The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread | Page 9 | INFJ Forum

The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread

I'm wondering if it spread in the bathrooms wherever this man was. Or places he may have been eating. Because I'd think the virus would usually get people who have someone came in to contact with the man's fluids. Or maybe he coughed on someone or transferred it giving hugs to his family.

I would be worried about flight attendants who had to touch his meals, and family who fed him.

Also his bedrooms...
Well, supposedly it is not contagious until symptoms are evident…the problem is - he went to the same hospital where he is now twice before and they sent him back out into the public.
That could be a problem.
But the good news is that it is NOT spread like the Flu…it is contact precautions…it’s not spread by coughing or airborne means. (exception - coughing blood).
Still, this guy had around a week to spread this around…I think we will have an easier time containing it within the US if we catch it early. Once we reach the point where the hospitals run out of room…then we have a serious problem.
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it just yet.
Well, supposedly it is not contagious until symptoms are evident…the problem is - he went to the same hospital where he is now twice before and they sent him back out into the public.
That could be a problem.
But the good news is that it is NOT spread like the Flu…it is contact precautions…it’s not spread by coughing or airborne means. (exception - coughing blood).
Still, this guy had around a week to spread this around…I think we will have an easier time containing it within the US if we catch it early. Once we reach the point where the hospitals run out of room…then we have a serious problem.
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it just yet.

Yeah I think it should be fine, unless he decided to smear his bathroom fluids all over walls and in public places haha. From what I've researched most people prone to getting infected are people who handle the body after the infected pass away.
Yeah I think it should be fine, unless he decided to smear his bathroom fluids all over walls and in public places haha. From what I've researched most people prone to getting infected are people who handle the body after the infected pass away.
The reason why it is spread so quickly in Africa is because they do not have access to the basic things like gloves, masks, face shields, gowns, booties, clean water, isolation units, etc. etc. I could keep going, but I think you get the point.
I won’t worry about this personally until the hospitals get overwhelmed…and I doubt it will get that far.
Dont worry. 40 percent of the worlds population will survive.
Well, supposedly it is not contagious until symptoms are evident…the problem is - he went to the same hospital where he is now twice before and they sent him back out into the public.
That could be a problem.
But the good news is that it is NOT spread like the Flu…it is contact precautions…it’s not spread by coughing or airborne means. (exception - coughing blood).
Still, this guy had around a week to spread this around…I think we will have an easier time containing it within the US if we catch it early. Once we reach the point where the hospitals run out of room…then we have a serious problem.
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it just yet.

My worry is this. 6000 known cases in Africa. 6000 is a very small number. For a person to have been infected and arrive in the US under such a small number means one of a couple things. 1) The number of affected is actually much larger then reported. 2) we are going to be inundated with ebola from much smaller numbers than the CDC calculated. Remember the "very low" chance of it making it to America and yet here it is a couple weeks later.
Its in the US now to wipe out poor people there.

Begin the count down to people killing people coming to help them because of a homegrown paranoid fantasy, er, I mean conspiracy theory.
My worry is this. 6000 known cases in Africa. 6000 is a very small number. For a person to have been infected and arrive in the US under such a small number means one of a couple things. 1) The number of affected is actually much larger then reported. 2) we are going to be inundated with ebola from much smaller numbers than the CDC calculated. Remember the "very low" chance of it making it to America and yet here it is a couple weeks later.

I didn’t doubt that it would make it here eventually…just that it won’t prosper very well in this setting compared to how it has been in Africa.
There are always ‘maybes’, maybe it will reach the ghettos in some major city here and spread like wildfire.
Guess we’ll see.
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Do we know the status of the American patient?
Do we know the status of the American patient?
He’s still in isolation but is talking and awake….the number of possible contacts has gone to 100 +.
And they have found out that the plane stopped in DC and Portland OR, which is about 30 mins from me…pretty close!
Still not worried in the slightest (and I have a doctors’s appt. today).
He’s still in isolation but is talking and awake….the number of possible contacts has gone to 100 +.
And they have found out that the plane stopped in DC and Portland OR, which is about 30 mins from me…pretty close!
Still not worried in the slightest (and I have a doctors’s appt. today).

