Merkabah | Page 34 | INFJ Forum
I'm glad I'm having this dialogue. I just realized how I foolishly (and somewhat ignorantly) toss around the word "God". Because I'm not quite sure where my faith/belief stands, this holds a very non-descript idea for me...but it has so much connotation and history to it, that I should be more careful!

So, it implies logic behind creation. Okay! So, for those that don't believe in a greater power or consciousness, they would say these are just mathematical chances? That the probability of them occurring naturally may be small, but not improbable?
It does imply logic...but not logic how we currently understand it would be like giving a logical description of love...there are many words you could use to describe it, many logical reasons why people love...procreation of the species, ego-stroking, co-dependency...but ask someone who has never felt love or incapable of love to understand your description and they could not even fathom it.
That is kind of just scratching the surface of how I believe we as humans “understand” anything about our existence, our universe, and what happens to us upon our death.
I toss around the word “God” too...because it’s an easier concept to work with in our human mind. If we were to think that maybe each of us represented an atom that made up a neuron (the earth), in the brain of God (the universe), it’s a more abstract idea to grasp than a singular creator of it all.
How can we as humans even have the egotistical gall to think we even begin to understand what “God” is or isn’t.
I think that Buddha and Jesus had it correct when they speak about God dwelling in our hearts...of course not on the literal sense, but also beyond the figurative...we all make up parts of God that is this Universe, this existence. We are also literally made up of part of the universe....the elements that you are composed of we born in the explosion of a star probably 13.8 billion years ago...all these pieces that are “you” were once on a journey of such incredible scale that we couldn’t even imagine...all those pieces, infinitely more vast than grains of sand on all the beaches (because we are talking all the beaches of all the planets...and then only a fraction of each grain of sand), they all became you or me...statistically I don’t know that the most brilliant mathematician could come up with the probability that is “you”.
If mankind IS just an whim amongst the stars then we are far more precious than we think....but I tend not to think that we were just a “happy accident” in the universe...I believe, as many do, that the universe has consciousness, on such an enormous scale, and we are part of it, we are the part that can contemplate things like - “why do we exist?”, “who am I?” “What is my purpose?”
We are the universe asking that question of itself...we are the universe trying to figure itself out.

This is very interesting. I listened to the first 10-13 minutes of the video, and it reminds me so much of mindfulness practice - or perhaps it's because I've just returned home from a mindfulness class! But to me, it holds the same properties of just being aware of what's around you. I've only begun my mindfulness practice, and have really only understood it on a therapeutic and spiritual level- that is, reduce stress; but also, I've found that it's opened my mind and instilled a desire to understand my internal self more. I guess knowing that it has done this, I can see how it could be linked to a global consciousness.

Interestingly enough, these past two summers I have been plague with migraines- so much so that I'm in bed for 2-3 days every week. I can't understand where they're coming from, or how they've suddenly just appeared. hmmm...

I do think mindfulness is something everyone should practice just to be's interesting to think about how it can actually progress the mind to be existent beyond the body...
That is wonderful! Keep it up...that is so good for you!
I can totally understand the migraines...when I get them, which is rarely now...but I got them frequently when I was going through a divorce a few years ago...they were so debilitating for me....even if I just barely moved, it was like a hammer hitting me, and then I got nauseous and just couldn’t stop throwing up....just painful dry-heave after the next. I have an Imitrex injection for it now...which if I catch it quickly, it takes care of the headache.

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From chapter 38 to these verses in Job, I think it resonates with some of our awe and how we try to explain things too great for us to explain. In this aspect, I relate to Job a lot.
From chapter 38 to these verses in Job, I think it resonates with some of our awe and how we try to explain things too great for us to explain. In this aspect, I relate to Job a lot.

