so sorry, I have read to many of your posts to think that you have any other concern then speading the dark "truth" you embrace. Call it a smear but how many threads have you taken over with your one recurring theme?
You call it 'conspiracy theory' i call it the truth
Someone starts a thread and usually they post what they have been told by the mainstream media
I listen to the mainstream but also to the alternative media which i've found gives me much more info than the mainstream which is beholden to corporate interests who have a lot invested in maintaining particular perceptions of reality
So i give what i believe is the truth; i also make sure i provide evidence so that those that aren't familiar with that perspective can get some insight into why i am saying what i say
I don't post random opinion...i post carefully considered points backed up by evidence often gained from a variety of sources
You may believe you are an honest seeker but that is not how you present.
Once again you are trying to smear me. Just because you say something about me doesn't make it so stu
If i wasn't an honest seeker i wouldn't have evolved my perceptions past the mainstream media illusion
On a side note, I find it facinating that that plane plunged the way it appeared to. Could it have dove so deeply that it incapacitated all of the passengers?
If it crashed into the sea lets hope the passengers were unconscious before it dived but that would need to come from decompression or gassing surely
You still haven't dealt with the details of this case such as the ACAARS, transponder and the suppression of information by various governmental groups not to mention the 20 employees of freescale semiconductors that were onboard and the lack of a distress call
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