Plane stopped at Dulles international airport. I drive by it on my way to work every morning. Moving through that airport alone he came into contact with many many more than just 100 people.
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So project: ''hype the ebola fear'' is going very well

This might well provide the grounds they need to declare martial law and to clamp down on the US public and impose on them a totalitarian system...the globalists wet dream

watch out you're being taken for a ride! DARK FORCES!!!!!

He’s still in isolation but is talking and awake….the number of possible contacts has gone to 100 +.
And they have found out that the plane stopped in DC and Portland OR, which is about 30 mins from me…pretty close!
Still not worried in the slightest (and I have a doctors’s appt. today).

That would freak me out!!!

Stay safe! I know it's actually quite difficult to contract, but still- the fear that comes with the possibility is overwhelming!!

I'm interested to see how the patient does in the states!
My worry is this. 6000 known cases in Africa. 6000 is a very small number. For a person to have been infected and arrive in the US under such a small number means one of a couple things. 1) The number of affected is actually much larger then reported. 2) we are going to be inundated with ebola from much smaller numbers than the CDC calculated. Remember the "very low" chance of it making it to America and yet here it is a couple weeks later.

This isn't a valid claim statistically unless you also look at how likely it is for any African to visit America. Even then a coincidence is entirely possible - people win the lottery all the time you know.

As for "Making it to America" we have to define what that means. If it simply means a confirmed case flies in then it has already happened hasn't it? The missionaries? I would say that "Making it to America" must mean that it has become permanently established, not a few isolated cases.
I am new to this site so I hope you don't mind me interjecting my own thoughts. :^) The Ebola virus has many strains all of which carry a 25% to 90% mortality rate. While that appear scary at first glance it also tells us an important fact. It is very difficult to spread because it usually leads to death in the infected too soon for it spread via bodily fluids. The biggest concern with this type of virus is the handling of the dead bodies and the ability for the virus to spread post survival in males via semen for 2-3 months. The chance of something spreading like this is very low especially when you consider the quality healthcare Americans receive compared to African countries. The news has done a terrible job with this and is basically terrifying the entire country for no reason. For example: The recent Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) corona virus has a much higher transmission rate, as it is spread via close contact(like the deadly SARS virus) and no one has even heard anything about it. I don't think closing the borders really matters. It is not as big of a danger as the news is making it out to be and it would not be worth the economic damage that might occur because of it.

The comments regarding the terrorist groups and their use of these types of bio-weapons is interesting. In order to get something like Ebola to spread on an effective enough scale you would most likely have to combine it with a spore based bacteria(i.e. Anthrax). That would be very, very dangerous as the effects not only can cause severe life loss but would also cripple most hospitals. A small collection of anthrax spores with genetically incorporated Ebola Zaire strains(mortality rate of 85%+) would be easy to spread and could
incapacitate cities without proper protection equipment to avoid breathing in the spores. To be frank I am surprised that no terrorist groups has tried it yet.....

I am new to this site so I hope you don't mind me interjecting my own thoughts. :^) The Ebola virus has many strains all of which carry a 25% to 90% mortality rate. While that appear scary at first glance it also tells us an important fact. It is very difficult to spread because it usually leads to death in the infected too soon for it spread via bodily fluids. The biggest concern with this type of virus is the handling of the dead bodies and the ability for the virus to spread post survival in males via semen for 2-3 months. The chance of something spreading like this is very low especially when you consider the quality healthcare Americans receive compared to African countries. The news has done a terrible job with this and is basically terrifying the entire country for no reason. For example: The recent Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) corona virus has a much higher transmission rate, as it is spread via close contact(like the deadly SARS virus) and no one has even heard anything about it. I don't think closing the borders really matters. It is not as big of a danger as the news is making it out to be and it would not be worth the economic damage that might occur because of it.

The comments regarding the terrorist groups and their use of these types of bio-weapons is interesting. In order to get something like Ebola to spread on an effective enough scale you would most likely have to combine it with a spore based bacteria(i.e. Anthrax). That would be very, very dangerous as the effects not only can cause severe life loss but would also cripple most hospitals. A small collection of anthrax spores with genetically incorporated Ebola Zaire strains(mortality rate of 85%+) would be easy to spread and could
incapacitate cities without proper protection equipment to avoid breathing in the spores. To be frank I am surprised that no terrorist groups has tried it yet.....

Infecting a small number of people in a way where no one could be sure who, where and when they might get it would be enough to instill fear in any population. It could shut down airports, keep people inside, cause riots etc... fear is what you should fear.