Merkabah | Page 33 | INFJ Forum
I must have not read that in your post or misunderstood you sorry my bad. Quite frankly I am about to give on this stuff. No matter how hard I try to change or be better I am still the same old piece of shit. Maybe this is how I am supposed to be. The curse of me... Again sorry. I really don't know anything nor should I try too...

Ahhh....but I do not see the same ole piece of shit.... I see a new one. :love:

So....if it's not going the way you deep down inside you know it can....then stop. Stop doing whatever it is you are doing. Quit trying. Quit chasing it. Turn your attention to Piece of Shit and ask him what the hell does he want to teach you. 'Cause that's his job...
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Ahhh....but I do not see the same ole piece of shit.... I see a new one. :love:

So....if it's not going the way you deep down inside you know it can....then stop. Stop doing whatever it is you are doing. Quit trying. Quit chasing it. Turn your attention to Piece of Shit and ask him what the hell does he want to teach you. 'Cause that's his job...

I had to delete my response I don't think I belong here with this sorry.....
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Yes, you're right, these debates occur cross culturally. I dont necessarily think the debate is just about naturalism vs theism, its more about people trying to understand themselves, the world they live out the 'truth'. But because of all these labels, and dogmas, our fragile egos and attachments to them, it becomes just about defending and attacking ideas. Prooving and disprooving the mainstream perceptions. Sometimes it is not possible to have open communication when one is so highly invested/attached to something. The question is...does it even have to be a debate? Does there need to be any threats? Why not an open exploration? Some tolerance for uncertainty, dropping some labels and just being open?

Yes it depends entirely on perception, much like everything. Many Hindus (not all!) do believe in creation, their intepretation is just different from Christianity. Here is a link to some creation stories from different cultures/religions -

I dont know if thats true, but i certainly hope it is, and it is possible.

Lol, its very interesting that you say that...many people have said the same. Even when i was a young child people said that. My mum used to be a Hindu before she converetd to Christianity when she married my dad. We had people in our life that were Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Seikh, Muslim, Athiest, and ofcourse many Christians. Although i doubted the existance and the relavance of 'God' at times, there are other things that i have always believed in/understood such as reincarnation and the idea that we 'create reality' (now i understand that as project illusion). I didnt question those ideas until i was older, but when i was younger, it was very easy and natural to tap into past life experience and communication with the entities all around us. Because my environment was christianised, they referred to me as a witch, and possesed by some sort of evil hindu demon! But at other times they thought that maybe i was blessed by the christian God. Anyway...those good old days, all over now.
There is much of the major religions beliefs that i find fascinating and even 'true'. I take some from Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism. And then theres Kabbalah, New Age Movement, Holism, Shamanism, Paganism, Druidism, gnostism, alchemy, and ofcourse mysticism. And tools like tarot, astrology, divination, 'magic'. And then theres the sciences, philosophy, psychology. And ofocurse my personal experience, life, people, the world! But it's all selective. I take what i want/need from all of them, and some from my personal knowledge and experience. i dont see why there is any need to swallow the whole tree when a piece of the fruit will suffice. Or to hold onto to anything. It is the knowledge/spiritual experience i want, not the kool aid and cultural institution. Why is there any need to choose one? Or any at all...i believe that any sincere seeking, reaching out to the awe of 'being' will lead us Home. It is all about the Love! Love really is everything, it is consciousness, it is God, it is our nature, its everything. I dont think any of the religions/sciences/arts have the whole picture, although some are very close... they are all trying to point at the sun. The Sun is beyond detail, it cannot be contained and understood through something as fickle as words! We have enough cultural barriers separating us humans anyway, why create more? Although, admittedly, some religions are very inclusive and are based on limiting separation. I do admire that about religions like hinduism, in the sense that its so open and broad, no set dogmas etc. If there are a hundred hands pointing to the sun, why not look to see where they are all pointing? No reason to just pick one and get caught up in/consumed simply in the hand thats pointing. But i still dont see any real spiritual purpose for religion. It is a framework that can get people started, and point the way, but God is not something to be found in the pages of a book, a human constructed building, or a 'leader'. These things may help, but they are not the one way. The way is within All! The 'Christ' Is. God Is. I didnt find God through any religion, i recognised God when i let go. It is not possible for me to deny God having experienced Source energy. I have an ecletic spiritual experience. Shekinah is my guide, my Mother. I serve Her because of Love. Since ive been doing 'a course in miracles' i regularly communicate with Jesus. Ive been seeking help from and working with Angels for some time now. I still talk to my other guides and many others. Do meditations and yoga. Work with the energy of Earth. And enjoy being here on Earth and the people, animals, plants, and environment around me, All That Is.
Lol, I just came in this thread and see that people quoted me whithout any response on my part...:)

Yes, you're right, these debates occur cross culturally. I dont necessarily think the debate is just about naturalism vs theism, its more about people trying to understand themselves, the world they live out the 'truth'. But because of all these labels, and dogmas, our fragile egos and attachments to them, it becomes just about defending and attacking ideas. Prooving and disprooving the mainstream perceptions. Sometimes it is not possible to have open communication when one is so highly invested/attached to something. The question is...does it even have to be a debate? Does there need to be any threats? Why not an open exploration? Some tolerance for uncertainty, dropping some labels and just being open?
This was my dream too, for a long time, I would just hope everything will be peaceful and nice. But I discovered that when people feel their values are threatened, wars starts to become literaly. I was thinking that if every people would have the basic value as the value of tolerance, of peace, of protecting and understanding the views of others, things would be much more good.
But than if this is to be a main value, it means it would be protected, and so wars could start here too, even in this peaceful and nice framework of values. So I think this is just the nature of ideas and of truth...people fight for what they believe, because ideas have consequences, ideas are powerful, and the world is a dangerous place.

