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[INFJ] This will make you rage

There has been a lot of speculation that the far left is actually a resurrection of the KKK which wouldn't be surprising if you've followed the democratic party's history.
There is no resurrection of the KKK. For there to be resurrection it has to first disappear. KKK has never not been around.

wouldn't be surprising if you've followed the democratic party's history
Both parties are garbage in one form or another. Yes, the Dems and Reps have essentially traded positions. But I disagree that the left is a sort of new form of the KKK. Can the far left be extreme? Yes. Can the far right be extreme? Yes. This issue isn't about which extreme side is worse though. It's about human rights. It's unfortunate that violence of a few tends to obliterate the entire movement in the eyes of many, but the movement as a whole is 100% legitimate.
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Another point is what do they accuse everyone of? It's a common tactic or deflection mechanism of those seeking to divide. When the reality is they're those things they accuse other of. Gas lighting the entire country while they push their political agenda.
Correct. I believe both do it to some degree, but the right is far more obvious and aggressive with it.
I used to teach this lesson (not my idea, but I jazzed up my version to look super legit) which hoaxed the kids into thinking that there were going to be major changes made to the curriculum, which was actually based upon what the Nazis rolled out in Germany.

I was quite surprised at just how many children rolled with the changes and ignored the less palatable racist and sexist elements.

There was a definite split between how lower and higher-ability groups responded, with the latter protesting much more and figuring out the hoax much sooner, while in many cases the former actually approved of the changes and were disappointed that it wasn't going to happen when I had to reveal the hoax.

P.S. These were Year 8/7th Grade/12-13 year olds.
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I used to teach this lesson (not my idea, but I jazzed up my version to look super legit) which hoaxed the kids into thinking that there were going to be major changes made to the curriculum, which was actually based upon what the Nazis rolled out in Germany. ...
Wow. I'm going to read your document and get back to you.
I shouldn't have to say again that I don't condone the riots and looting. I don't. I don't think it's helping the cause. Because look at everyone here obsessing over the property damage and glossing over institutional racism in the US.

I would argue it more of an institutional modern slavery issue regardless of race.

I recently read "White Fragility", which is an exploration on race issues by a sociologist. I was surprised to see that it largely avoided a mainstream political agenda and focused on explaining a systemic issue to an extent that I've never seen. The entire thing was really elucidating to me. The author goes to great lengths to actually "baby" the white reader and assert that she does not mean to make them feel like they are racist, and that racism is a systemic problem... That tying the idea of being racist to our moral idea of good/bad does harm. Anyway, I just thought it was exceptionally interesting and I feel like I understand more about white people and the struggles they may have. It was able to address a lot of my frustration and confusion over the years (and particularly current frustrations).
Are you doing a bad joke ? It seems too unreal to be true .
@Rutilius Namatianus Dude just read my post.

I used to teach this lesson (not my idea, but I jazzed up my version to look super legit) which hoaxed the kids into thinking that there were going to be major changes made to the curriculum, which was actually based upon what the Nazis rolled out in Germany.

I was quite surprised at just how many children rolled with the changes and ignored the less palatable racist and sexist elements.

There was a definite split between how lower and higher-ability groups responded, with the latter protesting much more and figuring out the hoax much sooner, while in many cases the former actually approved of the changes and were disappointed that it wasn't going to happen when I had to reveal the hoax.

P.S. These were Year 8/7th Grade/12-13 year olds.
Are we derailing or are we here to speak clearly yet?
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People are starting to see the far left for what it is. There has been stories where there have been pallets of bricks placed in the protest areas etc. The bail out programs for rioters etc. A bunch of white people running around defacing property with BLM etc. I like it when you see the protesters exercise citizen arrests and give these people to the police.

The left has a Long history of oppression of minorities and one can look back to past decades of things like abortion where a large part is black babies that never got to exist.