here’s a good chart representation....


So Gamma rays, X-rays, UV rays shoot right into us...that’s why you should wear
Take x-rays for example...that is why they are used to view our x-ray isn’t a picture of your bones per say, but it is actually a picture of where the x-rays couldn’t penetrate very well (your bones) a negative photo.
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Still...that doesn’t mean that there is color there....that is only how our brains interpret it...there is only wavelength and frequency.
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Still...that doesn’t mean that there is color there....that is only how our brains interpret it...there is only wavelength and frequency.
But what if its from the eyes? (althought I'm not saying it can not be in the brain).
But what if its from the eyes? (althought I'm not saying it can not be in the brain).
I’m not sure I follow you...
Our eyes have photoreceptor cells in the back of them...cones and rods...
The cones measure the color (which is nothing more than the wavelength and frequency of the photons).
And the Rods measure the total light intake (how many of those photons are coming in...or light and dark).
This is actually projected in an upside-down image on the back of your eye which the brain in turn, flips right side up (interestingly enough, this doesn’t happen until about a week after babies see things upside-down for a bit).
The brain gives you a visual representation of the data in the form of what we call our vision.

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They have found that our brains can also complete the picture if pieces of it are missing. Our eyes see very poorly really. What we really see is in our minds....​
Actually, with a source or two of external light fighting for dominance, it is difficult to say if we have a direct angle of incidence. With two or more light sources in different locations, there will be different angles of incidence, resulting in different angles of refraction. If the focal point is the retina of a perfect eye with no need for correction, it would be much different than an eye with bad astigmatism, near or far-sightedness, and/or other imperfections of the eye and its dynamics. Ten people could possibly see twenty different forms of colors and images. The distance from the optical center of a strong corrective lense to the eye can change images, and even the slightest turn can distort.

Our perception, as mere human beings, relies on any number of factors; yet, we rely on something so we can all know what we are talking about. Some words have meanings that can be taken several ways. Copied from Wikipedia: According to Timo Eskola, early Christian theology and discourse was influenced by the Jewish Merkabah tradition.[SUP][23][/SUP] Similarly, Alan Segal and Daniel Boyarin regard Paul's accounts of his conversion experience and his ascent to the heavens as the earliest first person accounts we have of a Merkabah mystic in Jewish or Christian literature. Conversely, Timothy Churchill has argued that Paul's Damascus road encounter does not fit the pattern of Merkabah.[SUP][24][/SUP]
In Christianity, the man, lion, ox, and eagle are used as symbols for the four evangelists (or gospel-writers),[SUP][25][/SUP] and appear frequently in church decorations. These Creatures are called Zoë (or the Tetramorph), and surround the throne of God in Heaven, along with twenty-four elders and seven spirits of God (according to Revelation 4:1–11).
Warnings against children or "excitable persons" reading the Ezekiel story exist in some translations. unquote

For argument's sake, there exist many disagreements as well as agreements within our commonalities. Anyone that knows me, for example, knows why I said that. Others, some might have to ask. I call it all understanding, and have to say different people understand some things differently for purposes to help humanity as a whole. Just as we have personality traits we are barely understanding, we at least know many people are very different. Think that may have hit me in my optic nerve.
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This is very interesting and has always fascinated me... Let's say there is a red chair...Conform to this, when I don't look at the chair, the chair is not read anymore...

It's hard to explain without using the qualia of what red looks like because it goes beyond the dimension of what the brain can deal with visually.

But imagine this - you have a machine that will separate circle shapes from triangle shapes. You have just a bag of both circle shapes and triangle shapes. You dump the shapes into the machine, and it eats the circles and spits out only the triangles.

This could be slightly analogous to the concept of visual color of objects - the light you get back is like the triangles that came out of the machine. They aren't the machine itself, they aren't what the machine looks like, they aren't a property of the machine and they didn't originally even come from the machine.
A quick drop by,

Epic black moon today 30th Jan. Old fears, guilts, attachments, demons, that are buried will surface - so that we can regonise them clearly, forgive, and rebirth.

Take it easy and be gentle on your yourself and others.
Celebrate tonight if you can, the whole Earth is cleansing, treat our Mother with respect and appreciation.
Love and Blessings to you all God!
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I JUST ordered "A Brief History of Time" to read (mostly because of you guys- you're so well educated I wanted to at least read that piece of literature to feel a bit up to your standards!!)...but I came across this!

Stephen Hawking's black holes 'blunder' stirs debate
Black holes are 'grey' and event horizons do not exist, new paper theorizes

I don't know much about Hawkings black hole theory, but I thought it might interest a few of you! :)
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By what way is the light parted...

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.


a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel."

I Peter
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
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Well, as of right now...I don’t think we are really any closer to discovering the true nature of what one could call a “ghost” than they were 200 years ago.
But I think the big distinction between now and then is our understanding of the more subtle natures our universe hints at. Such as multiple universes, or matter duality, quantum entanglement, wormholes, etc..
On multiple universes...the theory is that there are an infinite number of universes, with an infinite number of you’s in them, in an infinite number of scenarios.
Now if you also take into account that matter can exist in two places at once...and in fact, scientists are looking at the human brain as a quantum computer for just such a theory is that our neurons are entangled on a quantum scale with one another, and that, along with electrical impulses is how our brains send information from neuron to neuron.
If you entangle two black holes, and then pull them apart, you have essentially created what is referred to as a “wormhole” which is a “shortcut” between them.
The scientific community has proposed that wormholes...mostly microscopic are constantly forming and vanishing all around us, indeed inside us too, at all times.
There is no scientific limit to how far away wormholes can go and still have information travel through your mind could be entangled with the mind of someone else in another is scientifically feasible.
Who is to say that a schizophrenic isn’t truly hearing least in terms of them not being generated by his own mind?
We now see that there may be some ancestral memory encoded within our DNA...that these can account for our fears, likes, etc...perhaps it goes beyond that.
Perhaps, we are all entangled across time...and maybe across the earth? That could account for a global consciousness.
Perhaps you fear the ghost you can hear but not see because the other “you” you are entangled with in another universe is afraid of you as their ghost...and you are feeling their fear creating a cyclical fear?
This is such a hugely gigantic category of really are infinite

This is so interesting! I'm a big fan of the paranormal and understanding the science behind it. I completely believe in ghosts, and that there's a reasonable explanation for their existence!

Ancestral memory is so interesting. I think it certainly makes one think about the potential for a collective conscious. I just wonder if it spans across dimensions (if multiple ones exist). Is this how sci-fi writers write about things that end up being created? Or how theories, such as evolution, are derived concurrently?

By what way is the light parted...

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.


a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel."

I Peter
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Heheh we actually have a pretty good idea of how these days.

However I won't let that effect the deep meaning of this idea because it's still valuable and demonstrative.
Heheh we actually have a pretty good idea of how these days.

However I won't let that effect the deep meaning of this idea because it's still valuable and demonstrative.

Don't you find it amazing we are learning what someone else knew how to do?
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