Yes it depends entirely on perception, much like everything. Many Hindus (not all!) do believe in creation, their intepretation is just different from Christianity. Here is a link to some creation stories from different cultures/religions -
Thanks, this is interesting, I'll check it out.

Lol, its very interesting that you say that...many people have said the same. Even when i was a young child people said that. My mum used to be a Hindu before she converetd to Christianity when she married my dad. We had people in our life that were Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Seikh, Muslim, Athiest, and ofcourse many Christians. Although i doubted the existance and the relavance of 'God' at times, there are other things that i have always believed in/understood such as reincarnation and the idea that we 'create reality' (now i understand that as project illusion). I didnt question those ideas until i was older, but when i was younger, it was very easy and natural to tap into past life experience and communication with the entities all around us. Because my environment was christianised, they referred to me as a witch, and possesed by some sort of evil hindu demon! But at other times they thought that maybe i was blessed by the christian God. Anyway...those good old days, all over now.
There is much of the major religions beliefs that i find fascinating and even 'true'. I take some from Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism. And then theres Kabbalah, New Age Movement, Holism, Shamanism, Paganism, Druidism, gnostism, alchemy, and ofcourse mysticism. And tools like tarot, astrology, divination, 'magic'. And then theres the sciences, philosophy, psychology. And ofocurse my personal experience, life, people, the world! But it's all selective. I take what i want/need from all of them, and some from my personal knowledge and experience. i dont see why there is any need to swallow the whole tree when a piece of the fruit will suffice. Or to hold onto to anything. It is the knowledge/spiritual experience i want, not the kool aid and cultural institution. Why is there any need to choose one? Or any at all...i believe that any sincere seeking, reaching out to the awe of 'being' will lead us Home. It is all about the Love! Love really is everything, it is consciousness, it is God, it is our nature, its everything. I dont think any of the religions/sciences/arts have the whole picture, although some are very close... they are all trying to point at the sun. The Sun is beyond detail, it cannot be contained and understood through something as fickle as words! We have enough cultural barriers separating us humans anyway, why create more? Although, admittedly, some religions are very inclusive and are based on limiting separation. I do admire that about religions like hinduism, in the sense that its so open and broad, no set dogmas etc. If there are a hundred hands pointing to the sun, why not look to see where they are all pointing? No reason to just pick one and get caught up in/consumed simply in the hand thats pointing. But i still dont see any real spiritual purpose for religion. It is a framework that can get people started, and point the way, but God is not something to be found in the pages of a book, a human constructed building, or a 'leader'. These things may help, but they are not the one way. The way is within All! The 'Christ' Is. God Is. I didnt find God through any religion, i recognised God when i let go. It is not possible for me to deny God having experienced Source energy. I have an ecletic spiritual experience. Shekinah is my guide, my Mother. I serve Her because of Love. Since ive been doing 'a course in miracles' i regularly communicate with Jesus. Ive been seeking help from and working with Angels for some time now. I still talk to my other guides and many others. Do meditations and yoga. Work with the energy of Earth. And enjoy being here on Earth and the people, animals, plants, and environment around me, All That Is.
I will ask you some honest questions here:
I dont think any of the religions/sciences/arts have the whole picture, although some are very close... they are all trying to point at the sun. The Sun is beyond detail, it cannot be contained and understood through something as fickle as words!
1.How do you know this? If you know that some religions or philosophies are very close to the big picture, it means you know what is the big picture, the whole picture. But how can you know this?

2.Every world religion say they have the absolute truth. Just like you said that some religions are close to the whole picture, Judaism for example will say the same, which is that your philosophy is close to the truth, but still it hasn't got the whole picture.
So how would you argumentate your position against such counter claims, which are very simillar like yours?
The popularity of Christianity isn't's not a thing of this age. Same with the idea of creationism. Has the church done horrible things throughout history- yes...but some would say that just because Christians do horrible things, it doesn't mean they were being Christians. It's important to understand how Christianity influenced our understanding of the world, because it has been so prominent throughout our history. To disregard it's influence simply because it's popular is ignoring a huge piece of the puzzle.
So agree with this. Althought most of the intellecuals in history dissmised the very heart of Christianity, which is that Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of the world, they appreciated Christianity from the perspective of the powerful and solid moral fundation Christianity would assure, which are good for the advancements and preservation of society. So I could see a big conspiracy theory in history with regard to this, as many guys like to "refute" Christianity, but again, that's not Christianity, that's just its fruits.
Because it's theism by definition! Belief in god or gods is theism! It might be preceded by a 'pan' or a 'poly' but it's still theism. Theism is not exclusive to only monotheism or Abrahamic theism.
Yes, that was my bad :D I guess when I was saying theism, in my head would be monotheism. I don't know how this stupid mistake got into my writting.

