[INFJ] This will make you rage

Watching looters fight over stolen goods is like watching rats fight over scraps of food.

What do you think about this imposed curfew and extra police surveillance on our streets? Do you feel safer?

I live out in the middle of nowhere away from the big cities so all is good personally though these thugs tried to loot in a nearby city according to comments left online but the PD there is well known for being heavy handed. As for the lockdown I am not surprised as I've been expecting it as a consequence of these riots. On a side note protestors are starting to react to these antifa and beatings are happening.
Well, thanks for the reply and the perspective. It's good you're out and away from the city. It feels very imposing. Some of us(like myself) run a business that operates later in the night. Curfews and excess policing costs some us potential profits. It's all screwed up, imo, every way you look at it.

I know how you feel, I used to work night shifts myself and it does get a bit on the scary side at times. Once got briefly tailed by a cruiser with all but the fog lights off on the way home from work one time and this was a little past 3:30 am. Later it turned out that my supervisor was dealing drugs on the job and it got pretty bad. Having coworkers dopped up on a factory job was an experience I don't want to repeat especially when one of them could have lost a hand or worse got crushed in one of the machines.

Upscale retail is getting hit in NY.
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People are starting to see the far left for what it is. There has been stories where there have been pallets of bricks placed in the protest areas etc. The bail out programs for rioters etc. A bunch of white people running around defacing property with BLM etc. I like it when you see the protesters exercise citizen arrests and give these people to the police.

Another point is what do they accuse everyone of? It's a common tactic or deflection mechanism of those seeking to divide. When the reality is they're those things they accuse other of. Gas lighting the entire country while they push their political agenda.