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[INFJ] This will make you rage

I'm exhausted. I'm disappointed with humanity but I understand humanity... Ahhhh. It's a loop.

That is how the wheel of karma works as that is the human condition resulting in never ending suffering.
I know what he means, I'm trying to get him to put forth more effort in formulating ideas and presenting them

I'm dislexic it's difficult.
I'm dislexic it's difficult.

You're full of shit is what you are. I don't mean typing words well, lord knows I'm terrible at that myself.
You're entirely capable of articulating a lot of complex ideas, I've seen it with my own eyes.
You're full of shit is what you are. I don't mean typing words well, lord knows I'm terrible at that myself.
You're entirely capable of articulating a lot of complex ideas, I've seen it with my own eyes.

You're right it just takes a VERY long time. This is because my brain can not make sense of how things will read to others. Or I'll be 3 words ahead and have it correct etc it's really messed up. Do you know how much time I spend re editing simple one or two liners?

Justice for George Floyd! Down with race crimes and end the empoverisment of vulnerable communities!

I think that's something we can all agree on.
You're right it just takes a VERY long time. This is because my brain can not make sense of how things will read to others. Or I'll be 3 words ahead and have it correct etc it's really messed up. Do you know how much time I spend re editing simple one or two liners?

Justice for George Floyd! Down with race crimes and end the empoverisment of vulnerable communities!

I think that's something we can all agree on.

Well I think it's worth the pain and effort of you slowing down to say what you mean, because when you do make the effort you say some great shit
On the topic of the US economic system, I was just reading through some old lessons of mine and I found that Dark Age English peasants had more mandated time off work than modern American workers:

The Laws of King Alfred the Great (871-899) said:
43. These days are to be given to all free men, but not to slaves or unfree labourers: 12 days at Christmas, and the day on which Christ overcame the Devil [15 February] and the anniversary of St Gregory and seven days after, one day at the feast of St Peter, St Paul and in harvest time the whole week before the feast of St Mary and one day at the feast of All Saints.

That's 12+1+1+7+1+1+7+1 = 31 days off per year (minimum) for the peasant.

Compared to 10-17 for the American, and a minimum of 0. I suppose by 9th century standards you'd be considered 'slaves or unfree labourers', lol.
On the topic of the US economic system, I was just reading through some old lessons of mine and I found that Dark Age English peasants had more mandated time off work than modern American workers:

That's 12+1+1+7+1+1+7+1 = 31 days off per year (minimum) for the peasant.

Compared to 10-17 for the American, and a minimum of 0. I suppose by 9th century standards you'd be considered 'slaves or unfree labourers', lol.

There is a lot of talk about implementing UBI lately. Also a 4 day work week here. I wonder how many hours per day they worked in those times. In the current environment I have heard arguments that 40 hours per week doesn't necessarily lead to more productivity (https://ourworldindata.org/working-hours). I have the opinion that UBI is necessary in order to stop even further devastation. The exponential growth of technology is creating more efficiency displacing the need for people and increased hours, it has a deflationary effect on people. I think were at another crossroad where collectively we're not experiencing the benefits of the technological revolution. (Corporations are but the management is still implementing old ways of thinking). This is a major crisis but the old views still stand. Ideas like "poor people are lazy", "if you give people free money they wont work" "everyone can succeed in the current environment" etc.

That's how I view it and consider this to be a major part of the social unrest. With covid-19 it's forcing us to take a deeper look at these problems.

Floyd’s death set off a wave of protests, many of which have devolved into rioting. Looting, vandalism, and arson have marked a week of absolute mayhem across the country. Our own Julio Rosas was on the ground in Mill City. He’s never seen anything like it, and Julio has documented Antifa-heavy events. Police have been targeted across the country. Cops were run over with cars in Buffalo and the Big Apple. Las Vegas officers were shot. And in St. Louis, four officers were shot but didn’t sustain life-threatening injuries. Yet, for one retired captain, David Dorn, that was not the case. He was murdered in cold blood trying to protect a local pawn shop. The establishment was owned by a friend. Dorn’s murder was captured on a Facebook Live broadcast. We can’t post the graphic video in this post, but here’s the link to it if you wish to view it.
A retired police captain was shot to death by looters at a St. Louis pawn shop early Tuesday and his killing apparently was broadcast on Facebook Live.

David Dorn, 77, was shot in the torso about 2:30 a.m. He died on the sidewalk in front of the shop, Lee's Pawn & Jewelry, at 4123 Martin Luther King Drive.

Police have made no arrests and said they have no suspects.

Dorn's wife, Ann Marie Dorn, said her husband was a friend of the pawn shop's owner and worked for him. He would show up at the shop when burglar alarms sounded to check on the building, she said. She was too distraught to talk more about her husband.

David Dorn retired from the St. Louis Police Department in 2007 after 38 years on the job. He rose from rookie patrol officer in 1969 to captain. He was the deputy commander of the Bureau of Patrol Support, which oversees traffic and mounted patrols, commercial vehicles and the tactical unit.

When he retired, Dorn then became police chief in Moline Acres.
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Is this two wrongs make a right? Because a cop killed someone it's okay to cave in someone else's skull who had nothing to do with it? What kind of a world would that be where we could all just beat the overloving shit out of strangers anytime we have a good reason to be upset?
No no. You said violence devalues the movement in you opinion. I'm just wondering if the protests mean nothing now because people got killed during the riots. Is the stance against police brutality no longer an issue because someone else got murdered? Which is ridiculous (anyone else getting killed) btw. My position is the BLM movement is still legitimate even though some people are resorting to violence. That was my point. Not that it's ok to kill as retribution.