Well-known member
- xxxx
Well that's rude.
You're trying to destroy me. You must be, for whatever reason.
Job done. You've wrecked me. You win.
Well that's rude.
I'm honestly the best friend a transgender could have because I honestly just don't give a rat's ass what gender a person says they are. You like wearing pink tutus and playing with Barbie dolls, good for you. I'm still going to use the pronoun you were born with just so I don;t have to sound like a blathering idiot when I'm trying to say something; "hesheitheythemherhiswatchmacallithingamajig" doesn't exactly portray a sense of lucidity on my part, does it?
I like classical music, I've been to a Broadway play and can identify more than one show tune by the first verse, does that make me female? Moot point. I was simply born as a male who would eventually appreciate some of the more effeminate things in life.If people want to call me a male,fine. If peopel want to call me a female... I may think they're a bit odd, but still, fine. I honestly just don't care.
What I can't stand is people making some sort of big deal out of this like it's some sort of sexual revolution that's going to change the world. Get over yourselves. What gender you claim to be and what pronoun you want to use doesn't matter to anyone but you. Learn to deal with that and move on. End of story.
I'm honestly the best friend a transgender could have because I honestly just don't give a rat's ass what gender a person says they are. You like wearing pink tutus and playing with Barbie dolls, good for you. I'm still going to use the pronoun you were born with just so I don;t have to sound like a blathering idiot when I'm trying to say something; "hesheitheythemherhiswatchmacallithingamajig" doesn't exactly portray a sense of lucidity on my part, does it?
I like classical music, I've been to a Broadway play and can identify more than one show tune by the first verse, does that make me female? Moot point. I was simply born as a male who would eventually appreciate some of the more effeminate things in life.If people want to call me a male,fine. If peopel want to call me a female... I may think they're a bit odd, but still, fine. I honestly just don't care.
What I can't stand is people making some sort of big deal out of this like it's some sort of sexual revolution that's going to change the world. Get over yourselves. What gender you claim to be and what pronoun you want to use doesn't matter to anyone but you. Learn to deal with that and move on. End of story.
You're welcome. It's thanks to you that I got the chance to say it.
I believe that there is no gay or transgender gene, it is just a very bad choice, and I disagree with the homosexual animals theory first because we don't have to imitate animals in everything and second because it has been due to confusion that animals engage in same sex behavior. Actually I think most LGBT people are confused themselves, and what proves that is the high rate of suicides among them, they really need emotional therapy and a belief to fill their void.
I believe that there is no gay or transgender gene, it is just a very bad choice, and I disagree with the homosexual animals theory first because we don't have to imitate animals in everything and second because it has been due to confusion that animals engage in same sex behavior. Actually I think most LGBT people are confused themselves, and what proves that is the high rate of suicides among them, they really need emotional therapy and a belief to fill their void.
I just stated my opinion based on scientific research I have been reading, this is in response to the original poster. That does not mean I don't sympathize with those who struggle with it, on the contrary they should be supported, however facts are facts, it won't help anybody saying there is a gay gene or animals are homosexuals, at least it won't help a struggling LGBT person find his true self, cool down and learn to listen to people with differing opinions than yours, thanks.
I just stated my opinion based on scientific research I have been reading, this is in response to the original poster. That does not mean I don't sympathize with those who struggle with it, on the contrary they should be supported, however facts are facts, it won't help anybody saying there is a gay gene or animals are homosexuals, at least it won't help a struggling LGBT person find his true self, cool down and learn to listen to people with differing opinions than yours, thanks.
I just stated my opinion based on scientific research I have been reading, this is in response to the original poster. That does not mean I don't sympathize with those who struggle with it, on the contrary they should be supported, however facts are facts, it won't help anybody saying there is a gay gene or animals are homosexuals, at least it won't help a struggling LGBT person find his true self, cool down and learn to listen to people with differing opinions than yours, thanks.