The End of Firefox

They could still exist perfectly before they got here and were corrupted.
There are some things in the bible that are directly from God as I explained. So in their belief, there is perfection within the bible but not as a whole.

Also you are assuming the variable "God is perfect".
They could still exist perfectly before they got here and were corrupted.
There are some things in the bible that are directly from God as I explained.
Yes. But if they are imperfect words, do you think God wants people following them?

When are people going to realize that we were brought here by aliens and that we are nothing but a big, round ant farm to them? lol. :)

Yes. But if they are imperfect words, do you think God wants people following them?

Sorry, it seems I edited it after you replied...

The words from Jesus are perfect because he is a perfect being. The ten commandments are perfect because they came from God. The rest is man's words. Paul is debatable some believe he is the antichrist but most believe his words come from the Holy Spirit at least when he says they do.
No one follows the Old Testament anymore. Or at least the vast majority does not. They look to the King James version instead.
The Jews follow the Old Testament.

Christians have The Old testament as a part of the Bible. We do follow the teachings of Old Testament, but not all of them.
Old Testament was a Old Covenent between God and man. It was based on fulfilling the law of God, a set of commands and laws. Otherwise, the man would die. But all this was never coming from heart, it was rather a external holiness. The heart was unchanged, inclined to do evil. It was a struggle.

But in the New Testament, Jesus Christ died for the sins of people. In the New Testament, to those who believe in Jesus, God promises to take their stoned and evil heart, and give them a new heart, a new spirit, whcih is good and "soft", with which we can fulfil the law of God by heart, from our heart, to love the law of god and to love God.
This new heart, this new life in Jesus Christ, is what Christians call "born again".
I thought we were being very subtle. Hope I didn't give it away by playing with you humans when the embassy said not to. I'm in big trouble now.

Your user title gave you away, lol.
Old Testament was a Old Covenent between God and man. It was based on fulfilling the law of God, a set of commands and laws. Otherwise, the man would die. But all this was never coming from heart, it was rather a external holiness. The heart was unchanged, inclined to do evil. It was a struggle.

The law in question was meant for Jews, not man. The law of God is inherent but God saw fit to give us the ten commandments because we ignored our hearts. Jesus gave us the 11th commandment, which is very much a general outline of 9 of the commandments. Love your neighbor. There is also no indication that the other laws came from God. Likely they come from man. Only the Ten commandments and the words from jesus lips came directly from Gods lips.
The bible is NOT the word of God. The bible was physically written by man and knowing that man is imperfect and sinful as you do, you know they could never accurately write Gods words down in a way that was entirely accurate to what he\it intended.

I always contemplated about this.
What if someone made a typo?
What if someone was a bit confused about what God said and decided to interpret it their own way?
I always contemplated about this.
What if someone made a typo?
What if someone was a bit confused about what God said and decided to interpret it their own way?

What if a group of guys got together and threw half of it away and picked out what they liked all for the benefit of Rome.
The law in question was meant for Jews, not man.

Forgive my ignorance in these matters...jews, not man. What is this implying, Jewish people are some how different than the rest of mankind?
[MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION] do you honestly not see the chaos in your words? The old testament is in the bible, the bible is the word of god but we dont follow all of it.... etc?
I always contemplated about this.
What if someone made a typo?
What if someone was a bit confused about what God said and decided to interpret it their own way?

Yep. And what if Satan who apparently has no issue with influencing man, wrote the bible or caused the bible to be written the way he\it wanted?
What if a group of guys got together and threw half of it away and picked out what they liked all for the benefit of Rome.


How do we know the Bible is God's word?
It was written by man - who we know sins and is imperfect.
What if they knowingly didn't write God's word?
Forgive my ignorance in these matters...jews, not man. What is this implying, Jewish people are some how different than the rest of mankind?

Yes, that is what I am implying. They are the chosen. Everyone else is a Gentile. There was segregation before Jesus came. Jesus was the MLK of that day for gentiles, giving them God equally to shared among all. After all God created man, not just jews.

How do we know the Bible is God's word?
It was written by man - who we know sins and is imperfect.
What if they knowingly didn't write God's word?
Or sinful imperfect man wrote it in a way they knew they could use to control the rest of mankind?
You won't write in bold letters if the possibility is not already actual.

The possibility of writing in bold letters is very much actualized by there being a large and bold 'B' button up there on the tool bar, and it is also already actualized by the function being programmed into the forum.

Your analogy is invalid, as is your hypothesis.
I will answer, just so you don't think what you're saying is correct.

Actual means reality. When a possibility is actualised, it means a possibility becomes reality.

You won't write in bold letters if the possibility is not already actual.
No. Let me correct you:
I won't writte in bold letters if the possibility wouldn't be possible, not actual.
For a thing to be potential, its name is a possibility. When it happens, it becomes actualised as a possibility.

The possibility of writing in bold letters is very much actualized by there being a large and bold 'B' button up there on the tool bar, and it is also already actualized by the function being programmed into the forum.
No, wrong.
"The possibility of writing in bold letters is very much possible (not actualized) by there being a large and bold 'B' button up there on the tool bar, and it is also already actualized by the function being programmed into the forum."

So, what you did, you showed why a possibility is possible, or why a possibility is a possbility. Nothing else.

Your analogy is invalid, as is your hypothesis.
I think you are wrong on both stances.

Hope I won't get a thumb AND a rep for this.

How do we know the Bible is God's word?
It was written by man - who we know sins and is imperfect.
What if they knowingly didn't write God's word?

You mean like when the Greek created their gods or like when we create fictional writing today, or do you mean a conspiracy?.
Anyway as usual this argument has convinced neither side to cross the fence and I grow weary of it. I have a bottle of wine I intended to open an hour ago anyway.
Yes, that is what I am implying. They are the chosen. Everyone else is a Gentile. There was segregation before Jesus came. Jesus was the MLK of that day for gentiles, giving them God equally to shared among all. After all God created man, not just jews.

Ok. I see everyone as equal. This is just another part of religious doctrine I will never understand. I will leave it at that.