It IS very poetic in that aspect...the universe is awe inspiring!
I just cannot get past the whole story of Job in makes God look like a bully. He unnecessarily punished a good man, a GODLY man, who was always faithful to the Lord...all to prove a point...actually more like a bet with Satan...who the Lord certainly shouldn’t have to prove anything to.
Why strive to follow the Lord and be a good person when this is His reaction?
Am I missing the point?
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No, I don't think you are missing a thing. Almost everyone has the notion God punished Job. Satan did not believe there was such a faithful man as Job. God knew he was faithful, even unto death. The chapter, or story, is not about what happened to Job. Alas: it is not what happens to us, but rather how we deal with what happens to us, that helps to define us.
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]
If you read Job thoroughly you will find that even though at first he was innocent, through the trials he faced his heart hardened and he became quite prideful. He believed himself to be above reproach.
Fact is he never cursed God, like his wife asked of him to do: curse God and die.
I wouldn't go that far, but will say he stood his ground with his so-called friends that were blaming him of sin. Should he have said he sinned to his friends when he did not know why all was happening to him?
I get the feeling that to understand the Old Testament as well as possible, one would have to know Hebrew rather than solely through any single translation, or at least through thorough commentary of translators. Not a criticism, just thought it would be noteworthy.
[MENTION=3224]Kanamori[/MENTION] I agree wholeheartedly I have a copy of the Old Testament transliterated directly from Hebrew with commentary from Rabbi's. I also have the New Testament transliterated from the Eastern Peshitta Text, which is in Aramaic and predates the Greek, as well as the surviving Hebrew New Testament scrolls. I believe there is definitely some loss in translation in most Bibles due to going from Hebrew-Greek-Latin-English. [MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] there is a reason Job repented in the end.
If Job faltered, I would surely have done worse.

In defining himself, did he not act like he knew more than his so-called friends? I think God put him in his place in the chapters I mentioned, showing him how little he knew. My original point was the likeness of how he thought he knew so much, to the likeness to how science knows so much; in effect, quote "From chapter 38 to these verses in Job, I think it resonates with some of our awe and how we try to explain things too great for us to explain. In this aspect, I relate to Job a lot." unquote. In other words, how we try to explain things too great for us to explain.
If Job faltered, I would surely have done worse.

In defining himself, did he not act like he knew more than his so-called friends? I think God put him in his place in the chapters I mentioned, showing him how little he knew. My original point was the likeness of how he thought he knew so much, to the likeness to how science knows so much; in effect, quote "From chapter 38 to these verses in Job, I think it resonates with some of our awe and how we try to explain things too great for us to explain. In this aspect, I relate to Job a lot." unquote. In other words, how we try to explain things too great for us to explain.

Thank you for the clarification...although I may not agree (probably due to lack of the whole picture) with God’s “trials” for Job....I can understand that it is our actions that define Father always said that “integrity is doing what is right even when you know you won’t get caught”. Now did Job do what was right solely because it was the right thing to do and for his love of God, or was he fearful of God and feared his wrath?
The way I always picture God is that he (and I am defining God as the Christian deity to clarify things) is all love, that he is merciful, that he is just. When I try and picture a vengeful god, a god that would send people to Hell (which I myself believe to be an unjust place)’s as if my mind and heart shout at me a resounding “NO! That isn’t who God is!” For all the passages in the Bible that speak of God punishing this group of people or that group...many of them can be attributed to things like a meteor strike for Sodom and Gemorrah...things people of that time would think of as God’s wrath.
I still stand by my belief that God must not interfere with our lives in order for us to truly have free will....and I don’t want to argue back and forth forever about it- because we certainly can I’m sure....I’m trying to get away from arguing about things that cannot be proven...and also, my beliefs certainly don’t take precedence over anyone else’s. It’s a little bit egotistical for any of us to think we have anything really figured out at all....all we can do is try and find what feels right and true to us in our hearts, and then go with it.

On Reason and Passion
Kahlil Gibran
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite.
Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.
But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.
For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.
Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows -- then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason."
And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky -- then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."
And since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.
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It is said Humanity has been manipulated the most by the fact we are encouraged to Think while ignoring our emotions. It is also said the point of our power is when we bring our upper chakras (thinking/speaking) into our heart while bringing our lower chakras(matter/emotions) into our heart and bring them into balance. I believe this creates a null point - a zero point - the still point - from which we manifest the world we wish to see.

When you look at the merkaba you can see the downward point of the triangle penetrating the upper point of the other triangle. As if they were merged within each other. When they line up in synchronicity - completely clear of the dust/grime of our past - we are then able to receive the creative light of the universe = Energy = power.

It's a marriage of Matter and Love.

