Things you most like and dislike about (being an) INFJ(s)


Permanent Fixture
What do you most like about INFJs or being an INFJ, and what do you most dislike about INFJs or being an INFJ?

What I most like about them is their intuitive abilities, which facilitates conversation greatly. What I most dislike about them is how judgemental they can be about people's feelings, or lack thereof.
They are extremely passionate but tend to use people up like toilet paper
They are extremely passionate but tend to use people up like toilet paper

I thought I was misanthropic enough but that takes it up another notch lol. I really don't see this type using people up like toilet paper as they are just not that social, more than anything it will be going woke is where this type fails hard or end up like me being very toxic.
I thought I was misanthropic enough but that takes it up another notch lol. I really don't see this type using people up like toilet paper as they are just not that social, more than anything it will be going woke is where this type fails hard or end up like me being very toxic.

You're not wrong, there are multiple facets of trouble areas.
I mainly meant that they tend to invest a lot in people up front and then become disinterested once they "figure out" the other person, and inevitably move on.
Some extroverts are probably more guilty of this on a larger scale.
I've just noticed this pattern of behavior with INFJs on this forum and when I was younger I was more prone to it, though it was subconscious.
I'm always infinitely interested in people and can engage with them a lot longer than most others, particularly in a one-on-one scenario.
You're not wrong, there are multiple facets of trouble areas.
I mainly meant that they tend to invest a lot in people up front and then become disinterested once they "figure out" the other person, and inevitably move on.
Some extroverts are probably more guilty of this on a larger scale.
I've just noticed this pattern of behavior with INFJs on this forum and when I was younger I was more prone to it, though it was subconscious.
I'm always infinitely interested in people and can engage with them a lot longer than most others, particularly in a one-on-one scenario.

I agree though it is less about losing interest but rather being disappointed or worse hurt in some way or another that makes it a clear choice to move on as there is a lot of people out there that look good upfront until one really gets to know them. I really don't like using people at all as I know how it feels to be used all too well.
I agree though it is less about losing interest but rather being disappointed or worse hurt in some way or another that makes it a clear choice to move on as there is a lot of people out there that look good upfront until one really gets to know them. I really don't like using people at all as I know how it feels to be used all too well.

The problem is, everyone is disappointing once you get to know them enough
They are extremely passionate but tend to use people up like toilet paper

The problem is, everyone is disappointing once you get to know them enough

This sounds so weird to me. It almost sounds like searching for a perfect person/acquaintance/friend/partner. I might be misreading that.

It's weird to me, because it's almost the opposite to how I feel: I'm often frustrated with myself that I'm either not more diligent or extroverted enough to get to know the people I know better (like there's not enough of myself to keep up with the people I encounter). Also I start disappointed, but get more interested in people as I get to know their quirks and shortcomings. I have a very soft spot for flawed difficult people.
I don't see it as virtuous, so it isn't exactly self promoting. My closest friends are a mixture of petty criminals, bigots, and losers. I find people who "have it together" boring.

You seem like a bitter crusty person... and that sort of appeals to me.

Lmao I'm not really, it's just far less likely for that to really be the case. I'll concede though, I don't know you so I'll take your word here
Lmao I'm not really, it's just far less likely for that to really be the case. I'll concede though, I don't know you so I'll take your word here
I get the impression that there's a stereotype of intjs which is of demanding corporate types, politicians, business owners, medical specialists, etc.. Perhaps it's broadly true, but there's also some like myself who are more immersed in Se than Te, as a vocational/lifestyle path, and don't dine a city business clubs, but instead spend most of our time travelling, adventuring, and would genrally be thought of as losers.

I'm more of a contemplative bum, with meticulously planned and executed adventures.
They are extremely passionate but tend to use people up like toilet paper

Hehe I am guilty of this. To some.

I like their forums but dislike all that empathy hogwash.

I dislike this too.

The problem is, everyone is disappointing once you get to know them enough


I dislike how sensitive and insensitive (or judgmental) some can be at the same time.

I also dislike that they have to act all nice and okay even when they're not.

I could also just be projecting. Lol
I was going to say 'judgmental,' but then, I can be pretty damn judgmental myself about some things and I have no immediate plans to change that. lol.

Specifically, though, the judgmental tendencies paired with sensitivity as they're utilized in gatekeeping and guilt-tripping public discussion drive me absolutely batty.

The 'I am a UNIQUE AND SPECIAL PERSON!' thing is also just wearisome af :tired: