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[INFJ] This will make you rage

Here’s the video in question:


I think these moments are few and rare in between, but more of this is what this country needs.
Definitely. I sent both of those vids to a co-worker that was just deployed to the national guard riot duty yesterday. I doubt he has seen them yet but maybe.

Also idk if this link will work
May as well give this hellish episode some resemblance of a soundtrack.

No no. You said violence devalues the movement in you opinion. I'm just wondering if the protests mean nothing now because people got killed during the riots. Is the stance against police brutality no longer an issue because someone else got murdered? Which is ridiculous (anyone else getting killed) btw. My position is the BLM movement is still legitimate even though some people are resorting to violence. That was my point. Not that it's ok to kill as retribution.
That's not my point at all. My point is that if you start attacking/stealing from/killing random people that are not really connected to the incident in question it really shows that you're not out for justice but rather revenge. I wouldn't give my support to a revenge or counter-revenge movement.
Obama wouldn't have said what he did if he were President.
Black Lives Matter protesters a few years ago:

Video Shows NYC Protesters Chanting for “Dead Cops”
Published December 15, 2014 • Updated on December 15, 2014 at 9:00 am
Video captured from Saturday's protests in New York City appeared to show demonstrators apparently calling for the deaths of police officers, hours before violence on the Brooklyn Bridge marred the massive march in protest of police killings of black men, including Eric Garner on Staten Island.

The video, posted on YouTube, shows a few dozen protesters marching down Fifth Avenue at 32nd Street Saturday afternoon. After a few seconds of chanting "Hands up, don’t shoot," the demonstrators changed their cry, apparently yelling out in unison "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."

The protesters repeated the chant for nearly a minute before again changing their cry.

The video was captured at about 4:30 p.m., a few hours before two police officers were hurt by a man who tried to throw a garbage can from the Brooklyn Bridge's pedestrian walkway onto the officers below.

Police later arrested Baruch College adjunct professor Eric Linsker in the assault. Police said that Linsker allegedly had recently purchased hammers and a black face mask in his bag.

In a separate confrontation on the bridge, a person was arrested for disorderly conduct after an NYPD traffic agent's car was smashed.
I'm not a historian, but aren't revolutions usually bloody?

Feels like some people here would support Louis XVI and the monarchy during the French revolution, condemning the violent masses.

It's a shame that there's a collateral damage in terms of small business suffering, and many of the business owners are actually black themselves. I also agree that some protestors might use this opportunity to express their dark side.

But all things considered, I am strongly on the side of the protestors. If you worry so much about riots, maybe don't allow things to go so bad where riots are the only option left.
That's not my point at all. My point is that if you start attacking/stealing from/killing random people that are not really connected to the incident in question it really shows that you're not out for justice but rather revenge. I wouldn't give my support to a revenge or counter-revenge movement.

I don't see it that much as revenge, i would say revenge has its purpose, its a punishment some how, but these people are out there to destroy without judgment.
If they really cared about this one death they would try to punish the ideology of the police or more simple the system, but not innocent people . . the only thing we see in every protest is anarchy because people have no ideological structure.
The only protest against racism that had deep meaning was the one from Martin Luther king
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they would try to punish the ideology of the police or more simple the system, but not innocent people . .
On at least the part of the antifa and blm types they are trying to punish the system by pulling it down. And they see any Innocents harmed, if they indeed even consider them innocent to begin with, as being justifiable.