And I'm talking about how I'm sick of hearing about it.
Agree. But please understand that these things are important, very important to many people, be them religious people or non-religious. Things are heated, ideas have consequences. There is a ongoing debate because it seems that humanity will come to a new horizon, were many old things would be changed. That's why the debate is intense.

What about the other half? It takes two sides to debate. What's the other side culpable for? Why do they carry on?
Which one is the other half?
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So here are a few words about the title of this thread....enjoy.

In all mystical systems throughout the world there is a description within that system of the creation process. How the World and the Universe we live in was created and why.
All of these descriptions start with a basic premise that everything came from a void or a no-thing state. The tradition in which I have had many past lives has been the Cabbalistic Tradition, and so it is to this that I shall now turn to try to give you a feel for the first Forces of Creation.
In the Cabbalistic Tradition, the primal soup in which creation takes place is called the Unmanifest. This is a state of potentiality, where the potential for creation exists but is not yet extant. Everything that we know or understand has yet to be formed. Nothing exists in this state because for it to be in existence it would have to cease to be Unmanifest. It IS. That is all that can be said about it. To take it beyond this would be to give it qualities and this would give it existence.
This state is eternal, without qualities, ever present.
Without cause something happens in the Unmanifest, and that something is motion. There is a desire for 'space' to move. Two forces come about. One is for space to move and the other is a resistance to that movement. This causes the movement to go out on a slight arc. There are no other forces in operation and so this movement goes out on a slight arc eternally, over a vast, vast distance, over many, many eons.
Because there are no other forces in operation the movement going out on a slight arc will remain constant and so will always return to the point from which it originated. When this motion is complete it forms a spinning ring of force, which then continues on its designated path eternally, because there are no other forces to disturb it.
This spinning ring continues upon its path for countless eons until such time that it starts to transmit its movement to the space around it, and creates another spinning ring of force which spins at 90 degrees to the first ring. This ring is formed outside the original ring. These two rings are now the only movements in the Unmanifest, each spinning in its own plane eternally.
Again, these continue to be the only forces within the Unmanifest until the combined action of these two spinning rings again causes the space around them to move and a third spinning ring of forces is generated. This is formed outside the first and second ring and spins at 90 degrees to the two originals.
It goes out on its designated path, with its slight arc, until such time as it arrives back at its origins, as did the other two. When the third ring arrives back at its origin and forms a third spinning ring of force it creates a closed system. This system is known as a Cosmos and this is the closest approximate description of the creation of a Cosmos given in Metaphor.
These spinning rings of force have qualities. The first that was created is called the Ring Cosmos. The second that was created is called the Ring Chaos, and the third the Ring Pass Not.
The qualities of the Ring Cosmos are that its influence extends from the periphery into the centre. Its tendency is to build up in the centre. It is a positive force or male energy.
The qualities of the Ring Chaos are that its influence extends from the centre to the periphery. Its tendency is to return that which has been built up at the centre and return it from when it came, the Unmanifest. Its tendency therefore is to break down that which has been built up. It is a negative force or female energy.
The qualities of the Ring Pass Not are to hold the forces of the other two rings in balance.
That system which is now known to you as a Cosmos is Merkabah. There has to be these three forces in operation in our Cosmos before anything can become manifest. They are the building blocks, the foundation on which all else stands. That is why in our Universe, Divinity is always described as a triune force. Everything in our world has these three forces that bring everything we see about us into creation. It is the knowledge of the manipulation of these forces which is the key to creation itself.
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When the I AM merges with I AM THAT I AM, the circumference of each circle passes through the centre of the opposite circle. It is the creation of a mirror image by Divinity to relate to itself which is the basis of a deep esoteric truth. All mirrors are a reflection of this!!!
The shape which is formed by the coming together of the two circles is the Vesica Pisces.
In the Pythagorean school it was discovered that the square roots of the numbers 2, 3, & 5 are fundamental properties that are inherent in the creation of all form.
These square roots are to be found innate within the structure of the Vesica Pisces.
The square root of 2 defines the diagonal of the square. Its quality is generation.
2 Squared = 1.4142135.
The square root of 3 defines both the diagonal of a cube and the length of the Vesica Pisces.
Its quality is the formation of 3-dimensional space.
3 Squared = 1.7320508.
The square root of 5 defines the Golden Rectangle and the Golden Mean proportion. Its quality is regeneration or growth. It is seen to represent the life-giving qualities of Christ Energy.
5 Squared = 2.2360679.


