Merkabah | Page 26 | INFJ Forum

Most of that is weakness of language and inadequacy of logic.

At this point though I don't think anyone really cares about this.

Actually let me rephrase that: at this point I don't think anyone really gives a shit about this.

Most of that is weakness of language and inadequacy of logic.

At this point though I don't think anyone really cares about this.

Actually let me rephrase that: at this point I don't think anyone really gives a shit about this.
About what?
About what?

About what you just posted. Almost everybody knows about those linguistic paradoxes.

This sentence is false.

If it's true how can it be false? Because falsity doesn't necessarily apply to the sentence. It isn't true, it isn't false, it's nonsensical.

Actually subjective sensibility is all that can apply to sentences because sentences are not 'facts'. Sentences are not actually true nor false. Truth means to accord with reality but the definition of truth is a sentence itself.

Is the definition of 'true' true? How do you find out - by looking at yet another sentence in the dictionary?
About what you just posted. Almost everybody knows about those linguistic paradoxes.

This sentence is false.

If it's true how can it be false? Because falsity doesn't necessarily apply to the sentence. It isn't true, it isn't false, it's nonsensical.

Actually subjective sensibility is all that can apply to sentences because sentences are not 'facts'. Sentences are not actually true nor false. Truth means to accord with reality but the definition of truth is a sentence itself.

Is the definition of 'true' true? How do you find out - by looking at yet another sentence in the dictionary?
The definition of truth is not a sentence itself, is a abstract truth about the nature of truth.

Sentences are not actually true nor false.
Is this just a sentence, or its a fact?
Most of that is weakness of language and inadequacy of logic.
weakness of language - this is also a logical fallacy, one that doesn't respect the Principle of Identification in logic.

inadequacy of logic - I don't think there are just "inadequacy of logic". There are claims of truth that contradict themselfs, meaning they are no-sensical and absurd affirmation, and this is VERY important.
One has to know what is absurd so one doesn't believe it with naivety...for example "All truth is relative" - this proposition is necesarelly false and self-contradictory, its not just "sentences"... ideas create sentences, not the sentences create ideas, or because of ideas we have sentences and words, not because of words and sentences we have ideas, this is very important.

I think this is best left alone in the current situation!
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I feel that the majority of humanity is caught up in seeking validation for their stance that they end up missing the bigger picture 99.99% of the time.
The Bible doesn’t have to be true...evolution doesn’t have to be true...they are thoughts, hopes, intentions, ideas...
For me, the realization that there is no the way that nothing in this life is fundamentally correct, there is no absolute...has been a huge burden off my shoulders...I was too busy looking at the black and white of it all, I missed the painting they created.
How boring would it all be to have things be absolute?
That would eliminate the possibility for this life, us, our souls, to be extraordinary.

In my fuzzy little world. The one no one thinks that I have apparently. I see people understanding one another and getting along despite their differences. Being able to understand that and to what degree for every person is the hard part. I do not think that mankind can create harmony like that. We all want to walk to our own beat. Sing our own song. That is an inherit trait in us all to degrees. God does not want people who will read a book and then believe. Why would he want that? God wants faith. And faith is believing in what you do not know. You have faith that you will be alive in the morning. And are shocked when someone you know is dead. You have faith that they would just be there. Life is all about faith. Every aspect of life is faith. You have faith in people. Faith in things. And both will let your faith down. Why is it so hard to have faith in God? When you have faith in things every day that you do not know is true or not. Or if they will happen.

Our whole belief system Ego really is just faith in ourselves. We have faith that we are right. We may never really know but our belief in ourselves our faith makes it happen. Or not happen. You may have less faith that it will happen. Whatever you put your faith in it is something you eventually believe. Belief's can be wrong. We have seen it over and over. I cannot really say if a mans faith or belief gets him into more trouble. But I see the connection between the two. And the mindset. I would think that one should be in control of ones self. His thoughts his fears his faiths. Having a mind can be tiring. Meditation is a gift. A way to free ones self from ones self. To unwind and put back into harmony what the mind it's self cannot do.....
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In my fuzzy little world. The one no one thinks that I have apparently. I see people understanding one another and getting along despite their differences. Being able to understand that and to what degree for every person is the hard part. I do not think that mankind can create harmony like that. We all want to walk to our own beat. Sing our own song. That is an inherit trait in us all to degrees. God does not want people who will read a book and then believe. Why would he want that? God wants faith. And faith is believing in what you do not know. You have faith that you will be alive in the morning. And are shocked when someone you know is dead. You have faith that they would just be there. Life is all about faith. Every aspect of life is faith. You have faith in people. Faith in things. And both will let your faith down. Why is it so hard to have faith in God? When you have faith in things every day that you do not know is true or not. Or if they will happen.

