The coming American civil war.

Ok and again that perspective may include what seems like a loss to someone who is a part of a dominant culture when it becomes a apparent that the tides have a potential to change what had been the norm for decades. However, for someone to complain about losing dominance now that other hands are grabbing the steering wheel, it's necessary to acknowledge that at first that person was dominant.

I guess the best (though crude) example I can think of right now is of, lets say, 3 people in a car. 1 person "discovered" the car (we'll not go into how they overpowered, hog tied, and stowed the person who was already in that car into the trunk) and took the wheel. On the way (and again we'll heavily abridge this) they picked up a couple more people, persons 2 and 3, willingly or not. The first person insisted on being the one to drive and was able to keep 2 and 3 out of the driver's seat for several decades. Well, eventually, persons 2 and 3 got stronger and gained enough influence to exert some control over where the car goes. Would you consider that this constitutes person 1 being forced to give person 2 and 3 special treatment?
I do not know why you felt the need to post this in relation to my post.

It was an explanation of my comment, rather than addressed to you. I'm living in a country, which is at times so wrapped up in its history, we've ended up stuck there.

I think the reason America has been successful, is it didn't do that. Hence the Apollo reference. Just my view.
Ok and again that perspective may include what seems like a loss to someone who is a part of a dominant culture when it becomes a apparent that the tides have a potential to change what had been the norm for decades.

It has been my feeling for some time now, post-election, that there needs to be extensive discussion on the loss for those affected by change so they may have a way of working through their issues. For instance, what is the loss that white people will go through when they are no longer the majority? What happens when racial privilege is lost? (Will it be lost?)

I think there is a lot of fear based belief that all white people will lose control, lose their heritage, lose status, lose economically, lose their sense of belonging, lose competitiveness, etc. A lot of people shut down and close se in having to discuss even one of these losses.

Yet, many white people don't feel threatened and I think it's in part because they already live in racially diverse places and can actually gauge the accuracy of their fears. It's not that the fears are not real, but that they might not mean what some people may think they mean.

On another point, I've always thought it curious that so many people will say they're not racists and the black people they know aren't taking advantage of welfare programs, yet believe that black people take advantage of welfare programs. Why are you basing your beliefs on the black people you don't know...? (I'm using black people in this example, but replace with Muslims, Mexicans, Asian etc. and it's kind of alike.)

I pointed out to someone once, who was white, that the majority of beneficiaries of one of the food stamp programs are white people. No matter how factual I got, drilling down to the congressional district he lived in, he just could not see that part. He could only feel the injustice of the dependency of black people on him. It was weird.
I feel the most difficult hurdle for most folk is trying to ignore the fact the NAACP and the likes speak up for colored people, yet mostly only blacks. We are all colored people, and I know quite a few beautifully-colored people.

My personal biggest problem is accepting those who cannot act in an acceptable manner around others. A large man put his hands on my wife's vehicle Friday afternoon as she was going through an intersection, stood in front of her, and stared at her with malcontent. She had to slow down for someone turning. She was furious, but did what she should have done and didn't take her eyes off him until he backed away. I would have had him back away a lot faster had I been driving. There is an attitude spreading I do not like. Our government is allowing it to spread. I feel there will be a lot of people caught in this maelstrom, and those wanting that global economy and government do not care who gets hurt.

I want my job I was offered, if you're watching.
I feel the most difficult hurdle for most folk is trying to ignore the fact the NAACP and the likes speak up for colored people, yet mostly only blacks. We are all colored people, and I know quite a few beautifully-colored people.

My personal biggest problem is accepting those who cannot act in an acceptable manner around others. A large man put his hands on my wife's vehicle Friday afternoon as she was going through an intersection, stood in front of her, and stared at her with malcontent. She had to slow down for someone turning. She was furious, but did what she should have done and didn't take her eyes off him until he backed away. I would have had him back away a lot faster had I been driving. There is an attitude spreading I do not like. Our government is allowing it to spread. I feel there will be a lot of people caught in this maelstrom, and those wanting that global economy and government do not care who gets hurt.

I want my job I was offered, if you're watching.

You are on some shit my man.
How did you die?
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I have shot Pintail, Mallard, Blue-winged teal, Green-winged teal, Black Duck, Mottled Duck, Wigeon, Gadwall, Red-headed Duck, Canvasback, Blubill, Bufflehead, Black-bellied Whistling Tree Duck, and several other types of duck. I do not call them all ducks, because I like to distinguish the species I have harvested. I have sent wings two or three times in my life to USGFWS for studies and training. A Pintail is a Pintail.
Privilege is stirring up so much for people to worry and fight about, they have no time to stop the pipelines that are going in . We are sleeping and having nightmares, while a fox is in the hen house. How do we know our water is not being sold right from underneath our shoes? We are consumed with our own beliefs and their being challenged, while all we are doing is looking the other way. We surely cannot keep them straight while we fight among our own selves. Paid for by your global anti-everything movements.
I have shot Pintail, Mallard, Blue-winged teal, Green-winged teal, Black Duck, Mottled Duck, Wigeon, Gadwall, Red-headed Duck, Canvasback, Blubill, Bufflehead, Black-bellied Whistling Tree Duck, and several other types of duck. I do not call them all ducks, because I like to distinguish the species I have harvested. I have sent wings two or three times in my life to USGFWS for studies and training. A Pintail is a Pintail.

I'm pretty sure human beings aren't ducks. Well, some of them may be...
Privilege is stirring up so much for people to worry and fight about, they have no time to stop the pipelines that are going in . We are sleeping and having nightmares, while a fox is in the hen house. How do we know our water is not being sold right from underneath our shoes? We are consumed with our own beliefs and their being challenged, while all we are doing is looking the other way. We surely cannot keep them straight while we fight among our own selves. Paid for by your global anti-everything movements.

First of all....I totally disagree with your first statement - in reference to pipelines who is privileged in this case and who is not?
There were plenty of people at that site and elsewhere who were/are aware and fought back against those putting in the pipelines to spare their tiny bit of land we let them have after we killed all the Natives....(we shot the peaceful protestors with water cannons in below freezing temps, let attack dogs attack people, shot people with rubber bullets and bean bags several in the head and face.)
Also - it’s had two major leaks so far.
Just FYI, my Dad worked for Shell as a pipeliner, so I have nothing against big oil in general.
The water is being sold out from under our feet - either by Nestle bottling it in Los Angeles while the state was in a decades long drought...or how about the polluted water from fracking being injected back underground causing polluted water supplies and earthquakes where there hasn’t been one in generations, now is an everyday occurrence.
Yes...sometimes our beliefs are challenged...sometimes people need to stand up for what is right...people will always look, and others will always look away.
If you can’t figure out what is good and healthy for people and our society, and this cognizant dissonance is causing problems for you then maybe you need to quit looking the other way for a while, talk to people on both sides, find out all the facts, and make a stand yourself.
Paid for by reality.
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