If we take the rectangle generated by the Vesica Pisces in the diagram on the previous page, and turn it on its side we end up with the following:-

You can see that if you divide this rectangle into two equal squares, and then move one of those squares into the centre of the rectangle, who's base is created by the diagonal, you are left with two smaller Golden Mean rectangles who's shortest side is proportionally 0.618 in relation to the original.
It is therefore shown that the value of Phi or the Golden Mean is an inherent quality of the Vesica Pisces.
But what does this mean for us?
Phi phi = 1 Phi - phi = 1 Phi + phi =
Phi = 1.6180339..
phi = 0.6180339..
Phi = 1 + phi
phi = Phi - 1
Phi = 1/phi
phi = 1/Phi
Phi 2 = Phi + 1
(-phi) 2 = -phi + 1 or
phi 2 = 1 - phi
Phi = (
5 + 1)/2
phi = (
5 - 1)/2
Some basic facts concerning the Golden Mean.
The ratio of the length of a face of the Great Pyramid (from centre of the bottom of a face to the apex of the pyramid) to the distance from the same point to the exact centre of the pyramid's base square is about 1·6. It is a matter of debate whether this was "intended" to be the golden section number or not.
Euclid (about 300BC) in his "Elements" calls dividing a line at the 0.6180399.. point dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio. This later gave rise to the name golden mean .
There are no extant records of the Greek architects' plans for their most famous temples and buildings (such as the Parthenon). So we do not know if they deliberately used the golden section in their architectural plans. The American mathematician Mark Barr used the Greek letter phi to represent the golden ratio, using the initial letter of the Greek Phidias who used the golden ratio in his sculptures.
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The Golden Mean is inherent in all organic life as demonstrated below. It is the building block, the programme, around which matter organises itself in form. The Golden Mean as a number, as a proportion, is the vibration of the Divine Mind in structure so it can be truly said that we are all created in the image of the Divine.


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What we have tried to show here is that inherent in all natural systems is the Divine Building Block of the Golden Mean Ratio.
This is the knowledge that was the innermost secret of the Egyptians and Greeks, and before these the Atlanteans. In the 14th, 15th & 16th centuries, with the inclusion into the ranks of the Masons of the Artists and Craftsmen of the era, a new revolution in Art, Architecture and music took place. It became known as the Golden Age of the Reformation, and was fuelled by these artisans being exposed to the knowledge of the Golden Mean and its role in Divine Proportion.
These artisans built into their paintings, buildings and music the proportions, the vibration of the Golden Mean which give their work the quality of beauty only found up till then in nature.

The Moslem arch and cathedral doorway are both designed using two intersecting circles and Vesica Piscis, but at right angles to each other. Through these doors, symbols of spiritual passage, we leave the street of the Many and enter the domain of the One.
The west facade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is designed as a circle descend*ing from heaven above which intersects a circle rising from earth below. Entering a cathedral symbolically places us in the space between them where transformation is possible.

