With hindsight I can see that I used Fe to suss people out and use my intellect (both T functions) either to gain their approval, or gain ascendancy, at least in my own mind.
@John K (((sending you warm support akin to a hug))) I'm so sad you were bullied, yet adore that you were clever.
I relate to this quote, and even discussed a bit about why yesterday, but then deleted the comment on that thread. In that post I explained what you are explaining here: Fe helps us "read" people and suss them out. Fe does not automatically compel me to comfort others. Sometimes what I suss out is that I need to create distance. Fe is not an automatic gush of empathy and compassion for
expressing themselves in ways that other people can understand,
This can be a struggle, can't it? We feel a certain way, then it comes fumbling out of our mouths and people don't understand, and are sometimes even offended. The good news is that INFJs are prone to this in general, so you're not alone! Haha.
It makes sense that you tested INTJ/INTP and you are an INFJ. INTJ/INFJ share the same Ni/Se and INTPs have Fe. Your Fe was suppressed.
I'm fascinated that you have such a grasp on your shadow functions as well. Care to discuss this? I'm particularly interested in your use of Te/ Ti. (Also, Si.)
Also, how do you use shadow functions without being "shadowy"?
My personal opinion of using Te is that I'm actually using Ti and trying to mimic Te because I am surrounded by INTJs and admire INTJs and INTPs. Mimicking Te leads to a bit of a mess, and makes me more prone to Ni/Ti loops, which I am recognizing and beginning to avoid. I've always been good with one-on-one intellectual conversations (long evenings spent exploring history, philosophy, literature, science, theology, etc). Face to face conversations seem to flow. I am more prone to Ni/Ti loops online because of the pressure to engage. I dislike the quick reply patterns, and often "combat", of online discussion. I don't want to say anything I haven't truly thought over and decided upon. Ni/Ti loops tend to happen when I'm forced to battle.
This for me too. Every so often I ask myself if I'd ever go back in years if I had the chance - even if I could go back to my youth with my memories intact I don't think I would. I've been retired for 9 years and I'm enjoying it. Onwards and upwards - but don't look down!
Not I. Hahahaha. If I could go back with my memories intact I would already be there. The path I would have taken for schooling would be different.
Right now I am in the place I should be, and it is clear to those close to me, too. The path I took for a very long time was a massive detour. I am now where I want to be in my personal life, and am feeling like I could have had this all along. I am so grateful for this place and life here, and will never take it for granted. I am not where I want to be in my career and reaching those dreams and goals.
I would embrace my beauty, and I would focus on what would make my work really stand out... which would involve a bit of ignoring that part of Fe that makes us want to go along and fit in.
I don't have regrets, and the stories I have are truly amazing, but the path I took was not best for me.
As far as being an aging woman, I'd much rather not be aging for all the typical reasons a woman would give. While this is considered shallow and we're supposed to rise above this, we still live in a society where youthful feminine beauty is valued. Aside from this, I enjoy being strong, fit and healthy, and I don't want that to change.