Our whole belief system Ego really is just faith in ourselves. We have faith that we are right. We may never really know but our belief in ourselves our faith makes it happen. Or not happen. You may have less faith that it will happen. Whatever you put your faith in it is something you eventually believe. Belief's can be wrong. We have seen it over and over. I cannot really say if a mans faith or belief gets him into more trouble. But I see the connection between the two. And the mindset. I would think that one should be in control of ones self. His thoughts his fears his faiths. Having a mind can be tiring. Meditation is a gift. A way to free ones self from ones self. To unwind and put back into harmony what the mind it's self cannot do.....

Yeah mine appears to be broken right now. I think that means I am about to grow in some way or other.

I'm moulting. :/
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Yeah mine appears to be broken right now. I think that means I am about to grow in some way or other.

I'm moulting. :/

Is there not beauty in molting? Stripping away the old and exposing the new? We are always growing and learning. It's what we are believing and what we have faith in that makes the difference in our situations. I came to my way of thinking over quite a few years now. I have changed my perception. You will too in time. It comes with age really.
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Is there not beauty in molting? Stripping away the old and exposing the new? We are always growing and learning. It's what we are believing and what we have faith in that makes the difference in our situations. I came to my way of thinking over quite a few years now. I have changed my perception. You will too in time. It comes with age really.

Yeah I agree there's beauty in it. There's beauty in birth too, beauty doesn't mean it won't hurt a bit. o.o
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@sprinkles So true. A beautiful person can break your heart. The pain lets you know when it feels good too...​

So you do understand how I feel and why I left the thread.

It's because I'm arguing and correcting not being open enough... it hurts me. It's me hurting myself. People might say "Oh that's ok. Don't worry about it." but no... don't trivialize me like that.

To put it in terms some might identify with better: me arguing over crap is 'against my religion'. I've been doing it anyway and it could be said that I'm 'sinning' very badly.

That's not to say that I'm wrong. I'm not. And since I'm not wrong I should have no need to argue. What am I trying to do? Save others? I can't do that. Not really.

I completely understand need to explain further.
I wish to get away from that as well....too much arguing.
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When you say there are no absolutes, and there is no that an absolute, is that a truth? Just think about it, you are contradicting yourself...
There are absolutes, and there is objective truth.

To me it is boring if there would be no absolutes...there is no essence...there is just ilussion. There is no such a thing as "extraordinary" if there is no "extraordinary" in a absolute sense, if there is no essence, if there is no "fullness" in it.
I consider you a friend, but you completely missed the message I was trying to convey.
What is the bigger picture of what I am saying?
I don’t wish to debate things that have no answer and can be argued and argued without end.
I completely understand need to explain further.
I wish to get away from that as much arguing.

Yeah. I'm sorry that I helped to mess up your thread. ;.; So full of shit I am some times, an ignorant fool. What do I know about anything really...

Arguing that things aren't metaphysical... why was that ever important? I've made way too many posts about that and it's because it offended my personal sensibilities. So in essence it was a lot of "Fuck you! I'm a shark! Suck my dick!"

or just this
That could actually account for many many things that seem anomalous in our reality...ghosts for example, perhaps they are nothing more than a peek through to another universe...maybe we see them as being transparent or don’t see them at all because they do not actually exist fully here.
And we, in turn, may be doing the same in their reality...maybe when a ghost yells in a deep frightening voice “GET OUT!”, he or she is in fact perceiving you as a ghost haunting their house and have had it with YOU.

I have had several run-ins with what you could call a ghost...but I cannot be sure that is what it was...perhaps it was some kind of psychokinesis I myself was unknowingly creating...maybe it was indeed a lost spirit...maybe a break in our universe to another...I DO know though, that it wasn’t something that should have happened by any scientifically known reason.

Things are NOT just supposed to move by themselves...not once, not twice, not three times...but I put it somewhere around 4-5 times now that I think of it.
Oh, and I tried to find a reason...I even checked for logical or scientific there HAS to be something more to it.
I think you would be surprised to find, if you ask around, how many people have has similar experiences.
It’s culturally “taboo” to bring up, but once you get past the uncomfortable giggles and looks...people can relate.
There is a great website called the Global Consciousness Project run out of Princeton University -
If you go there, there is a map you can click on that shows you the locations of random number generators...they way it works it this -
whenever something of significance has happened around the world that would be shocking to our global consciousness they have shown that there is a correlation between the global events and the numbers randomly being can look up dates such as 9/11, and see that there was a huge match up between the numbers being generated by the RNGs have a probability of 2.508x10[SUP]-13 which indeed is highly significant.
[/SUP][SUP]So scientifically it has been shown to be highly probable that there is such a thing as a global consciousness.
So if we are all connected globally...then perhaps we are also connected across other dimensions, other universes....quantum physics has shown that it is possible for matter to be in two places who is to say that there isn’t something we would describe as a “guardian angel” helping to guide us through our could even be ourselves in a future state where time no longer exists trying to lead us along the correct path.

[SUP]There are so many possibilities for us to explore...and I wouldn’t rule anything and everything out...that is what is so exciting!


So, this is why I love conversations like this- you think you're on a logic train of thought...and then something pops in your head- and changes it!

