The coming American civil war.

Read my other post. There were more fighting for the right to live than the right to own slaves. The word bigot comes to mind. Do people really actually think everyone was fighting so they could own a slave? The word stupidity comes to mind.
The confederacy came into being as a result of the US government moving in the direction of limiting and eventually ending the slave economy that more and more was becoming abhorrent to Americans and had already been outlawed by Canada and the European states with which the US did most of its business. How the leaders of the Confederacy motivated its people to wage war is, of course, a complex web of lies and propaganda (just as any state which attempts to motivate its population to embrace war is).
Confederate monuments went up largely as a response to the growing resentment of Jim Crow laws which deprived Black American's of their constitutional rights.
Hey, look!

It's the "i'm not racist or homophobic because i have a black friend and a gay friend" guy!

Everyone point and laugh!
I dunno. I just found just me's arguments really stupid. Like:

*says homophobic thing*

PS. I have a gay friend

That doesn't make the thing you said not homophobic.
I dunno. I just found just me's arguments really stupid. Like:

*says homophobic thing*

PS. I have a gay friend

That doesn't make the thing you said not homophobic.
That's how they get away with it in their mind. "I have an [insert friend]. They're one of the good ones."

I grew up with these people so I know how they work. They talk about niggers behind closed doors, and then publicly say how their friend is black. What they really mean is that their friend is a good nigger. A good specimen out of an otherwise bad bunch. Stuff like "you're one of the good ones" gets said a lot, unironically.

Having a black friend doesn't make one not racist.
I grew up with these people so I know how they work. They talk about niggers behind closed doors, and then publicly say how their friend is black. What they really mean is that their friend is a good nigger. A good specimen out of an otherwise bad bunch. Stuff like "you're one of the good ones" gets said a lot, unironically.

Yep, way too familiar. I even had a high school history teacher (early 90s, public school) make the blacks/n****** distinction, in a mixed race classroom, justifying it by saying "there's white n******, too!"

Shit, no wonder nobody from my neck of the woods has any fucking sense.
Yep, way too familiar. I even had a high school history teacher (early 90s, public school) make the blacks/n****** distinction, in a mixed race classroom, justifying it by saying "there's white n******, too!"

Shit, no wonder nobody from my neck of the woods has any fucking sense.

What made it even scarier was growing up in a racist family in a black ghetto neighborhood and they whisper shit in public that gets overheard. Like are you stupid or what?
He played professional football offensive guard one season as a walk-on. He is my friend. He and I talk no black and white crap unless something is bothering him. That was for you people. I've heard some embarrassing tales from when he was in Alabama. Yes, there are still hate-filled people in the world. He could have picked two of them up and slammed their heads together. Instead, he's living with it and talks like it bothers him a lot how some people can be so unthoughtful.
Hey, look!

It's the "i'm not racist or homophobic because i have a black friend and a gay friend" guy!

Everyone point and laugh!

Who is worse?
The confederacy came into being as a result of the US government moving in the direction of limiting and eventually ending the slave economy that more and more was becoming abhorrent to Americans and had already been outlawed by Canada and the European states with which the US did most of its business. How the leaders of the Confederacy motivated its people to wage war is, of course, a complex web of lies and propaganda (just as any state which attempts to motivate its population to embrace war is).
Confederate monuments went up largely as a response to the growing resentment of Jim Crow laws which deprived Black American's of their constitutional rights.

At least there is one of you gays that treat me with the respect I deserve. Try to use an example and the piranha come out: feeding frenzy. Let's do this and let's do that. Sounds all too familiar. Wonder why you hate the Bible? It was called Sodom.
Constantine's Sword was a good read, though quite long. Very informative.

Here's a dartboard for those with anger and bitterness because of my beliefs. Enjoy.
He played professional football offensive guard one season as a walk-on. He is my friend. He and I talk no black and white crap unless something is bothering him. That was for you people. I've heard some embarrassing tales from when he was in Alabama. Yes, there are still hate-filled people in the world. He could have picked two of them up and slammed their heads together. Instead, he's living with it and talks like it bothers him a lot how some people can be so unthoughtful.
If you are not among those people then perhaps you should make a more concerted effort to be aware and not say the same things they use as excuses.
Does my post offend you? My favorite helper is a black guy and I pay him well. We talk a lot, too.
I don't want to put him up and feed him, or give him a house to live in.

Neither do slave owners, but it's more convenient that way. One big common room... like a barracks... usually works best.

Gay men? I do have an open invitation to a gay friend of mine's mansion. He likes me because I watch the river from the swing while everyone else watches porn. People used to go to his house to get high, using him and his good nature and his money. He would come check on me every now and then and fill my scotch: ask if I needed anything. Never drank more than two. One day when we were all leaving, he pulled me aside and showed me where his key was. Told me I was different from everyone else and was welcome there any time, and said I knew where the scotch was. He left me alone with his gay stuff. I can better understand someone like him, as we agreed to disagree.

He said he wanted to show me something one night, knowing how I was. I walked with him to the room filled with shag carpet where they were smoking rocks. He said "watch this". He rolled a rock onto the table, made it fall on the floor, and there were two guys in the carpet looking for it immediately. He made eye contact with me, then rubbed one of the guy's ass. Took me back in the next room, where he said they were just like whores to him. We understood each other with no challenges, no kidding, no wishes, and I would think out of respect. I respected him because he respected me. He did nothing I did not agree with in front of me.

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So you're saying two men kissing is equivalent to starting a civil war, killing thousands, in the defense of slavery?

Is your problem that you can't own black people or that you can't handle gay men?

Hey, I can handle a gay man.... oh wait, hold up.
Yep, way too familiar. I even had a high school history teacher (early 90s, public school) make the blacks/n****** distinction, in a mixed race classroom, justifying it by saying "there's white n******, too!"

Shit, no wonder nobody from my neck of the woods has any fucking sense.
