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[INFJ] This will make you rage

I thought so and it proves a point that you are only doing this to virtue signal to hide your own insecurities as there is little that is more racist than a liberal who goes to every length to hide it. People of color loathe dealing with your type because of the vibes and the paternal racism coupled with a sense of still being better.
Hahaha! What?

I still have friends that are black, Mexican, Muslim, Jewish. And I still have racists thoughts because I grew up white and never once in my life had to confront any type of racism or oppression. I never once had a 'family' to talk about obey police or shrugging off prejudice. Not once. You've lost your fucking mind done some sort of rabbit hole.
That's fucked up. We agree! It's not ok! But it does not devalue the BLM movement. Period.

No that killing in that video is not ok.
I think murder devalues any movement
You do realize that this death is the direct consequence of the previous death; so your logic collapses on itself. If the initial murder hadn't happened the riots wouldn't have happened.

In a sense, the police officer didn't just kill George: he also killed every causality police officer which results from the political effects.

All lives matter; and if you wanna save lives, maybe don't be a police officer that murders. You might save your fellow officers lives.
Even if murder is the cause of the movement?
Is this two wrongs make a right? Because a cop killed someone it's okay to cave in someone else's skull who had nothing to do with it? What kind of a world would that be where we could all just beat the overloving shit out of strangers anytime we have a good reason to be upset?
You do realize that this death is the direct consequence of the previous death; so your logic collapses on itself. If the initial murder hadn't happened the riots wouldn't have happened.

In a sense, the police officer didn't just kill George: he also killed every causality police officer which results from the political effects.

All lives matter; and if you wanna save lives, maybe don't be a police officer that murders. You might save your fellow officers lives.

This is how long standing feuds and prejudices start with the never ending cycle of retribution rather than reconciliation.
I didn't say that it was ok and I've seen a lot of things in my years, one example was the Libyan government herded political prisoners into a metal building then tossed in some grenades and burned the bodies afterwards.

Ok. Let me rephrase,

Do you think it's ok that George Floyd died by being choked with a lustful show of strength?

Yes and it has been multi generational problem.
Here is another where a man was dragged to death under a fedex truck. Do all lives matter?
Look, my guy... Never one single time have I said killing, violence, rioting or abortion is ok. It's really not hard to understand. Police killing black men over a period of decades is not ok.

Let's agree with you... Anyone being killed in retaliation is not ok.
I didn't say that it was ok and I've seen a lot of things in my years, one example was the Libyan government herded political prisoners into a metal building then tossed in some grenades and burned the bodies afterwards.
Just curious here. Did you see it on some murder porn website, or did you experience it?
That's not to say it didn't happen, because shit like that does definitely happen, and worse.