The ends justifying the means, by hook or by crook.
It does seem that the murder of George Floyd was a breaking point. Mass protests on this scale haven't occurred in this country since the 60s. Being in a pandemic and people feeling more desperate may also contribute. Americans are a largely anesthetized people. So long as we can retreat into our creature comforts we have been content to let things slide. This may be the shift. And I hope it is. I don't like to see rioting and looting (and we see there are groups with their own agendas exploiting this) but I hope the mass protests and the demand for justice continues until these officers are convicted. Of course, police are charged all the time for killing people but the charges are either dropped or they are acquitted regardless of the evidence. It has always been justified and excused. We can't let that be any longer. Shouldn't have even gone this far. So how do you enact change in the nation's police force? There are good officers but evidently they aren't capable of effecting change. The police are not
centralized and all run independently. There is little if any accountability. Yet US police maintain a toxic culture. That is pervasive. The Blue Lives Matter and Respect The Blue Line campaigns are really ways of normalizing and pushing authoritarianism. Look how pervasive that is. Bumper stickers everywhere with it. Black and white flags in people's yards with a single blue line. That is a sight that should disturb everyone. Blue Lives Matter tee shirts. A great chunk of our country is begging for right wing authoritarian rule.
Yes. Disgusting. How about the lives of those oppressed, or worse.. extinguished by the blue line matter? There's a better slogan.
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I can't stop thinking about how many of those in the sea of protests are actually COVID positive.

Yeah there's been talk of the fact that now a resurgence is just inevitable, whereas before there was some hope of it being very minimal if at all
That's not my point at all. My point is that if you start attacking/stealing from/killing random people that are not really connected to the incident in question it really shows that you're not out for justice but rather revenge. I wouldn't give my support to a revenge or counter-revenge movement.
Oooooooh. Yay!
Yeah there's been talk of the fact that now a resurgence is just inevitable, whereas before there was some hope of it being very minimal if at all
As of this post, US covid deaths amount to 28% of the global toll! Oh man. Thats 109,000+- dead bodies. Next is 33,000+- deaths in UK. This protest is not good :(
This is a perspective from ONE angle. It is not a belief or determined fact. It is a speculation and observation, nor is it set in stone.

This is a BLM organizer locally "He is unleashing the military on black bodies." I don't get why these people are obsessed with defining race. Could it be possible that maybe they're racists? I have listened to a bunch of these perspectives and every time it's just so tribal where as they are calling for white submission. And why is racism being diluted to the point that if someone disagrees they're inherently racist? If we keep separating ourselves based on racial criteria we fight one another. If we pin point the issue that affects everyone regardless of race ie police brutality, problems get solved. I am all for agreeing that race can be a issue within the scope of this problem. I see an inferiority complex among these communities. Which is most likely the tragic consequence of their brutal history and oppression. The complexity of this is enough to get anyone's head spinning.


Here is another example of racism

This is a perspective from ONE angle. It is not a belief or determined fact. It is a speculation and observation, nor is it set in stone.

This is a BLM organizer locally "He is unleashing the military on black bodies." I don't get why these people are obsessed with defining race. Could it be possible that maybe they're racists? I have listened to a bunch of these perspectives and every time it's just so tribal where as they are calling for white submission. And why is racism being diluted to the point that if someone disagrees they're inherently racist? If we keep separating ourselves based on racial criteria we fight one another. If we pin point the issue that affects everyone regardless of race ie police brutality, problems get solved. I am all for agreeing that race can be a issue within the scope of this problem. I see an inferiority complex among these communities. Which is most likely the tragic consequence of their brutal history and oppression. The complexity of this is enough to get anyone's head spinning.


Here is another example of racism

Some people have been radicalized by the FBI/cia that is using postmodernism as a way to divide and conquer. You can't take people who are extreme on either side seriously.

You're wrong to think the targeting the issue for everyone will fix it because the issue doesn't effect everyone. As a white woman I've never experienced violence at the hands of a police officer. I would have to do something pretty extreme to have that happen. I have seen my elderly grandmother, also white, sass talk a police officer and he just chuckled. I promise you a black man would never dream of doing that, and even if he did, the officer wouldn't chuckle at it.

Now as a woman I am at risk for sexual assault by officers and I have experienced borderline events but nothing serious.

These are separate issues though that you can't solve with the same retraining.

I don't really understand why you're arguing at all. It seems what you're upset about is semantics and I know you're smart enough to understand that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and not everyone who thinks there is a problem has a rational solution or even rational way of expressing it. Don't take extremists to color the entire movement. That's just cheap.