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[INFJ] This will make you rage

look. . when you have to worry every day that you, your son, brother, father,uncle, grandfather, grandmother, sister, mother, daughter, niece, nephew will be stopped by the police for being black while driving, walking,bird watching,, driving, mowing your lawn, walking your dog. and killed if you say the wrong thing. . there is something wrong, and it is racism. when the assumption is that you have no worth because of the pigment of your skin, there is something wrong. I have been hassled by police for the crime of long hair( in the 70's). . it is an ugly feeling. . our police have a systemic problem, they think they are an occupying force that has free reign over us. . time to stop that. .we the people are in charge, not they the police. .and this place will burn until this gets remedied. black lives matter, and when you begin the white call of all lives matter you do it to continue the system that brought us to this point. .
Some people have been radicalized by the FBI/cia that is using postmodernism as a way to divide and conquer. You can't take people who are extreme on either side seriously.

You're wrong to think the targeting the issue for everyone will fix it because the issue doesn't effect everyone. As a white woman I've never experienced violence at the hands of a police officer. I would have to do something pretty extreme to have that happen. I have seen my elderly grandmother, also white, sass talk a police officer and he just chuckled. I promise you a black man would never dream of doing that, and even if he did, the officer wouldn't chuckle at it.

Now as a woman I am at risk for sexual assault by officers and I have experienced borderline events but nothing serious.

These are separate issues though that you can't solve with the same retraining.

I don't really understand why you're arguing at all. It seems what you're upset about is semantics and I know you're smart enough to understand that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and not everyone who thinks there is a problem has a rational solution or even rational way of expressing it. Don't take extremists to color the entire movement. That's just cheap.

It's one angle. I have the belief that a large majority of people out there want to see positive change in a positive way. The problem is with extremists who take leadership when they see the opportunity. Which from my perspective is something that is being viewed. It really only takes a small group of people (extremists) to coerce the masses by manipulating their feelings. I would also argue that yes it does affect everyone. When the institution that has the job of upholding the law and is in place to keep the peace becomes corrupted, so will the community affecting all of us.
10,000 people laid down on the Burnside bridge this week, and now the governor is getting the message and last night 15,000 stood on the Morrison bridge, this is not a few people. .we are being taken seriously, and this will continue until real change begins
look. . when you have to worry every day that you, your son, brother, father,uncle, grandfather, grandmother, sister, mother, daughter, niece, nephew will be stopped by the police for being black while driving, walking,bird watching,, driving, mowing your lawn, walking your dog. and killed if you say the wrong thing. . there is something wrong, and it is racism. when the assumption is that you have no worth because of the pigment of your skin, there is something wrong. I have been hassled by police for the crime of long hair( in the 70's). . it is an ugly feeling. . our police have a systemic problem, they think they are an occupying force that has free reign over us. . time to stop that. .we the people are in charge, not they the police. .and this place will burn until this gets remedied. black lives matter, and when you begin the white call of all lives matter you do it to continue the system that brought us to this point. .

Somebody says to me: "Black lives matter"
I say: "Yes I agree"


I say: "Now what?"

We're all Identifying police brutality
10,000 people laid down on the Burnside bridge this week, and now the governor is getting the message and last night 15,000 stood on the Morrison bridge, this is not a few people. .we are being taken seriously, and this will continue until real change begins

I sincerely hope it's positive change and not a dangerous Ideological one.
This is a perspective from ONE angle. It is not a belief or determined fact. It is a speculation and observation, nor is it set in stone.

This is a BLM organizer locally "He is unleashing the military on black bodies." I don't get why these people are obsessed with defining race. Could it be possible that maybe they're racists? I have listened to a bunch of these perspectives and every time it's just so tribal where as they are calling for white submission. And why is racism being diluted to the point that if someone disagrees they're inherently racist? If we keep separating ourselves based on racial criteria we fight one another. If we pin point the issue that affects everyone regardless of race ie police brutality, problems get solved. I am all for agreeing that race can be a issue within the scope of this problem. I see an inferiority complex among these communities. Which is most likely the tragic consequence of their brutal history and oppression. The complexity of this is enough to get anyone's head spinning.


Here is another example of racism


Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

The 13th amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States, passed the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865. On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln approved the Joint Resolution of Congress submitting the proposed amendment to the state legislatures. The necessary number of states ratified it by December 6, 1865. The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

In 1863 President Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” Nonetheless, the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation. Lincoln recognized that the Emancipation Proclamation would have to be followed by a constitutional amendment in order to guarantee the abolishment of slavery.

The 13th amendment was passed at the end of the Civil War before the Southern states had been restored to the Union and should have easily passed the Congress. Although the Senate passed it in April 1864, the House did not. At that point, Lincoln took an active role to ensure passage through congress. He insisted that passage of the 13th amendment be added to the Republican Party platform for the upcoming Presidential elections. His efforts met with success when the House passed the bill in January 1865 with a vote of 119–56.