These extracts and those following are from 'A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe'
By Michael Schneider.
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In the 14th Century the new class of artisans that had arisen began to be admitted into the Mystery Schools and Masonic Lodges of the time.
It was these Mystery Schools that were the holders of the secret knowledge that came out of Atlantis, through Egypt and Greece , through the Roman Empire into Europe. This knowledge was revealed to the initiate as the language of Sacred Geometry, symbol, number and colour.
As these artisans were subjected to these initiations it caused a spontaneous flowering of consciousness driven by the inflowing Divine energy of the Golden Mean, hence this time was known as the Renaissance or the Golden Age.
This is a typical example of painting at the time of the early 14th Century. Note how flat the painting is with a very limited perspective.
The 15th-century Italian artist Fra Angelico, who was also a devout Dominican monk, painted several vesions of The Annunciation. In the background, Adam and Eve are shown being driven from the Garden of Eden.
Within the space of just 50 years paintings like this were being produced all over Italy .
The use of perspective is now widely used as the artist basks in his new-found knowledge of representing Divine Form.
The School of Athens (1510-1511) is one several frescoes that Raphael painted for the Stanza della Segnatura, in the Vatican . The fresco, which depicts Plato and Aristotle (centre), as well as other ancient Greek philosophers and scholars, marks the mature style Raphael achieved during his years in Rome (1508-1520). The work is considered a masterpiece in the use of perspective and in the portrayal of the artistic ideals of the High Renaissance.
This also had a profound effect on how the human form was depicted. Up until this time all human form had again been depicted as flat and miss-proportioned.
With this new-found knowledge the human form was recognized as something of great beauty which resonates the Golden Mean proportionally.
Venus of Urbino was painted by Titian in 1538. The pose was taken from an earlier painting by Giorgione and is a recreation of the Classical Greek nude. This painting embodies the rich colour and tone for which Titian was famous; its pictorial composition is flawless.
One of the most famous examples of the depiction of the human form in perfect Golden Mean proportion is 'David' by Michelangelo.
his statue is carved in perfect Golden Mean proportions. When the conscious mind perceives something which is in these proportions it causes spontaneous feelings of joy, beauty and happiness to arise in the perceiver.
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How does this relate to us and the world we live in?
Below is the famous drawing of Leonardo DaVinci called the Vitruvian Man. Amongst other things this drawing shows that the navel sits at the exact Phi ratio between the top of the head and the bottom of the feet. The following extract is from 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
When a baby is born, its navel is in the exact geometrical center of the body. Both male and female babies start out this way, and as they grow, the navel starts to move toward the head. It moves up to the phi ratio, then continues upward. Then it comes back down to below the phi ratio, oscillating during the formative years. I don't know what the ages are, but these movements and locations happen at specific ages. It never actually stops at the perfect phi ratio in either males or females, but if I remember correctly, the male navel ends up slightly above the phi ratio and the female navel just below it. If you average the male and female points, you get the perfect phi ratio. So even though Leonardo's drawing is of a male, it assumes that it is at the phi ratio, but of course in nature it would not be.
Da Vinci figured out that if you draw a square around the body, then a diagonal from foot to extended fingertip, then draw a parallel line (another one of those parallel lines) from the navel horizontally over to the side of the square, that horizontal line intercepts the diagonal line exactly at its phi ratio [Fig. 7-31] as well as that of the vertical line from head to feet. Assu ming it's at that perfect point, not slightly above for females or slightly be*low for males, this means that the human body is divided into phi ratios from top to bottom, which we stated earlier. If these lines were the only places in the human body where the phi ratio is located, it would probably be just an interesting fact. But the truth is, the phi ratio is located in thousands of places throughout the body, and it is not just a coincidence.
Here are some obvious phi-ratio locations in the human body. The length of each bone in the finger has a phi ratio to the next bone, as shown in the lower drawing. That same ratio occurs with all your fingers and toes. This is a somewhat unusual relationship because one finger lon*ger than the other in what appears to be an arbitrary fashion, but it's not ar*bitrary - nothing in the human body is. The distances on the fingers marked A to B to C to D to E are all in a phi ratio, as well as the Lengths of the phalanges, F to G to H.
If you compare the length of the hand to the length of the lower arm bone, it has a phi ratio, just like the length of the lower arm bone compared to the upper arm bone. .
Or take the length of the foot to the lower leg bone, or that bone to the thigh bone and so on. This phi ratio is found throughout the entire bone structure in all kinds of places and ways. It's usually at places where something bends or changes direction. The body also does it through proportionate sizes of one part to another. If you study this, you will be continually amazed
The DaVinci Codes
The International Best Seller 'The DaVinci Codes is based upon the secret of Phi. The following is an extract from that book.
... 'My friends, as you can see, the chaos of the world has an underlying order. When the ancients discovered PHI, they were certain they had stumbled across God's building block for the world, and they worshipped Nature because of that. And one can understand why. God's hand is evident in Nature, and even to this day there exist pagan, Mother Earth-revering religions. Many of us celebrate Nature the way the pagans did, and don't even know it. May Day is a perfect example, the celebration of spring ... the earth coming back to life to produce her bounty. The mysterious magic inherent in the Divine Proportion was written at the beginning of time. Man is simply playing by Nature's rules, and because art is man's attempt to imitate the beauty of the Creator's hand, you can imagine we might be seeing a lot of instances of the Divine Proportion in art this semester.'
Over the next half hour, Langdon showed them slides of artwork by Michelangelo, Albrecht Durer, Da Vinci, and many others, demonstrating each artist's intentional and rigorous adherence to the Divine Proportion in the layout of his compositions. Langdon unveiled PHI in the architectural dimensions of the Greek Parthenon, the pyramids of Egypt , and even the United Nations Building in New York . PHI appeared in the organizational structures of Mozart's sonatas, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, as well as the works of Bartok, Debussy, and Schubert. The number PHI, Langdon told them, was even used by Stradivarius to calculate the exact placement of the f-holes in the construction of his famous violins.'
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Leonardo Fibonacci was born some time before DaVinci. He was a monk in a contemplative order who's job it was to maintain the gardens. As he went about his work in a meditative state he noticed a pattern in the structure of the trees and flowers in the garden. This pattern has become known as the Fibonacci Series.
In the table below, look at the two left columns, the Current Term and the Previous Term.
We start with a 1 in the current term and take it over into the previous term. We then add these together and place the result in the current term. We then take the number above the 2 and place it in the previous term column, and then add these two together, placing the result in the current term. Keep repeating this process to create the Fibonacci sequence.
= 1.6180339..
(Fibonacci Sequence)

Current Term
Previous Term
1 / 1​
2 / 1​
3 / 2​
5 / 3​
8 / 5​
13 / 8​
21 / 13​
34 / 21​
55 / 34​
89 / 55​
144 / 89​
233 / 144​
If we take our attention now to the two columns on the right, we see that these are named Division and Ratio. We now take the numbers generated in the two left-hand columns and transpose them into the two right columns. By dividing the number from the Previous Term column into the number from the Current Term column we arrive with a number in the Ratio column.
As you perform this simple calculation down the number sequence you will see that the number generated in the Ratio column gradually aligns with the Fibonacci Sequence.
But what does this mean?
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered that the number of petals on a flower, or the number of leaves on a branch always followed the same pattern. The number of leaves or petals would always equal 3,5,8,13,21 etc. What he discovered was that nature itself is built upon the building block of Phi = 1.618.
A more common way of showing how the Golden Mean, through the Fibonacci Series, creates the world around us is by creating a spiral using the Fibonacci number sequence. In Drunvalo's book he shows how to generate a Fibonacci spiral using graph paper.
We start at the top pf the number sequence and place two squares side by side creating a Golden Mean Rectangle. We then create the next number in the sequence using the squares and make a right-angle turn. We keep making a right-angled turn as we create the Fibonacci sequence.
As can be seen this quickly generates a spiral. As Drunvalo shows it the right-angled lines are the male energy of the spiral, and the curved line is the female energy.