I read this earlier today and was like "OMG! This dude totally solved it and got it right!" To me, it does make sense that ghosts and other "unexplained" things are a rift or slowing of other dimensions...we're simply seeing something that's already there, but is beyond our capacity (right now) to see and understand.

I was thinking about this earlier this evening, because like you, I have had experiences which I can't explain. These have mostly been things moving, a whisper, or a movement/image out of the corner of my eye or a flash. Some would believe that these could be explained, but I truly believe that they are paranormal happenings. But I began thinking about my experiences, and I had one the night my grandmother passed away as well as a few months afterwards that I feel had to be my grandmother. I felt that what I saw, had an emotional connection to me. So this lead me to wonder if the us's in multiple dimensions are connected...could we share the same consciousness? Memories?
Evidently some peeps got passionate about their views but hey this is page 26 So it seems to me that something is happening here. You don't get 26 pages for nothing. How often do you ask a complete stranger these types of questions? If you look at the whole of it. It's progress. Progress has challenges. And some times the challengers are right and sometimes they are wrong. If you are searching for the truth you embrace the challengers because you are looking not defending the truth. The truth needs no defense. It can stand on it's own. And everyone can see it. That is why it is the truth....

I say thanks to all that made this thread a colorful place to be.
Yeah. I'm sorry that I helped to mess up your thread. ;.; So full of shit I am some times, an ignorant fool. What do I know about anything really...

Arguing that things aren't metaphysical... why was that ever important? I've made way too many posts about that and it's because it offended my personal sensibilities. So in essence it was a lot of "Fuck you! I'm a shark! Suck my dick!"

or just this

Passion is important! I actually admire your strong convictions on these topics- I'm someone who believes one thing one day, and then another the next!

The questions in this thread are difficult and are likely to remain unanswered- contributing your knowledge, passion, and stance is important to people like me who want to be educated about all angles of the story. I think the discussion in the thread has been great, it might get derailed sometimes, but that's like any conversation between informed, enthusiastic and interested individuals! It's a consequence of a great and meaningful conversation!
Passion is important! I actually admire your strong convictions on these topics- I'm someone who believes one thing one day, and then another the next!

The questions in this thread are difficult and are likely to remain unanswered- contributing your knowledge, passion, and stance is important to people like me who want to be educated about all angles of the story. I think the discussion in the thread has been great, it might get derailed sometimes, but that's like any conversation between informed, enthusiastic and interested individuals! It's a consequence of a great and meaningful conversation!

Unfortunately that kind of passion goes against the essential structure of my pretty much everything, so having it in this way is disconcerting.

It's also counter to many things which I have proposed repeatedly. Going from me to you it might not seem like a problem but for me it is not congruent.
I consider you a friend, but you completely missed the message I was trying to convey.
What is the bigger picture of what I am saying?
I don’t wish to debate things that have no answer and can be argued and argued without end.
I consider you a friend too :D
Yes, I understand the bigger picture of what you are trying to say. It was that we should all learn from one to another, and stop arguing like fools in a stupid "look who is right" way.
But about what I was not to attack was just to suggest you that maybe there are absolutes, and there is objective truth, rather.
Sorry for that. I kind of understand that things are really heated in this thread, so I'll stay out for a while. Cheers :D
I consider you a friend too :D
Yes, I understand the bigger picture of what you are trying to say. It was that we should all learn from one to another, and stop arguing like fools in a stupid "look who is right" way.
But about what I was not to attack was just to suggest you that maybe there are absolutes, and there is objective truth, rather.
Sorry for that. I kind of understand that things are really heated in this thread, so I'll stay out for a while. Cheers :D

You don’t have to leave Lucy.
It was almost funny in the way you posted it to tell you the made me laugh anyhow even though that wasn’t the intention.
I am sure that there are absolutes (are you sure about that?)...but are any of us here on earth, with our flawed minds capable of determining that?
I know the sun is bright, and the sky looks blue, and the dog says “woof” these are things that are absolute to me.
Maybe not to you...maybe the sun never shines where you live because of smog, maybe the color blue that you see in your mind is really the color red for me, maybe the dog says something completely different depending on the country you live in? None of that may exist at all for all we know? Perhaps we are just a computer simulation (it has beens suggested).
None of those things really matter...there may be differences...just as there are differences in the REAL questions...the BIG can believe whatever you want LucyJr, in fact I find your passion and faith wonderful...I just didn’t intend for this thread to be everyone trying to prove who or what is right and what is wrong....there is no right and there is no wrong.
There are just ideas...many of those ideas have shaped our minds to believe one thing rather than the other, and that is okay, that is what make us all interesting individuals.
I would rather focus on the connections we can find...the similarities that exist rather then the differences.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” - Jalal ad-Din, Persian Poet, Mystic
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Saying the sky is blue is like saying a prism is rainbow colored.

That's not meant to be a slight or a correction or an argument about semantics - just an illustration how ideas can be way over simplified yet ingrained to the point that 'everybody knows it'. You know something that isn't described accurately in common language.