With the adoption of the 13th amendment, the United States found a final constitutional solution to the issue of slavery. The 13th amendment, along with the 14th and 15th, is one of the trio of Civil War amendments that greatly expanded the civil rights of Americans.
It's one angle. I have the belief that a large majority of people out there want to see positive change in a positive way. The problem is with extremists who take leadership when they see the opportunity. Which from my perspective is something that is being viewed. It really only takes a small group of people (extremists) to coerce the masses by manipulating their feelings. I would also argue that yes it does affect everyone. When the institution that has the job of upholding the law and is in place to keep the peace becomes corrupted, so will the community affecting all of us.
I think youre imagining people being cohersed by extremists views. Watch the news media and you'll begin to think ordinary regular people believe a lot of things they don't really believe. Have you walked around your neighborhood and community and talked to people see what they think? Unless they're parroting the news media most people aren't in the extremist camp.

And even then those who are parroting the news media.... That's exactly what they are doing. People are stupid, man. They don't realize the mass media is trying to control our behavior. So don't get sucked into it. Most people are rational. What you are seeing on news is skewed and crafted, it is not reality.
I think youre imagining people being cohersed by extremists views. Watch the news media and you'll begin to think ordinary regular people believe a lot of things they don't really believe. Have you walked around your neighborhood and community and talked to people see what they think? Unless they're parroting the news media most people aren't in the extremist camp.

And even then those who are parroting the news media.... That's exactly what they are doing. People are stupid, man. They don't realize the mass media is trying to control our behavior. So don't get sucked into it. Most people are rational. What you are seeing on news is skewed and crafted, it is not reality.

So people are stupid yet most people are rational in the same argument?
So people are stupid yet most people are rational in the same argument?
Yes. People who watch the news media believe it and become indoctrinated. But if you spoke to those people and educated them and they disconnected from the news they wouldn't believe half that shit. They are capable of rational thought but mistakenly believe in the news/ become manipulated by it.
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Yes. People who watch the news media believe it and become indoctrinated. But if you spoke to those people and educated them and they disconnected from the news they wouldn't believe half that shit. They are capable of rational thought but mistakenly believe in the news/ become manipulated by it.

Traditional news media has been declining for years.
Yes. People who watch the news media believe it and become indoctrinated. But if you spoke to those people and educated them and they disconnected from the news they wouldn't believe half that shit. They are capable of rational thought but mistakenly believe in the news/ become manipulated by it.

The next protest in my area I'm going to go talk to people it's usually what I do. I went to one related to the dismissal of a University TA and tried talking to the counter protesters and was unable to get anything logical out of them.
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look. . when you have to worry every day that you, your son, brother, father,uncle, grandfather, grandmother, sister, mother, daughter, niece, nephew will be stopped by the police for being black while driving, walking,bird watching,, driving, mowing your lawn, walking your dog. and killed if you say the wrong thing. . there is something wrong, and it is racism. when the assumption is that you have no worth because of the pigment of your skin, there is something wrong. I have been hassled by police for the crime of long hair( in the 70's). . it is an ugly feeling. . our police have a systemic problem, they think they are an occupying force that has free reign over us. . time to stop that. .we the people are in charge, not they the police. .and this place will burn until this gets remedied. black lives matter, and when you begin the white call of all lives matter you do it to continue the system that brought us to this point. .
Yes, this.^ I don't agree with theft and hurting the innocent on either side. Wrong is wrong. But when people say there is a soft or quiet answer that is incorrect. History and the continued condition in which those of darker skin face has proven such. It is fact. And if the only way to get a revolution going where they have to listen and be on their toes about equality and ceasing a white supremacy regime is by yelling and rocking police cars for a while.. then protest on. Not violently.. but loud enough and in great enough numbers that they have to pay attention and bring the metamorphosis to fruition. The outcry has simply has been ignored for decades. It's revolting and ignorant. People have continued to be murdered by the police all this time for the color of their flesh.

Asking politicians & police politely doesn't work. If pleas such as "It hurts" and "I can't breathe" uttered beneath the knee of an 'officer' of the law don't work.. what makes you think quiet protests will?

15 minutes he had his knee on Mr. Floyds neck. In public he died, shamefully and slowly. Humiliated. On no planet is that ok.. to murder someone on the street for 15 mins.
Yes, this.^ I don't agree with theft and hurting the innocent on either side. Wrong is wrong. But when people say there is a soft or quiet answer that is incorrect. History and the continued condition in which those of darker skin face has proven such. It is fact. And if the only way to get a revolution going where they have to listen and be on their toes about equality and ceasing a white supremacy regime is by yelling and rocking police cars for a while.. then protest on. Not violently.. but loud enough and in great enough numbers that they have to pay attention and bring the metamorphosis to fruition. The outcry has simply has been ignored for decades. It's revolting and ignorant. People have continued to be murdered by the police all this time for the color of their flesh.

Asking politicians & police politely doesn't work. If pleas such as "It hurts" and "I can't breathe" uttered beneath the knee of an 'officer' of the law don't work.. what makes you think quiet protests will?

15 minutes he had his knee on Mr. Floyds neck. In public he died, shamefully and slowly. Humiliated. On no planet is that ok.. to murder someone on the street for 15 mins.

Very slippery slope to even more violence.
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