An occult truth is hidden here pertaining to ascension. When we chose to come into incarnation we always come in on a spiral. When ascending the planes we always ascend at right-angles.
So how does this relate to our world? All natural spirals are created using this number sequence as a building block. The number sequence is based on the Golden Mean value of 1.618 and so proves again that the 'calling card' of God, of Creation, is ever present around us.
Here are some examples of this.




The diagram above shows the mismatch between the Fibonacci and nature which ensures the diversity of nature.
Drunvalo also talks about a building 1 mile from the Great Pyramid at Giza. In this building is a perfect spherical shaft which sinks into the Earth for 1 mile. In the Emerald Tablets of Thoth it states that this shaft was created at the time of the Great Pyramid, and all other pyramid structures on the Earth.
If a you take a Fibonacci Spiral from this spot and spiral it our across the Earth, it passes through every pyramid structure upon the Earth, including the Great Pyramid of Giza.
This is because, at the time of the Ascension, a crystal capstone will be lowered onto the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza and a pulse of energy from the Galactic Core will radiate out from this point into the grids of the Earth, impulsing the Ascension of the planet.
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Below is a chart showing the generation of the next level of spheres, after the Vesica Pisces, which has its basis in the seven days of creation, and ultimately forms 13 spheres which is known as Metatron's Cube.
The graphic below is taken from "Sedona. Beyond the Vortex" by Richard Dannelly.

Within these spheres is the potential for the generation of the building blocks of creation known as the Platonic solids.
Around each of us is an electromagnetic field of energy which is our consciousness. Most of us feel that our consciousness is created within our physical brains. This is not the case. Our physical brains are just the vehicle for the reception of consciousness into this incarnation, into this reality.
We also exist on many levels of consciousness. These levels of consciousness, or dimensions, correspond to the musical scales within an octave. At the moment, humanity is focussed, in incarnation, on the 3rd plane of consciousness. We are working collectively, on the 4th level consciousness, and are evolving to the 5th level of consciousness. The magnetic structure of each of our electromagnetic energybodies, on each of these levels of consciousness, corresponds to one of the Platonic Solids. This electromagnetic energy field around each of our dimensional bodies is the Merkabah Lightbody for that level of consciousness.
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Most of us are aware that there is in existence something called the Photon Band but most of us are unaware of what exactly this is.
In the early 1960's various satellites began picking up evidence of a band of photonic energy which had its origins in the very centre of our galaxy. This has since become known as the Photon Band. The whole of the Solar System is now transiting into this band of energy; Earth first contacted it in 1987, the Sun entered it on the Winter Solstice of 1998, and our whole Solar System will be immersed in it at the Winter Solstice of 2012.
This also coincides with the end of the Galactic Calendar as kept by the Mayan Timekeepers. Once in this band of energy the Solar System will remain in it for 2000 years before once again venturing out into the Galactic Night.

The immersion in this band of photonic energy is causing a speeding up of the atoms in our Solar System. This in turn is causing the cells in your body to speed up and let go of stored energy. It has been proved by scientists that our cells store the energy of traumas we experience, in fact cancer cells are cells that are so overloaded with emotional trauma that they mutate and lose connection with the host ie; your consciousness, and begin to evolve and grow along a chaotic pattern.

Throughout the world people are experiencing the effects of this clearing.
These are sore throats and 'flu-like' symptoms without the flu; headaches across the forehead or over one eye or both; heart palpitations or arrhythmia due to an activation of the Thymus Gland; extremely exhausted for no apparent reason; aching joints and diarrhoea.
In the book 'The Pleiadian Agenda' by Barbara Hand Clow it states that this band of energy is creating a clearing of all of Humanity at cellular and DNA level. This has to happen for only those of us who have done the clearing can experience all 9 dimensions of existence simultaneously. This is a prerequisite for remaining in physical body after the full immersion in the Photon Band after 2012.
The illustration opposite shows how bands of energy radiate out from the Galactic Core forming a torus. It is one of these bands that we are entering into at this time.
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The Cosmic Giggle is an experimental documentary film that explores the human energy field's dynamic relationship with our environment. Naturally as human beings, we are connected to a vast network of fluid information inherent to the world around us. When we are children, we are open to this field through simple innocent observance, but because of our collective evolution towards a dominating and fixated worldview, this perception becomes veiled. This film reveals how this process takes place and provides keys for returning to a more primal and authentic experience of our reality.