It seems Kahlil knew this a long long time ago.... I love these words.
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I disagree those were God's trials for Job. I reason God did not tempt Himself in the desert. I do not expect everyone to agree. When people disagree, is it not normal? How can we ever allow something we do not agree with to be said, then just walk away silent?

God's wrath is real to me. Meteors turning a single person into a figure and instant death while all the others lived sounds almost impossible. What you seem like you are saying is you just don't believe in it. What will a child become with no correction?

I personally rest in faith, not reason. You might rest in reason. So we would be different. Such is life.

I was corrected as a child. It did not take several times, usually. It was more like keeping me between the lines. Nothing wrong with that. I understand correction, which resonates with my understanding of punishment. If we are children of God, who are we that are not corrected and often punished when we do not abide in the ways of the correction? It says in the Bible, out of context, we would rather be bastards than sons.

In our peaceful walks in life, and in our quiet moments, I would rather ye praise God than to look at Him in awe. I, therefore, rest in faith and move in praise.
It is said Humanity has been manipulated the most by the fact we are encouraged to Think while ignoring our emotions. It is also said the point of our power is when we bring our upper chakras (thinking/speaking) into our heart while bringing our lower chakras(matter/emotions) into our heart and bring them into balance. I believe this creates a null point - a zero point - the still point - from which we manifest the world we wish to see.

When you look at the merkaba you can see the downward point of the triangle penetrating the upper point of the other triangle. As if they were merged within each other. When they line up in synchronicity - completely clear of the dust/grime of our past - we are then able to receive the creative light of the universe = Energy = power.

It's a marriage of Matter and Love.

It seems Kahlil knew this a long long time ago.... I love these words.
I can read and re-read his words over and over...his words of “God” don’t designate what religion God belongs to...he is only God, whatever God means to you.
I love that.

I disagree those were God's trials for Job. I reason God did not tempt Himself in the desert. I do not expect everyone to agree. When people disagree, is it not normal? How can we ever allow something we do not agree with to be said, then just walk away silent?

God's wrath is real to me. Meteors turning a single person into a figure and instant death while all the others lived sounds almost impossible. What you seem like you are saying is you just don't believe in it. What will a child become with no correction?

I personally rest in faith, not reason. You might rest in reason. So we would be different. Such is life.

I was corrected as a child. It did not take several times, usually. It was more like keeping me between the lines. Nothing wrong with that. I understand correction, which resonates with my understanding of punishment. If we are children of God, who are we that are not corrected and often punished when we do not abide in the ways of the correction? It says in the Bible, out of context, we would rather be bastards than sons.

In our peaceful walks in life, and in our quiet moments, I would rather ye praise God than to look at Him in awe. I, therefore, rest in faith and move in praise.

I am not disagreeing with you.
And it is normal to disagree...I was only saying that I am purposefully trying not to get into theological arguments with others here on the forum because I have no right to do is fine to state your beliefs and leave it at that...but to go back and forth over and over to the point of frustration and upset for all parties then the argument becomes pointless and causes strife and both parties to ignore the point the other is trying to make.
It’s very egocentric to believe that I have it figured out anymore than you do, or anyone else for that matter. I DON’T have it figured out....what I do have are a set of beliefs that are very real to me and true in MY heart...and that I can live with, that I can grow with.
I have realized that most of my time spent debating the personal/religious beliefs of people here has not been a positive has torn people down, discounted who they consider themselves to be and what they hold true.
It has had a negative impact on me and them as has not caused anyone to say “Hey, you know, you are right...I will stop believing everything that feels right to me...thanks!”.
I think it is okay to state your point and your beliefs...and it even okay to elaborate on them if questioned...debating is fine, unless you have no leeway in your own convictions...then you are just arguing with no chance of proving anything to anyone.
I personally think what you believe @just me is wonderful...I would love that I could have such strong religious SHOULD defend that belief if it is so passionate within your heart...I wouldn’t wish anything else for you.
The story of Job makes sense for doesn’t for me...what to do?
I CAN see your point and some of the reasons why it makes sense to you...but the wonderful thing about us as humans is our variety...not only in body but in mind and spirit. I can see you as beautiful because of your fervor. That makes you YOU.
We would have all been created the body and mind if God wished it that way....but he didn’t...a flower is beautiful...but they are even more incredible because of the almost infinite variety they exist in.
The point of the poem by Kahlil Gibran is not to choose reason over passion, but to find the passion in your reason and reason in your passion.
I am trying to find that common ground...I fail, I fail again and again...but I keep trying...I believe that good intentions do NOT pave the road to Hell...I believe that it is our intentions who define who we are...that if we continue, in good faith, trying to be a better person in all aspects...that that counts more than being a good person because we live in fear of God’s wrath.
That is just how I feel....and it’s fine if you don’t fact, I thinks it’s wonderful if you don’t.
I consider you my friend regardless.
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Glad to be friends, [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION]. Had a teacher long ago knew the Bible better than anyone else I have studied under. We really don't look at it like it is something we have figured out. We are taught and things are shared with us. The Holy Spirit shares things with us. If we cite something we have learned, we are not boasting ourselves. We are not debating what we know. I always understood Christianity as what Jesus did for me, not what I do. Do you think anyone is actually a good person only because they live in fear of the wrath of God? That is so out of context with the Word as a whole. I cannot stand by thinking someone actually thinks that. It makes me feel they just haven't been blessed with a good teacher yet.

