I just wish that I could understand the difference of opinion- if that makes sense? Like my perspective, where I am coming from, is so totally different. And the reason I came into this thread huffing and puffing like I did is because from *my own* perspective what was being said sounded super ridiculous, mainly because it's not my perspective and I cannot fathom this whole "no ex friendship" rule. I grew up in a family where my parents are divorced but maintain a friendship EVEN THOUGH they are remarried with other partners. Also, unless a relationship ended on bad terms or the ex was abusive, most people I know continue to be friends with their ex-partners and are actually really good friends. The appeal of being friends with an ex is that they know you inside and out and want the best for you and will root for you when you do find someone who is your match. Anyone who ever truly loved you would never wanna sabatoge your relationship with a new partner, they would be happy with your new relationship and support it. I don't know if the culture I live in is just different than yours. Maybe gay culture is a little different because our dating pool is smaller and being able to be friends with an ex is kind of mandatory since most likely you will be seeing them around? Or maybe just even in the area I live, it is not uncommon or seen as wrong to still be friends with someone you dated. Are you guys from the south, maybe, or a country outside of the US? I am trying to understand why there is such a dissonance in my view VS your guys' responses. I did come across as hostile, and I'm sorry about that, I just....do not understand where you guys are coming from. It is alien to me.