Sandie, falling is no joke. I hope you're feeling a bit better after that hard tumble.
Call your doctor and ask about getting a physical therapist to come see you once a week for a few weeks (insurance may cover if you've been having a lot of falls), give you some tips on how to regain that strength and balance.
Thank you for your kindness
I'm feeling a bit like I do with a hangover this specific hurt, everything hurts, lol.
I phoned the doc yesterday afternoon and spoke with her nurse. Nurse Foug suggested I put one of my carpetunnel splints on my wrist for a couple days and if it is still bothersome the perhaps get it an x-ray. My knees are sporting a nice rainbow of bruising. The one I scraped is doing good. I ran out of peroxide so I poured a bit of rubbing alcohol on it and for this alto-suprano I hit a few high notes with that!

All-in-all I'm good.
Nurse Doug was worried about my jarring my ribs as Friday's x-rays showed I have three with hairline fractures from my fall on the ice last month. I sm to monitor my breathing and if it hurts to breathe deeply he suggests I get a repeat xray.
The MRI and PET results were in the computer and he shared those with me.
I passed the PET scan with a note that I know have two granuloma tumors in my lung. They want a repeat scan in twelve months.
I flunked the MRI. I have three bulged discs ascending from my tailbone up my spine. Thankfully they are not blown or leaking. However, it shows spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis. Seems the nerve facets are inflamed and causing narrowing of the spaces where the nerves pass through the pelvis and down my legs causing a bilateral issue. He used a bag full of med terminology and I forget much of it because my brain was repeating "Well shit Sandie you're such a clutz." That's only one point though.
In light of degenerative disc disease in both father and sister it's not a stretch to blame heredity as a piece to the puzzle.
My lifting the heavy snowblower on the deck numerous times and all the other strenuous house work has contributed. Nurse Doug said he doesn't know any woman that can pick up near 400# dead weight. I chuckled telling him that these things still need to be done around home.
He hung up telling me he was going to confir with the doc and call me back. In the meantime, his guess is the drop foot is coming from the discs and narrowing pressing on the nerves and my toes catching is what has been tripping me up. He mentioned that he was going to suggest to the doc to test for ALS, MS, and stroke just to rule them out as the cause. He's concerned because of my losing 43#'s since Jan 2021, with 30+ coming off since August and the hospital stay in September, and my falling more than a dozen times in the past few weeks since my tumble on the ice that there is an underlying issue they are missing. The docs had been leaning on my diabetes as the root cause yet he thinks no.
I do know that I can't keep taking these tumbles. I've agreed to use a 4-prong cane for balance that the doc suggested at my visit last month, Nurse Doug said a wheeled walker with a seat and brakes would be best ... I burst out laughing. Thought to myself you've got to be kidding me.
My end agreement with the nurse was while they are figuring out what to do next I'll walk with the cane, wear my foot and wrist splint, and rest as much as allowable. For me, keeping moving is less painful and a grand way of preventing my stiffening up. I have many things that need attending to.
On of the major things on my mind in the past six months has been whether or not I'm going to be able to care for this big house on my own in the future. I can't run myself into an early grave trying to assist dad and his end of life journey. I struggle daily with knowing that I've put all of my living on hold ... the mindset of I'm going to do this or that when my caregiving job is through has caused deep divergences in my path. In September I came home with a chip on both shoulders and a we're doing this my way attitude. That was short lived. With no adherency from those around me to stick to my well organized plans it's difficult to get things done.
I was so angry at circumstances yesterday I sat down and told my dad and sister I'm not budging. That was short lived too.
Caring for a loved one with dementia is tough work all around. Patience is hard won too. Even after seeing my wounds Dad still forgot I'd fallen and needed to rest a few hours. He's in the shadowing phase of his illness. If I get out of his sight for more than a few minutes he gets paranoid and starts searching for me. When I leave the house before he gets up he will ask my sister where is the Boss Lady.

That's humorous yes, however, I get little done with his hovering and telling me how/what I should be doing. I detest that from anyone. I've lived under him doing that for a lifetime though.
I question often if that's how I evolved into an INFJ make up...that through my families continued efforts to groom me to their experiences so they could understand me I rebelled on the inside, yet, learned to not ripple the waters with them.
A talking point with my therapist has been analyzing which chains are theirs and which are self-imposed. Since recognizing the chains exist and my attempts to brake those chains my relationships with family and others has changed dynamically.
I'm rambling again ... but it's in my ramblings that my ah ha moments pay in gold, lol,