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How does this relate to us and the world we live in?
Below is the famous drawing of Leonardo DaVinci called the Vitruvian Man. Amongst other things this drawing shows that the navel sits at the exact Phi ratio between the top of the head and the bottom of the feet. The following extract is from 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' by Drunvalo Melchizedek.
When a baby is born, its navel is in the exact geometrical center of the body. Both male and female babies start out this way, and as they grow, the navel starts to move toward the head. It moves up to the phi ratio, then continues upward. Then it comes back down to below the phi ratio, oscillating during the formative years. I don't know what the ages are, but these movements and locations happen at specific ages. It never actually stops at the perfect phi ratio in either males or females, but if I remember correctly, the male navel ends up slightly above the phi ratio and the female navel just below it. If you average the male and female points, you get the perfect phi ratio. So even though Leonardo's drawing is of a male, it assumes that it is at the phi ratio, but of course in nature it would not be.
Da Vinci figured out that if you draw a square around the body, then a diagonal from foot to extended fingertip, then draw a parallel line (another one of those parallel lines) from the navel horizontally over to the side of the square, that horizontal line intercepts the diagonal line exactly at its phi ratio [Fig. 7-31] as well as that of the vertical line from head to feet. Assu ming it's at that perfect point, not slightly above for females or slightly be*low for males, this means that the human body is divided into phi ratios from top to bottom, which we stated earlier. If these lines were the only places in the human body where the phi ratio is located, it would probably be just an interesting fact. But the truth is, the phi ratio is located in thousands of places throughout the body, and it is not just a coincidence.
Here are some obvious phi-ratio locations in the human body. The length of each bone in the finger has a phi ratio to the next bone, as shown in the lower drawing. That same ratio occurs with all your fingers and toes. This is a somewhat unusual relationship because one finger lon*ger than the other in what appears to be an arbitrary fashion, but it's not ar*bitrary - nothing in the human body is. The distances on the fingers marked A to B to C to D to E are all in a phi ratio, as well as the Lengths of the phalanges, F to G to H.
If you compare the length of the hand to the length of the lower arm bone, it has a phi ratio, just like the length of the lower arm bone compared to the upper arm bone. .
Or take the length of the foot to the lower leg bone, or that bone to the thigh bone and so on. This phi ratio is found throughout the entire bone structure in all kinds of places and ways. It's usually at places where something bends or changes direction. The body also does it through proportionate sizes of one part to another. If you study this, you will be continually amazed
The DaVinci Codes
The International Best Seller 'The DaVinci Codes is based upon the secret of Phi. The following is an extract from that book.
... 'My friends, as you can see, the chaos of the world has an underlying order. When the ancients discovered PHI, they were certain they had stumbled across God's building block for the world, and they worshipped Nature because of that. And one can understand why. God's hand is evident in Nature, and even to this day there exist pagan, Mother Earth-revering religions. Many of us celebrate Nature the way the pagans did, and don't even know it. May Day is a perfect example, the celebration of spring ... the earth coming back to life to produce her bounty. The mysterious magic inherent in the Divine Proportion was written at the beginning of time. Man is simply playing by Nature's rules, and because art is man's attempt to imitate the beauty of the Creator's hand, you can imagine we might be seeing a lot of instances of the Divine Proportion in art this semester.'
Over the next half hour, Langdon showed them slides of artwork by Michelangelo, Albrecht Durer, Da Vinci, and many others, demonstrating each artist's intentional and rigorous adherence to the Divine Proportion in the layout of his compositions. Langdon unveiled PHI in the architectural dimensions of the Greek Parthenon, the pyramids of Egypt , and even the United Nations Building in New York . PHI appeared in the organizational structures of Mozart's sonatas, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, as well as the works of Bartok, Debussy, and Schubert. The number PHI, Langdon told them, was even used by Stradivarius to calculate the exact placement of the f-holes in the construction of his famous violins.'

I've read a bit about health and the Golden Ratio. The idea is that there is a particular equation/ratio for beauty, as you have nicely mentioned here! There is also some research to suggest that those closer to the Golden Ratio are also healthier too! Which is kind of interesting.

Here's an article about it:
So how does this relate to our world? All natural spirals are created using this number sequence as a building block. The number sequence is based on the Golden Mean value of 1.618 and so proves again that the 'calling card' of God, of Creation, is ever present around us.

This is kind of the same premise of fractals. I don't understand the it because something so complex had to be created but a greater power? I never understood how this, even the Golden Ratio, was indicative of a God! ...I think I need the "..For Dummies" version :D

Most of us are aware that there is in existence something called the Photon Band but most of us are unaware of what exactly this is.
In the early 1960's various satellites began picking up evidence of a band of photonic energy which had its origins in the very centre of our galaxy. This has since become known as the Photon Band. The whole of the Solar System is now transiting into this band of energy; Earth first contacted it in 1987, the Sun entered it on the Winter Solstice of 1998, and our whole Solar System will be immersed in it at the Winter Solstice of 2012.
This also coincides with the end of the Galactic Calendar as kept by the Mayan Timekeepers. Once in this band of energy the Solar System will remain in it for 2000 years before once again venturing out into the Galactic Night.

The immersion in this band of photonic energy is causing a speeding up of the atoms in our Solar System. This in turn is causing the cells in your body to speed up and let go of stored energy. It has been proved by scientists that our cells store the energy of traumas we experience, in fact cancer cells are cells that are so overloaded with emotional trauma that they mutate and lose connection with the host ie; your consciousness, and begin to evolve and grow along a chaotic pattern.