The internet may be fine for debate of certain things, but it should be closed for sharing what one has been taught? "Seek Not My Heart"
Glad to be friends, @Skarekrow. Had a teacher long ago knew the Bible better than anyone else I have studied under. We really don't look at it like it is something we have figured out. We are taught and things are shared with us. The Holy Spirit shares things with us. If we cite something we have learned, we are not boasting ourselves. We are not debating what we know. I always understood Christianity as what Jesus did for me, not what I do. Do you think anyone is actually a good person only because they live in fear of the wrath of God? That is so out of context with the Word as a whole. I cannot stand by thinking someone actually thinks that. It makes me feel they just haven't been blessed with a good teacher yet.

The internet may be fine for debate of certain things, but it should be closed for sharing what one has been taught? "Seek Not My Heart"
I really honestly do believe that there are some people out there, maybe more than can consciously admit it, who do or do not do certain actions because they fear damnation...because they fear God is watching them...that just sounds like such a terrible state to exist in.
To me, when I think of God I don’t see him as wrathful...if he is like a Father to us, then he would not lose patience with us and flood the earth...surely there were more good people besides Noah and his family...surely an infant swept away in the water is innocent?
A child should never fear his Father...and his Father should in turn never give a reason to his children to have genuine fear of him. A child should fear the disappointment their action may have brought to their Father...not fear the punishment as being absolute...and a Father should never become so angry with his own child that he breaks those bonds of love with every whip of a tree me that is wrong...very clearly wrong.
A father will always have unconditional love for his children, he doesn’t send them to eternal torment...because no matter his/her the length of eternity there will come a moment when the punishment outweighs the crime, and in that moment the punishment is unjust, as is the one who dealt said punishment.
If we are said to be sheep...and God or Jesus our shepherd who direct us from harm...that would also imply that they too fail when we fail does it not?
If God sent Jesus here to save “the whole world” not just most of it, or part, or a fraction...but the whole world...for us to say that there are those who are NOT saved would also imply that Jesus and God somehow failed...some churches would have you believe that there is only a minuscule fraction of people who will make it to heaven.
I just cannot believe that. While Jesus was dying on the cross he asked for forgiveness for those who were putting him to death...I’m sure if Jesus asked for it, it was done....and I’m also pretty sure that killing Jesus is just about the worst sin you could possibly commit - ever. So if God forgave them for that zenith of sin...why would we think that our small petty sins that occurred more because we are flawed as humans than they did because we had some malicious intent behind them would matter?
Are we that egocentric?
Please keep in mind...this is just how it all makes sense to me in my mind...perhaps that is horribly wrong in yours...most of what I hear churches today teach, I consider horribly wrong - not just Christians either.
Of course I’m wrong too, no one has it right...but it is what feels correct in my heart.
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To say no one has it right is speculation on your part. It is how you feel and think. It is what you embrace. Do not place me in a group of people when you say you are of course wrong, please. Consider the trees in the forest. How shall a seedling host a multitude? Shall not a great tree fall? Shall one rot on the ground to help give life to the forest? There are multitudes we have not seen, neither witnessed. How shall we judge those we know nothing of?

