Absolutely i thought all the same things you did
But think about it this way....if YOU were the relative of a freescale employee that had been on the flight how would you get your story to the world?
What platform would you use if you had found out that your relatives name had been strick off the flight manifest to try to alert the world to that?
If the corporate media is controlled by the rothschilds and their network and they don't want the world talking about who was on the flight then how are you going to get that information to the world?
Also whilst the search is still on would you be more focussed at the moment with the finding of your family member than anything else?
Lets face it the only people who give the inside scoop on a lot of these stories is the alternative media and although their viewership is growing they still do not yet have the same size of captive audience that the mainstream media do
This means that at the moment, in the battle for hearts and minds if you like, the corporate powers have a much larger platform for preaching their version of reality than the non corporate forces
The corporate manistream media at the moment seem to be spinning the story a certain way and do not deal with who was on the flight (which you'd think would be information that is in the public interest for them to know)
So the corporate conspiracy theory seems to be as follows:
One or both pilots have hijaked the plane and have turned it round on its flight to crash it into the ocean for some as yet undisclosed reason. Another version i have heard is that the plane decompressed and the auto pilot turned the plane around and crashed it into the sea (but that doesn't explain why the ACAARS and Transponders were shut off or why the plane dropped below radar)
So here's another thing to bare in mind...the imarsat company that are now saying they have traced the plane sat on their information for 10 days before telling the malaysian government; this is a problem because the transponders beacon battery only lasts for 20 days
A further factor to remember is...and this is very important....that the boeing aircraft had within it the means of being piloted by people off the plane in the event of a hijack; please see the clip from the following link i posted above:
We also know that the 777/200 is a “fly by wire” aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plan “in case of emergency.” We were able to verify the design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.
The descriptions today in the New York Times and other publications are purposefully inaccurate and contradictory. Their explanations of how commercial aircraft communicate and are tracked are fanciful at best, at worst “criminal.”
Please bare in mind that the New York Times is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations group which was created by the banking families such as the Rockefellers