Throughout the world people are experiencing the effects of this clearing.
These are sore throats and 'flu-like' symptoms without the flu; headaches across the forehead or over one eye or both; heart palpitations or arrhythmia due to an activation of the Thymus Gland; extremely exhausted for no apparent reason; aching joints and diarrhoea.
In the book 'The Pleiadian Agenda' by Barbara Hand Clow it states that this band of energy is creating a clearing of all of Humanity at cellular and DNA level. This has to happen for only those of us who have done the clearing can experience all 9 dimensions of existence simultaneously. This is a prerequisite for remaining in physical body after the full immersion in the Photon Band after 2012.

This is an interesting concept! I'm going to look into this more- I wonder what the evidence is. I would think this would have pretty significant implications!

Very interesting! How does one clear themselves? (why is the word enema coming to mind?!) It's a very theological premise (e.g., the Apocalypse) but with so much science threaded in.
@say what

So the whole idea of the ‘Golden Ratio’, the 'Golden Mean’, and the ‘Fibonacci Sequence’....all goes back to the idea of ‘Sacred Geometry’, which implies that there are rules and a logic behind the creation of everything. It does not however imply, that there is a God per say...only that there is a consciousness directing it.
What that consciousness is, is the grand question.
Is it the Christian God...a singular old man with a beard and white robes (I know that’s just the public image)...or maybe Krishna...perhaps Allah...or maybe the idea that when we die we become part of the consciousness of the universe in general, maintaining our individual ‘soul’ and yet part of it all.
That is the direction I lean...and it isn’t wrong to lean toward anything you wish...these theories are all supporting of your ideal after-life existence.

As for the parts you highlighted in the ‘Photon Band’ section...
Many have been calling this the may have heard this either here or elsewhere...
The Shift is supposed to be the next stage of human evolution, where we shed away the disconnect amongst humanity and begin to live and learn and love as a more global consciousness.
The next renaissance.
However, to get there, like all transformations or journeys...self awareness being can be painful...many who ascribe to the Shift have said that the Shift began to really accelerate sometime in 2012 and is almost to where it needs to be now....perhaps you had a rough year last year?
If you REALLY want to understand this within yourself, I have a really good guided meditation on The Shift.
I’m sure @charlene or @Kgal can give you a much more detailed explanation on the Shift than I can.
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@say what

So the whole idea of the ‘Golden Ratio’, the 'Golden Mean’, and the ‘Fibonacci Sequence’....all goes back to the idea of ‘Sacred Geometry’, which implies that there are rules and a logic behind the creation of everything. It does not however imply, that there is a God per say...only that there is a consciousness directing it.
What that consciousness is, is the grand question.
Is it the Christian God...a singular old man with a beard and white robes (I know that’s just the public image)...or maybe Krishna...perhaps Allah...or maybe the idea that when we die we become part of the consciousness of the universe in general, maintaining our individual ‘soul’ and yet part of it all.
That is the direction I lean...and it isn’t wrong to lean toward anything you wish...these theories are all supporting of your ideal after-life existence.

I'm glad I'm having this dialogue. I just realized how I foolishly (and somewhat ignorantly) toss around the word "God". Because I'm not quite sure where my faith/belief stands, this holds a very non-descript idea for me...but it has so much connotation and history to it, that I should be more careful!

So, it implies logic behind creation. Okay! So, for those that don't believe in a greater power or consciousness, they would say these are just mathematical chances? That the probability of them occurring naturally may be small, but not improbable?

@say what
As for the parts you highlighted in the ‘Photon Band’ section...
Many have been calling this the may have heard this either here or elsewhere...
The Shift is supposed to be the next stage of human evolution, where we shed away the disconnect amongst humanity and begin to live and learn and love as a more global consciousness.
The next renaissance.
However, to get there, like all transformations or journeys...self awareness being can be painful...many who ascribe to the Shift have said that the Shift began to really accelerate sometime in 2012 and is almost to where it needs to be now....perhaps you had a rough year last year?
If you REALLY want to understand this within yourself, I have a really good guided meditation on The Shift.
I’m sure @charlene or @Kgal can give you a much more detailed explanation on the Shift than I can.

This is very interesting. I listened to the first 10-13 minutes of the video, and it reminds me so much of mindfulness practice - or perhaps it's because I've just returned home from a mindfulness class! But to me, it holds the same properties of just being aware of what's around you. I've only begun my mindfulness practice, and have really only understood it on a therapeutic and spiritual level- that is, reduce stress; but also, I've found that it's opened my mind and instilled a desire to understand my internal self more. I guess knowing that it has done this, I can see how it could be linked to a global consciousness.

Interestingly enough, these past two summers I have been plague with migraines- so much so that I'm in bed for 2-3 days every week. I can't understand where they're coming from, or how they've suddenly just appeared. hmmm...

I do think mindfulness is something everyone should practice just to be's interesting to think about how it can actually progress the mind to be existent beyond the body...