If a seedling comes to judge the forest, shall the forest swallow it up? It may very well grow to be the greatest tree in the forest. Tell me, how shall we know how much time the seedling has to grow? Yet, grow it will. The worst of all would be someone that would place a stumblingblock in its path, or grind under foot he that has come to be a great tree. The capacity of understanding different things is great among he who knows the forest. Yet, the forest continues to teach us new things. When we stop learning is when we stop studying and stop listening. Therefore, let us not hold back those that are still listening. There surely is much to learn and time for growth.

The Bible clearly states what we should keep our minds on. It is that part of the forest where we will see new things. If we dwell on the wrong things, how can we ever learn the peace, love, and understanding we are truly meant to be a part of; maybe part of the forest that may be purged with fire to help the forest grow again.
To say no one has it right is speculation on your part. It is how you feel and think. It is what you embrace. Do not place me in a group of people when you say you are of course wrong, please. Consider the trees in the forest. How shall a seedling host a multitude? Shall not a great tree fall? Shall one rot on the ground to help give life to the forest? There are multitudes we have not seen, neither witnessed. How shall we judge those we know nothing of?

If a seedling comes to judge the forest, shall the forest swallow it up? It may very well grow to be the greatest tree in the forest. Tell me, how shall we know how much time the seedling has to grow? Yet, grow it will. The worst of all would be someone that would place a stumblingblock in its path, or grind under foot he that has come to be a great tree. The capacity of understanding different things is great among he who knows the forest. Yet, the forest continues to teach us new things. When we stop learning is when we stop studying and stop listening. Therefore, let us not hold back those that are still listening. There surely is much to learn and time for growth.

The Bible clearly states what we should keep our minds on. It is that part of the forest where we will see new things. If we dwell on the wrong things, how can we ever learn the peace, love, and understanding we are truly meant to be a part of; maybe part of the forest that may be purged with fire to help the forest grow again.

I can honestly say that I will never have it right....that I can come close, but I am is every other human that has ever existed.
That is not speculation....but I still continue to try and try again.

"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny." ~Carl Schurz

"The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues. You can't separate them. They're wedded." ~Henry Miller

I don’t dwell on wrong things anymore than anyone else...because we really have no clue what is truly right or wrong save for our own morals in our heart.
(which is a thread unto it’s own we have both written
I AM learning...constantly...from the greatest of trees in the forest, to the smallest put it in the terms you responded with.
If you are strong in your convictions that you have it 100% right, then I think that is truly wonderful....but let me ask you this -
Who is more stagnant, the man who thinks he has nothing left to learn, or the man who never thinks he will?

"Even the best needles are not sharp at both ends." ~Chinese Proverb
Wow!! This is amazing!!!!

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Paranormal Meets Physics
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Scientists at Princeton University and other respected institutions are beginning to prove that ESP and telekinesis are real, measurable phenomena.
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]"If you consider the world an extension of yourself, it becomes a better place."

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]"The only way I can explain the phenomenon is that it's occurring... outside of space and time."

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]"Consciousness is the ground of all being."

