There is something inherently wrong with the lack of in-home medical care right now.
I have been in a mental shock of sorts since Friday's wound clinic vist. The surgeon's office can no longer change my dressings every other day. One reason is I'm progressing with healing that the bandages need change every day.....that being said, I was referred to the wound clinic and they are only open on Fridays due to staff shortage.....yep, I was confused too.
The attending surgeon explained that I would need to do the changes at home. I explained, though they knew, that there is no visiting nurse for my area to assist me. He says yes that they know this and that I will need to change my own dressings all week and come see him on Friday.
So, as predicted, I'm greatful for a dear friend who has been driving me back and forth to appointments to help shadow me and blind hands while I wash and stuff this crater in my abdomen that on one side is 3 fingers wide and up to my 3rd knuckle deep .... can y'all picture that depth of gross. Without being able to 'see' she helps me tape the abs in place. Looking in the full length mirror that first time was the shock ignition.
I've surpassed a new level of strength and endurance. Finding balance currently has set my mind in a frame that is difficult to put into words. I'm hanging in there tho because I have reached a new found low.
My friend was in tears for me because she agrees with me that a patient should never, ever have to bandage themselves in this way. She can't handle the stuffing part because she gags at the sight of it, but taping is her specialty.

I'm greatful she was willing.
While I lay around and heal I've been working on a pair of slippers, reading Successful Aging that I bought in April but had to set aside because of other duties, and finding great ideas and recipes in The After-50 Cookbook. I've started a scrapbook of sorts for healthy recipes for 1. High in potassium, sodium, and magnesium are most important alongside high, 15g or more protein starters.
I certainly do not want to live through something like this again.
The beet, arugula and almond salad with cottage cheese is my new love.