Today certainly has been one of these days.
After rescheduling my colonoscopy 3 times since October, Thursday is the day. The doc is trying a 'new' colonic. Began a cherry sodium citrate yesterday with solid food and that went okay. Drank half the grape this morning eating a semi-solid/liquid diet and in an hour I have to down the other half...still all-in-all things are going okay. No explosive incidents, lol. Tomorrow at 5 pm I consume the clinipiq with eight glasses of water...they give you the glass, lol. Then five hours before my procedure I'm to drink the second clinipiq with eight more glasses of water. Umm, I'll be drinking that at 2am on Thursday.
What-the-what?!? I'm hoping it goes fast, lol. Better yet, I'm hoping the doc doesn't find anything.
After looking this stuff up it s a fail-safe method to get whistle clean for us folks that hawk up the lovely false pineapple concoction others take. What the heck happened to the two little bottles of physosoda that was administered in the past. That was easy peasy to do.
My neighbor came over for a chit chat yesterday and we were talking about all these tests and how if one has family history of colon cancer, diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, etc. that we basically have to be pvc clean to get a good look. She went on to tell me that the doc cleaned her entire gut biome with clinipiq and she has to take different meds and foods to rebuild her good to bad buggies in her system and that it has made her very sick indeed. yikes!
Not me, I'll be good. I have a goat farm gal down the street and she makes keifer milk

better than yogurt, which she makes as well. She makes a cranberry pecan goat cheese that is delicious on an onion bagel then drizzled with wildflower honey....yummy!
Not a big fan of phone calls, was in five before noon today.
I did have a detached half hourish convo with my mean sister. She is very, very ill...not just the mental and physical issues I shared earlier, but her deeper self is so scattered. She has gained 30# in fluid, her stump continues to leak and now she's on drinkable protein shots to try and raise her counts, and the sad part is she's going by ambulance taxi tomorrow to see the same ortho surgeon for follow up, but also to schedule another surgery to remove her pinki finger because it is black and turned hard and stiff from poor blood flow...or whatever.
I wish I knew more about how gangrene affects the human body. The experience I have with it is the doctor tracks it in the body and until and unless it gets in the organs it isn't fatal. My gut instinct says over time hers will be fatal.
I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around it all.
The infection started on her left foot in a pressure sore. This caused the infection that created the leg amputation story, at first just the foot and a few inches, now she has about four inches under her knee. Her pinki that has to come off is on her right hand. Wouldn't that mean it, meaning the infection, has traveled through her body? I hope this isn't why the fluid has built up around her heart and lungs. She has been in hospital for that a few is a terrible way to die by drowning in your own fluids. She's not healing well with her broken hip and tells me today she has a pressure sore on her other foot.
Does it make sense to me she may actually be dying and I should come to peace with that?
I was cold and detached with her on the phone. One, because she and I have not had the best relationship. Two, I don't know how to be encouraging to someone using their illness to gain attention and be manipulative and plain just has given up on life. Three, could I really be losing three monsters in the same year?
With all I endure in a day, I rely on detachment and dissonance to get through. I regain my happy every time I slip though.

because after all, I'm in charge of that. I just can't explain right now why I feel nothing but numbness regarding my sister. Years of abuse and neglect maybe??
I ended the call with an okay, take care, I'll call you soon. I never say that to her. Generally I say love you and talk soon. </3
Perhaps it's resolution that I will not have a sisterly relationship with her after all. Ever.