[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]"The universe is one and we are one with it."[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]T[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]hese are not proclamations from the latest Zen philosophy self-help book, nor passages from The Celestine Prophecy, nor quotes from a Marianne Williamson seminar. They are not even remarks from some Uri Geller video. These are statements from respected, mainstream scientists, engineers, and researchers, respectively: Brenda Dunne, a developmental psychologist at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory (PEAR); John Haaland, president and CEO of Mindsong Inc., an electronics firm developing mind-matter machines; Amit Goswami, professor of Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon; and Victor Stenger, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Hawaii.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Have all these respected scientists and engineers suddenly fallen under the influence of some New Age cult? Hardly. But they are converts of another kind, perhaps, since they are on the cutting edge of serious ESP and psychokinesis research - mind over matter. Not too long ago, if one brought up the subjects of ESP or telekinesis to a scientist, they would have readily been dismissed as "paranormal" and relegated to the purview of "fringe science" and unworthy of serious investigation. This stuff was considered unprovable, and left to the imaginations of New Age gurus and others thought of as wackos. This is not to fault those scientists; it's their job to be skeptical and to be able to prove, as best they can, whether or not something is true or likely.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Now science is doing just that with regard to some forms of ESP and telekinesis. Research conducted at Princeton University and other research laboratories around the world is confirming that thought alone can influence random events. With the aid of computers, sensitive instrumentation, and robotics, science now has the tools with which to test and measure the subtle influences of the human mind and reveal how it can possibly affect inanimate objects, electronics, and perhaps other human minds. The implications are astounding and far-reaching.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Science is beginning to shake hands with the paranormal.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Mind Over Machine[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]
The PEAR lab at Princeton, under the direction of Professor Robert Jahn, uses a random event generator (REG) to conduct their trials. The REG is, essentially, a kind of electronic coin flipper that, if left alone, would generate as many heads as tails over a number of coin flips. However, PEAR's volunteers - normal people who do not claim to have any ESP powers whatever - are able to influence the REG to come up with more heads than tails, or vice versa. Certainly, they cannot make it come up heads every time, but the data shows that the influence is statistically relevant and much greater than chance. This is done without the benefit of electrodes attached to the head or any other kind of connection. More remarkable still, the volunteers do not even have to be in the same room with the REG. The lab in Princeton has produced results from volunteers as far away as Hungary and Brazil that are the same as those who are sitting just a few feet from the machine. Distance is irrelevant.
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Jahn, Dunne, and their colleagues at PEAR don't know how or why people are able to influence their machines, they just know that they are. What's more, they have demonstrated that when using two volunteers who have an emotional attachment, the effects on the REG are even greater. The emotion of love seems to have a more powerful effect. This fact has prompted Dunne to theorize that the conscious human mind creates some kind of "resonance" with the surrounding world that lessens some of its randomness. "One form of this resonance," Dunne told Wired magazine, "is what we know as love. This emotional bond - the 'being on the same wavelength' - somehow reduces the entropy in the world a little bit. And random processes seem to reflect this reduction by showing a more organized physical reality."[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Tricks with Chicks[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]This conscious or unconscious influence on the world isn't just a hidden power of the human mind either. Animals have also been shown to have an effect on machinery. In an experiment set up by René Peoc'h and the Swiss Fondation Marcel et Monique Odier de Psycho-Physique, a cage of chicks was able to influence the meanderings of a robot better than people were. The robot, a self-propelled little device called a Tychoscope, was programmed to wander in a random manner around an enclosed room. When the cage of chicks was added to the room, however, the robot's behavior changed dramatically, spending much more time in the half of the room where the chicks were. Did the chicks will the robot to stay near them? Possibly, because the chicks had a motive. One group of chicks in the experiment had been "imprinted" with the sight of the Tychoscope - in other words, it was the first thing they saw when they hatched. So it could be that they just wanted "mommy" near. For another group of chicks, the room was darkened and a candle was placed on the Tychoscope. Bringing the robot to their side of the room also brought light to the chicks.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]A Quantum Effect[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]These are just two of the more dramatic experiments that are bearing out the reality of consciousness over matter. And it's interesting that these findings are being made at the same time that scientific research is proving the bizarre nature of quantum mechanics, which is showing that the mere observation of subatomic particles can affect how they behave. Are the Princeton experiments demonstrating some kind of biological quantum effect that we do not yet understand? Is the human brain - and the brain of each living creature, for that matter - a quantum device? Is the collective unconscious proposed by analytical psychologist Carl Jung and others actually a quantum effect?[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]That the conscious minds of living things can influence our reality has, of course, fantastic implications:[/FONT]

  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Perhaps this is how evolution, in conjunction with natural selection, is actually directed.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]It may explain the "power of prayer."[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]It may explain how animal instinct and group behavior works. (ESP in humans may be a dormant form of instinct that we can sometimes tune in to.)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]That we do, even in some small degree, create our own reality. Our destiny is literally in our own minds.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Our minds, under certain circumstances, could create the effects attributed to poltergeists, ghosts, and a host of other so-called paranormal phenomena.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]That love is stronger than evil.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]That we are, in scientific fact, one with the universe.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, helvetica]Of course, all those mystics, yogi masters, religious nuts, paranormal junkies, and New Age thinkers have known all this is true for quite some time. It's just that now science is proving it. And once this truth is widely known and accepted by human beings, then we will have a powerful tool with which to change our world. This is just the beginning.[/FONT]
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