oh boi
This old Aunt is heart deep tore up as I witness a lesson in contra-dependence amongst my family members...including my self involvement.
My neice, running behind and in a rush to get to work this morning, went out and started her truck, tossed in her coat and purse, went back in to be sure the dog had food and water for the day, locked her door, and as she was hurrying she took a misstep on an icy step she had only moments avoided and slipped and fell.
Thank goodness she had her phone in her sweater pocket. When she landed her leg was pointed straight but her foot was pointed opposite. She sat in the cold on the icy step for almost an hour before EMT's could get to her.
When she called me to tell me the docs had her looped up on heavy pain killers and just coming out of xray reset of her foot. She's broken both leg bones that hold her foot in place at the ankle and is in a temporary blow up cast after being transported an hour and fifteen minutes away to the orthopedic hospital that her mother is in ortho rehab in across a sky walk from her.

They are waiting to take her in for an MRI to be sure the brake doesn't extend up her leg before taking her into surgery to fix her.
I can't help. I'm still nursing my own health delema. There is no way I could drive the almost 6-hours to the hospital to help and certainly i am in no shape to get the dog and bring her home to my house while both she and her mother are in the hospital.
I'm not going to kick myself in the head over this one. However, it's tough on me because regardless of her shinnanneghans, she's very important to me.
Update, she called me while typing, they think she's cracked her knee too...geeish. smfh in disbelief.